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Funny Adventures of a Jew-boy in Israel & in U.S. Jails
What I accomplished for My People: Am Yisroel Chai!
Tale of an American volunter on the battlefields in Samaria, Israel at the start of Oslo War &
a Jewish Political prisoner in “free” “democratic” U.S.A.
Copyright by Author
Jewish Youth!
If your elders are selfish, self-centered, materialistic… don’t listen to them!
Learn Torah, Jewish Idea, Zionism, Jewish history & culture, learn Hebrew!
That is your heritage! Hebrew is your ancient reborn language!
When you turn 18, graduate high school… go to Israel, to the front line villages in Judea & Samaria. Join Jewish Pioneers, Hilltop Youth, Israeli Army. Learn & build! Become an acting member of the Jewish Nation!
Go to college in Israel. It is free!
Get married, raise sabra kids!
Make your life purposeful, meaningful! Rebuild your ancient Jewish Homeland that belongs to you!
Comfort our long-suffering Nation, Am Yisroel, Nation of Torah Scholars, refugees, victims of arab terror, Nation of Heroes & Builders!
It is painful to see young U.S. Jews without identity, idle, doing drugs… wasting their lives. And their elders, equally worthless, satisfying their basic instincts…
How beautiful and productive they would be building Jewish communities, learning Torah on our ancient land in Judea and Samaria!
Hey, U.S. Jews, any volunteers?
This book is a documentary. I am a witness, telling you things as I saw & remember them.
Facts described in this book are backed up by numerous witnesses, court documents and other evidence.
I bow my head in respect & admiration for all the blood, sufferings & sacrifices endured & still offered by Jews of Israel, building Hebrew Land & Culture, on the front line of war against arab terror & appeasement of it by the israeli regime.
But these heroes should not think that all Jews in America are on the enemy’s side. NO!
A handful of loyal Torah-true American Jews also endured murders, tortures & persecution at the hands of  this regime, just like they have it there, in the Land of Israel.
It is true that US Jewish community is crippled by self-hating leftists-liberals, crooks, apathy, assimilation, alienation, intermarriage & conversions… but there are few good Jews here, who sacrifice everything for G-D, Torah, Jewish Idea & Am Yisroel.
We, few Jewish Patriots in America, are with you, our suffering Israeli brothers & sisters! We fight & sacrifice for Am Yisroel shoulder-to-shoulder!
We follow a concept of “Mesirut Nefesh” – self-sacrifice for G-d, Torah, Am Yisroel & Land of Israel.
We do not recognize any state borders, used by various regimes to divide & separate Jews. We are one nation of brothers & sisters across the world: Klal Yisroel. We stand for each other! “Kol Yisrael arevim zeh le-zeh”
Like in Egypt, 3500 years ago, G-d Al-Mighty sees & hears the cries of the abused suffering Jews who stand up for their People in the United States of America.
Am Yisroel Chai!

List of Rabbi Kahane’s books every good Jew must read:
• Never Again! A Program for Survival, Pyramid Books, 1972
• Time to Go Home, Nash, 1972.
• Letters from Prison, Jewish Identity Center, 1974
• Our Challenge: The Chosen Land, Chilton, 1974
• The Story of the Jewish Defense League, Chilton, 1975, 2nd edition, Institute for Publication of the     Writings of Rabbi Meir Kahane, (Brooklyn, NY), 2000
• Why Be Jewish? Intermarriage, Assimilation, and Alienation, Stein & Day, 1977
• Listen World, Listen Jew / Listen, Vanessa, I Am a Zionist, Institute of the Authentic Jewish Idea, 1978
• They Must Go, Grosset & Dunlop, 1981
• Forty Years, Institute of the Jewish Idea, 2nd edition, 1983
• Uncomfortable Questions for Comfortable Jews, Lyle Stuart, 1987
• Israel: Revolution or Referendum, Barricade Books (Secaucus, NJ), 1990
• Or ha-ra'yon, English title: The Jewish Idea, n.p. (Jerusalem), 1992, translated from the Hebrew by Raphael Blumberg, Institute for Publication of the Writings of Rabbi Meir Kahane (Jerusalem), 1996
• On Jews and Judaism: Selected Articles 1961–1990, Institute for Publication of the Writings of Rabbi Meir Kahane (Jerusalem), 1993
• Perush ha-Makabi: al Sefer Devarim, Institute for Publication of the Writings of Rabbi Meir Kahane (Jerusalem), 1993, 1995
• Pirush HaMaccabee: al Sefer Shemu'el u-Nevi'im rishonim, Institute for Publication of the Writings of Rabbi Meir Kahane (Jerusalem), 1994
• Listen World, Listen Jew, 3rd edition, Institute for the Publication of the Writings of Rabbi Meir Kahane (Jerusalem), 1995
• Beyond Words, 1st edition, Institute for the Publication of the Writings of Rabbi Meir Kahane (Jerusalem), 2010.
• Kohen ve-navi: osef ma'amarim, ha-Makhon le-hotsa'at kitve ha-Rav Kahana (Jerusalem), 2000
• Cuckooland, illustrated by Shulamith bar Itzhak (yet unpublished)..

A little about me
I was born on December 31, 1958 in Kiev, USSR.
But in order to be drafted in the Soviet Army in 1959 year conscription – a year later – I was officially listed as born January 1, 1959. Such was the reality in the totalitarian Soviet Union in my parents’eyes.
My dad – Gershon/Gregory was born in 1929 in Ovruch, Ukraine. He graduated junior construction college in Novorossiysk in about 1948, sent to work in Gulag, supervising prisoners in Siberia, served 3 years in Soviet Army armored corps, settled in Kiev where he graduated university & even wrote a graduate thesis in 1970s. He worked as a Structural Engineer in USSR & as a draftsman & designer in USA. He walked away from this world on April 27, 2016.
 His family lived in Ovruch area since 1800s or earlier. Genealogy chart goes to Alter Shekhtman born there around 1820.
His dad, my grandpa I never met, was named Avrom/Abram. I was named after him. In USSR, in jew-hating country, one can not be named Abram. He would be teased & ridiculed. So my official name was Arkadiy. My grandma,  Abram’s  wife, was named Sara. Abram was a military hat-maker, tailor at the Red Army military base in Ovruch, Ukraine. At the beginning of WWII, in early July 1941, he volunteered to defend USSR against the Nazis.
My dad, who was 11 & my grandma Sara waved him “good-byes & return with victory” at the railway station in Ovruch. He was assigned to mobile divisional bakery. He was in his 40s. Not a combat soldier.
Last letter came in August 1941… since, he was never heard again. There is a record of inquiry that grandma filled in Volsk in 1942 …
I think grandpa was murdered by Nazis near Kiev around August 1941. 650,000 Red Army soldiers were captured there in german blitzkrieg pincers. Grandpa was lucky if he was murdered, shot dead by capturing Nazis… otherwise he was starved, tortured & humiliated in POW camp.
Grandma Sara, her parents, my dad & his younger sister evacuated east, to Volsk, on Volga River. They survived the war, except my great-grandpa who died in 1944 when he returned to Ovruch to find all his relatives & all other Jews burned inside the synagogue by Ukrainian Nazis under the command of Germans. No Jews were left in that area, nor anywhere in Ukraine, Belarus & Western Russia. Few survived in woods, hunted by nazi gangs.
Grandma Sara had to run from the Nazis & Ukrainians. She was a Communist Party member & took part in “Collectivization” in 1920s when she was only 16. 
When the war began, Party ordered her to enlist as a front-line military nurse & turn her 2 children to orphanage. Instead, she burned her Communist Party membership card & run away with her kids & parents.
Jews revenged on Ukrainian peasants with “collectivization” for bloody persecution in 1918-20, under short-lived “Directoria” & Petlura pogroms. Under Nazis, local Ukrainians murdered all Jews. Whoever of these murderers did not run with Nazis in 1943, was either hanged or sent to chop woods in Siberia by returning Soviets.
Region was “Iron Raked” number of times 1918-1944 & most Jews were murdered.
My mom Dvorah/Dolores (for Dolores Ibarruri) was born on May 2, 1938 in Kiev. She graduated high school with Silver Medal smarts & graduated Kiev Polytechnicum University as a Mechanical Engineer. She worked as an Engineer all her life & even taught college in US. She walked away from this world on July 17, 2017 after much sufferings & neglect in the hands of my greedy Lutheran convert sister.
 Mom’s grandpa, Michoel-Leyb, was a tzar’s army soldier – kantonist – who was allowed to live outside of Pale of Settlement – in Kiev. He was discharged from army around 1899, after serving 25 years since 18 & in cantonist school until 18.
He was “happed” on the street as a kid because his mom died & he was an orphan.
Michoel settled in Demievka, married Ita, who came from his native Vasilkiv, 20 miles from Kiev. They had 3 children: Rivka/Riva, Yaakov/Yasha & my grandpa – Moshe/Moisei/Misha.
 Ironically, Moshe (like Moshe-Rabbeynu who too had older siblings) was the first to leave USSR Egypt in 1977 & other families followed him to USA & Israel.
Moshe was the man in the family. He taught me much more than my dad did. He was an executive, head of the department, sr. lieutenant in Red Army during WWII, decorated veteran & a member of Communist Party since 1942.
My maternal grandma, Leah/Liza Elfantel, was born in Zitomir in 1905. Her dad, Morduchai BenTzion, was a military regiment “feldsher” – rank between a nurse & a doctor. Supposedly, he drunk too much vodka & died around 1913. His widow, Rivka, married him at 15, had now 5 surviving kids & was 40. She studied medicine in Russian (family spoke Yiddish), passed exam & became a “feldsher” herself, which was a great accomplishment for a Jewish lady at that time. She & her cousins opened first maternity ward in Zitomir around 1916;  ward that was sanitary, in great demand & sure saved many mothers & newborns. On family reunion in Evanston, IL in 1990s, one old man remembered my great-grandma running from house to house with syringe in Zitomir in 1918, giving anti-typhus vaccinations. She was 92 & I was 6 when she died in 1966. I remember her. She took care of me since I was a little baby.
On June 22, 1941 grandma Liza reported to her military hospital. She was a sergeant in Red Army Medical Corps & did not had to wait for an enlistment call. Grandpa Moshe had to wait a week. He departed west, to the border, on the military train.
 Few weeks later, he run to the apartment where my 3-year old mom & 69-year old great grandma were. Unshaven, dust on uniform, with helmet & gun… he yelled: “Leave everything! Run outside! Run away!”
His brother-in-law, Sasha, Riva’s husband, who was a supply sergeant, was supposed to give grandpa a truck & a driver. But all trucks were taken & grandpa almost shot Sasha. Grandpa got truck anyway & was one of the last to leave Kiev before bridges over the Dniper River were blown up by the Red Army.
In the meanwhile, great-grandma with my mom in her arms,  run down to the Dniper River where grandma was loading wounded soldiers on barges. Civilians were not allowed, but they sneaked on anyway. Barges with red medical crosses sailed down the river. Nazis bombed barges & the fragments flew. Great-grandma covered my mom with her body. Their barge was not hit by a bomb. Later, I read that other barges in convoy were hit by nazi bombs & sunk, killing most wounded & medical staff on board.
My mom survived nazi bombing at the age of 3!
For that & for my grandpa Abram & for nazi’s other crimes & our sufferings, any nazi we see must be exterminated on the spot without a warning. Kill bastards!
I, myself, did not succeed in killing a nazi yet, but I publicly poked bastard’s eye out. It happened in downtown Chicago, in about 1997 on the Jerry Springer Show. Now there is a one-eyed nazi decorated by a militant Jew.
Barge with my family & wounded sailed down Dniper River for about 200 miles.
But Nazis were already on the left bank, because they moved fast in tanks & trucks & Red Army walked on foot.
Wounded were unloaded & family run to Lugansk/Voroshilovgrad where great-grandma’s converted meshumad daughter Miriam/Marusya lived.
 Family sat shiva for Marusya years ago… so I don’t know how peace was made. Marusya was married to former tzar’s army officer. They stayed with Marusya for a week, but Nazis were coming close, so they ran east to Ural. In the mountains it was cold & humid. They got a letter from grandpa, from the front: “I will probably be killed in this meat-grinder. Go stay with my brother & sister (Riva & Yasha) in Fergana Valley in Uzbekistan. So they went there & stayed until Kiev got liberated. They returned to Kiev in spring 1944.  Ita died & buried in Fergana. Her husband Michoel-Leib, died in late 1930s in Kiev & buried there. There is a picture of his grave in family archives.
But back in nazi-besieged Kiev, grandpa finally got a truck with driver…

