

Amanda sat by the window and watched the drops of rain fall on the cornice. The girl was 7 years old. Her blond hair slipped along the elegant back. And the eyes, big, brown. Amanda lived with her father, she did not have a mother, she died at birth. Amanda will go in the first class, she will have to make friends with everyone in the class. This is what she was afraid of. Amanda's father is a very nice person and sympathetic. His name is Rain. The next day:
Raim opened the shutters and the sunny heat spread throughout the room. Amanda sweated sweetly. And she glanced at her watch.
-Pap! But where is it so early?
-Where are you going today to school, the first time, to first grade. And after school, I'll pick you up and we'll go to my sister, Adam has already been waiting for you.
-But I do not want to see her, she's bad!
You do not have to do this yourself, you're telling yourself. Aunt Mary is not so bad. Her father said.
"And no, she's bad, she does not love me!" Amanda emerged.
"Yes, no, you'll see, I'm exactly at 12 o'clock next to the school gate." Rhine put Amanda in the school bus. The bus was crowded with the children. All looked at Amanda, but no one laughed at her. Amanda sat down at the end of the bus near the window and stared she heard talk about her. But she did not hear anything wrong and sighed deeply. The hours passed quickly and the lessons also, the time was closer to 12 days. "- Finally, the last call from the lesson sounded, it was possible to go already. "Amanda jumped out of school, she wanted to quickly leave this building. The thief t was Daddy's car, she sat in her.
Asked the father.
"So it's all right," Amanda said.
"Well, then we went to Mary." Said the father. They drove through the block. They drove up to the big, beautiful house. Ryan went to ring the door:
"Who's there?" Was heard from the inside.
"It's me Rhine," he replied.
Raine! "Mary opened the door.
Amanda, come here, remember Aunt Mary?
-No! I do not remember. The girl did not even look at her. She admired the nature.
- Aunt Mary, hello, where is Adam?
-Yes he walks in the backyard with a dog.
Thank you, I'll probably go to him. Amanda saw how the ball flew over her head and his dog slammed his jaw in front of Amanda. Amanda hid behind the nearest bush.
"Amanda, do not be afraid, he's kind, gentle, look! Lloyd to me!" The dog ran to Adam. "He does not bite his brow. Amanda did not come too close, just in case.
-Small as he knows! Adam threw the dog a ball, Lloyd ran after the ball open his mouth.
"I see it's great, but I do not like your dog!" Amanda managed to say these words when her father called out:
-Amanda! let's go, we still have a lot to do. Amanda obeyed father. Going to Adam, she said:
-You'll see you again, right?
Yes, of course, Amanda, see you soon! Amanda and her father left the house of Aunt Mary. Already at home:
-Amanda, I'll soon go on a business trip, for 2, three days. So you know what you can do and what not!Mary, you do not often visit us, what happened?
- Yes, Lloyd's sick!
"Okay, Mary, sit outside." The doc- tor took Lloyd and laid him on the table.
"Now let's see what's happened to you, God's breathing has become frequent! He needs to inject a sedative. The doctor reached for the injection and injected Lloyd. But from that he did not feel better, but on the contrary. The doc- tor felt that things were not going well.
Lloyd was fainting, he was on the verge of death, in a few minutes, he went off into another world. The doctor realized that Mary would be beside herself with rage if she knew that the dog was dead.
-What is it? he began to think it over and remembered that he had an injection that would revitalize anyone, but of course there could be terrible consequences. The doctor had no choice but to introduce this injection, he did not see another way out. He did it. And so he did it. While the doctor was packing his the tools in the box, Lloyd woke up, he needed a lot of blood, he craved it. He jumped from the table, and attacked the doctor and bitten his hand. At that moment, Mary entered.
- Dr. Myrton, are you all already? - asked Mary.
"No, wait outside!" Said the doctor, closing the door with force, but Mary was stronger:
-What is it you have?
He smote a nail. He smiled. Lloyd sat calmly like the former Lloyd. But it was not like that. The doctor knew about this. Mary took Lloyd home. When they arrived, Lloyd slept soundly. Mary cut fresh meat in the kitchen Lloyd sensed and swallowed a whole chunk of her. And rushed upstairs, where Adam was, Adam was sitting and playing typewriters.
Come back to me, the dog began to come closer and closer and he snarled angrily and Adam backed away.
Lloyd, what's wrong with you? What's wrong with you? "Lloyd opened his mouth and swallowed Adam's vyplenuv his bones. And as if nothing had happened to lay down in his place. And then he fell asleep again. Lloyd did not touch Mary yet, he remembered that it was his mistress. Then Lloyd, as scalded, jumped up and ran to the street.
Amanda was a good student, she praised her. Amanda was happy to come home, showing her father about her new grades. Evening half past six: "You were so rushed, you did not even eat well." Since then,Amanda! go down to supper, where are you? "said Rain putting the dinner in plates.
Go! Go! "Cheerful Amanda screamed. When they started to eat, Amanda began to talk:
-Something Adam does not come to us, he promised me. And I wanted to play with him with his dog, I'm not afraid of her!
-Yes! that that for a long time it is not present, Amanda can you will come to Aunt Mary ah?
"I'm not hiring her, she's a bad Aunt!" Amanda was capricious.
Lloyd ran along the street, on the way to meet a kitten, completely defenseless. Lloyd ran into green slobbers from behind his mouth. Lloyd growled and tore him to the kitten, kitten and did not have time to shriek, his paws and tail are gone, and the kitten is no more! Lloyd felt that ate and went home. Mary at this time cut the meat and cut pieces put Lloyd in a bowl, he did not eat, just turned away.
Said: "Yes, what happened to you?" After the vet clinic you became what it was not, Mary said. They called at the door: Amanda was standing in the doorway.
"Where's Adam, where are you hiding it?" She asked.
"First you have to say hello first, okay?"
Hello, Aunt Mary, "Amanda murmured in an angelic voice.
-So that's better, now I'll call him, he's offended at me, he's not talking to me for three months in a row. Adam is coming here, Amanda wants to see you!
Amanda herself ran upstairs. I went into his room. "" Foo, well, there's a smell! "
- Where are you, Adam? Do not play with me like that, but I'll take offense. Amanda looked under the armchair, but there was nobody there, then she saw her hand from under the bed and was happy.
"Oh, there you are, where are you hiding? Well, well, get out of there. But Adam did not hear her, he was dead." She leaned over and looked under the bed. Amanda did not believe her eyes.
"Oh, my God, this can not be? What happened here? Full of madness." Amanda ran down in panic, she collided with Aunt Mary:
"Auntie Mary, call the police soon, here's the corpse of Adam."
