Mind Transformation 108

S: 7.3
a: 2:00
w: 11:20
Pushups 20/20/20. Squats 20/20/20. Situps 30/30/30. Db (b) 12/12/12 (t) 10/10/10. str 20 min.
I think it’d better to change the first sentence with something else. Although it’s a good idea at every day to recall the main goal I chase for, there is another thing I want to try. I’m going to set a new goal for each new week. For example, at this week I might read Nietzsche’s book “Beyond Good and Evil” by using an audio version of that. It’s about 8 hours. I can accomplish the task for 4 days by working 2 hours each day. In the same time I will improve other parts of my language as well. I just want to stress that my attention has to be directed chiefly to the task whereas other things will be left on autopilot.
Today I learned math, typed in a poetry forum, watched a movie about a robotic club based on a real story, listened to some advice of a linguist named Luca Lampariello, listened to J.B. Peterson’s lecture about Nietzsche, studied one lesson of grammar rules and did gymnastic exercises watching simultaneously some motivational stuff.
In the beginning of the day I wrote a post in the speaking club group, where I discussed the evolution of the language, Chomsky’s ideas and so on.
HOTH and HOS were delayed to the time when I take a rest from English. HOTH distracts me form a deep immersion in English. I will try to switch it in English, perhaps. The Hour of Thinking in English could improve my writing unquestionably. I have to make it.
2650 CFP

To the beginning: http://www.proza.ru/2018/03/10/1530
Next: http://www.proza.ru/2018/08/05/1097
