Наш парк

 Был продолжительным роман.
 Встречал нас парк весной и летом,
 Встречали роза и тюльпан.
 Любовь сияла нежным светом.
 Был день осенний золотым,
 Кружил шуршащим листопадом.
 Любви напев стал дорогим
 Мотивом жизни и отрадой.

 И романтический сюжет
 Палитрой солнечной украшен.
 Любовный сочинён сюжет.
 Соединились судьбы наши.
 Над нами - крон живой венец.
 На полотне - цветы, деревья.
 И соловей, любви певец,
 Выводит свадебные трели.

 Удачным был прошедший год.
 Пришло вновь ласковое лето.
 Известен нам счастливый код.
 Хранить любовь - влюблённых кредо.
 Наш парк - гармонии дворец.
 Для вдохновения он создан.
 Для жарких, молодых сердец
 Здесь хорошо, легко, свободно.


  Перевод Кирилла Ивницкого:

 We were so happy, so close.
 Park met us, sparkling like a diamond,
 We met a tulip and a rose.
 By gentle light Big Love was shining.
 It was a golden autumn day,
 And leaves were falling on the roads,
 Love’s tune was with us on the way,
 We didn’t know grief and sorrow.

 My gentle hand in your strong hand –
 Girl is a heart, guy is a mind.
 Love story written by us. And
 Our fates – they were combined.
 And all is good, it can’t be wrong,
 We are among the trees and flowers.
 Nice bird was singing pretty song
‘Bout the wedding and the lovers.

 Past year gave for us Big Love,
 The summer in the world again.
 Together we go through the life –
 To keep love – it’s the lovers’ aim.
 For happiness was made this park,
 He is like fairy-tale kingdom.
 And in it these young blazing hearts
 Are feeling lightness, rest and Freedom!

We were so happy, so close.
Park met us, sparkling like a diamond,
We met a tulip and a rose.
By gentle light Big Love was shining.
It was a golden autumn day,
And leaves were falling on the roads,
Love’s tune was with us on the way,
We didn’t know grief and sorrow.

My gentle hand in your strong hand –
Girl is a heart, guy is a mind.
Love story written by us. And
Our fates – they were combined.
And all is good, it can’t be wrong,
We are among the trees and flowers.
Nice bird was singing pretty song
‘Bout the wedding and the lovers.

Past year gave for us Big Love,
The summer in the world again.
Together we go through the life –
To keep love – it’s the lovers’ aim.
For happiness was made this park,
He is like fairy-tale kingdom.
And in it these young blazing hearts
Are feeling lightness, rest and Freedom!

Кирилл Ивницкий   13.06.2018 20:47     Заявить о нарушении
Великолепно! Благодарю Вас, уважаемый Кирилл!
С признательностью,

Рудская Раиса Терентьевна   14.06.2018 05:10   Заявить о нарушении