I want to believe

It was a perfect sunny day when the festival started. It felt like nothing could go wrong. However, Fox Mulder felt something unusual in the fresh air, something strange and mysterious. It was part of his job, because he was an FBI Special Agent. He worked with partner Dana Scully.

Few days before young girl had been stolen by something/somebody from her house. Her little brother saw a very bright light, heard her screaming, but he couldn’t do anything, exactly.

Agent Mulder had a similar case in the practice about 15 years ago. Unfortunately, it was one of the unsolved cases. It became to a reason of his curious at this time.

After interviewing girl’s brother and mother agents talked with girl’s the closest friends and they said that Amanda, that’s girl’s name, wondered about UFO’s festival. On their opinion in these places were UFOs and one of teenagers showed a photo of something in the night sky. Nobody can prove of refute alien’s existence. The citizens created popular “The annual UFO’s fest”. It had a madness success particularly at this leap year.

On this evening on festival arrived a lot of tourists. Everyone dreamt about pictures with aliens or having a look at them by their own eyes. Closer to 1am something had appeared at the dark-blue sky. Dana followed flying object then blacked out.

Mulder had realized what he lost his partner. Excitedly, agent tried to find a redhead woman. Scully was lying on the roadside when Fox found her out bleeding. He looked around and saw something flying and shining right over them. It wasn’t a plane or helicopter or satellite. It was described by Amanda’s brother 2 days before, but it couldn’t be caught by people at this night. It was a UFO.

Dana woke up when strange object flew away.

- Scully, what happened? How are you doing?

- I don’t… I suspect I just blocked out. That’s fine.

- It’s not. Stand up, - he helped her.

- Mulder… what was that?

- I don’t know, but I want to believe.

The next day after fest’s incident.

- Dana, what happened yesterday? You had been gone for 10 minutes and then just woke up on the roadside.

- Mulder, do you really want to talk about it? I don’t think so. You have to accept the fact that we won’t find Amanda. Don’t trick yourself. It’s impossible. This isn't a Bureau investigation anymore, - she started to get nervous. He acted same.

- You had been gone for 10(!) minutes, Scully! I found you bleeding and confused. You couldn’t say a word. Where have you been for 10 minutes, agent Scully and what changed your mind?

- Okay. I suspect, that I was in the nearest future. Why aren’t you laughing? There was continuous motion and thud, but I was stuck in the hotel room or kind of this… I felt someone showed me that. The intellect, maybe, wanted to be sure what I know what will be if you and I try to find that girl… Mulder, it was one of the nightmares. Everything in the room was upside down. There was a pool of blood on the floor. And I heard a voice, followed murmur to the bathroom. There was a dim outline of a man praying to a God he never believed to. Inner myself I understood it was truly you. I can’t convey the feelings. I was scared while all my staying in the room, but then you tried to calm me down… something broke inner me… I tried, I really tried to help you, but it made no sense.

She started to cry and tremble.

- Mulder, I… I don’t wanna see your death again. I don’t wanna lose you, not that way.

He was in shock, but knew words couldn’t help. They lost too much because of this job.

He embraced her tightly.
