Mind Transformation 104

S: 7.3
a: 3:00
w: 10:30
A day without computer. Hoth.
c – 1, u – 2, m – 5.
I will think in English. My level of energy has fallen a little bit. I spent almost the whole day at home writing, cooking soup, lying on my bed etc. At the evening I went to walk. Having felt tiredness after few km, I came back at home. I also told myself I would not study English today, but it turned out that I was talking more than an hour to the recorder and thinking no less. My hour of thinking (hoth) was made awfully bad which seemed to be annoying. My mental energy has fallen as much as physical and, and… Well, I use the word “and” more than necessary. In every sentence I add “and”, “and”, “and”. Stop! Learn to use something else. There are lots of methods to tie parts of a sentence but you put this “and” again and again. Stop doing it! You need a rest. Real rest. Maybe it will be better to continue the journal in Russian? Fuck you! It’s the same as giving up. But why can’t I give up? Why? What does it mean “why”? Ok, it’s a meaningless talk. Of course I will develop my language trying to make it better and better. What else could I do? to find a job? to play basketball? to…   
2480 CFP

To the beginning: http://www.proza.ru/2018/03/10/1530
Next: http://www.proza.ru/2018/08/01/1409