                Story of uncle Yanek
Great-uncle Yanek ( Yan Harapinsky, Ita’s brother) had a textiles store. Great-uncle Yasha was a delivery boy working in that store. That is where Yasha met the love of his live, beautiful Anna/Hanna (aunt Anya). That was around 1925. Uncle Yanek opened his fabrics store around 1910, before WWI, under the Tzar. Uncle Yanek was a highly respected man in Kiev, a leader of the Jewish community: he had a store. People bought textile fabrics to sew themselves clothes. In those days ready clothes were not imported from China.
During the turbulent 1918 he survived somehow. After the bloody Civil War, Bolsheviks allowed capitalism under the New Economic Policy (NEP). Yanek & his store prospered. ( And so did Michoel-Leyb, his brother. Michoel bought livestock from villagers, brought it to his yard in Demievka in Kiev & resold it to butcher shops for meat.)
But good times turned into a disaster. Bolsheviks came one day, took everything, kicked capitalist owners out on the street & that was it…
Michoel was dispossessed & died as night watchman. Yanek held deep grudge on Bolsheviks who robbed & humiliated him.
Yasha, young lad in 1920s, was labeled “son of  NEPman-kapitalist”,  barred from Soviet citizenship, army service, voting… mistrusted.
Grandpa Moshe went on  a different route. He began working as an assistant to a blacksmith in a foundry. “Podmasterye”.  Working class… not a parasite. For that, he was allowed into a Textile College (Tehnikum Lyogkoi Promyshlennosti), graduated, promoted as Red Army officer.
Most people in USSR in those days were illiterate & 4 years of school was a good education. So you compare…
So, in August 1941 grandpa Moshe, in uniform, knocked on Yanek’s door & pleaded family to board truck to run from Nazis.
Yanek told Moshe:
“Moshe, what do you know?!!! You were a little kid of 8 when Germans occupied Kiev in 1918. Germans were very good to us. Germans are civilized europeans.  Unlike damned Bolsheviks who dispossessed me. Bolsheviks, whom you serve. Germans, civilized Europeans, will be back & I will open up my store again. No, my family will not go in your truck. You go. Bye!”
So Yanek & his family stayed in Kiev. Grandpa was riding the streets toward the river when he saw his friend, young mother (Riva Osipovna Lyanskaya) with 2-year old baby (Pavlik) in her arms.
 “Why didn’t you leave?
 –I will stay & open a seamstress shop.
 – You are crazy! Nazis murder Jews!”
Grandpa pulled lady & kid in the truck & they drove on.
I remember that lady in 1976, when she was leaving USSR to go to her son in New York. Her son Paul/Pavlik wrote grandpa a ‘thank you’ letter for saving their lives.
In nazi-occupied Kiev, in end of September 1941, flyer was posted, demanding all Jews to assemble to get shipped to Palestine. Nazis expected about 6,000. But over 30,000 Jews came. Nazi, Ukrainian & Lithuanian murder battalions were short-handed.
Jews, Yanek, his wife Polya, children & our other relatives marched along Bolshaya Zitomirskaya Street to ravine on the outskirts called Baby Yar.
Massacre lasted 3 days until all Jews of Kiev were murdered.
Later, in Baby Yar, were murdered over 100,000 more Jews, Gypsies, Red Army POWs, civilians Nazis thought suspicious… altogether 200,000 people.
In 1943, some Ukrainians got doze of “European love” too. Whole Ukrainian Nationalist Organization of Kiev, about 600, were rounded up, executed & laid on top of the  Jews.
In 1943, Nazis forced POWs to dig & burn corpses to cover up their crimes.
In the end, POWs revolted, ran away & few survived the war.
Yanek, his family & our other relatives are ashes & dust in Baby Yar.
Zikrono LeBracho!
That is what “civilized Europeans” did.

Death to traitors!
Few notes on nazi’s (and other “civilized europeans”) genocide of Jews 1933-1945
Nazi genocide shook world Jewish Community to the core. In exposed divisions, corruption in religious establishment, deficiencies of many pre-war ideas Jews held. On the other hand, there was a great spirit of Jewish heroism, armed resistance & self-sacrifice. Lessons are not fully learned even today.
 In December 1993, I was greatly honored by having mar David Ben-Dor, a concentration camp survivor & Rabbi Binyomin Zeev Kahane, ZT’L, spend night in my humble flat in Skokie, IL. They came from Israel to speak to US Jews about “Oslo” & I arranged their speaking dates & meetings in Chicago.
Mar David Ben-Dor, born in Austria in 1928, wrote book “The Darkest Chapter”. Read it!
After liberation, David came to Israel, built, fought & learned from other survivors.
Here is what mar David Ben-Dor told me:
- Avrom, you think that nazis drove Jews to Auschwitz gas chambers? Not so. Nazi soldiers with dogs stayed back. They gave whips to Jewish Communists, who drove crowds of mostly religious Jews who saw “bath house” from which nobody got out, except the smoke from the chimney.
Nazis lied to these communists: “These worthless primitive yids will die, but from you will come a future Jewish nation”.
Nazis must of crack laughing, seeing duped Jews driving other Jews to the death chambers…      Some of these communists survived & also came to Israel where their socialist “brothers” took power in 1948.
- Avrom, here is what else I’ve heard…
Year was 1938. Moscow NKVD Lefortovo Prison. Rows of prisoners lined up in a yard.
Leader of USSR, comrade Stalin appeared:
- Comrades,
Most of you are former NKVD officers. For the tortures you committed against the Soviet people I should have you all executed. But I know that you are good Bolsheviks. Therefore, I will spare your lives & send you to build socialism in Palestine.
- That is, Avrom, how MaPaM – Miflaga Poaley Marksisti – Marxist Workers’ Party came into being.
- After defeat of Nazis, bunch of former kapos & judenrat traitors came to Israel. They murdered their communities & were not welcome in their birthplaces. In Israel, they formed MaPaI – Israel Workers’ Party.
That is what survivors of nazi genocide thought of Israeli socialist ruling parties in the 40s, 50s, 60s & 70s.
But here is more…

First week of March 2013, Merav Michaeli, leftist Israeli MK (Labor) stood erect, her head high, on the Knesset podium and introduced herself as the granddaughter of Dr. Rudolf Kastner.
Who was this “defamed” Holocaust hero Kastner & why Michaeli is so proud to be his granddaughter?
Rudolf (Rezs; / Yisrael) Kastner (Kasztner) was born in Hungary in 1906. He became a lawyer and a leader of the Hungarian Jewish community during the Holocaust. He thought himself as a part of intellectual elite: arrogant, snobbish and “made of better wood than common Jews”. Kastner joined Barissa ( later - Mapai, Israeli Workers’ Party, forerunner of Labor Party his granddaughter represents today).
Back in the summer of 1944, when it was obvious that Hitler’s Nazi empire days are numbered, when Red Army was on the gates of Hungary, Allies landed in Normandy, all 800,000 Hungarian Jews, plus Jewish refugees from Romania, Poland and Slovakia were still alive. More, there were witnesses of mass executions and people knew what Auschwitz and Treblinka were. So did Kastner.
SS-Obersturmbannf;hrer Adolf Eichmann, one of the organizers of the German genocide of Jews, was ordered to murder all Jews in Hungary by Heydrich, Himmler & Hitler. His problem was that he did not have enough troops to herd such a huge mass of people. Eichmann approached Kastner with a “deal”.  He would let a trainload to be ransomed, while rest will be persuaded to voluntarily board cattle trains “to a different destination”. This way, Nazis would get “jew gold”, keep troops in trenches and have stupid Jews enter gas-chambers as a herd of sheep. Kastner took the deal. He was not stupid. He knew and understood. Both he and Eichmann were terrified of the possibility of “inhumane”, “bloody” Warsaw Ghetto Uprising in Hungary. They kept their “deal” secret.
Kastner auctioned 1685 seats on the “Life Train”, netting Nazis millions of dollars in gold. Of course, passengers were carefully selected. They were Kastner’s socialist friends, wealthy, famous scientists and artists.
First, Eichmann cheated and sent them to Bergen-Belsen, but impressed with how effectively Kastner performed his side of the deal, relented and let “selected” reach safety of Switzerland in August and December 1944.
Thus, Rudolf Kastner became a great rescuer of 1685 souls. Supposedly, Eichmann “compromised even more” and transferred additional 15,000 Hungarian Jews to labor camps at Strasshof instead of murder at Auschwitz.  That is what made Israeli Knesset member from leftist Labor Party, Merav Michaeli, so “proud” last week.
The dirty secret that Michaeli & her fellow leftists hide, is that because of Kastner’s deception, over 437,000 Hungarian Jews boarded trains to Auschwitz and were murdered in gas-chambers upon arrival in 1944.
But this is not the end of the story.
Kastner came to Israel after the Holocaust as if nothing had happened, rejoined the party, run for Knesset on Mapai list, did not win, but became a spokesman for Ministry of Trade & Industry in 1952. Story would have ended there and Kastner could of die of old age if not for a lonely maimed pogrom survivor Malchiel Gruenwald, Hungarian Jew, whose whole family died because of Kastner. Mr.Gruenwald self-published a pamphlet where he “defamed” Kastner. Israeli Mapai Government of Ben-Gurion could not take libelous insult on its spokesman and put Gruenwald on trial. It lasted two years, witnesses testified and documents got submitted.
Court ruled that Kastner could of warn people of Nazi murder plans that were given to him and other leaders in  beginning of May 1944, in form of Vrba-Wetzler Report and other evidence.
Had Kastner acted so, there were hundreds of thousands of strong able-bodied Jewish men and women among the 800,000. With sticks and stones, with improvised and stolen weapons they could of fight Nazis for theirs’ and their loved ones lives. If the children, the elderly and the sick would refuse to move, it would be impossible to murder them all on the spot. Vast majority would be saved and many of them and their descendants would be alive today. Because of the Kastner, they were deceived and were murdered.
That is what Israeli Knesset Member from leftist Labor Party, Merav Michaeli, is hiding from you. After all, she is a granddaughter of Rudolf Kastner.
And she and her leftist party are hiding more.
50+ years after her grandfather’s hideous crime, Israeli leftists entered an “Oslo Pact” with Nazi-like Arab nationalism and Islamic fundamentalism represented by “Palestine Liberation Organization”. This time, “Allies” were not fighting in Normandy, but hosted treachery on the White House lawn, where leftist Labor leader, Israeli PM, socialist Yitzhak Rabin and Arab terrorist Arafat lovingly shook hands in harmonious agreement. US President Bill Clinton hugged both and almost shed a tear. Few years later, in September 2000, terrorist Arafat turned “Oslo Peace” into Oslo War, murdered over a 1000 & maimed 10,000 Jews in Israel by 2005.
World watched silently.
G-d’s justice caught up with both Kastner and Rabin. Both were exterminated by the bullets fired by Jewish Patriots. Kastner cowardly tried to hide in the bushes near his Tel Aviv home in 1957. Rabin got shot by Yigal Amir, aided by the Israeli Secret Service. Yigal is still in jail in Israel.
Unfortunately, justice caught up with these leftist traitors too late. Kastner should have been exterminated when he agreed to meet Eichmann. Rabin – long before he extended his dirty hand to Arab terrorism.
Saintly Rabbi Meir Kahane, savior of Soviet Jews, man who began the struggle that brought millions of us, including myself & my family from behind the Iron Curtain, stated back in 1978:
- If there was a man in 1920s, who would walk in a Bavarian beer-hall with a Thompson “street-sweeper” and got rid of Hitler and his “cronies”… would such a man be a “mass murderer” or a savior of mankind, preventing the World War II?
I remember these words of the great leader of Israel vividly. Rabbi Meir Kahane, of Blessed Memory, was assassinated by Arab terrorist Al-Qaeda hit team in New York in 1990 for exposing threat of Islamic terrorism, warning American People. At the time, nobody took his words seriously. Rabbi Kahane was a total opposite of Kastner.
Why are we, Jews, so stupid? Why did the HaKodosh Baruch Hu “chose” us to be on the front lines of fight against humanity’s ills… Nazis, Soviets, Islamic and Arab terrorists? Why do we have to pay such a heavy blood price for the treachery of our crooked cunning corrupt “leaders”?
Torah Law explicitly commands to stop anyone on the way to murder by any means available. This is a direct commandment everyone must obey.
Beware, people, because new treachery sellout of Israel is being planned. That is why Michaeli & her ilk are so “proud”.
Death to traitors!