Adam's gone to the camp, I just forgot to tell you, since he's not at home, I'd better call your father, he'll come and figure it out.
"Once you do not want to be responsible for your actions, it means that you killed Adam! I'm leaving here against being." She did not have time to open the front door, as her father burst in and hugged the girl.
"Amanda, why are you crying?" Asked my father.
"Let's go upstairs, I'll show you everything, she killed him."
-Who killed whom? Amanda what are you talking about?
- Dad, Adam is no more!
-Well, he must have gone somewhere!
"No, no, I saw!" Amanda and her father walked into Adam's room and said,"Look under the bed." Mary was already standing in the room. Ryan looked under the bed.
"Oh, my God, what is that?" And the smell, Amanda, is this? "Rain pointed to something that was not clear under the bed.
-Mary, why did you kill Adam?
-Rain, what are you? I did not kill him, what are you talking about? I honestly do not.
"I'm calling the police, I've had enough, let them understand, Amanda will go!" Raine shouted and they left. Mary was left alone.
"How could this happen? What kind of animal is this?" And where is Lloyd? "Mary went to the kitchen. Lloyd ate at that time, his meat, which she gave him.
"Lloyd, you're a clever dog?" "Yes, what are you doing?" Lloyd turned to her and his eyes burned with an ominous fire, and drool droplets dribbled from his splashes.
"Lloyd, you will not eat Mom?" But Lloyd did not think so. He attacked Mary and tore her hand away, she was already screaming:
"You're not my dog, the doctor changed it and I'll kill you." Mary was in a panic, her hand bleeding with a fountain. Lloyd gnawed Mary on the horrors, she had a huge hole on her stomach. She was no longer breathing, Lloyd was no longer interested in her, he ran to the street. To Auntie Mary came the police:
"Hey, is there anyone here, like Mary Rinson?" But no one answered. The policeman ordered another:
"Peter, break the door to hell, something is not clean!" Peter broke the door and they both went in. And when they saw this sight, they were stunned.
"You see this?" Asked Peter. Mason was the other policeman's name.
-Yes I see! well, the smell! fu stink then what! something I do not like it at all, the murderer tore Miss Mary apart, but who can do it?
"Obviously, not a man, but a beast, looks more like a lion, so call experts here, let them decide now."
-Okay, I understood the boss! Amanda sat on the couch and held her father's hand firmly.
- Dad, please do not leave again, I'm scared, I'm afraid! Call at the door:
"There are policemen, I'll go open!" Rhine went to the door and opened it.
-Are you Marie Rinson's brother?
And what, in fact, did she not kill the boy?
-Yes, it's not who she killed, but who killed her?
"Is she dead?" Asked Rhine.
You're gonna have to come with me.
"You want to say that I am capable of killing her, that is, my own sister?" "I did not offend the fly in my life!" And that Ryan was agitated at me now.
-What are you carrying? No one is going to arrest you. They approached Mary's house. The experts were already spinning over Mary's body, or what was left of him.
"What have we got there?" Mason asked the expert.
Judging by the bites, it was a huge dog.
- Mason, hurry upstairs! Look! He looked under the bed.
Mr. experts, the corpse of a boy has also been found here. They all went upstairs. Ryan asked:
-May I go now?
"One minute sir, I have one question for you, was there any dog ??in the house?"
-Yes, but I do not know where she is now.
"But why did he run away? Maybe it's his paw case? Urgently him on the wanted list, what kind of dog are you talking about?"
-I do not remember, but in my opinion it's a Staffordshire terrier!
"A very dangerous dog," Mason said."Well, I think I'll go okay," Rhine said and backed away, and then ran home.
"Amanda, are you at home?" He asked, sounding the key on the shelf.
"Dad, I'm here, I'm afraid," said Amanda, sitting on the couch, clasping her knees to her chest.
"Glory to God, you are whole, healthy, Amanda from this day on, will you go to school and only understand with me from school?"
Dad, and at school I will be guarded by our class teacher, Dad, by the way, she asked you to go to school tomorrow, will you come tomorrow?
As soon as I get free I'll come to school and get acquainted with your teacher, and now go to bed, daughter! Tomorrow is a hard day. Good night, dear!
-Good night, Papa! The next morning: Mason sat drinking a morning coffee, suddenly a phone call.
-Ser Mason? Asked in the phone.
"Yes, I'm listening." Mason answered, taking another sip of burning coffee.
"Come quickly, on the ninth avenue and see with your own eyes."
"What should I see?" He asked.
"But sir, this is not a telephone conversation, I'm waiting for you there!" Mason put down the phone, threw on his jacket, and rushed off there. Already in place:
Mason came into the apartment and saw something terrible. On the floor in the pool of blood lay two half-eaten corpses.
- Sir Mason, go up to the second floor, there's something in the bath! Mason rose to the bathroom.
"Oh, my God, it's just a baby, about six, seven. Mason saw the bath full of blood, the girl's whole chest is gnawed and everywhere the dog tracks are bloody.
You have to find a dog, until she made a half of the corpses.
-Sir Mason !, received a phone call, there was not a terrible murder here!
You went there! And you work! And call the car, okay?
Sir, we will do so! They arrived at the place:
-My neighbor called and said that I saw a very strange dog, so furious, as if he was looking for someone.
"Well, what is it?" Mason asked.
"Here in my opinion, it looks like a half-rub, and I could not find my feet, in my opinion, our dog had a tasty breakfast. In a small, children's room, the corpse of a child of six years old lay.
-I understood that our dog tries to look for him and he is already very close. Amanda was familiar with Adam after all?
Yes, it's the woman, her father's sister?
"Then it's all up, this dog is looking for a girl, Amanda is the eighth, right?" He's looking for her age, it's all the same, what kind of devil is he in the guise of a dog? "Ryan drove to school to pick up Amanda and meet the teacher.
"Are you going to be the father of Amanda, I'm her class teacher, my name is Sara Richter, and you are Rhine Rinson?"
Yes, that's right!
-I would like to talk with you about your daughter, come to my class!
"Amanda, go! Go into the car and wait there!" Said Rhine.
-Your daughter, Amanda always looks around, as if she's afraid of something, but she's doing well, she's trying, she's good at you!
-You like her, she always talks about you, that you are a good teacher."Thank you," she said.
I'm more concerned about her condition!
"What happened?" She asked.
She's just not afraid, she's just afraid she never had Mom, well, she was and when she died, we're strangers here, we're not from this city, only recently moved here, so as not to remind me of the past!
"Yes, I understand you." Said the teacher with sadness on her face.
