Gaps in physical picture will never be filled

There were three physical meanings of Quantum Mechanics:

1. classical Newton-Einstein mechanics (a m = F + Q) with addition of
the leading force Q (Wave-pilot in the theory of David Bohm). However, this meaning is completely disproved: Sofia, Journal of Modern Physics, year 2016, volume 7, pages 1091-1097 (this good paper was retracted due to a mistake, which nevertheless do not alter the result of Sofia, the body of the paper is still readable here: )

Therefore, all formulas of the Quantum World have a non-classical character:
particles have no trajectories, and so, there are no particles - they are "wave

2. The Copenhagen Interpretation. Since "There is no Moon, until I'll look"(Einstein says), then Copenhagen broke the law of conservation of
matter (all conservation laws). To get around this failure, one must
determine nature as what is measured by Standard Instruments of Metrology (at least in thoughts, so that the Moon exists always), and Instruments are what Nature is measured.

Instruments must be unchangeable, must be the invariants of Metrology, in order to have measuring ability: “measurement standard is that it must be realized and may not change with time” arXiv:1409.5338. But since very small (in thoughts) Instruments go down the scale into the area of quantum laws, the instruments will be corrupt by change if one measures micro-world, so the smaller the system, the less natural it is (it's according to our [Nature-Instruments and human sensitive-less] definition of Natural world! We do not define Reality as "what all humans see all time", all Germany and many abroad have seen in Hitler the divine perfect saint, but it was persistent mass-hallucination, fraud and delusion of the mankind senses).

Well indeed: since elementary particles are always and everywhere the same
(mathematically is proven "The Principle of Indistinguishability of Same Particles"), then the deformation waves inside the particle are instantaneously transmitted - and this absolutely unnatural phenomenon (the non-locality, the Omnipresence).

3. Multi-world interpretation. However, since the history of each world does not
change (otherwise it leads us to allowing an intractable "Paradox of
Grandfather", moreover: consider observer called Victor. All changes of time line history due to time-travelers or even divine beings will be written in Victor's blog. Thus, the world around Victor and his memory do not change: all changes are fixed. Therefore, it is impossible to change history: future or past.), then there is no transition between the worlds (and no wormholes), and so, the presence of many worlds is not required. Moreover, the Victor (if he would enter different universe) still fixes the travel in his blog. But fixed things do not change, the world around Victor do not disappear: therefore, the Victor exists in one Universe only.

Since at the subatomic level the system is "less-natural", it turns out
so that it can not be satisfactorily described by physical laws:
"Unresolved problems of quantum electrodynamics: ... are obtained
divergent integrals ... "(Russian Wikipedia, Quantum Electrodynamics).