…More on grandpa in WWII & thereafter…
After escaping nazi pincers in Kiev, grandpa Moshe’s unit retreated from Ukraine, Don & ended up in Stalingrad area in the summer of 1942.
 Situation there was desperate for Red Army. In the area of Soviet defenses there were impassable marches & Nazis put only a token presence there. Few young Red Army officers talked to locals & found out that when the winter frosts hit, marches froze & were passable. These officers sent grandpa Moshe to Siberia to get a train car of skis.  When right time came, battalion on skies crossed marches, attacked nazi rear, destroyed nazi regimental HQ & came back with booty & prisoners. Grandpa Moshe took part in that raid. This was the first successful Red Army operation in Stalingrad area. For that, everybody was decorated.
Grandpa Moshe received a pocketwatch from hands of Marshal Bydyonnyi himself. Watch is engraved: ” To  c.(omrade) Salganick M.M. for exemplary execution of the commands of the Military Council of the South-Western Front. November 10, 1942”
At that time there was a shortage of Orders in Red Army.
Later, grandpa Moshe got medal “For Defense of Stalingrad”. It is very valuable & commands respect among the veterans & historians.
Both Watch & Medal are stored by me. All grandpa’s decorations were brought out of USSR.
In winter of 1943, when nazi 6th Army surrendered, Field-marshal Paulus emerged from bunker under the Univermag in Stalingrad along with his staff as seen on the famous picture.
 Grandpa told me that he was there & saw this with his own eyes. 
After Stalingrad, grandpa’s army unit advanced through Eastern Ukraine & posed to cross Dnieper River & liberate Kiev.
Bridges were blown. Nazis put impregnable defenses on Dnieper where they thought to stop the Red Army. When I was a kid, grandpa & me sailed on Dnieper from our dacha, grandpa pointed to a spot where in November 1943 Red Army colonel, divisional commander, yelled at artillery: “More fire there!” while whole western bank was a hell of Red Army artillery firestorm.
After crossing Dnieper, grandpa run up Andreevskiy Spusk street from Podol to Uptown to the end of  Desyatinnaya Lane, to the house where the family used to live. House was burned down & still smoldering. Neighbors plundered few possessions & arsoned to cover it up. There was nothing left.
Grandma Lisa, great-grandma Rivka/Riva & my mom, Deborah/Dolores, came back to Kiev from Fergana in spring of 1944. Much of the central Kiev was in ruins, blown up in 1941 by bombs hidden by the Red Army. Most residents were gone. City was in war zone. Nazis airplanes still bombed. Grandma was assigned to work crew to clear ruins & gather bricks on blown-up Kreschatik – main street in downtown. It was a back-breaking work. After that, grandma could not have any more children.
There is a picture of ladies clearing that rubble in 1944.
 One day grandma sprained her foot & could not ride horse cart from Demievka, where they lived. Militsiya came, arrested grandma, jailed her & ordered family to leave Kiev. Great-grandma Rivka sent urgent telegram to grandpa at the front. Grandpa Moshe rushed to Kiev with his orderly, burst into the office of militsiya commander with parabellum in hand:
- I am an Army officer, spilling my blood at the front & you, rear echelon rat, put my wife in jail!?
Militsiya promptly opened cell & released grandma.
Walking on the street, they saw desperate Jewish family returning from evacuation trying to enter their old apartment, now occupied by Ukrainian looters. Again, grandpa drew his gun, kicked looters out & family moved in.
Before grandpa went back, family got little room in the yard near the historic old Maple of Petro Mogyla. Grandma got job at the Military Hospital across the street at Volodymirskaya 1, that later became School #25 where I went to study.
My mom, Deborah/Dolores, grew up in that hospital, among the wounded, some without hands & feet.
Grandpa went back to fight. In a bunker not far from Kiev, under nazi artillery bombardment, grandpa’s young friend & prot;g;, Hero of Soviet Union, Yuriy Dolzansky, was killed…
https://wp.wiki-wiki.ru/wp/index.php /Äîëæàíñêèé,_Þðèé_Ìîèñååâè÷
Yuriy wanted to go to trenches see if his soldiers were OK under nazi artillery barrage. Grandpa asked him to stay in the bunker. Yuriy did not listen. Yuriy was hit & killed outside, by the entrance. He died in grandpa’s arms.
Yuriy is buried at the Alley of Glory in Kiev, along other heroes. I remember how grandpa & me  visited that Alley on May 9th Victory Day in about 1974. Yuriy’s mom was at his grave. Grandpa spoke to her in Yiddish.
In a book written by some Soviet general, Yuriy is listed as “Ukrainian”. Grandpa was very upset. He said, at the front lines nobody mentioned anybody’s nationality & religion. There was a brotherhood & friendship among the fighters.
Grandpa’s unit went through Western Ukraine, Poland, Germany, went to Prague to help Czech Uprising & smash remaining  Nazis… ended up in Germany, in one of the small towns, barely touched by war.
Grandpa had a habit of getting up early. He walked in the town when he heard yelling:
- “Barbarians! Barbarian!”
 He walked there & saw a church, next to church was a school building, next was a house where the schoolmaster lived. Yelling was coming from there.
 He entered & saw two Russian soldiers looting family & old lady was yelling. Her husband was old & could not resist two armed soldiers. Grandpa pulled his gun, kicked soldiers out & they run away. Lady told husband in German:
“He thinks he is not a barbarian…” - on grandpa.
Grandpa understood German. During the war he was a translator of prisoners because he spoke Yiddish & learned German.
He turned to lady & told her what he saw when he liberated Auschwitz. Lady fainted.
Family had 2 sons sent to the Eastern Front that were not heard since.
Lady was crying:
- “My sons would not do this!”
Later, they became friends & invited grandpa for dinner.
After war ended, grandpa was awarded Order of the Red Star. It was for all his efforts during the war. He ended war as commander of uniform supply unit for signals battalion, part of  the elite Guards Corps, Senior  3-star lieutenant.  His position was that of a Capitan.
Sitation for Order is online in Russian.
I keep that Order along with other grandpa’s decorations.
Grandpa joined Communist Party in 1942 in Stalingrad. In those days, Communist Party was the only hope for Jews to defeat Nazis. I understand grandpa.
 Grandma joined Party a little later, on her job in the hospital as a military nurse. Grandma ended her service as a Senior Sergeant in the Medical Corps. She is decorated with Victory over Nazi Germany medal which I keep.
In late 1960s or early 1970s, grandpa Moshe & his older brother Yasha/Yaakov counted that before 1941 they had over 200 first cousins. After the war, by 1945, only 16 were left alive.
Army wanted to keep grandpa in Lviv, Western Ukraine.
But grandpa did not want to stay in the Army. He got discharged in about 1946 & went to Kiev. Family, great-grandma Riva who was 73, grandma Leah/Liza, my mom & grandpa lived in that small room near the Maple Tree. Grandpa worked in Dom Modeley – Fashion House on KrasnoArmeyskaya Street. He was an execuitive, head of the Department – specialist on efficient layout of cloth. Grandpa also learned, got his University Degree as Textile Engineer, published professional booklets & taught in University.
In about 1948, one of his acquaintances got arrested for stealing. To better his fate he became a lying snitch, accusing everyone he knew with fake info. Cops came to the house at night, got everyone out, turned little room upside out looking for gold. Nothing was found. Grandpa, in tears, was led away. Grandma brought all the little trinkets grandpa bought in Europe, to the detective. Grandpa was in jail for 2 weeks. Investigation lasted another 6 month. Grandpa was laid off during that time. After 6 month, he was called to police offices where detectives apologized, reinstated him on his job and on the membership in the Communist Party.
That was in post-war USSR under Stalin. 6 months. Acquitted of all crimes. Apologized. Reinstated.
By comparison, read what state did to me in “free”, “democratic” U.S.A. for my service saving lives of Israeli civilians, fighting against arab terrorism.
Grandpa taught me, as a little kid, that money was evil & money earned should be spent fast. This idea was part of grandpa’s life experiences of his family in 1920s & 1930s. Grandpa & grandma never had any savings to speak of. Both were crystal honest & unmaterialistic.

How my momma saw Nazis
Sometime in 1944, it was announced that the column of captured Nazis, called “fascists” by Russians, will be paraded through Kiev. My momma was 7 at the time & she run to Bolshaya Zitomirskaya Street, same street on which Nazis marched victims to Baby Yar, to see these monsters. Nazis were guarded by NKVD soldiers, mounted & on foot, with long bayonets & swords at the ready.
Momma came back with disappointed look on her face.
Wounded soldiers at the hospital asked if she saw fascists.
- Fascists are huge hairy spiders. Those were regular people.
‘nuff said…
These “regular people” committed atrocities only “huge hairy spiders” would do.
In late 1948, family moved into 2 large room “communal” apartment  on 4th floor walk-up on Streletskaya 4, apartment 8. There lived 2 other families sharing kitchen & a bath with us. That is where my parents got married, where me & my sister got raised & from where we left USSR for good in December 1976.

When I began Zionist activities in USSR…
It was in 1967, when I was 8 & my 2nd grade school just began in September.
Monday mornings everyone had to be in school at 8am, not at 8:30am as usual. Because on Mondays 8:00 to 8:30 was a “polit-information” session.
Six Day War on the Middle East ended only few months earlier. USSR armed arabs against Israel. Israel defeated all Soviet-armed arab armies. Soviet Politbureau goofed & USSR lost all these money & military equipment. Worse, little Israel made fun of the Soviet military doctrine. And few weak powerless Jews emerged as tough fighters & victors over the huge arab armies.
USSR was horribly humiliated alongside the arabs. Ruling Communist elite was ridiculed & was furious.
Therefore, “fascist Zionist imperialist occupiers” were on top of agenda of polit-information. “Pravda” & “Izvestiya” were quoted.
I listened, got angry, but said nothing. On break, between classes, I gathered all Jewish kids in my grade ( about 7 of them ) & told them that we must support Israel against arabs.
One kid, Alexandr Katz, ( he was the first to leave USSR in 1974 ) raised hand, stood up & asked teacher:
- Teacher, whom are we supposed to support? Israel or arabs? This kid (he pointed at me) tells us to support Israel.
Teacher, a staunch communist, was shocked. But she was diplomatic:
- Well, it’s a fight between capitalist countries, so we should not care.
After that, teacher summoned my parents to come to school & told them that their son spreads Zionist propaganda. My dad got scared. He whipped my butt with the belt. He told me never to say in public what I hear at home.
That was a lesson on life in USSR.

How I went to the synagogue in USSR
Many US synagogues became places where people are brainwashed with leftist propaganda & parted with their money. Comfortable Jews invented themselves new religions called “reformed”, “conservative”, “reconstructionist” & “modern liberal”. That is why many dudesses come to synagogues to show their new outfits & dudes – to harvest “respect” they don’t deserve.
In reality, Torah Judaism is a harsh discipline, a code of behavior. Those who disagree, have no business being in the synagogue.
In mid-1970s USSR, only Torah-true synagogues existed. For 50,000 Jews of Kiev there was only one. Rest were closed & converted. Central Brodsky Synagogue became People’s Puppet Theater in 1920s. Reason is: USSR was much more “democratic” than the West. In USSR, according to Constitution & official propaganda, not only religions were allowed, but the atheist propaganda too. Looks like communist atheism prevailed, so most synagogues were closed. LOL!
Any Jew entering synagogue in USSR was stepping into the “capitalst” territory & was the enemy of the Soviet State.
One synagogue that was allowed to remain open in Kiev, was far away on Podol, on Schekavitskaya Street.
So one fine Saturday morning, when my Technikum was on spring break, I took a long walk to the Kiev synagogue.
By the entrance stood black Volga limousine, the kind important soviet leaders ride. I paid no attention. I was 17, so what you expect?!
I crossed the yard, walked up porch steps to the door. Two dudes were having a conversation there. As I opened the door to walk in, heavy hand grabbed me by the shoulder from behind:
- Where are you going?
I turned around, shocked & surprised.
Other dude said that he was a rabbi. He said:
- We do not allow young people in.
Dude who held me, looked sternly:
- Who are you? Where are you from? Get the hell outta here!
Guy was a KGB! I was very scared. He could arrest me & get my family. I would be expelled from college. Family could be kicked from the city. My life would be ruined!
I run very fast. I sneaked into entrance of an apartment building, got to 2nd floor & waited there on the stairs, see if KGB is after me.
That was my visit to Soviet synagogue in 1976.