-I also lost my lover, he crashed on a motorcycle, it's not fair when they take life out of you, your second half. After saying these words, Sarah burst into tears.
Your life is still ahead and love will accidentally come on, and you better come to us, we'll drink tea for you. "Ryan said, rising from behind the desk.
-What are you already leaving?
-Well, I'm about to go, Amanda has already waited!
-Doing! All the best and you come to us, we will wait for you with impatience!
"I'll remember your words," said Sarah, smiling a little at the corner of her mouth.
Mason came to the office and sat down at the table and again the bell:
-Mason, sir, come back soon, there's such a thing going on that you never dreamed!
"What's going on?" Mason asked.
We found the dog, he returned to the first house and lies there, as if dead, wait I'll touch him, Oh my God! He's cold and he's not breathing, he turned, he grabbed ...! Mason's assistant did not have time to tell. Lloyd attacked him, tearing his chest with his paws.
Peter, where are you? Damn you! Au? Mason heard a menacing growl in the receiver.
He arrived at the place, he saw all the dead, including the pathologist, scattered in a pool of blood, already a little withered. Mason walked a little further and saw green, angry dog ??eyes, but it was not a dog for sure. Mason knew about it, but did not really want to believe.
Mason jumped on Lloyd, Lloyd ran away and Mason sat with his chest on the spear that pushed out from the wall. Lloyd looked up, turned his head to his side and snarled several times off.
Rhine got into the car and started it up:
"About what?" "Yes, I know, about me and only about me!" Asked Amanda glancing out the window.
-Yes, not only about you and about adult life, too!
-Papa, stop here, Adam lived a friend, but something happened I feel it, let's go in! Rain agreed with the daughter and they went into the house. Amanda saw many many corpses.
Do not look at you can puke! Oh, my God! "Raine looked at the wall, Mason was hanging on the spear.
"Well, if you go to another city for help, there's nothing more to hope for, what's going on, what's going on?" And who is Lloyd, what happened to him? I do not understand anything! "Amanda remained silent for a long time and decided to say:
-We need to go to that doctor, I think only he can help us!
They got into the car and drove to there. Leaving the car, they saw that the vet clinic was open, went into the first office that came in, it was the doctor who was inspecting Lloyd, he was sitting on the floor in a pool of his own blood .
"Doc, what happened to you? And why is there such a pogrom? How can you explain this?" Asked Raine looking at the shelves with ready-made injections, in syringes.
I ... I'm sorry, who ... you ... what are you doing here? "Doc stuttered and choked with his own blood.
"I'm Mary Rinson's own brother, I came to find out what this fucking thing was, what did you do with the dog?" Dok.com said how the dog died and how he came to life.
I did not mean to hurt anyone!
-You say evil, that's it, but how can I stop it?"Of course, there is only one serum, but it is still in the process, that is, it is still being developed by chemists." He spoke with swollen lips.
"If you help us, we'll help you." Rhine said, twisting a strange syringe in his hand.
-Amanda, you must be tired, go to the car rested. Doc.other spoke:
-This certainly is far away!
"How far?" Asked Rhine.
"In China," Doc replied, spitting blood on the floor.
-Papochka! I think I'll go!
"In China?" Rhine wondered, "But how is it possible to get it? And what will it give?"
At least the dog will not be any more, he will die.
"Forever?" Rhine asked.
Doc answered, "I certainly have connections, he's just doing this, but I do not know his address and whether he is living there now." Doc put his finger to his lips. "Listen to the dog here!" Doc closed the door with a key Ryan listened to the door, like Doc.
"He's coming here!" He growls, he's near the door, do not move, or he'll start scratching the door. "Doc said and slid down. Ryne jumped up:
"Amanda!" He cried, but Lloyd had already fled.
-Drive, open the door! There in Amanda's car. Doc hurried to open the door. Ryan jumped out of the office, ran out into the street, and saw Amanda sitting in the car.
Thank God, you're alive! "Before she could say these words, Amanda started screaming.
Lapad, here, I'm afraid of him!
-Duck! Turn the handle and close the glass. Amanda did as he asked. Doc went out into the street and saw how the tiger dog was trying to bite the glass of the car.
"Doc, what are we going to do?" Asked Rhine.
-To start, go to my office, there is a safe behind the picture on the wall, open it, here's the code for you! "He held out a crumpled piece of toilet paper and got out of there, well, in short, you'll see for yourself, I'll wait here, do not worry about your daughter, He did not get it. Ryan went into the office, pushed the picture and opened the safe. He saw there an air rifle.
"Well, dock, spare the same for a special occasion!" Ryan pulled it out and rushed to the doctor. Lloyd, meanwhile, jumped on the car.
-Papa, help me, please, please! Lloyd started opening as a tin can.
Ryan, let's shoot the dog in the head! "Rain focused, directed the gun at Lloyd, pulled the trigger. Lloyd fell down with a thunder to the ground and froze. Ryan asked:
-Is it for how long?
-Where it is about five minutes, but you will have time to leave, with your daughter, sit down and leave, the further, the better.
-How do you dock?
Ryne quickly climbed into the car and just started to drive away and saw a terrible picture. Lloyd attacked the doctor, he fell to the ground, and Lloyd hurried to dig his paw with his paws, biting off his head, Amanda watched what was happening.
- Amanda, please do not look at this spectacle!
Do you think the doctor will not be with us any more, that he will not be able to help us?
Duck died, and Lloyd, we must win! Why should we not! Ryan and her daughter came home, there was a teacher near the house:
"Sarah, what are you doing here?" Rhine wondered at the arrival of the teacher."Well ... I ... Well, you! .... Sarah stammered at finding the right words." You yourself said that I can come whenever I want, right?
"Yes, it is!" He answered.
"I have a huge problem," she said.
-What happened? Do not torment, speak!
-This dog came into my apartment.
"And what did this dog look like, not terrible?" Asked Rhine.
-No, he was very terrible! I managed to get out of the window and here I am, here! What happened? What is this? Who is this dog and what does he want?
- He wants what I do not want, he wants my daughter, I'm worried about her, she can not be left alone, I already had an attempt, I'm terribly worried.
"Well, we need to stop it like this," Sarah said in an alarming voice.
"I do not even know how to do it!" Replied Ryan.
Let's think about it, I'll help, we'll kill him!
-Now, do not go away, I'll go to the police, it can not go on for so long!
