Letter to Tiffany

*Letter was written to colleque from other Company, working in Africa region
In refere of the current World Politic situation & possibilities to organize a Cancer Research Centre in Africa ( dated probably at the end of the Summer of 2017)


Dear Tiffany,

Sorry, I didn’t respond on your yesterday’s message to me, pointing the attention on Africa needs.

I see today, that you did block my account, because might be you were waiting for my respond and decided to block me up as indeed it was not any from my side for about last 12-14 hours. So I decided to write back to you openly, hoping you will get my letter and the issue, we talk about might be interesting for our business colleagues.

Here’s my letter:

I'll be attentive to everything that happens in the World and World Politics.
I am confident that we are all now experiencing an important turning point in the International Relations Policy with the coming to power in the United States of respected Mr. Donald Trump - the USA President.

If practically all the post-war years we all lived in the stage of the so-called "Cold War" and huge budget resources of such major opposing states as the USA and Russia, as well as the States that are their allies in the NATO military bloc and the Warsaw Treaty.
Huge public funds were spent and continue to be used for military purposes.
What leads to surprising and startling results, such as the poverty level of living in Russia.
Russia is practically the first place in the production of upscale and advanced weapons and, according to some statistics, is 50 years ahead of the opponents.
And this despite the fact that there is virtually no Economy as it is suppose to be in basic, and main budgetary funds come from selling such natural resources as gas and oil.
Their mostly profitable Economy fields.
The erroneous policy of economic development in Russia has led to a significant lag in the standard of living of ordinary citizens.
Especially the Russian pensioners you can not compare their living level with Europeans.
Until now, transportation and communications have practically not been developed in Russia, and no attention is paid to the development of promising technologies that can lead to global improvements in industry and the movement ahead in the development of the entire economy.
No, this does not happen.
It is easier to trade in natural resources and also with the newest weapons, in fact, to trade in death.
This is a terrible mistake. At the same time, other states like China were able to make a giant step forward in the development of the economy and even now China is on the second place after the US for economic development and so on.
It surprises me that at present many modern politicians still seem to live in the past - they are still in the
Times of the Cold War, (I do call such a politics “be past minded”), while such large modern Internet and Business giants as Apple, Tesla, Facebook or Google live long ago in the future already and do move our Civilization forward as the genius Steve Jobs did by inventing the Internet and smartphones.
Many of our World problems and the political climate were due to the confrontation between the two political systems - the “West”
So the  “East”.
These political opponents, I'm talking about the US and Russia, not only were going to fight to each other and competed in the latest weapons, draining huge budget funds for research and development and so on the production of the most advanced weapons.
Not only.
They also searched for their possible allies in the event of a military conflict and their reconnaissance, and are now continuing to work in this direction, trying to annoy a possible military opponent in a dubious way.
And this is terrific.
Thus, all of our World was until recently divided into two opposing camps.
Allies in the struggle were sought and recruited not only in Europe or, for example, in Africa.
As you know the terrible war in Vietnam of 1955 year - as a consequence of the confrontation of the two systems.
Maybe you do not know that the main world terrorist organizations like Alkaida and Daish (ISIS) were created exactly in the US and only for one purpose - the confrontation in the fight against Russia.
Everyone knows the consequences of this as an ongoing terrible war in Syria.