How I got expelled from Komsomol
My grandparents were members of the Communist Party of USSR. Family tried to raise me… at least to late 1960s… as a good Soviet citizen. Grandparents talked about the past in hushed voices, so not to traumatize child’s psychology. But they, mom & dad believed Soviet propaganda less & less. Even grandpa, a Communist Party member, was listening to Voice of America & BBC on the radio in the 1970s.  That was illegal. Regime tried to disrupt those broadcasts, but Soviet People still got pieces of “capitalist” news & discussed them among themselves.
I never went to high school.
After 8th grade in USSR public school I studied all summer of 1975, passed entrance exams & got admitted to the Tehnikum of Light Industry where in 3.5 years I’d learn to fix sewing machinery. That was a Junior College in USSR. After completion, I’d have to join Soviet Army for 2 years. After that, I could hold entrance exam to university. That was the life plan. But that was not to be.
In 1975 we got a registered letter: an invitation to come to Israel from a non-existent “aunt”.
That was the 1st step of leaving the Soviet Union.
In June 1976 we began to gather piles of documents, required for a permission to leave, to be submitted to OVIR – police department, to relinquish Soviet citizenship & get exit visas.
I had to announce my intentions at my Technicum & receive a letter from the office.
It was very scary.
I had to be expelled from Komsomol – Communist Youth League.
Bureau of Komsomol leaders was called. “Bureau” included presiding secretary, stauch communist, leaders from each class… about 30 people.  My case was on top of agenda. Leader of my class was surprised:
- What did you do? What crime?
Leader took over:
- Why you want to leave Soviet Union & go to imperialist capitalist state? What if they draft you in the army & you get killed?
Me: My parents are going. My dad got an aunt in Israel.
- What aunt? You ever seen her? Leave your parents: we get you a bed in our dormitory or you go build Baikal-Amur Railway on Far East!
- …
Komsomol Secretary: “Look, he is smirking! He makes fun of us! Put your Komsomol membership card on the table! Who is for expelling this traitor of our Homeland  from the Communist Youth Union Movement? Raise your hand!”
-    Unanimously!
-     You, traitor, is expelled from the Communist Youth Union! Get the hell out!
Shocking news were announced to my classmates. They eyed me as a traitor of the Homeland. Most did. Few were sympathetic.
Being expelled from Konsomol was very important for many reasons. Not only I publicly declared my opposition to communist ideology, but I broke the barrier of fear. This fear was holding me down as a submissive member of the Soviet society, a soviet slave. After expulsion I was not a soviet slave anymore, I was free, but an outlaw.
Now, recalling this, I see US Jews and others, held down as slaves of this “democratic” society. Many dumb slaves around me. LOL!
I got expelled from Tehnicum too, for not attending the military class. But if I would attend, state would claim that I learned Soviet military secrets & that could be the reason to deny me permission to leave the country & turn me into a “refusenik”. That would be very bad.
I hated Soviet Power & Communism bitterly. Tried to learn Judaism, Hebrew since I was 11… But it was hard in the state that barred such information & persecuted dissidents. Yet, Jewish underground existed in the Soviet Union. It was not structured, nor formal. Every good Jew did what he/she could on his/her own.
I copied some books with Jewish themes… by hand. Made little Jewish Magen-David stars to be worn under the shirts (even grandpa took one), compiled a booklet on how navigate bureaucracy in order to leave the USSR. My parents were terrified while going through the procedure. I was there helping, guiding & offering much moral support. After I was expelled from the technical college, I got job as a lathe operator in the machine shop.
I was happy when we were leaving…

We came to America…
I was 17, on December 16, 1976, when me & my family left USSR. We traveled from Chop, where we crossed USSR border, to Bratislava, to Vienna, to Rome, Italy, where we stayed 4 months waiting for US visa, supported by HIAS.
Bratislava, Czechoslovakia, was a socialist territory. But Vienna, Austria, was capitalist… Our group of Soviet refugees came to Vienna Railway station in the morning on December 17, 1976. We loaded our luggage, few suitcases per family, on carts & got into a van which was taking us to a hostel. We were stateless refugees from USSR, in unknown capitalist territory with strange culture & language. Honestly, I was a little scared. I’m sure, rest of the people, even adults, were too. When van veered on Vienna streets, there was a deafening silence: everybody stared out of the windows.
- Was it true that in capitalist countries the hungry & unemployed lined the streets? Will we, without language & social connections be among them? What if the soviet propaganda did not lie? Was it wise for us to leave the Soviet Union where we had jobs, apartments & food? What about all those scary stories of emigrants, described in soviet newspapers, begging to be allowed back in USSR?
These thoughts were going through my head. After all, everything I knew about capitalist countries came from rumors, hand-written letters, jammed radio broadcasts of Voice of America, BBC & Kol Yisrael.
Here was a moment of truth.
There was no way back.
We had to start a new life. 
We came to USA in April 1977 as stateless refugees with few suitcases in hand.
In Chicago, after about a month,  JVC found me a job at the factory, Bagcraft Corp. of America, on south-west side of Chicago where I worked for about 5 months, washing paint off the huge  printing rolls, using rags & turpentine.  Huge & heavy printing roll fell on my fingers, smashing tips. It was painful. I got raise: from $3.62/hour to $4.12.
In September 1977 I traveled to Cleveland, OH by Greyhound bus, leaving family at 18.
 In Cleveland, I got a job as Laboratory Technician at Case Western Reserve University, went to study in Cuyahoga College in the evenings.
 After 2 years I quit that job, went to study full-time & got Associate – 2 year degree in Mechanical Engineering in 1980.
 I went on aliyah to Israel in October 1981. I lived in Israel for almost 5 years: fighting on the front lines as member of Kach Party & the follower of Rabbi Meir Kahane, ZT’L.
I was arrested & jailed in Israel on political charges a dozen times.
I came to work in Kubbitz Kfar Etzion in Judea, worked in Hebron, restoring Avrom-Avinu synagogue, lived in old Bet Hadassah.
Lived in old Atzmona in Sinai, building synagogue on the shore of the Mediterranian & working in the fields.
Went to learn Hebrew in Ulpan Etzion in Jerusalem.
From there I went back to Sinai, to Magen David/Maoz HaYam – outpost that I helped establish.
After expulsion from Maoz HaYam, went to Yamit, where I was accepted to Bunker #41 team. Rav Kahane, ZT”L, knew me from NY. Few guys I met before at Kach HQ in Usushkin 31 in Jerusalem.
After Yamit expulsion, went to learn in Yeshivat Yismah Lev – Russian Yeshivah in Geula, Jerusalem.
Later went to Shamir – another Russian, nearby, but Chabad.
I also worked for the Museum of the Potential Holocaust & was active in Kach.
In Shamir I met Galina. Moved to Elon Moreh in Samaria, where I lived for 2 years, worked in metal plant, got married. My daughter Rivka was born there.
Galina refused to leave Elon Moreh & I could not support family there.
Established a welding shop in Old City of Jerusalem – Moslem Quarter – Beit Warsaw – near Shaar HaPrahim.
I left Israel in May 1986, stayed in Ladispoli, Italy until December.
Came back to US.

Part 1: Me fighting to save Jewish Lives in Israel
Why? Why? Why?
Why would a nice established American Jewish boy, head of the family, father of little children, would take off work & go to war-torn Israel, endangering his precious life?
On September 13, 1993, US President Billy Clinton summoned leftist Israeli Prime-Minister Rabin & PLO Terrorist Arafat to White House. There, trio signed “Oslo Peace Accords” selling Israel & appeasing arab & moslem terrorism.
While most US Jews & other “peacenicks” applauded, Kahane Chai & supporters watched in horror.
Arab terrorist Arafat laughed his heart out. Him & Al-Queida’s Bin Laden were sure that Allah had delivered stupid infidels into their hands.
Arab nationalist Arafat agitated masses, gathered weapons & by September 2000 started an armed uprising against Jews of Israel, held in clutches of the illegally elected leftist regime.
Oslo War was different from other arab riotings. Arabs squatting on Jewish Land in Judea, Samaria & Gaza took leading part. Arabs, who were mistakenly given Israeli citizenship, actively participated. Gangs were well armed, organized & directed. Israeli leftists sided with arabs. Arab armies on Israeli borders stood at the ready, waiting for the Jewish State to collapse.
Israeli Army was in disarray, misguided, mismanaged & prepared for “peace”, not war. Israel declared the State of Emergency. Jews were murdered by sand-nazi arabs every single day. There was no escape. This war was the greatest threat to the existence of the State of Israel since it’s creation in 1948 War of Independence.

Settler children lose limbs in bomb attack. Three siblings on their way to school in the Gaza Strip were among nine passengers wounded by a mortar shell fired by Palestinians
Laurie Copans in Beersheba
Monday, 20 November 2000
Two years ago Noga Cohen's children escaped injury when a suicide bomber blew himself up near their school bus in the Gaza Strip.
On Monday their luck failed
Three of her seven children - a boy, Israel, seven, and two girls, Tehila, nine and Orit, 12 - were on their way to school from the Kfar Darom settlement when their bus was sprayed by shrapnel from a mortar shell fired by Palestinian militants.
Israel lost a leg, Orit part of a foot, and Tehila was badly hurt in both legs.
"It looks like there are no more miracles," Mrs Cohen said as she waited at Soroka hospital in the Negev desert town of Beersheba for the doctors to say whether they would have to amputate Tehila's legs.
Mrs Cohen, 32, and her husband Ofir, 33, have lived in Kfar Darom, a settlement of 250 families now surrounded by Palestinian-controlled areas, for the past 10 years.
Ideology brought the Cohens to Gaza. They wanted to claim some of the poverty-stricken strip, overcrowded by 1m Palestinians, for the Jewish people. The Cohens, who are among 6,500 settlers in Gaza, believe Gaza is part of Eretz Israel, the biblical land God promised to the Jews.
Mrs Cohen said she had never imagined that she would have to pay such a heavy price "for safeguarding our homeland".
The Israeli prime minister, Ehud Barak, visited the Cohen children last night.
"These are children who will carry on their bodies, for the rest of their lives, the scars of this grave, criminal, barbaric act which we saw today," he said at a news conference at the hospital.
The Cohen children, along with other youngsters and adults from Kfar Darom, boarded an armoured bus at about 7.30am yesterday for the 15-minute drive to their school in Gush Katif, a cluster of Jewish settlements in southern Gaza.
About three minutes after the bus left the heavily guarded settlement a 155mm mortar shell exploded several dozen metres from the vehicle.
Shrapnel tore holes into the right side of the bus, killing two adults on the spot. Nine passengers were wounded: the driver, three women and five children.
Mr Cohen said that when he heard the explosion he raced to the main road, only to learn that his children had been taken to Soroka hospital.
His daughter Orit, recovering in hospital after the amputation of part of her right foot, whispered "It hurts, it hurts" to her grandmother, watching over her.
Even now, she said, she did not want to leave Kfar Darom. "Then the Arabs would take it all."
Israel, who lost part of a leg, was in the recovery room. His uncle Yaacov said the boy liked to rollerskate and play soccer.
Mrs Cohen said Orit, who will turn 13 next month, was getting ready to mark her Bat Mitzva, the Jewish rite of passage into adulthood.
The family had wondered whether to hold her party in Kfar Darom or a more accessible place.
The bombing helped to make up her mind, she said. "We decided it's dangerous everywhere, so we will do it in Kfar Darom." AP
Father Buries Wife, Four Daughters Killed in Gaza Ambush
Palestinian gunmen kill pregnant Tali Hatuel and her four children on road leading to Gush Katif settlement bloc.
 May 02, 2004 12:00 AM
Five members of an Israeli family - a pregnant mother and her four young hildren - were killed Sunday afternoon in a Palestinian shooting attack on their vehicle while they were traveling on the road that leads to the Gaza Strip settlement bloc of Gush Katif.
The victims of the terror attack were identified as mother Tali Hatuel, 34, and her daughters Hila, 11, Hadar, 9, Roni, 7, and Merav, 2.
Tali Hatuel, a resident of the Katif settlement, was a social worker for the Gaza Coast Regional Council. She was eight months pregnant, Israel Radio reported.

