14 введение in a flat groove. difference russian a


As that having applied the* program for translation Magic Goody what to transfer(translate) one, two pages of this collection, or electronic version of clause about woodcarving, I have received that the* text in translation on Russian has turned out as a* minimum on Third Is longer! As I know Structure and Features of the* English language slightly that, let's compare two texts. HOW TO RESULT In ONE EQUIVALENT the* TEXT!
REDUCTION of the* TEXT To SIMILARITY!**-Определенный и не определенные артикли.
It IS SIMPLE! I have shown HOW TO MAKE the* TEXT IDENTICAL-Я ИМЕТЬ ПОКАЗАТЬ КАК СДЕЛАТЬ ТЕКСТ _ ОДИНАКОВЫМ – 2, 3 слова ЛИШНИЕ!!. That the* Letters would be of one size, for example 12. In general that the* Size of the* letters in typographical practice refers to as a* Size. Besides it is the* Electronic version of this collection and From above Image is Printed and scanned страничка - paper! She(it) can Be unpacked(printed out) to you Repeatedly and to compare my researches yet in Woodcarving, in Russia more we apply the* term a* flat groove, as a* series small порезок_carving on depth approximately in 3 mm is made, and the* board or other product, for example Framework for a* mirror has Flat, строганную -line by a* plane a* surface! The* speech does not go about More convex, and accordingly, резанных- cut- carving is deeper grooves such as – Барельефной - high or горельефной- low grooves, when the elements of a* groove
on half or even more! As you can see I try on rather complex(difficult) Grammatic Designs in the offers what then to transfer(translate) in the electronic interpreter. You, as can take advantage in the similar programs of a series or mark Socrat. Now I shall take advantage of a key Print Screen? That in the Top number(line) after Function keys, if not know its(her) arrangement - she(it) after F1 -F11.


P/s/ For work with it(her) it is necessary to be able to use by Any program by the editor that has an Option or Opportunity - To insert from Buffers. Повтрою - sey, that the Buffer is a Temporary memory, that stores(keeps) ONLY ONE - either text, or the image, is applicable(applied) to our case! Further I AM GOING to give a PART of the SCREEN, where there will be a ENGLISH text, THIS СТРАНИЯЧКИ-paper - list TRANSLATION, BUT Figures " 1, 2, 3 ", and badge "*" I SHALL SPECIFY THOSE PARTS of SPEECH, THAT ARE NOT USED In RUSSIAN BY the LETTER. It " the, a, an " - Certain(determined) Not certain(determined) articles. You see in русскоя language is not present CERTAIN(DETERMINED) And, IT IS NOT KNOWN WHAT APPLE, КОТА and other thing, animal. Besides Complete ABSENCE of the TERMINATIONS(ENDINGS) In WORDS, that is the ABSENCE of CASES results to даум to FUNNY THINGS.
1. In the English offer there is an ORDER of WORDS. We Can tell:
- 1. Петю-Piter- the dog, 2 Has bitten. The dog Has bitten Петю_Piter and even - 3. The dog Петю_Piter_ has bitten, last phrase on English will mean:
- ПЕТЯ_Kid_ HAS BITTEN a DOG.!!!! Ниччего_ Why to itself? On that that they and STUPID(BLUNT)-1? 2!Если тот текст Вставить – turn in в Word, и Выровнять текст ПО ОБЕИМ СТОРОНАМ, привести к оригиналу, сейчас тут буквы на Размер Меньше – 10, то Вы заметите как и я, что текст в отличие от набранного по русский Перейдет  на Вторую страницу! Хотя бы по тому, что в русской грамматике нет Определенного и Не определенного Артиклей, а тут их до 20 только в небольшом фрагменте Сверху******! Помечено Звездочками _**. Кроме того в английском языке много Словесных сочетаний, простой пример: How do you do – что Дословно означает: Как делать Ты делать! То есть в русском это означает – КАК ДЕЛА? Из за Большего количества слов для ПОЯСНЕНИЯ какого то действия, события, что влечет ДОПОЛНИТЕЛЬНЫЕ ПРОМЕЖУТКИ между словами – текст удлиняется по сравнению с оригиналом на русском языке на 4 – 10 строк!
- P/s- я считаю, что  слова как русские, так и английские имеют ОДИНАКОВУЮ длину, количество букв! как ПАРАЛЛЬНЫЕ ЛИНИИ НЕ ПЕРЕСЕКАЮТСЯ _ аксиомой!!
