The Fairy Tale about the laconic speech

The Fairy Tale about the laconic speech

When the Emperor has appeared on a tribune, the hall was silent.

The Emperor looked at the hall and, slightly smiling, said:

- Ladies and gentlemen ... the senators!

Then he have again made a pause and have smiled.

The hall looked at the Emperor attentively.

- At me mister Kapodistrias held not a small position. You can give different estimates to the Polish state which has arisen after the Vienna congress. But this state had the constitution, the army, the government institutions, the state budget, customs borders, currency. The University of Warsaw has been founded. Alexander Sergeyevich during my reign not badly felt himself.

The Emperor has looked to somewhere far:

- Decembrists can't complain of me. Some of them were engaged in business of the Russian-American company. With my reign the Russian circumnavigations began. With the comings to Alaska.

The Emperor looked meaningfully into the hall:

- We will not forget the Speransky's works.

The Emperor's tone became slightly sad and tired:

- But not always descendants with a kind word remember the figures of history. And I was making history and contributing to its writing.

The voice of the Emperor has found vivacity:

- I consider the holiday as approval of my historical works!

The Emperor has kindly looked to the hall:

– In my reign were wars - as not successful, so and successful.

To sum up my brief statement: the power of thought gives more success than the power of violence!

Under the General applause the Emperor leaved a tribune.

July 17, 2018 – July 18, 2018

Translation from Russian into English: July 18, 2018 01:35.
Владимир Владимирович Залесский “Сказка о кратком выступлении”.
