The Sketch about the accounting court of honor

The Sketch about the accounting court of honor

- Misters! In debating club begins, - as we planned, - the dramatized accounting court of honor. Please start.

Chief Accountant:

- The floor is given to the Radio host.

The Radio host:

- Mr. R. is a thief. Whether I am convinced of this statement? "Which of you without sin …" I directly have said this on air. I intended to discuss this subject. But the Radio hostess has created to me obstacles. She didn't let me speak. She muffled my words with her statements. I have been forced to become silent. Circumstances are that.

Chief Accountant:

- The floor is given to the Radio hostess.

The Radio hostess:

- Mister R. is the person the handshakeable and the acceptable. [The handshakeable – it’s a person to whom the others have a moral ability to shake hand]. [The acceptable - it’s a person to whom the others have a moral ability to invite, to accept on a visit]. To call him a thief during a broadcast which I manage is inadmissible. Against a word of one person – a word of other person? During this radio programme – my word is a main. I have used my privileges.

Chief Accountant:

- The floor is given to the Director.

The Director:

- Conflicts enliven the airwaves, attract audience. I consider the event a working situation.

Chief Accountant:

- The floor is given to the Chairman of the Ethics Commission.

The Chairman of the Ethics Commission:

- We have informed foreign colleagues. Waiting for their opinions.

Chief Accountant:

- The resolutory part of the decision of accounting court of honor is announcing:

"The freedom of speech is the fundamental freedom of a modern civilization. In order of freedom of information and for the information of presenters and participants of the radio broadcast to hang on the door of the radio Studio the list of persons the handshakeable (in accounts department) and the acceptable (in cash desk)."

The applause from the audience.

- Misters! The dramatized accounting court of honor is complete. I ask to buy tickets for the next meeting of debating club.

August 3, 2018 09:52

Translation from Russian into English: August 3, 2018 20:25.
Владимир Владимирович Залесский “Скетч о бухгалтерском суде чести”.
