Mind Transformation 74

S: 7.3
a: 2:00
w: 10:30
A poetry reading in Trimurti.
c.p. – 2, u – 3, m – 5.
I will think in English. Today I had a rest from studying and spent the whole day working with my poems. I prepared 16 small poems and it took me several hours to memorize all of them. I also spent an hour and half watching videos of a woman who trains people for public speaking.
In Trimurti I met a girl. She also went to read her poems. Her name is X. She’s smart. We’d spoken about philosophy before the reading begins. When she was reading her poems I felt that we have a lot of the common. She was distinguished from others not only by her perfect reading but there was something more.
We also started texting in vk. She wrote first, and I even wanted to write a small poem to reply. It could be the texting in verses, but, but… I must concentrate on English. Have I already forgotten about my goal? No, no. It’s ok. Tomorrow I will come back to studying. Frankly speaking, I did not go out of it. Even now I’m continuing to develop my English.
987 CFP

To the beginning: http://www.proza.ru/2018/03/10/1530
Next: http://www.proza.ru/2018/05/26/1742
