Mind Transformation 92

S: 7.1
a: 0:00
w: 7:00
Brandon Barchard. A. J. Hoge. Bath.
I will think in English. Last night I couldn’t sleep again. However, I felt great during the day, went at the bath, and even learned English after that. But nevertheless I should figure out what prevents me from sleeping and how I can solve this problem. Maybe it correlates with English because I couldn’t fall asleep while I’m thinking in English. Lots of ideas are coming up to my mind and I can’t stop this flow. I talk to myself, “Stop thinking! Focus on breath! Don’t develop any idea!” but after several minutes I come back to the point where I was at the beginning.

To the beginning: http://www.proza.ru/2018/03/10/1530 
Next: http://www.proza.ru/2018/06/15/1653