Above articles is an examples of what arab sand-nazi barbarians, lovingly called “Palestinian freedom-fighters” by US media, did. These filthy arab savages who bombed Jewish school-buses, murdered & maimed Jewish children, were never punished for their crimes. They are great heroes of the “palestinians” & world’s  leftists.
G-d, Creator of the Heavens & the Earth, will judge this arab scum. G-d commanded Defenders of Israel to get arab terrorists to the Holy Court.
Kahane Chai, persecuted by US regime, on the US “terrorist list”, had a guiding Kahanist principle of “Ahavat Yisroel”. We could not sit silently when Jews are murdered.
I am a member of Kahane Chai.
I’m a member of the Kahanist Movement.
I’m a student of Rabbi Meir Kahane, ZT’L.
Reb Yekutiel Ben Yaakov, my old friend, head of Jewish Identity Center, as Kahane Chai got renamed, had very few options under US regime’s oppression.
He xeroxed & mailed out copies of Dr.William R.Perl’s book “The Four-Front War”. I still have that copy. Book had a profound effect on me.
Few days later Yekutiel/Mike called me in Glenview, IL & asked if I could go to Israel & see how few loyal American Jews could help…
Me in Israel
I landed in Ben Gurion airport on October 13, 2000 & went straight to the taxicabs.
Me: - Take me to Tapuah.
Cabbie: - Tapuah? We won’t go there.
Me: - Whaaa? I pay green dollars!
Cabbie: - No way! You know that arabs lynched two of our soldiers yesterday? Army is bombing there. If we go, we all get killed & the car gets full of bullet-holes. Even that cabbie, an arab, he lives near there… even he won’t go.
So I had no choice but to go to Yahud, town nearby, where my relatives lived, & spend the night there. In the morning I set out from Petah-Tikva Central Bus Station. Roads were empty, except for the few buses, army jeeps & trucks. Nobody went to work; whole country was on the lockdown, glued to TVs, watching if Israel is being renamed “Arab Palistine”.
In October 2000 “State of Emergency” was declared in Israel after all the “friendly peaceful Arabs”, our dear “partners for peace” rose up in arms provided by leftist Israeli regime, USA & YesSir ArabFart (ouch… sorry… President Yassir Arafat who was so charming on the White House lawn in 1993) & began murdering infidel colonialist Jews.
I got into a shuttle van to Ariel and a blond Russian chick ( in Russia they called us “Jews”, but after we emigrated, everyone calls us “Russians” ) helped me count fare in shekels. She was going to her apartment in Ariel to pick up her stuff, because arabs were about to capture that town & burn & loot everything. Her hubby & kids got evacuated to safety of Petah-Tikva. When she heard that the Chicago cut-throats, of whom I was the first one, were about to come down & turn arabs into a shishkebob, she began to cry. She gave me her phone number. But she was married & I don’t break up families. She was a good-looking chick.
Kfar (Village of) Tapuah, Appleville in English, was re-established at the site of the ancient Biblical Hebrew village of the same name in 1978. It is the geographical center of the Land of Israel & the Book Of Joshua cited how Israelites captured place upon entering The Land.
Tapuah is the only Jewish village in the area that did not get infiltrated by arab terrorists & nobody was murdered there. Thanks to “Jewish Terrorists” of Kahane Chai who guard the area & brought over 600 Jew & Christian “soldier-of-fortune” volunteers. Dudes came from all over the world: USA, France, Ukraine, Russia, Argentina, Canada & more. They got trained & performed superbly. Kahane Chai’s front group Jewish Legion / Israel’s Best Friend (I.B.F.) (also on US regime’s “terrorist list”) trains guard dogs, bomb-sniffing & Search And Rescue (SAR) dogs, cooperating with Israeli Army, Israeli Fire Department & Israeli Police.
But all that got accomplished later.
Original garin, core settlers of Kfar Tapuah, were Yemenite Jews. I remember visiting in 1983, coming from Elon Moreh, where I lived, for a Torah dedication celebration.
By the mid-1990s, garin fell apart, and a bunch of Kahane Chai members, headed by Rabbi Binyomin Zeev Kahane, ZT”L, moved into empty houses. Kfar Tapuah became the headquarters of Kahane Chai. 
In addition to it’s notorious reputation, Tapuah is a strategic point on the high ground. I’ve heard that the location was chosen by general Arik Sharon ( future Prime-Minister ), because it controls the “Tapuah Junction”, vital intersection of Trans-Samaria Highway, running east-west from the Jordan Valley to Natania/Tel-Aviv & an important north-south road linking Galilee with Jerusalem. Shechem/”Nablus” & Balata, hubs of arab terrorism, only 7 miles away & should arab forces try to reach Ramallah-Jerusalem, Tapuah blocks their way. That is why Tapuah Junction, ”Tzomet Tapuah” is often on the news and that is why Israeli army base is nearby.
In October 2000, Tapuah had about 600 residents. ( Now, it’s over 1000! ) living in modest 3-bedroom houses on small plots on land. Village had no food store (got one now), no industrial area (got one now) & residents go to work to nearby towns & brought food from the town of Ariel (20,000 people), 5 miles away. Tapuah got a nice basketball court, 5 synagogues, mikva ritual bath, kindergarten & more.
Arab settlement is across the valley, about a mile away. Tapuah surrounded by an 8 feet barbed security fence & a perimeter road. Firing positions are at vital spots. There is an armory, and a local resident, an army officer, is the Security Coordinator in charge. Those who served in the army, have either machine guns (M-16s, Galils, Uzis or Kalashnikovs) or personal weapons - handguns. But such were tightly controlled by police ( especially ammo purchases ). That is why we had to stash enough of this valuable ammo.
Despite Tapuah’s strategic location, behavior of Israeli Army at the time was most shocking. While sitting in an ambush or guarding for 3 weeks, I saw Israeli Army patrol only twice. Four aged tired reserve soldiers on dirt-splattered jeep rode the perimeter road once at night & disappeared. By Army rules, patrol must circle in less time it takes to approach, cut fence & enter. For intruders from the arab settlement it would be about 30 minutes. Sometimes I’ve seen  an armored police jeep blinking its blue beacon on nearby hills. Two sleepy reservists rested by the Tapuah’s front gate. I suspect that their function was to make sure Kahanists won’t get out and attack arabs.
One of my old buddies, Moshe Belogorodsky, was called to duty, had to be fully armed & uniformed, ready for battle… near his home. This was called “K’tzav Shmoneh” or “Situation 8” in Army lingo.
Israeli Army was not guarding Tapuah nor any other Jewish villages in Judea & Samaria at the onset of the Oslo War.
Israeli Army at that time was in total disarray. Understandably why. “Peace partners” struck like a thunder from the sunny blue skies. Army ( and all of Israel ) were shocked & totally unprepared. There was no guard & that is why so many Israelis got murdered by arabs in those days.
One of the most idiotic & criminal acts of the leftist Rabin’s regime was to issue arab terrorists of “Pilistinien Authority” over 20,000 rifles & ammo from the Israeli Army stockpiles in hopes they will preserve order in “autonomy” & fight Islamic Hamas. Predictably, arms were shared with Hamas and “buddies” went on the murder spree together, murdering Jews with the weapons Jews themselves provided.
Leftist Israeli regime took our weapons from us & gave our weapons to arabs. So now arabs murdered us with our own (former) weapons!
At the same time, this criminal leftist clique brainwashed Israelis, claiming that peace with arabs was at hand & victims of arab terrorism were our Jewish sacrifices “for peace”.
People laughed off this propaganda as “virtual peace”.
Tapuah residents still had to go to work, bring food and do everything else for their large families. Dodging bullets on the roads, fathers were stressed out & tired. How could they stand guard at night?
Frantic calls were made to New York & other cities demanding volunteer guards “Immediately!”
Response was tremendous.
78 year old Canadian, Zeev Edelman, stricken with cancer, sat on the chair at the firing nest night after night, armed with binoculars, scanning the hillsides. Zeev died at his post & he is buried in Tapuah cemetery. People come to bow down at the grave of this modern-day Jewish hero. What it took to fulfill Zeev’s last wish to be laid to rest there & what Israeli Army & police did, trying to prevent it, is a story by itself.
A young Israeli, prevented from joining the army by medical condition, volunteered. For three years, while his buddies served, this young man guarded on the front lines. Police made sure he could not carry a gun, so he carried a dinner fork & a walkie-talkie as his weapons.
A young man, Gary B., whose family were “refuseniks” in the Soviet Union in 1970s, came to guard after tour with the U.S. Army. He was assigned the toughest position: on outpost ( givaa ) called Tapuah West. There, on strategic cliff overlooking terrain, in primitive conditions, he guarded day & night for 2 months. Having lost much weight, he went back to Chicago for R&R & came back next year to do same.
Such are the people & such are the stories. Sorry, but no room here for more. Puny pussy arab “freedom-fighters” boys & their leftist-liberal pimps, beware whom you are trying to tackle!
Gunfire was all around Tapuah & some of my old friends & neighbors from Elon Moreh, Bracha, Yitzhar & Itamar (villages nearby) were murdered in those days.
Me, a bloodthirsty Chicago cut-throat, got armed with a 9-mm handgun & a cell-phone to call all other crazy kahanists for a joyful gunfight that we awaited. I brought my own binoculars & a bulletproof vest. I got into an ambush position and scanned the hillsides, waiting for those damned a-rabs to come out of their settlement, which was about a mile away. I love gunfights! But little a-rabs must of heard that a horrible monster is waiting for them, little scared pussy boyz… They cowardly hid & only blasted a song from the minaret loudspeakers. That song of theirs is called “Blyadina” & means “whore” in Russian. So the wicked Russians in Israel crack up when they hear a-rabs wail “Blyadina, blyadina!”
Guarding at night worked good for me because of the jet-log & a time difference.
I brought with me an American & Israeli flags & hung them up high in the village. One American dude, Nachshon Walls from Ohio, ( Nachshon was a great hero & his story is amazing and must be told one day. Sorry, Nachshon Walls, ZT’L, passed away in 2006 ) complained:
- “Why did you hang an American flag? Look what they’ve done to us! Arabs shoot at us bullets that Americans gave them!”
I don’t know why & how it came to my mind, but I replied in prophetic words:
- “Wait a little! Americans will be on our side!”
That was in October 2000.
In day-time, I mixed concrete & installed a merry-go-round. Some spoiled Israeli teenagers expected me to pay them for improving their own village. But few young dudes did help.
Nearest grocery store was in the town of Ariel, about 5 miles away. Not far, but in the war zone roads are dangerous & from every hilltop can come a hail of deadly bullets. Before, rioting arabs threw stones into the windshields. But now they had guns. Because of the situation on the roads, there was no food & faces of little hungry begging Jewish kids revived memories of starvation in the Warsaw Ghetto during WWII.
Where were the American Jews & where were all the American Jewish Organizations who so vocally advocated the Oslo Peace Process?
American Jews were comfortably sleeping in their suburbias & their organizations were as corrupt as ever… They were nowhere to be found. There was no help from them. Shame!
US State Department must have thought that the “jew-settlers” will panic, run away & leave their towns & villages to the “Palistenian state”.
But no, “damned colonialist Jew-settlers” stood their ground & repelled arab attacks!
Every time arabs start war or riots, their leftist-liberal chums howl about “disproportionate” ( 3x, 4x ) casualties they suffer. As if some bad boys got into a fight & one got a bloody nose! This is a freaken propaganda lies!
We, Jews & Israelis, are not like arabs. We live on Our Own Land peacefully & honorably, building up our society, culture, economy.
Arabs, on the other hand, seek bloody revolt and dream to massacre Jews. Their quest for “little tiny Pali state” is a sham. They will use such “state” as a platform for war.
Thus, we are not equal to arabs.
While arab murders of Jews is a racist War Crime, Israeli retaliation is a self-defense, even if there is a “collateral damage”, even if “little babies & pregnant ladies” are killed. Yet, despite arab & leftists’ propaganda lies, little arabs & their mommas are alive & well, cursing Jews at the top of their lungs. But woe to them & male arabs if they pick up weapons to murder Jews! 
But even if there are arab casualties, even if they are in the thousands, I wouldn’t cry for them. I cry for the Jewish victims of arab terrorism. They are the innocent casualties of violence, and not the arabs.
Arab lamenting is reminiscent of nazi Goebbels’ “piles of bodies” after Allied bombing raids on WWII German cities. LOL! Didn’t the same Goebbels initiated the war and caused those casualties?
Same with arab nationalists & islamists.
Therefore, have no pity for dead arabs and their supporters!
Arabs shall never have any kind of “state” or any “state structure” on Jewish Land. Arabs must move (some must be moved) to their own spacious lands & have as many states there as they wish!
We are not like arabs. Our struggle against arab terror, against violent pan-arab nationalism & moslem jihadism is just & right. Arabs are wrong, mistaken. Their assumptions are wrong. Their culture, their society is defective. The casualties and losses they suffer are their own fault.
Same arrogant leftist-liberals claim that Kach & Kahane Chai are “racist” & that we “hate arabs”. This is a lie! In fact, we are the best friends of the Arab People. We urge Arab People to change, to throw away the yokes of idiotic violent nationalism & equally stupid fundamentalist Islamism.
Arabs, learn from WWII Germany, Japan, Italy & rejoin the Family of Nations!
Arabs, look at Zionism, Jewish Nationalism, that revived language and culture, gathered the exiles, build up Jewish Land & created dynamic well-respected society.
Arabs fight this society, and the more they fight it, the stronger Israel gets.
Arab People must develop Humanistic Islam, build decent societies, viable economies & cultures on their own lands.
Arabs must forget about taking over Our Country & renaming it “Falasteen”. That will not happen. Not now & not in 1000 years.
Losers of the Oslo War, which arabs started, were arab nationalism & jihadism. Except for piles of dead bodies, they accomplished absolutely nothing. Some of their meager prior accomplishments: economy, infrastructure, buildings, etc., got destroyed. Even their top leaders, ArabFart ( Arafat ) & YesSin ( Yassin ), dropped dead.
And the War Crimes arabs committed against the Jews and others, is the accusing finger of history, pointed at them for eternity. Shame on them!
Those are the conclusions, the analysis, years after the Oslo War died out in 2005.
Back in October 2000, uncertainty was in the air and we anxiously listened to worried anchor’s voices on the Israeli radio.
That’s what happened & that’s what I saw, heard and thought while filling fortification sandbags & clearing bush in front of the security fence of Tapuah for a better field of fire.