Let's ask why in the five years of the war in Syria, World Solitary United could not end a small group of Islamic terrorists?
We know that terrorists are getting huge money selling oil and recruiting supporters for this money and paying hired terrorists.
But all the shares or anti - war actions of the World Community are bombing air strikes against ISIS terrorists.
It's clear why.
Russia do support the ruling regime in Syria and the US wants to overthrow it and support the Syrian Opposition. As a result, the war does not stop, but so almost all European countries are under real pressure at the moment due to the huge number of Syrians seeking refuge from the war in Europe.
Please check what's happening in Europe right now.
Many of national and radical European political parties do use the current situation in Europe for their own propaganda and to advance again all those de pro-fascist and national slogans and so on.
See how the system works. I am as a doctor, can tell one thing - if a patient with a temperature is treating you and you give him a medicine to bring down the temperature, as a result you can not cure your patient, as the temperature is the protective reaction of our immunity to the invasion of foreign beings, such as viruses or pathogens microorganisms.
For example, we know that hole World Society is helping Africa - by humanitarian aid and food are being dumped from planes and this is mostly all the shares or help of the United World Society to help Africa.
I do not understand why the obvious axiom is that any event has its roots or reasons for this event to happen.
So in the treatment of the disease you need to treat the disease itself and not its symptoms.
It's clear.
For example, I read that the problem with pirates from Somalia tried to be solved in the US due to some economic events in Somalia.
But in the end US did not do anything.
We know that such troubles as the rampant crime in the streets appear due to the lack of elementary culture and education in children.
If parents and society leave their children to themselves, not caring about their education, not caring about what films they watch, what books they read and what games they play and who their friends are?
Please believe me that if you do not pay attention to your children, the same for the society in which you live. 
The dark forces are just waiting for this.
Scha raising your children will take a street with street gangs and the consequences of this can be unfavorable for your children and milking yourself. So the terrorist, for example, religious terrorist organizations can easily inspire your child with anything with clear consequences.
I repeat once again that education in all its plans is a knowledge of the history and laws of human development, the basis of culture, philosophy and religious trends, and the same questions concerning the construction of the political and state systems of the present, all these educational activities for the younger generation are necessary and they need pay close attention to society, since children are the future of your country and your society.
Our children will be the creators of the Future Society. So it is for us to build up for our children the better Future in the New United World.
Continuing the conversation about economic assistance to developing African economies, I would like to note the co-host.
 For example, the European Community should solve the problem of refugees from Africa by helping to build African economies, establishing and building educational institutions and schools and also finding employment in Africa for both young people who have already received a special education for example, and those who for example do not want to study and wants to immediately earn money after school.
The European Community needs assistance in resolving these important issues for Africa, which should lead eventually to a general rise in the economy of the African Commonwealth and a natural increase in the living standards of the statesmen of the African States.
It is important.
Africa is a beautiful and amazing Continent with an exotic natural environment and such an original and interesting culture.
The weather in Africa is beautiful and all year round. Many will certainly want to move and live in a new Africa from Europe and America. It is necessary to work this issue out of the possible attraction of talented intellectuals and youth to help in the development of the African Economy.
It is necessary to develop and encourage citizens to organize their own business.
It is necessary to facilitate the State regulatory procedure for registration of business companies or private entrepreneurs, in general, to remove obstacles for business development.
The state begins with roads and communications and means of communication.
It is the basis of any developed society. Fast transport and communications and communications. This is the basis of any Economy. Further - during the development of the economy, it is necessary to pay special attention to those sectors of the economy that will be able to bring real returns in a short time or cause an early recovery of the economy. This question must be carefully considered, In general, the fastest development of industry with the introduction of the most modern technologies is necessary. It is also necessary to pay attention to training and also to attract high-class professionals and specialists to the Economy. I have an idea for the organization in Africa of a research and treatment center for cancer. Finance I hope to attract through CrowdFinding. Can you help with the project? I need help in writing a preliminary business plan and maybe support for some kind of African State structure interested in building such a center. It is best to organize it somewhere in the center of Africa. I will be grateful for your help

*Tiffany never responded

Please Attention

Recently Discovered Very Important Information

In antediluvian times, there was a very dense atmosphere on Earth with a double partial pressure of oxygen, and there was still a very warm and favorable climate everywhere.  Also, people ate mainly fruits and greens, and nowadays people eat mostly cooked food, fried and boiled or buy ready-made food plus microwave processing.  According to this version, which is very similar to the truth, a person today does not receive the necessary enzymes for digesting food with food, and the body has to extract these enzymes from the person himself, plus GMO food, with which our body, created by Nature and for life in Nature, has to spend energy to process alien  the nature of the product, since GMOs are not selection, but a combination of genes from different species.  Generally a godless thing.  In connection with this, we can say why people used to live much longer - up to 950 years, and this is in the Bible.  Clean air, clean water and food are very important.  And they also say that the purity of the air can be more important than the right diet
