Mind Transformation 99

S: 7.3
a: 23:00
w: 9:40
Math. Braveheart (movie). How to improve speaking – videos. Poems.
pushups 20/20/20, dumbbells 12/12/12, squats 20/20/20, situps 30/30/30 stretching – 20 min, c.p. – 1, u – 1, m – 10.
I will think in English. I need to keep a current regime. The power returned to me. I must use the diary as a strategic tool to manage my behavior, set goals, work with challenges etc. Don’t write any crap about daily routine! Use every page for planning and analyzing. Apply each good thought and try to work with the future. Work with “you from the future” as well as with “you from the past” Set strong goals for weeks, months, years…
At the evening walk I thought about the necessity to invest more time in active learning (writing, speaking, and thinking.) I must use passive learning only as a rest. After the walk I wrote a few poems by using new words that I learned from reading.

To the beginning: http://www.proza.ru/2018/03/10/1530
Next: http://www.proza.ru/2018/07/09/1793    
