Mind Transformation 62

S: 7.4
a: 1:00
w: 10:20
G – 50. Meeting with X and Y – 180.
c.p. – 1, u – 2.
I will think in English. I immerse into English deeper and deeper. I learned Bacon’s remark about knowledge and found some things which can be unknown even to some native speakers. For example, I found out that the word “has” was written as “hath” in the past. But of course, it’s not important information. I found some poems written by Ferdowsi which seemed to me amazing. Ahh, my language is terrible; today I’m trying to translate my thoughts from Russian and it turns out awful. I will write more fluently if I think in English. No matter what I think about. Insofar as I decided to write and think in the same time I must focus on thinking not on meaning. The meaning isn’t matter. I should learn to use English words, English thoughts, English, English…  If I can’t say anything about Francis Bacon in English and trying to translate my Russian thoughts it’s useless for my goal.
“To live a single day and hear a good teaching is better than to live a hundred years without knowing such teaching.” (The Way of Purification)
+24 R.
+ 1 “2017 Book Recommendations” Thomas Frank
+2 “Introvert vs Extravert – A Deep Understanding of Introverts and Extroverts” Actualized.org
+1 “On the Aloneness of the Spiritual Path” Ken Wilber
+4 Murphy’s grammar.

To the beginning: http://www.proza.ru/2018/03/10/1530
Next: http://www.proza.ru/2018/05/11/1105       
