Mind Transformation 61

S: 7.5
a: 3:00
w: 10:00
G – 30. Meeting in Trimurti – 180.
c.p. – 2, u – 2, m – 10.
I will think in English. I’m about to write some sentences in order to practice today’s grammar lesson. I’m meeting with X tomorrow evening. We will speak English. Also we’re going to gather tea on Sunday.
In today’s English club there were people who almost don’t know English. It requires lots of energy to work with them. However, I have sufficient amount of energy now and can spend it to help others.
Today I had I long talk with mum. To talk with her is extremely difficult. I can’t control my emotions and I often talk more than necessary. And I can’t stop. She provokes me by silly remarks and so on.
“All the treasures of the world, all its gold and silver and honors, are not to be compared with wisdom and virtue.” (The Way of Purification)
+6 Murphy: Present continuous in the future.
+5 Daniel Kahneman: “Thinking, Fast and Slow” Talks at Google.
364 CFP

To the beginning: http://www.proza.ru/2018/03/10/1530
Next: http://www.proza.ru/2018/05/10/830
