Dialogue of Internet Professionals

Dialogue of Internet Professionals

- What will you tell about all this?

- Is what to think of.

- Pushkin dramatic art?

- I respect Pushkin, but I like more a web surfing.

- Not to be pleasant to me all this …

- Yes … Somehow unexpectedly Maybach vehicles  have appeared.

- What is it? - such activity?

- They have "a demonstrative laconicism". They're sick on the head. They looked at the monitor much. Now have put on medical masks. Mouths are closed.

- Something is a muddy a little. They hint. From windows a paper leaves are thrown out.

- It is necessary to check IP.

- At you, how many?

- Three.

- Reliable?

- The world-known servers.

- I have three IP too. Recently I "check" has executed. All, it seems, in the normal state …

- Are the certificates ready?

- Yes …

- You may to see personally …

- Blockings …

- Protocols …

- Lets start to prepare traffic!

- Yes! Prepare packages!

- «Send».  И - «Enter»!

- Yes!

- We were glad to meet you!

- Ausserrhoden!

On May 6, 2018 06:55

Translation from Russian into English: May 6, 2018 07:25.
Владимир Владимирович Залесский “Диалог интернет-профессионалов”.