Rhine got dressed and went to the police station. He came there and had a terrible foreboding, because he did not find anyone in the lot. Ryan shouted at the whole site:
Ryan went up to the second floor and saw something horrible. Three policemen, or what was left of them, were lying in the very center. One was bitten off by the head, and from both legs oozed still fresh blood , and the second leg was intact, and the chest was dug to the bone. And the third one did not have a waist. Rine could not find it. "- The dog swallowed this part!" - Do I have to get out of the city, or stay and win? " he thought. Ryan came home. Amanda and Sarah immediately flew at him:
"Did they call the police?" Well, what did they say? "Sarah asked Rhine.
"If there's no one there, not one soul." Rhine said, drinking cold tea on the table.
Sara, wait, how is it there's no one? "Sarah asked." They've all been here recently, but where could they have gone? "Sarah did not believe in her ears.
Lloyd, he was ahead of us, he devoured them all, Amanda must be urgently taken to another city!
I'm not going anywhere without you, you're Daddy, you know how bad it is for me when I'm at a distance from you. "Amanda cried.
-Daughter! Understand! it will be better for us, and especially for you, "the father said.
"Well, Dad, you promised to never leave me!"
"Amanda, no one leaves you, I just want ......" Amanda shut her mouth to her father.
I'm not going anywhere! and that's it!
"Well, that's the statement, well, I will not argue, stay, but do not go to school until everything is settled!"
Never, nothing will be settled, I will still go to school tomorrow!
"Amanda, stop arguing with me!" Protested my father.
"Dad, I know he's definitely not going to get there!" Jack will eat it with his entrails. "
"Amanda, are not you confusing anything?" Asked my father.
Decided to yourself Amanda. It was morning: 6:30 AM.
Sarah was spinning in the kitchen in search of the morning meal. She went into the drawing room. Ryan slept like a dead man on a small couch, dangling one arm. Sarah walked into Amanda's room. Amanda was no longer sleeping. She did not have time to enter as Amanda abruptly said:
-I did not sleep well at night, I had nightmares!
"And what are these nightmares associated with?" Sarah asked.
-Of course with Lloyd, I dreamed that he ate our school friend, along with the giblets.
"Was that Jack?" Sarah asked. Amanda nodded her head.
-And tell me this does not happen?
-I'm right, I do not know, I do not see the future.
-But you can fix it, right? Sarah?
I just hope that's what I'm telling you, eat up your donut and it's time to get ready for school.
"Only I'll wake Papa!" And Amanda completely forgot about him, they just left.
"Amanda, are you still asleep?" But no one answered from the room.
"Maybe she went to school with Sarah, I hope they figured it out?" Ryan ran out into the street looking for a car. "- Take the car!" Finished the phrase Rhine. "- Fu, thank God, I wonder how much time it is now?" Raine went into the house and looked at the electronic clock that stood at the bed, the time was: 13h30min. "- Amanda should have already come an hour ago!" Ryan ran to school "-Cleans my heart, then something's wrong!" Ryan entered the school gate, but I did not see anyone at the entrance, "- Strange everything is here, usually schoolchildren spinning around the yard, what does all this mean?" wondered Rain. At the entrance to the school sat a dog. Ayn recognized Lloyd in it. "As if there was no trouble." Rhine was worried. And he decided to get around the school from the backyard. "There must be a black entrance somewhere?" While Rhine was passing school, he saw Jack. There is something left of him. Raine almost turned her back on the wrong side. Ryan saw the black entrance, but he was locked, Rhine pulled again, but nothing came out. He looked up and saw the nearest window and began to sort out the pyramids out of the boxes that lay there. Only he climbed on the boxes, he Lloyd saw him trying to grab his leg.
Raine completely climbed out the window and saw a horde of schoolchildren who crowded around him. Waiting for advice.
-Children, calm down, do not panic, I'm looking for my daughter, Amanda Rinson, who ever saw her here? A boy came out of the circle.I saw her! She is sitting in the teacher's room, along with Miss Sarah.
Boy, showed Raina to the huge, brown door and said:
Ryan saw Amanda, she pressed herself against Sarah and kept repeating:
Amanda looked at her father.
"Dad, how good that you came, I was so scared!" Sarah intervened in the conversation:
"Ryan, what are we going to do?"
-I know that! I'll call the central police district and let them come and evacuate the whole city.
Rahn took the radiotrub and dialed the police number from the central district.
"Hello, is this the police?" He asked.
- Yes, but what happened?
-You must come urgently to the western school of Michigan!
"Is it the same in Loss Angeles?"
It's all right, here we need to evacuate people urgently, it's very dangerous here, they can suffer, please take measures, help us!
"But there's Sheriff Mason here!" A voice appeared in the receiver.
"Mason was gone for a long time! He was eaten!" Said Rhine.
-How did they eat? Who ate? You are there in California, all of them are with pribah.
-If you do not help us! all California will die! everyone will be eaten!
"Who's going to eat the devil?" A voice in his pipe was angry.
"Please, I beg you, save us." Ryan was already humiliated before him.
"Okay, so be it, I'll check your California, ugh! That is your school, how is it there?"
"Oh, yes, Michigan!" Then Rhine heard a short beep in the receiver.
Sara, they'll help us, "said Sarah, stroking Amanda's head.
So it's not clear yet, so you have to take action yourself, so the car is very close by the entrance, so listen to me! I distract the dog, and you run to the car and sit in it.
"What about you?" Sarah asked.
"Do not worry about me, I'll manage myself somehow!
"I count to three, and about three you run a bullet into the car and go to my house!" Raine sat on the windowsill where he had climbed and the schoolchildren were no more. Amanda and Sarah were looking at Raina. Ryan began to wave his arms and hung them down , and he would say:
"I'm here, I know what you want!" Raine whistled and saw the dog approaching, Rhine began to count:
Amanda and Sarah ran to the front entrance. Ryan sat on the windowsill and said:
But then he dreamed if they had reached the car. And Lloyd grabbed his hand as if he fell out of the window and banged his head against the boxes. Lloyd started to attack him, Rhine pushed him away, Lloyd scraped him face and arms, Rhine could not speak, he fought to death, Lloyd gaped open and wanted to bite his neck, but Rhine jerked his left hand away and felt something hot, he looked at his hand, he did not have three fingers Ryan only hissed:
Ryan began throwing crates into it. But at least he would have something. Then Lloyd nose smelled. And Raine saw that the car was leaving. Ryan ran to them. He jumped to them in the car. Lloyd was chasing back. Sara sharply pressed the brakes. Ryan was worried.
-What are you doing? He fucks us all here, and leaves us for dinner too.
Sarah answered sternly. She sharply switched to the back gear and pressed with all her might to the slipper, the car abruptly drove back and knocked down Lloyd, he flew so high, as if he were always flying in the clouds. And he crashed with a crash to the ground, from his mouth a bloody green mixture oozed.
