Be in Joy

Be in Joy :)

The only purpose for which man is born on earth is just to Be... To Be in joy... To live through each moment with the maximum fullness, enjoying at maximum all the gifts of each moment... Discovering that simply to Be is the highest Joy... the Bliss of Being... It may seem strange, but usually most people live separated from their own existence, being, confined in their own mind, emotions and feelings, everyday problems, external activity... Once we reunite with our own existence and begin to be, we gain the supreme joy, pure, unconditional, inviolable…

One just should live through every moment of life to the fullest extent possible, to enjoy at maximum the gifts of every moment of life... Usually people are so confined in their thoughts, feelings, daily chores that they do not realize and do not appreciate the huge, priceless main gifts that are given to them at every moment of their life... But if someone would suddenly has known that today is the last day of his life, he would suddenly begin to value immensely his every breath and to enjoy immensely his every breath! Suddenly he would realize that our every breath is a priceless, immeasurable gift given to us by God, but we never value this seemingly simplest, but most priceless gift of our life!..

For the one who has come out of prison, just to see the sky above his head, the trees around, the city bustle, just to be able to go wherever he wants is a huge, priceless gift; yet the majority of people get this gift every moment, but do not appreciate this invaluable gift of God — the gift of freedom!.. How many people in the world are immobilized or confined to a wheelchair! For them, just walking on their feet down the street would be an incredible divine gift and an immense happiness. Most of us are granted by God this gift every moment, but the majority do not appreciate or even notice this tremendous gift of God!..

Many people are deprived of hearing or sight. For them, even for a moment to see the world or listen to the sounds of the world would be an incredible priceless gift and indescribable happiness! The vast majority of people to whom these gifts are given every moment, do not appreciate and do not even notice them... For a person who is in a war zone, in a trench under fire or bombardment, there would be no higher happiness than just to be somewhere under a peaceful sky. Just simple peaceful life is a huge, priceless gift for him. But the vast majority of people who are accustomed to peaceful life do not appreciate and do not even notice this invaluable gift of God’s Mercy, which is given to them every day!..

If we are alive, more or less healthy, walk on our feet, can see and hear, if we live under a peaceful sky, have shelter and food today, dressed and shod — we are, in fact, gifted with tremendous, priceless gifts of the divine Mercy, but most of us do not appreciate them and do not even notice them... But, in fact, in addition to these already enormous and priceless gifts, life constantly grants us many more delightful boons! An exciting trip or a meeting with an interesting person, a soulful conversation with friends, the tenderness and care of a loved one, visiting a museum or a theater, even just a walk in a beautiful park... And so many people are gifted with creative inspirations and insights, diverse talents, amazing abilities, with the joy of knowledge and discovery... And so many other seemingly small, but so valuable and so beautiful gifts life showers on us every day, especially if we are attentive, receptive and able to notice these gifts and sometimes catch them at their rapid wings, when they are suddenly flying past us…
If we become every moment more and more aware of these actually countless and priceless gifts given to us by life and by the divine Grace at every moment of our life, we begin to live through each moment more and more fully and to enjoy more and more fully and intensely all the plentiful and multifaceted gifts of each moment — and be filled with the growing, overwhelming gratitude to Life and to God for all these immense incredible gifts which just overfill our life, as it turns out... We begin to live through every moment of our life with ever greater fullness, enjoyment, joy, intensity... We begin to enjoy more and more the fullness of Being of every moment... At some point we suddenly realize that all this tremendous abundance of gifts and of fullness in every moment of our life is, in fact, the Presence of God in every moment of our life!.. Our awareness of this Fullness and Abundance of the moment expands and expands… And suddenly the limits of the mind just disappear in this wideness, and into our awareness of the moment suddenly there invades the realization of this Fullness as God, as His living Presence in every moment of our life, of our being... Our being merges with that Being-Presence of God in the moment... We live by the Fullness of Being, the Fullness of God in every moment of our life... This is the highest Fullness of joy and happiness…

The whole meaning of human life on earth is to come to this Fullness of Being... just to Be fully, in the full joy... This is the main task and the main activity of man on earth — there is no higher task and activity for man. Any external activity has a meaning and a value only if it brings us closer to Being and especially if it comes from Being. In itself, no external activity has any significant importance…

Live through as fully and intensely as possible every moment of life, enjoy as fully and intensely as possible every moment of life and all the abundance of its priceless gifts, get closer and closer to the feeling of your being, to the Fullness of Being, to the Fullness of the Presence of God in every moment of Being... Just Be in Joy! Everything else doesn’t matter at all… :)

Ritam Melgunov

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