Bunker “Kiddush HaShem”
Going back to 1982, Israeli retreat from Sinai & the resistance that Rabbi Kahane, ZT’L, and a dozen determined young Jews put up. I’m proud I was one of them. Almost died there, but stopped this shameful retreat for 48 hours. An inspiration!
Underground in the bunker, discipline was tough.
We were under lots of pressure from army, cops & even from the establishment right-wingers who mocked "the crazies in the bunker". We had to be on alert, to prevent infiltrations, arrests & provocations. We were criminals: staying unauthorized in a closed military zone against the orders of the israeli army.
We were the center of resistance of Yamit. Among the thousands of young Jew who took over this israeli town in Sinai in December 1981, bunker was preparing to fight to the end.
A dozen of us, led by Rabbi Meir Kahane, ZT’L & Yehuda Richter, almost died there. But we, a handful of young guys, some as young as 16, and three girls, Barbara Peres, Tamar (Peters) Yonah & Batsheva Goldstein, stopped Israeli retreat from Sinai for 48 hours.
Yes, a dozen of young Jews stopped Camp David treachery, sponsored by Jimmy, the President of the United States, approved by the U.S. State Dept., all of Western Europe, Egypt & enforced by israeli army & police.
Inside the bunker was a guard in charge of exit/entry, sanitary order, food preparation. Outside, on the roof, was another guard, armed with lead pipe & molotovs, who acted as a lookout for anyone suspicious entering our secluded 'shehunah'/hood & roads all the way toward the center of Yamit & around the 1967 War Heroes Monument.
Huge armored door was welded shut. One could crawl inside through the small armor door 2x3 feet.
Inside, concrete walls were 'decorated' with rolls of barbed wire & long metal pipes with barbed wire rolls on one end to repel an invasion. On the long stick were hanging individual gas masks used if we get attacked with the tear gas. Standing along the wall were water containers & cans of food if we would be under siege by the egyptian army.
Guards changed every 4 hours or so. List was prepared by Commander (now Rav) Yehuda Richter. Rav Yehuda was  21 or 22 at that time.
  We had to be prepared for battle 24/7 & had to have patience to wait until it starts. Not everyone had mental strength to take pressure: one guy got kicked out & one left on his own.
Torah shuirim were a part of daily schedule to keep minds occupied & disciplined.
Rav Kahane, ZT'L, was sharing that idea with us, to start a Kach Yeshiva that he called "Yeshivat HaRaayon HaYehudi" or Yeshiva of the Jewish Idea, to prepare the future Jewish leaders in the mold of King David, scholars & warriors.
So here we were sitting on the overturned buckets & few old metal chairs, around the door placed on a 'blokim'/cement blocks that was our table. Rav was sitting in the middle of us, and here he starts his shiur, one of the first lessons of the new yeshiva.
" Once upon a time, hundred or so years ago, in tzarist Russia, one young man got his semicha & was sent as a rabbi to a small shul in one of the Russian towns. Shul like any other shul, but the congregation had a strange minhag/custom: for  'Shmone Esrei' everybody would turn around facing the back wall, with their backs toward the Aron HaKodesh.
New rabbi was puzzled.  Nobody knew the reason why they had to do it. But people insisted that that's the way their fathers prayed & they will not abandon this important cherished minhag.
Rabbi asked all the rabbonim in the city but nobody could give the reason behind this minhag.
Months went by... until rabbi met one old man. When he heard rabbi's question, he started laughing hard. And the old man told rabbi a story.
'Your synagogue had been started by 'cantonists'. They were little Jewish boys, often orphans, who were chapped'/kidnapped off the streets as 8-12 year olds & taken to Tzar's Army. From the age of 18 on, they served 25 years as soldiers & discharged as a middle-aged man. Needless to say, few that survived & kept their Yihadut, returned to the area where they grew up as children. But after all these years, all their relatives were either dead or had forgotten them. Community looked at them with suspicion. Worse, these old soldiers, torn from their people for so many years, remembered very little of Jewish customs. Some didn't know how to pray & some barely remembered the alef-beis. But cantonists got together & built their own shul, so that others will not scorn or make fun of them. They had a Shaliyah Tzibur, a cantor, who prayed with them. But silent prayer, the Shmoneh Esrey, they wrote in the large letters on the back wall, turned around & read it silently. Years passed by... old cantonists passed away. Their children attended cheder & learned siddur. Back wall got painted over & over. But the old minhag would not die out.'
Here, Rav Kahane continued, is a very important drasha for all of us. It is commanded to build a 'Gader'/a fence around the Law. Thus, there are hukkim di-rabbonan & minhagim. But behind each and every minhag, there is a reason. Some people just perform rituals without a thought, automatically, like robots. That is wrong. We must learn an idea behind each and every mitzvah. Because Torah Judaism is an Idea. This Idea we must learn."
And that is the shuir on why Rav Kahane, ZT'L, wanted to name his Yeshiva - Yeshiva of the Jewish Idea.
Story I heard in the Bunker
In 1970s, Rav Kahane proposed an idea of “Transfer of arabs” from Israel, fulfilling a commandmant of a “Nation Dwelling Alone” & completing the population exchange that started with violent expulsion of Jews from arab & moslem countries after Israel got established in 1948. Jewish refugees came to Israel & now it was turn of arab & moslem countries to absorb their arab moslem bretherin from Israel. Such population exchange would end arab terror, rioting, hate & would enable arabs from Israel to live in honor, respect and dignity on their own lands.
One arab citizen wrote Rav Kahane a letter:
- In 1948, I joined Jewish Haganah & fought on the battlefield for the establishment of the State of Israel. And now you propose to expel me & my family?
Rav Kahane wrote back:
- Sir, I am delighted to have you & others like you, who contributed so much to our country, as fellow citizens of Israel.
That’s that. That is Rav Kahane’s answer.
Life is complex. Society is complex. People are complex.
Fact is that some arabs, mostly Christians, but some Moslems too, fought for Israel. Many Druze serve in Israeli Army & are loyal productive citizens.
Today, seeing the anarchy in the arab & moslem world, all people are sure to appreciate stability & peace in Israeli society.
Israel is a Jewish State that can accommodate arab minority, provided that it will be such number that will never pose a demographic threat to the Jewish majority. Arab minority shall have all rights… cultural, economic, social… except the political right to turn Israel into an arab state.
Israel is a Jewish State. Land of Israel is Jewish for ever & ever!
Therefore, many arabs who disagree, shall move to their arab states & live there among their brothers. If  I moved from USSR, over thousands of miles & different culture, arabs can move from Israel 50-100 miles & live in dignity, away from “Zionist occupation”.
This will spare arabs wars, rioting, bloodshed & much sufferings.
Rav Kahane proposed even a compensation for arabs who leave volunteerly.
Read book “They must go!”
More on Bunker “Kiddush HaShem” in Yamit
In about February 1982, before  Rav Kahane left Bunker & went to the States, a reporter came to Yamit all the way from Kentucky.
- Rabbi, why are you fighting? You live in a small country, surrounded by enemies. Camp David is your only chance for some peace & you go on to fight your own government. Why?
Rabbi Kahane:
- Look…  If  cops try to confiscate ancestral land from some Kentucky farmer, would not that farmer take his shotgun & stand for his land? Sinai is our, ancient Jewish Land. We stand for Our Land. That is why we fight.
Looks like that reporter understood why we fought in Yamit…
In or about end of March 1982,  in Yamit, my friends from Bunker #41, Bunker “Kiddush JaShem”, Morduchai Haller, Levi Hazan & few other guys set an ambush on a nearby road in the dark. They lit a candle by the roadside, put a bucket of gasoline with rope stretching across & far. They waited until some army vehicle would come, pull the rope... gas would catch on fire & hayalim (soldiers) would get startled by a firewall. I never took part as I thought it was not very smart thing to do... They did it far away from vehicle... so no damage... just scare... One can understand this action considering the situation we were in.
Well, one fine evening I was inside, doing things ( I was a Bunker engineer, so always busy)... noise... yells... gevalt!!! Oi! Mordi (Morduchai Haller), 16, rolling in through the small door by the ceiling... "Fast! Fast! Throw mattresses!"
We had a procedure that when people had to get inside fast, mattresses had to be thrown on the floor by the door so that anyone falling from 5' above face-down will not break their bones. So I threw mattresses & guys & gals jumped in. Most guys got inside. Some didn't. Levy Hazan run in a wrong direction, maybe to distract the pursuers.
"Lock, lock doors fast!"
I started locking that armor door with heavy bars across, twisted wire braids in addition to regular lever locks.
Outside, some crazy guy was roaring: "Open doors! Tiftah hadelet!"
Our guys scared Major-General Oded himself & his whole convoy. Oded was the supreme commander of the whole area.  Burly, powerful-looking guy of  35 with hairy chest. He went crazy & ripped the outer sheet metal jalousie door with his bare hands. He must of had a fit & went totally ballistic. He was yelling & screaming for at least an hour.
I was telling him through the door "Yes, yes, I'm openning now" as I was tightening the wires & closing door for good.
After that, armed soldier guards were placed around the bunker & nobody could get in & out. But we had plenty of food & water inside.
Electricity got turned off, than water. We were under the siege. About a dozen of us.
Rav Kahane was pleading for help in the US. Yehuda Richter was our commander. Avraham Hershkovitz, his wife Nancy, veteran JDL heroes & family, were outside.  Avraham was in charge of PR. We could communicate with outside through bunker’s vents. Bummer, they were small & air inside was stiff. Our propane tank run out. Bummer! Oversight! No hot food.  I proposed to refill with gas tube through the vent but it was too risky.
Yehudah Richter ( he was not yet a rav in those days, but certainly had the wisdom ) & Reuven Schechter gave shiurim. We stayed on mattresses on the floor, getting enough sleep in the dark. Girl's stayed under the stairs in their own "room". Tamar, Barbara, Batsheva. Sergeant Tamar was in charge.
People outside were jubilant. There were demonstrations outside & army brought in reinforcements to contain them.
People were passing yummy food through the vent. I got a can of fancy fish & more. I had an excellent appetite & was declared an "unbelievable glutton-guzzler". I overheard earlier how Mordi proposed to Yehuda to kick me out because I'd consume all their food. But I guess they decided that I was valuable & let me be.
People were dancing on bunker's roof  8' above ground. I was told that General Oded got drunk & tried to climb on that roof to disperse the dancers. When his face showed above the edge, one big American girl kicked it with her foot & general fell down cursing & roaring.
We were locked in for 2 weeks. I remember laying on the mattress & thinking that I'll never get out of here alive. We were violating about a dozen different laws. If we would get out alive, they'd jail us for at least a few years. Scary! We were from 16 (Mordi) to 23 (me).
We had plenty of food & water to last about 6 months & everyone had his own gas mask marked in plastic bags if they try to tear-gas us. We planned to stay under the Egyptians & be the caretakers of Yamit synagogues which could not be raised under Israeli law. Like Hebrew U. in Jerusalem 1948-67.
Reporters were squirming outside. News were coming in, threatening destruction of  Yamit. We had a radio. Meir Wilner, head of Israeli Communist Party was denouncing us on Communist Party Forum in Moscow.
At about this time, we announced plans of suicide, one by one every few hours until the destruction of Yamit is stopped.
I was the first to go, Reuven Shechter was 2nd.
Yehuda told that to Avraham Hershkovitz outside & Avraham called press-conference & made phone calls.
American parents flew in & went to the Knesset. Delegation, including  Dr.Baruch Goldstein, ZT’L, whose sister,  BatSheva, was inside, burst in PM Menachem Begin's office & old Menachem had to push them out.
Reporters went crazy. Red Cross delegation from Switzerland, got to the door past guards & begged us to stay alive.
Amazingly, regime gave in & for 2 days, for 48 hours, no bulldozer’s engines outside & no destruction.
We stopped the whole Camp David Accord, signed by Jimmy Carter, Begin, Sadat & supported by the whole Western World… for 2 days… 48 hours.
Too bad that "moderate & pragmatic" right-wingers, headed by Geula Kohen, Rabbi Waldman, Tzahi Hanegbi & others on hand, didn't mobilize supporters to get inside other Yamit bunkers. There were over 3,000 protesters in Yamit. There were 80  empty bunkers. Some guys got another bunker occupied & I helped them fortify it. I was an expert now! But I never heard from them & if they stood fast like us.
Again, as usual, failed strategy of our "right-wingers".  Loud bark & no bite. Should they get inside all of Yamit bunkers, fortify them & resist... how many weeks it would take to get them out?  And what would happen to the Camp David Retreat Time Table? That would give ulcers to regime & show the whole world that Jews stand up for their Holy Land. Warning for future "Camp Davids". But none of "moderate" Patriots had any vision & resolve. Nor do they have any today.
Rabbi Kahane flew in from US, was rushed to Yamit & was knocking on the door trying to get in. Richter was not sure. He thought it was a provocation in order to get us out. They argued for at least half-hour. Rav Kahane was begging: "Yehuda, if you are my son, let me in!" Finally I was ordered to open the door ( it took 1/2 hour) & Rav Kahane & Dr. Baruch Goldstein jumped in. Door got shut again.
Bulldozers engines roared again. We've heard noise, gunshots, screams.
On early Friday morning,  April 16, 1982, our turn came. Remaining Sinai had to be transfered to Egyptians that following Sunday. Israeli Army was forbidden to evict us on Shabbat... or so we thought. Because religious parties would pull out of the coalition & the government would fall. So time was pressing... And regime was carefull not to violate fragile Camp David Accord.
Soldier got inside the second concrete enclosure, trying to open another small armor door. Mordi & other guys claimed they filled it with concrete. They did it before I got in in January & I believed them. But looks like boys did a sloppy job & instead of solid concrete, soldiers had to shovel sand with stones. They got to the door & tried to cut it open with the acetylene torch. We poured some gasoline (very little) into the seal. Soldier yelled: " I smell gas! I smell gas!" & had to withdraw.
After a while we heard a heavy bulldozer approaching. Army got powerful magnet, attached it to the main armor door, passed electric current through it, chain-tied & pulled it with bulldozer. Door was about 2" armor plate with formed 1/8" thick sheet metal... About 8" thick., enclosed in heavy frame & set in solid poured concrete. It must of weighed at least 2,000 lbs.
I welded it shut on both sides. Lock-levers too.
I went upstairs to see how it's gonna go... They started puling & door went banana, buckled out ... than tremendous roar of something breaking... it was that heavy chain...
I yelled at Tamar to step away from door as debris could kill someone.
Again they tried with 2 chains & 2 bulldozers. BAAANG! Chains broke again! Door was still there. Poor generals were going crazy, yelling at combat engineers.
They succeeded in pulling out both small armor doors by the ceiling. My 2"diameter solid iron bars were strong, but not as strong as 80 ton bulldozers. Thick armor door pulled out as 2 iron bars got bent. Daylight shined into the bunker. But those doors were small & we had long metal pipes with barbed wire on ends to repel the invaders.
I broke some glass bottles & spread the glass there, but Rav Kahane yelled at me to stop so that soldiers would not get cuts. Glass got swept away.
Army brought a tractor with a demolition hammer & began breaking the above-ground reinforced concrete block wall of  bunker’s outer structure. As they were punching the wall through, chunks of concrete were falling on our heads.
We spread concrete blocks in the floor & poured over them all the water we had.
Finally, hole in the wall above was big enough for the generals to peek inside. They wanted to make sure that we've got no machine guns or explosives.
After I got evicted from Maoz HaYam in Sinai back in December '81 & brought to Kiryat Arba, I got dressed in quasi-military uniform & working around bunker heard officers pointing at me, saying "Look, they got soldiers among them too!" They were scared!
Back in about February, one France Presse reporter who also spoke Russian, offered us $50,000 cash for letting him take pictures inside the bunker. We refused. I think now that he was a ShinBet agent & his press-card was fake. But back than we weren't sure. I spent some time chatting in Russian with him.
PM Begin promised that no lives will be lost in the Retreat. After all, Israel got a humane government.
Generals looked inside, sized our defenses & arguing with Rav Kahane, accusing him of trying to create religious regime in Israel "like in Iran". We were throwing raw eggs at generals & they yelled "Hem zorkim ohel'!" “They throw food!”
Finally, on signal, soldiers jumped into the bunker through 2 small doors. I grabbed the first one, punched him, threw him on the wet floor, sat on him & continued punching him. He didn't resist much.
More dudes were pouring in. Two grabbed me by the arms, lifted me off of their comrade. Comrade gave me foot kick in the tommy as he got up, all wet. Now they threw me on wet floor, sat on top of me & violently banged my head on concrete.  I've heard more heads being banged on concrete all around me. Reuven's nose got broken. So is Yehuda's finger. I lost my glasses, but Reuven saved his in ammo belt pouch which I gave him.
Girls were locked in the bathroom upstairs. Metal door was prodded with metal bar. Soldiers had to cut off hinges in order to open it. Tamar blamed me later for not providing another metal bar so that door would be supported on both sides & would be harder to open. LOL!
Finally, soldiers ( it was a crack elite trained anti-terrorist unit ) grew tired of  beating us. I got grabbed, tied & passed into the “general's hole” up above. First “crazy” to be taken out of the Bunker! There must of been a hundred spectators, whistling & yelling. I was semi-consious as 3-4 cops & soldiers were carrying me & another half-dozen were running along.
I saw reporter appearing on the dune, snapping a picture. He got kicked in a stomach by one of running cops & rolled back behind the dune. He was a violator in a closed military zone.
That picture appeared on the front page of NYTimes & Herald Tribune International Editions. I've got it somewhere in my archives.
I was thrown into a jeep & dark-skinned army nurse tried to wipe blood & give me medical help. But I was so angry I yelled at her & she backed off. We were thrown into a prison transport bus.
I’ve heard Dr.Baruch Goldstein complaining  to Rav Kahane that his sister Batsheva, thin delicate girl, may get traumatized in jail. Rav Kahane tried to reassure him that Tamar is a tough big girl, Israeli Army staff-sergeant who was in jail before & Tamar would take care of Batsheva.
We were driven to Beer Sheva & processed into prison right before Shabbat. Jailer found a piece of metal saw hidden in my boot. I was prepared to cut through any metal bar.
Inside, we met the rest of out guys. Gadi Servitman was in jail few months already & Levy Hazan was brought in after resisting on the Memorial Monument.
Jail was brand new, smelled fresh paint, new matresses & blankets. We were the first prisoners.
Overcrowded. They put me on the cell floor. I was so badly beaten, I could hardly get up. We declared hunger strike, but had to eat on Shabbat. Had chicken & it was good. Guys in my cell were scholars from Yeshivat Merkaz HaRav who came to Yamit to resist. They studied Gemorah & I helped to hang blanket over bathroom that had no door.
On Sunday they let us out because PM Menachem Begin declared amnesty for us.
There was a demonstration outside & I was carried on shoulders.
After about 2 weeks of R&R I was back to normal.
Kach purchased me a new glasses to replace the broken ones.
After the final battle in mid-April 1982, only Bunker #41, Bumker Kiddush Hashem stood as the monument among the ruins of Yamit.