Amanda, that's right!
"We finished it off," Sarah rejoiced with Amanda.
In five minutes, he will come to your senses and gnaw out our car, let's move faster! "Rhine ordered."So we need to sit at home and do not show the nose?" Sarah asked from the car outside the house.
"Yes," said Rhine firmly.
"You have to be taken to the hospital, you lost a lot of blood." Sarah looked at the swollen hand.
-I will go myself, do not worry for me, sit at home do not open the door. Ryne reached the hospital.
"I'd like to bandage my hand," he told the nurse.
The nurse got out of the table. And she went to the office, on which it was written: "procedural." He was injected with anesthetic. Ryan suddenly lost consciousness for a moment. The doctor promptly revived his morning.
"You'll have to get some medical treatment from us, at least for a couple of days," said the doctor.
-I? I? What are you? I can not stay here, I need to go home, my daughter is all alone there!
-What can happen to your daughter?
- Yes, anything! She wants to catch a dog, named Lloyd, he wants her flesh!
-Mr. Raine, you need to rest more! You are too tired! Raina was laid on the bed and given a sleeping pill so that he slept. He slept the whole day. Toward evening, Amanda and Sarah came to his room.
"Daddy, how are you?" Asked Amanda.
"Thank you, my daughter, I'm better now, tell me how are things going with you?" They contacted you from the central district?
Added Sarah. Approaching the window. She saw a crowd of people, Lloyd was lounging near the road. Lloyd was approached by some driver, he touched the dog. Sarah wanted to shout to him, but quickly changed her mind. Sara saw Lloyd absorb his driver, only his legs protruded from his jaws. Lloyd walked him to the hospital.
"Do not move, Rara," said Sarah, walking quietly on tiptoe and closing the door to the bolt. She put her index finger to her lips and hissed,
-Less that's Lloyd!
"But how, how, how was he missed?" Raine was excited.
"It's very simple, the hospital is not guarded, come in whoever wants," Sarah answered.
"Then he went for me," Rhine said. Then Rain fell silent and they sat very quietly. Because of this, Lloyd could not find them, the smell disappeared, mixed with drugs and whiteness. The magistrate tugged the door and found that it was locked.
"Open the door at once, do not do this here!" Now open it! "The nurse repeated. Then the nurse shouted with a wild howl.
"Oh! Get away from me!" The dog is stupid! "She pushed the dog with her foot, Lloyd lost no time, bit her foot, bleeding from her leg.
- Help me, I bleed! I beg of you!
"We must help her," said Sarah.
Lloyd is waiting for the door to open and he will fly in here! Amanda, but I will not allow this, so I ask you to step away from the door! Sit close to the window and relax! "Finished the phrase Rain.
"How to relax, when this happens, the devil wants to come in!" Sarah panicked.
"Sarah, I beg you to calm down!" Shouted Rain. Sara was quiet.
- I'm sorry! Sorry! Rhine. - Just nerves at the limit!
"I understand you, Rain! We need to decide something ourselves, with this dog," said Sarah.
"But there's nothing to do with it, to end it, once and for all," Sarah said. Rhine immediately remembered the doctor's conversation.
Sara, I know there is a way out! But he's still in development!
-What other development?
"Well, the chemists are in development! It's in China!" Raine explained more comfortable sitting in bed.
"In China?" Sarah asked again in a surprised voice.
"There's nothing to be done," Rhine assured her.
"Of course you can do it! You even have a phone number? Those chemists in China?" Sarah asked. Ryan began to remember where the paper that the doc had given was.
"Amanda, babe, give me the trousers, those on the chair!" Rain pointed to the chair beside the bed. Amanda handed him the trousers. Ryne pulled out a piece of paper from his pocket and said:
-It is necessary to call! On this number, here and the surname is written "Gerdas".
"It's an expensive pleasure to call there," said Sarah.
Sarah picked up the phone and dialed a number, followed by a ringing in the receiver, then a rough, male voice appeared.
"Yes, I'm listening, damn it," he cursed.
"Are you Mr. Gerdas?" Sarah asked.
But what did you really want?
"We have a case for you from a doctor, that is, a veterinarian!"
Yesterday he called me on the eve! and he told me what happened there, but why did not he call himself? Is he sick?
"Yes, no worse," said Sarah.
"He's dead, is not he?" Wondered Gerdas.Sara whispered.
I have come to you, but it will be somewhere in a week, the way is not close, but by the way the serum is completed! But it has not yet been tested, I'll bring it, so we'll check it, so where do I go to Los Angeles? "asked Gerdas.
"Yes, we will wait for you! Look forward to it," said Sarah.
"After seven days, I'll call you, leave me your number!" Sarah dictated the number. Gherdas put down the receiver, Sarah also hung up on the bedside table. Ryan asked immediately:
-He will come?
"Yes, he'll bring that serum and we'll check it," Gerdas said, "Sarah answered. There were screams of men and women in the corridor.
"Well, go away, disappear the devil!" There was a woman's howl, then a silent silence.
There's a bloody mash in which to whirl Lloyd. "" We can not go there exactly! "He said, as if guarding us, Sara said.
"So it is!" Answered Ryan.
"What floor is this?" Sarah asked.
"Well, second." Answered Ryan.
"Why all this?" Rhine continued.
"There's a fire ladder, we'll go down it! See her," Sarah said, stepping closer to the window.
"But do not trust me, I will not distract him any more! I'm already sitting here for him, God forbid, I'll also eat my whole hand," Raine was worried.
Sara tried to open the window, but she did not succeed. Ryan went to the window and opened it.
"You see how simple it all is," Rhine said.
Said Sarah. They climbed the three on the stairs and began to descend. Then they got into the car and drove home.
"And we will not be chased by us?" Asked Amanda.
"No, baby, I think Lloyd did not have a big lunch." Rhine said.
"Yes, that's for sure!" Sarah remarked.
"We're at home," said Rhine, opening the door of the house. They all went into the living room, Sarah suddenly spoke up:
-The best way out for us is to stay at home! And do not go anywhere at all!
All right, dear!
"Sery?" Sarah asked again.
"Is not that so?""What floor is this?" Sarah asked.
"Well, second." Answered Ryan.
"Why all this?" Rhine continued.
"There's a fire ladder, we'll go down it! See her," Sarah said, stepping closer to the window.
"But do not trust me, I will not distract him any more! I'm already sitting here for him, God forbid, I'll also eat my whole hand," Raine was worried.
Sara tried to open the window, but she did not succeed. Ryan went to the window and opened it.
