Saadia по мотивам skyrim

You were a mercenary man without money
Looking for any task that will be paid
You came to the city for this purpose
But who could know that it won't be so easy?

You met those strangers at the city gates
But the guards did not let them inside
Then they turned to you "Hey, wait!
Listen, we could really use your help"

We are looking for a woman about your age
She is from the same edge, where we are
If you meet her and find out in the crowd
Tell us and we will give you a reward"

You have found her quite easily and quickly
She works as a waitress in the tavern
You told her that you met foreign people
Who is looking for the stranger as you

She took you to a private room upstairs
And said that those people are murderers
"They were hired by nobility to kill me
Because enemies failed to bribe me

I ask you to hunt down those murderers
Kill them all and come back to me
I promise I will give you a lot of awards
And I will be able to live in safety"

You found those people and pulled a sword
But leader was asked you to listen him
He enquired you "What did she lure you?
A money? A duty? Or your animal instinct?

Anyway she convinced you that she is a victim
But do you know why we pursue her?
She betrayed our town and sold it to enemy
If not for her treachery, we would resist

But the noble houses had knew about her affair
She ran away and they want her captured alive
Our country did not surrender to the enemies
And she will be strictly judged for treason"

They told you more convincing words than she
You promised them to lure her out of city
And here you stand with her at the stable
She saw them near and said "What have you done?"

The leader said to her "Your luck has ended
You can't turn people as you want forever"
Then he cast the spell and woman fainted
They tied her up and put her on the horse

He gave you the money and said at last
"On the way home no one will touch her
At the end her fate will be decided not by me.
And don't let yourself be fooled by pretty face"
