A story about life

Arisa — La notte

It was an early evening in the end of March when everyone would have expected warm weather to stay if snow hadn't covered all the neighbourhood. I was waiting for Catherine. She offered me to get me to the railway station because she also saw this wet piercing snowfall. Maybe it was just a form of courtesy but I guess there was something hidden. Something like an accepted sorrow that led us to trust each other. And so we trusted.

I fastened my seatbelt and looked at my hands that seemed tired at this moment. Catherine brushed snow from car's hood and from windows. In the light of the foggy sun her tiny car with a pair of cute toys on a panel became warm and cosy. When we had left the university yard, she switched audio player but that didn't matter. I was completely regardless about any music, I was glad to hear Catherine's voice and simply liked the way she spoke. Our unconstrained conversation was sounding quite, with a shade of an intelligent grief. I tried to be gentle and right at first but soon I purely asked myself whether it was important to be right. There were no any sense in playing a role now, in this small car with a girl who may understand me. And fast after it I changed my style trying to be sincere.

Once she told me that is because of one's age. A person may feel embarassed and stressed if this age presses, if it sets borders for behaviour. She was nine years older than me, and it seemed to me she was a bit worried about her age. Me not. As if we have known each other for decades, as if we've grown up together. Once I gave her a hint at her youth. I tried to persuade her she was still young and I hope she believed me. Was it so because she was lonely? Now it seems to be the truth. We often think adults are different from us and we are afraid of them, but being confused by this fear we don't notice how we become adults. And teens' problems are still with us.

Then we talked about countryside, children and horoscopes. At one moment I felt relaxed. A conversation that touched my soul to tremble, was it the only thing I needed for a long time? I didn't mind. We connected our lives in this short trip. And that was perfect.

When I got off her car and closed the door, a scaring feeling of loneliness and emptiness gripped me. I saw the same in her eyes when our glances met. I saw a drop of desire in her brown eyes. Maybe love awoke inside her unconciously and imperceptibly. But I understood I loved her. There was a hope our lives can change.

Catherine, please, tell me a story about life, I asked her one day. So she told. Then once she embraced me and I felt her warm woolen sweater and her light breathing. God, let me save her from loneliness, I was begging. Let Catherine be happy!