How I almost became Israeli Deputy Foreign & Defense Minister
After shameful Israeli Retreat from Sinai, fall of Yamit, resistance in the Bunker Kiddush Hashem, jail… I recovered from beating, was able to walk again. I took my old job at the Kach Headquarters on Usushkin 31 in Jerusalem. I cleaned, emptied garbage cans, pasted up flyers for the Museum of the Potential Holocaust on the streets of Jerusalem, drew flyers that were copied & distributed & any other everyday jobs that had to be done.
One sunny day, in about May 1982, uniformed soldier came to the office. He chatted with other guys before turning attention to me. He spoke Russian & when he found out that I was a fellow Russian too & came from America & spoke English, he became very friendly.  He invited me to come to Likud (ruling party) Youth Division, headed by Binyamin Netanyahu (he is a PM now). He himself was head of the Russian Section & was a good friend with Bibi. He even promised to have me “in the kitchen” – that is a council where decisions are made. We walked around the block. We talked.
I am a hard-core fanatic, bent on fighting for what I believe in. I will not change my convictions, no matter how sweet & tempting the offering be. In the end, I told Avigdor Lieberman:
- Avigdor, you got to do your job, and I’ve got to do mine.
If I would blink & accepted Avigdor Lieberman’s invitation… who knows… I could of become Avigdor’s deputy in Prime-Minister’s Office, Ministry of Foreign Affairs & even a Deputy Minister of Defense of the State of Israel.
But I am proud to be a Kahanist & will not turn from my path.
On one hand, I must admit that Bibi & Avigdor do a good job. Israel, under their leadership, is more powerful than ever.  Israel is strong economically. Jewish population is growing. Israel is respected around the world, often at the level of France & Germany. Israel is a master of  the Eastern Mediterranian & power all the way to the Iranian border.
On the other hand, Bibi & Avigdor forced to act as politicians, not as Jewish Patriots they claim to be. Appeasement of radical arabists & islamists, selling Jewish Land, illegal demoitions of Jewish homes, unlawful persecution, illegal arrests, tortures of Jews, stalemating Jewish construction in Judea & Samaria, status of the Temple Mount… no, I would not be able to be a part of this. Not for honors, not for power, not for money.
I know how to deal with arabs.
And also with the wealth of first-hand information I acquired about “greatest democracy in the world” I can give Hillary, Condolleza or any other US Secretary of State an earfulls, if he/she starts to lecture me about “democracy” & ‘human rights”.