"You see how simple it all is," Rhine said.
Said Sarah. They climbed the three on the stairs and began to descend. Then they got into the car and drove home.
"And we will not be chased by us?" Asked Amanda.
"No, baby, I think Lloyd did not have a big lunch." Rhine said.
"Yes, that's for sure!" Sarah remarked.
"We're at home," said Rhine, opening the door of the house. They all went into the living room, Sarah suddenly spoke up:
-The best way out for us is to stay at home! And do not go anywhere at all!
All right, dear!
"Sery?" Sarah asked again.
"Is not that so?"
"Amanda, do not you want milk?"
Said Amanda. And she and Dad went into the kitchen, leaving Sarah alone. The second day: Ryan got up early and said:
-I'll go for groceries, but it's all over now.
"Ryan?" Sarah called to him.
"Yes," he answered.
"Be careful, Sara."
-I will try, my beloved!
-What do you call me so often?
"You must have fallen in love with me," Rain answered and ran out into the street, looked around everywhere, there was nobody there. And he went to the supermarket. Then he bought everything and decided to go to another store. He bought the box with the wedding ring.
"Are you two at home?" Rain asked as she entered the house.
Yes, we are waiting for you Papa, the third day: Rain said:
"Perhaps I'll sit at home today!" He turned on the television for the news and heard:
- "A terrible dog kills everything in its path alive, where did this creature come from? No one knows! It is impossible to go out, everyone leaves the city."
"Almost no one stayed in the city, maybe it's time for us?" Sarah asked.
Sarah, but I must stay here! I insisted on my Rain.
-Ah, come on, Amanda will come with me, and then when you're done, you'll find us ah?
"Ask her, she wants me?" I tried to persuade a hundred times, but it's useless! "Said Rain.
Sara. Fourth day: Amanda saw that Sarah was packing things in a suitcase and asked:
-And what do you throw my Dad at? -In a difficult moment.
"Yes, no, Amanda, it's just time to go ..." Sarah did not have time to say how Amanda broke out:
-To run away!
"No, it's not like that, you do not understand and you will hardly understand!" Sarah turned away.
"I told Dad that I think like an adult and I always argue reasonably," said Amanda.
Amanda and went with me? There is silence and there are not any creatures like Lloyd ah?
-Sorry Aunt Sarah, I can not leave my father, he's my dearest person! -that I have!
"All right," Sarah said, picking up her suitcase.
-You leave us, you see, you are not a strong woman, you have no courage!
Therefore, I leave this city!
"But you can not!" Said Amanda.
"You know what? The girl? I can not protect myself and who else," Sarah said, slamming the door.
"Amanda, who came to us?" Asked my father.
- No, Dad! it's Sarah gone. "calmly answered Amanda.
-How, how ..... is this ..... it's gone?
-And so she took things and left, but you still have time to catch up with her, it's time to stop her and say: "- that you love!"
"How did you know about this?" Rhine wondered.
You can not hide your love, your eyes burned like a spark in them, well, in short you fell in love with the full! Let's go! Do not miss your chance! "Raine shot out into the street and at the end of the alley saw a woman he loved, he immediately touched the box, "On the spot!" he whispered and rushed to her and already near her, he stood in front of her on his knees:
"Listen, listen to me, I've been alone for so many years, but you shed some light in my window and I do not want to let it go!" Rain climbed behind the ring in his pocket."Now, my dear," he began, "it's certainly not the right time right now, but I'll say it, my dear! Will you marry me?" Sarah stood by the side of the road and did not know what to say, "yes" or "no". She understood if " no "then she will give up her own happiness, where else she will find such a brave man as Rhine. And she thought carefully and shouted at the whole universe:
"Yes, of course!" She said, dropping her suitcase toward the sky. Okay, Raine caught it.
- Let's go home, and then the rain begins. And they went home.
Fifth day:
"Amanda, let's go for a walk," Father asked his daughter.
"Where do we go?" Amanda asked, putting on her dress.
"Well, we'll see there!" Rhine said, pushing the blinds forward. Lloyd appeared before his eyes.
"Can we sit at home?", We'll paint, eh? "Rain ran to the door and put a heavy nightstand in front of the door.
"What's this for?" Sarah asked as she yawned on the run.
"Dear!" For great security, "said Rain shutting the blinds everywhere.
"Tell me, why did the sunshine interfere with you? Is it unpleasant when it penetrates the house?" And Sara said, opening the blinds again.
Sara, I beg you not to! Sara did not have time to say, she saw Lloyd who looked at her, devouring her with his eyes.
-Rain, I'm afraid of him, he'll eat me! Sara was worried.
I blocked all the entrances and exits, he can not enter!
"Do you believe that yourself?" Sarah asked.
"Well, yes," answered Rhine.
Sixth day: Lloyd watched them and thirsted for them, with a new force. Then he saw the cat break after her. Lloyd went so far away at home, he chased a stupid cat, the cat climbed from it to a tree. Lloyd started jumping and pawed the cat on land, and swallowed it whole, then choked and spat out only the cat's tail and was angry pushing him aside. I saw a car passing by, which immediately knocked him over, the driver ran out to sort it out.
-Oh, God, I knocked over the dog, he turned Lloyd towards him and was horrified.
"Oh, my God, this is not a dog, it's a creature!" Lloyd opened his eyes and began to eat it, he cried, but Lloyd's voice screamed him, he was heard from everywhere.
Seventh day: Call at the door:
"Who's there?" Asked Rhine.
Ryan opened the door and held out his hand, but the courier said:
"Sign here first!" He pointed with his finger. Ryan signed and tore the envelope from his hands and closed the door.
"Darling, who is there?" Sarah asked.
"No one, only a telegram was sent, and from whom it is not known, nothing is written." Ryan said opening the top page from the envelope.
"So, so!" - I come in the evening, meet at the hotel, "Grand" at 17 o'clock. "Read Rain.
"Who signed it?" Sarah asked.
"It's not very legible, it's written, but like Gerdas!" Rhine read again.
"Finally, it's high time," Sarah said.
"Now what time is it?" Asked Rhine.
"It's like half-past four," Sarah said.
"Hey, he'll come to the hotel in thirty minutes, we have to go urgently," Rhine said, pulling on his jacket.
- Hurry, it's time for us to go!
-But I'll just brush my hair!
Ryan grabbed Sarah's hand and dragged him to the car, they got into the car and in fifteen minutes were near the hotel "Grand." Then the white limousine drove up, from there came a tall man with a suitcase in his hands and they asked:
"I have a meeting here, for five evenings with Mr. Raine!"
