Mind Transformation 102

S: 7.3
a: 3:00
w: 11:30
Math. Murphy. TED. Nietzsche. Engvid. T – 180.
c – 1.
I will think in English. What if to consider writing in English as a rest from a real writing? I mean, everything I’ve written hitherto in English has no value if to compare it with my experiments of writing in Russian. In order to achieve the same level in English and be able to express any thoughts and ideas with such a mastery I must write in English more than a year, nay, even two or three years. My intuitive comprehension in Russian is much higher than in English not only because the former is my native language but rather because I’ve read hundreds of books and wrote thousands of pages of prose and poems.
Now I see that by investing my main attention, which I developed by writing in Russian, into writing in English, I’m losing lots of important ideas that I could work with instead. Perhaps, I could focus on other things like speaking, for example, and record all ideas by talking to the camera or the tape recorder. However many people can speak as well as I can and even much better, whereas there are very few who are able to write on the same level. So maybe it’s time for conceptualizing summer’s experience in Russian. What if to switch on Russian and continue the “hour of thinking?”    
2420 CFP

To the beginning: http://www.proza.ru/2018/03/10/1530
Next: http://www.proza.ru/2018/07/12/963
