Mind Transformation 67

S: 7.4
a: 2:00
w: 10:10
“Fools rush where angels fear to tread” A. Pope
Meeting in Corica – 300.
c.p. – 1, u – 1, m – 10.
I will think in English. Today I’ve read a biography of Longinus in Wikipedia and made up few tasks for lessons. When I was reading the biography I wrote down several sentences contained unknown words. Every sentence can be used in a way so that one has to guess the person’s name. It will allow me to introduce some great thinkers, their ideas and so on to others. It will not be English; it will be philosophy in English. Focus on sublime. 
+5 W. “Postmodernism” Peterson.
+24 R. Longinus’s biography – Wikipedia.
+24 R “Angels Fear” Bateson
603 CFP

To the beginning: http://www.proza.ru/2018/03/10/1530
Next: http://www.proza.ru/2018/05/16/1075