Well, it's us, that is me and my future wife!
"Mrs. Sarah," Sarah said, holding out her hand to him, he kissed the back of his hand and said:
-I am very pleased to meet you! Well, come to me! About the administrator:
-You are our first customer, for all time, here's the key for you, I really do not know why yesterday everything was so sharply dispersed, fled, as if feeling trouble!
Gerdas replied calmly.
"I think so, too, good evening to you," said the administrator.
"Thank you sir!" Gerdas said, taking the keys to the number. And they all went into the room.
-Shike, can you drink, I brought Scotch tape with me!"No, thank you," Sarah said.
"Perhaps I will not refuse," Rain said.
-Warrior, what do you think we need to keep fresh!
"Calm down, Mrs. Sarah, it will not hurt him!" Gerdas asked. Putting the scotch in a glass with ice.
How much did he already kill?
"Who?" Asked Rhine from the cloud of dreams.
"Lloyd, who else is that?" Said Gerdas.
-I have already lost count of the account, he first chased my daughter, then he started to eat everyone indiscriminately!
"Is there a daughter?" Gerdas asked.
Ryan answered the question with a question.
"Then tell me, why is not it you?"
"She did not want to go, she wanted to stay at home," Rain said, finishing the scotch.
"But Lloyd does not know where you live?" He did not come there? "Rhine was silent for a minute:
"Mr. Rain, why are you silent? You know that your daughter is threatening and yet left her alone if she's an adult she can handle!"
"No," said Rhine.
"What's wrong?" Asked Gerdas.
I did not tell you she's still a child, she's only seven years old!
"Seven years?" Gerdas was surprised. "Do you know that we are sitting here with you, and your daughter is crying, looking Lloyd in the eyes!"
-This can not be! Rhin became agitated and began to call home.
"Amanda, answer me!" Ryan panicked. "Nobody takes a pipe!"
"We must urgently go to you, or it will be worse," said Gerdas. And he began to collect his suitcase.
"Is your car far away?" Gerdas asked, stepping out with them from the hotel.
"She," she said, pointing to the blue mustang. They got into the car and drove to the house. Gherdas said:
"I feel his presence, you both go into the house, and I'll look outside where he is!" Rhine and Sarah opened the door:
"Amanda, girl, where are you?" Rhine called her.
Said Sara. Ryan suddenly saw a pile of linen on the floor and the closet was half open and smelled strongly of garlic. He saw Amanda in the far corner of the cupboard, she pressed her index finger to her lips:
"What happened?" He asked. Amanda replied:
- Lloyd, he's here!
"How are you here?" What are you talking about? "Ryan turned and saw Lloyd behind Sarah.
-Rain, do not look at me like that!
"Sarah, just do not move!" Said Rhine. Amanda threw her father a whiplash bat:
Rain caught and hit Lloyd on the head that he flew to the wall. Then Gerdas appeared and threw a sack over Lloyd's.
Ryan opened the trunk, they put Lloyd unconscious and shut it down:
"What are we going to do?" Rain asked.
"Take your family and go to one place!" They all got into the car.
"Sir, where are we going?" Rhine asked.
- To the lab!
"Why?" Rhine asked.
-We will visit the dog!
"Daddy, I'm afraid, what if this is our last trip?" Said Amanda, snuggling closer to Sarah.
"Do not be afraid of the baby, everything will be all right," Sara reassured her.
"Stop here!" They stopped, it was already very dark, only the lights were on, and there was a small house on the hill.
"We are here!" Showed Gerdas at him, opening the trunk, he tossed the bag on his shoulders. They carried it into the house, Gerdas threw Lloyd right in the sack in a cage.
-You will sit here and think about how to eat people, if you want, you can go home, now nothing threatens you.
-Yes! Perhaps you are right! I have to take the girls home, they're too scared! Amanda and Sarah ran to the car.
"And what about you, Mr. Gerdas?""Do not worry about me, I'll call you, and now let's leave until Lloyd wakes up!" Gerdas looked to the side of the cage, the bag began to move. Ryne jumped out of the laboratory and drove out from there. Even at home, he said:
-Wait for results from Gerdas, I know he can be relied on! They all went to bed. In the laboratory: Gerdas was already nodding, as he heard Lloyd growl.
Lloyd stood on two paws and loudly uttered his menacing growl. Gherdas pulled a serum out of the suitcase, filled the syringe and went up to the cage and stuck the syringe in his side and said: "Now, we'll talk to you!"
Lloyd collapsed but the floor in a cage unconscious.
Rejoiced Gerdas. Turning to the lying psa.Poka Gerdas something looked.Lloyd quietly got up and snacked the bars of the cage, in his eyes burned an ominous light, "the light of darkness and evil." Lloyd looked Gerdas in the eye, Gerdas backed away, and Lloyd attacked him, then abruptly jumped back from him and jumped out of the window, making a lot of noise.
"Oh, what have I done? I'll tell Raina?" The next morning, Gerdas was called by Rhine:
Well, how are you doing? Did the serum work?
"Yes, it worked," said Gerdas.
"But we're safe now, can we walk outside and we're not in danger?" Rain asked.
"Yes, Lloyd in the cage does not threaten you!" Lied Gerdas. "I should have thought about myself," I must catch him, or I'll be killed by Rhine, not in jest. "Gherdas hired a car and sat in it and began to inspect the neighborhood. Ryan said to Sarah :
-And let's go to the square, the weather is so good!
"Yes, Dad, let's go, only I'll go get my girlfriend, she lives here next to me." Said Amanda and ran to the next street. Her friend opened it:
Why did not you leave town?
-I do not want to! I like it here! Friends here and all that!
"And Mom And Dad with you?" Asked Amanda.
Yes, we decided not to leave, it's still going to end anyway, is not it?
"So maybe we'll go to the park to walk, I'm with the Pope and with Mom," Amanda said proudly.
"With Mom?" Eliz surprised. "You do not have Mom!"
"Now there is," answered Amanda.
"I'll just put on my sweater," said Elise, running after the sweater. Then Amanda and Eliz approached Sarah and Raina:
Are you ready for a walk?
"Yes," Amanda said, and they set off toward the park.
"It's good today on the street, the breeze blows, she caresses her cheeks gently," Sarah said.
"Yes, and that's right!" Rein confirmed. Near the bottom of the dog ran, Rhine was indignant:
I just saw Lloyd!
- No, he's at Gerdas, there are a lot of stray dogs here!
Sarah, this is Lloyd, I feel it. Elise went to the dark side of the park.
"Elise, do not go there," Rhine said.
"Amanda, come with me, I'll show you something!" Shouted Eliz running forward.
-No, I'll stay here! Elise, come back!
"Well, you'll see nothing happens to me," Elise cried, fleeing farther into the dark part of the park. And her voice grew quieter and quieter.
- Amanda, leave her! Let's go home.
"No, I'm begging you, let's go!" She pointed to Elise, Rhine agreed and they followed Elise. When they reached the place, Rhine was horrified:
-Oh, God, this can not be!
"What can not be?" Sarah asked.
"I told you that Lloyd is at liberty, you go home and lock up all the doors and windows!" Rhine said.
"And what should I do?" Sarah asked, pointing to Eliz's wizened body.
"We'll just get out of here," Rhine said, leading Amanda and Sarah from Elise or what was left of her. Ryan went to Gerdas. Amanda and Sarah were sitting at home, not sticking out their noses.
"I have to report about their daughter, urgently!" Amanda ran to the phone and dialed Eliz's number.
"Who says that? I need Mama Elise," Amanda said in a worried voice.-Is it me, are you that Amandochka?
-Yes Yes! I! urgently lock up all the doors and windows, it became dangerous on the street!
Jack is smoking in the summerhouse and I see him all right!
Amanda whispered into the phone:
-All right now, just bye!
- The girl is talking about, it's beautiful on the street, I even have the door open!
"Now close it!" Amanda was angry.
-No need, give me a better Elise, I want to talk to her!
-I do not have it!
"Where is she?" Mama Elise asked, a terrible growl and a very shrill cry were heard in the receiver.
"Lloyd!" Sighed Amanda, putting the phone down.
"We're trapped," said Amanda.
"But now we need to sit quietly, that he would not find us," said Sarah. And they sat in silence. Ryan burst in to Gerdas:
"Are you absolutely sure that Lloyd is not at liberty?" He asked. Ryan looked toward the cage and saw that there were not enough three rods.
"Girdas, will you explain to me what this is?" Said Rhine, pointing to the cage.
Yesterday he ran out of me, I could not stop him! "Lloyd jumped out of the window. Ryan glanced at the window.
"And what are we going to do about you?" Rain asked.
"We'll catch him, even if it's not very easy!"
"Mr. Gerdas relies on you!" Said Rain and went home. Gherdas thought a lot about sitting at the table, but he did not think of anything.
"Amanda, Sarah are you okay?" Asked Rhine.
"Yes, we are in perfect order that you will not tell us about Elise's parents ....." Amanda fell silent.
- What's the daughter? What? They're worried about it?
"They're gone," Amanda said firmly.
Is Lloyd in their house, so I understand?
"Yes, and we are very much afraid of him! He can get into our house!" Sarah was worried.
"So girls calm down and let's be on the alert!" Said Rhine. Gherdas rode up to their house:
"Gherdas, what is he doing here?" Sarah was surprised. Rhine replied:
- I guess he catches Lloyd!
"Seldom?" Sarah wondered.
"Stop surrendering please, he's a professional in catching monsters, we have nothing to be afraid of." Rhine said. Gherdas crept up to the house to Eliz, insensibly entered the house and saw Lloyd eating the girl's mother. "" Fu, what a sickening smell, "Gerdas said to himself clutching his nose with his hand. Lloyd did not notice him, he ate his prey. Gherdas thought about how to kill him better, cut him to pieces and then he would fall apart and not be able to attack again. Gherdas tiptoed into the kitchen and only wanted to get the knife, on the floor. Lloyd snarled and ran to the kitchen, Gerdas managed to launch the knife in Lloyd, he broke into two halves and Gerdas suddenly said: "It's all done, and the knife has let loose and there is no Lloyd, the evil Lloyd!" But suddenly, behind his back, he felt his breath and drool dripping on his head. Girdas turned and He barely managed to bounce back as Lloyd nearly swallowed him."Damn it, do not fuck yourself! You need a triple dose, and a larger syringe, I wonder how he will get out of here?" Lloyd knocked down the whole wall of the house and broke out into the street. Gherdas ran to Raine:
Open! Immediately! The door! Pounded on the door with his fist.
I hear it, I hear it! "Ryan said, letting in Gerdas's house:
"We have a problem, a great misfortune," said Gerdas.
"What's the matter?" Asked Rhine.
"The point is that Lloyd ..... Lloyd ....... I do not ..... I can ..... catch him!" Said Gerdas, drinking from the excitement of whiskey offered to Raine .
Ryne was angry with Gerdas.
Lloyd ..... he ... this .....! "Stammered Gerdas." He is very big, huge, we need something to do! If we do not, he will grow and grow and eat not only us, but all that on this planet. Finally, Gerdas said. Amanda stood near the window and saw him:
"Dad, it's not Lloyd anymore, it's a monster!"
Gerdas was sitting on the couch and his hands were shaking.
"How much did you bring the whey here?" Asked Rhine.
"Well, about a nine-foot jar, though it's not diluted!"
"And why dilute it, too?" Asked Rhine.
I do not know what! Only the doctor knew.
Ryan looked out the window and saw a police motorcycle from the central district, a policeman knocked on the door: "Well, we're not going to dilute it, we'll try to lure him in!" Suddenly the sharp sound of a siren.
"Is there anyone?" He said, Rhine opened the door to him.
Raine Rinson, you called us a month ago, wait I forgot something. Ryan saw Lloyd approaching the motorcycle, Rhine wanted to hail the policeman, but he did not have time. Lloyd pawed the policeman to the wall and approached him and swallowed him completely.
"Oh, that's not it," Rein said as he went into the house.
"What happened?" Sarah asked.
They sent us a policeman from the central district, but Lloyd swallowed it and now I do not know what to do!
"We can try to lure him, as you said, you can try!" Raine sat on the couch to Gerdas.
"I thought of it, we need to find a lot of meat and tie it to the car, we'll go to the place where I looked Lloyd," Gerdas said.
-But he does not get out!
"And we do not need that he was in the house! Everything will be on the street!" Rain immediately ran to the nearest butcher's shop and collected five sacks of meat and tied him to the car and shouted to everyone:
Everyone jumped in the car. Lloyd rushed for them. Amanda said:
-How he would not swallow our car with meat!
-Daughter! This does not happen, we have already arrived. Everyone went out to the house. Ryan asked Gerdas:
-Are you ready?
"Yes, I'm ready!" Gerdas held a huge syringe in his hands.
-How does he run up to this meat, you run up behind him and stick him this serum, understand everything?-Yes I understand!
Gerdas did so, Lloyd fell on his back.
"Yes, we did it," said Sarah.