How Arab Fart (Yasser Arafat) was my leash dog
Yasser Arafat was an arab terrorist, leader of “Palestine Liberation Organization” & top ideologist of arab nationalism. In early 1970s, Arafat was recorded supervising murder of 2 American diplomats in Chad, Africa. Arafat also coordinated hijacking airplaines & murder of hostages, including Americans & Jews. And in terrorism against Jews & Israel, Yassir Arafat was a pro. Yea, Yasser Arafat was a terrorist.
But international real-politics are unpredictable. President of the USA, genius Bill Clinton forgave Yasser mistakes of his youth & brought Yasser from the dusty Tunisian desert to the luxury of White House in 1993.
Dudes in Kach & Kahane Chai were totally shocked.
I laughed! I told them:”You, dudes, had not seen nothing yet!”
That was before Billy pushed Itzik aRabin (…err… Rabin ), Israeli PM, to shake laughing Yassir’s paw & sign an agreement inviting Yassir to Israel.
So Arafat & 50,000 of  his murderous Tunisian arab terrorists settled in Israel.
I told Kahanist dudes: “Look, now Yasser will start hate speeches propaganda!”
Dudes brushed me off.
But than, media began complaining of all the drek coming out of Yasser’s filthy trap.
I told guys: “Now Arafat will get arabs armed!”
And is even by magic, reports surfaced of PLO smuggling arms to Gaza, Judea & Samaria; Arafat landing his diplomatic airplane full of guns; Israeli regime giving PLO 20,000 guns from IDF stockpiles...
Now Kahanist guys were puzzled…
- You, Avrom, speak Arabic? You a secret spy? How you know & predict Yasser Arafat’s plans?
I laughed my butt off. “You, dudes, get ready for more terrorist attacks in Israel, more bus bombings, stabbings & explosions!”
I studied Marxism-Leninism in the Soviet Union diligently & I know well what “revolutionary situation” is & how it’s developed. Arafat was a hard-core Marxist & he acted by the book. Compare to Comrade Lenin coming to Petrograd & making Great October Socialist Revolution (grabbing power)!  That is how I knew!
Itzik Rabin, Shimon Peres, Yossi Beilin and other leftists in power in Israel were avid Marxists too. They knew & they kept silent. They duped gullible Israelis & US Jews who applauded “Oslo Peace”.
Billy Clinton, his staff, State Department, were fools. They did not know.
But Yasser Arafat was my leash dog until he got poisoned by Israeli Shin-Bet payroll snitch & dropped dead in 2004, after losing Oslo War. If he & other pan-arab nationalist honchos would all be exterminated sooner, Oslo War casualties would be avoided.
Yea, Yasser Arafat was my bad-bad filthy leash dog!

Story of Dr.Baruch Goldstein, ZT’L
I met Dr.Baruch Goldstein in mid-April 1982 when he jumped into Yamit “suicide bunker” alongside with Rabbi Meir Kahane, ZT’L, at the sad conclusion of Israeli retreat from Sinai.
Dr. Goldstein was a Torah scholar, idealist and an intellectual. He was born in New York and got his MD from the Yeshiva University. Then, he made Aliyah.  I noticed Baruch intensely observing and analyzing things around him. He was constantly in thought. Kinda withdrawn… intellectual. Baruch was tall and strong. He took all the hardships inside the bunker stoically, without a complaint.
Baruch’s sister BatSheva, a nice quiet girl, was in the bunker. Few days before, hearing that we were about to kill ourselves in order to stop the shameful retreat from Sinai, spelled in the 1978 Camp David Accord, delegation of relatives, including Baruch, flew in from America.
Later, Baruch married Rachel and they settled in Kiryat Arba.
Great was my surprise on Purim, Feb. 25, 1994, when news broke of Dr. Goldstein “murdering” scores of “innocent peaceful “palestiniens” praying in mosque”. Enraged President Bill Clinton called a press-conference denouncing an attempted de-railing of his “Peace Process”. Thereafter he issued an executive order declaring Kach & Kahane Chai “terrorist”.
Tel Aviv stock market collapsed. Leftists went berserk. Prime Minister Rabin got depressed and angrily gulped down another bottle of vodka. When sobered up, he appointed a commission to “investigate”.
UN issued a Resolution 904.  Israelis were shocked.
What really happened?
Arabs, who call themselves “Palestinians”,  got punished for their terrorism. Arabs get punished not only by security forces of the state, but also by the ordinary people, surviving victims, their relatives, friends & supporters.
Neither Kach, Kahane Chai nor anyone in the Kahanist Movement ever called for massacre of arabs.  Such claim is a lie spread by leftists and liberals. We work to resolve conflict politically, peacefully and without a bloodshed. Sand-nazi arabs who can not live in peace, must move or be moved off the Jewish Land. As simple as that.
Did the Kach Movement sent Baruch to exterminate those arabs?
Did the Kach Movement gave Baruch an M-16 rifle and ammunition?
Did the Kach movement created a “Peace Process” that emboldened arab terrorism and resulted in almost daily murders of Jews?
As a doctor, an emergency responder, Baruch got called to every massacre of Jews in Hebron area.
Baruch tried to save lives of Ester Ohana, my & his dear friend Meir Lapid & his son Yisroel Lapid. Meir Lapid was a hero “refusenik” from Riga, a hero of the Soviet Jews. Meir was a warm caring soulful Jew. He was like an older brother to me.
Before the “massacre”, Army command, acting on ShinBet tip, asked Baruch, Major in the Medical Corps, to set up a field hospital for Jewish victims of an upcoming arab terrorist attack.
Even the Israeli government commission admitted that “peaceful” arabs, instead of praying to allah, chanted “Yitbah al Yahood” – “Kill the Jews” and stashed an AK-47 rifle under the prayer rugs.
If anything, Baruch prevented a terror attack with a pre-emptive strike and saved numerous innocent lives.
For everyone, except the arab/moslem terrorists seeking “virgins in heaven”, murder is detesting. Yet, Torah recognizes that in some circumstances, killing is necessary. Murderer must be stopped. 6th Commandment, in Hebrew, states “Thou shall not MURDER”. Just like in English, there is a DIFFERENCE between Murder & Killing. Moshe-Rabbeynu, Moses himself, killed an Egyptian who oppressed a Jewish slave.
Do the “learned” rabbis of the Orthodox Union, UK’s Sacks, puppets on Israeli payroll who condemned Baruch, ever learned that? Did those rabbis ever comforted Jewish victims or ever condemned arab terrorism?  They should stop misrepresenting Judaism and participate in Jewish services. And why do they still celebrate Passover, Purim and Chanuka, all of which involve “killing”?
Dr.Baruch Goldstein, ZT’L, acted according to Jewish Law. He was a Tsadik, a righteous man.  That is why kahanists refused to condemn Dr.Goldstein’s mitzvah.
Dr.Baruch Koppel Goldstein, ZT’L, died as a Hero, defending His People, as Torah commands.
May his memory be of blessing.
His noble soul is under the wings of Shekhinah, learning Torah with Jewish Forefathers - Avrohom, Yitzhok & Yaakov, honored by Jewish Kings, heroes & fighters.
Thus, Clinton found a bad pretext to label Kach & Kahane Chai  – “terrorist”.  To this day the US State Department blames Kahanist Movement for acts committed by Jews who were never members. Yet, everyone who is refusing to enter the gas-chambers, fighting back as in Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, defending his home in Israel, is a Kahanist.
Because we stand for G-d, for Torah, for Our Jewish Rights, no regimes will ever break us. Not 4,000 years ago, not now and not ever.

Hillel’s Wisdom
Few days before I left for Israel, sad news arrived.
My dear friend, Rabbi Hillel Lieberman, ZT’L, was brutally murdered by arab terrorist mob. I came to his house in Elon Moreh when his family sat shiva, 7 days of mourning. Hillel’s father and mother came from New York to bury their son. I could not hold it. This was the only time I cried in my adult life. And I wrote a tribute to Hillel…

Once upon a time, some years ago, we walked from Shechem homeward to Elon Moreh. Passing Kever Yosef, Tomb of Joseph, a Biblical Patriarch. Hillel exhaled a chest full of air and exclaimed: “Avrom, look how beautiful the Land of Israel is!” I looked around & smiled to myself… Arabs turned this venerable area into a garbage dump: rusted car hulks filling archeological digs, air filled with a stench of a burning municipal waste, piles of trash from arab sweatshops…
But such a man was Hillel… Land of Israel was beautiful!  Hillel was a Torah scholar, a dreamer, and an idealist… A true son of Rav Kahane, an active member of our local Kach chapter.
Eighteen years later, on Shabbat morning, 8th of Tishrei, 1st of October 2000, Hillel was walking back the same route from Elon Moreh to Kever Yosef. Arab riots broke out all over Israel. Israeli Army cowardly abandoned its post on the Holy Site. Mob of arab terrorists was breaking down the Tomb, burning the seforim ( Holy books ) of the Od Yosef Chai Yeshiva where Hillel was a mashgiyah ( a spiritual guide ). Oslo War had begun.
He walked alone, unarmed. He had to persuade a godless mob to stop desecrating grave of Joseph, whose body Jews carried on their shoulders from Egypt thousands of years ago.
Hillel’s brutally tortured body, ridded with bullets, was found a few days later.
Murder was never investigated: terrorist murderers are still running free. Yet, we know who are the murderers of Rabbi Hillel Lieberman, ZT’L, Hy’d. Hillel’s murderers are the paranoid arab nationalism and the violent mohammedian superstition. The sand-nazis. They are the bloodstained murderers who pulled the triggers.
But there are other murderers who actively participated in this crime. Guns and bullets used in Hillel’s murder came from the israeli army stockpiles. They were given to arab terrorists by the treacherous Rabin’s regime. Rabin & his leftist-liberal henchmen are murderers of Rabbi Hillel Lieberman, ZT’L.
And there are more. For many decades, american & european governments flirted and appeased arab nationalism & jihadism. “Legitimate rights of the palestinian people”, “Palestinian state”, “courageous palestinian freedom-fighters”. We remember well these lines from New York Times & Chicago Tribune, mouthpieces of various administrations. “Legitimize rights” of arab thieves on Jewish Land! Turn Israel into another Czechoslovakia! They forget that appeasement of German nationalism led to fall of France, near collapse of England and a destruction of American navy at Pearl Harbor.
Stealing Jewish Land is crime!
There is NO “Palistine”!

HaKodosh Baruh Hu, L-rd Al-Mighty, rules history. He makes fun of arrogant scheming “world leaders”. September 11th, two-front war America fights, terror in Europe, Africa and Asia are direct & logical results of their misguided policies. State Department, White House, Downing Street along with other governmental institutions are accomplices in the murder of Rabbi Hillel Lieberman, ZT’L, Hy’d.
And there are more. Rabbi Hillel Lieberman, ZT’L, is a scion of a prominent American Jewish family. His father is a distinguished Rav ( rabbi ) of an orthodox synagogue in Great Neck, NY. Family has a cousin, Senator Joe Lieberman, who at the time of Hillel’s murder was a running vise-presidential candidate. Senator Joe Lieberman is an orthodox Jew. Modern orthodox, that is.
Reporter: “Senator, is that true that you have an Israeli settler cousin who was recently murdered by an arab mob?” Senator Joe Lieberman, to save an embarrassment and a fear of antagonizing arab voters, answered: “I’ve got no such cousin.”
Joe got no such cousin.
Ahavat Israel is a fundamental idea of Torah Judaism. Cursed is a generation that ignored pleas of Holocaust victims. Yet their sons had to go to war after Pearl Harbor. Blessed are those who helped free Soviet Jews. American Jews could do it, if they wanted to.
Where were American Jews in September 2000 when Oslo War broke out & Jewish State stood on the brink of collapse? Where were all those who so vocally advocated the “Peace Process”? Were they there to comfort the victims of their “peace”? Did they try to help and comfort Yael and seven little orphans? Over a thousand Jews murdered & ten thousand wounded as a result of “Oslo Peace”.
Ahavat Israel. G-d commanded us to care about our brothers. Many in America call themselves “rabbi” or “jewish community leader”. Yet few real Rabbis & Leaders are there. Most “leaders” seek adoration and monetary gains. They defraud the Jewish Community.
But the most appalling are the clowns, dressed as rabbis. Ahavat Israel is not heard from them. They’ve got other concerns. They do nothing to help their brothers, fighting on the front lines.
Not only the gang of thieves & liars does not help, but some of them take part in persecution of Jewish Patriots and activists. Since September 11th 2001, scores of American Jewish Patriots were quietly arrested and tried on trumped up charges. Irv Rubin, ZT’L, Hy’d, director of the Jewish Defense League, was murdered by the FBI.  To cover up, corrupt US Jewish media tried to portray murder as a suicide. Most Jewish Patriotic organizations are placed on a terrorist list. Jewish Defense League is effectively shut down by FBI. “Leaders” cheered! Everything possible is done to keep American Jewish voice down. Everything to build an Iron Curtain between Israel and the American Jews.
Crooked “rabbis” and “jewish leaders” are accomplices in the murder of Rabbi Hillel Lieberman, ZT’L, Hy’d.
Rabbi Hillel was a Holy man with a pure and noble soul. He taught well, but most people did not hear the voice of truth. Now, years after his death, his voice is heard by the whole world.
Holy Scroll is burned, but the letters fly in the air.
Such is the wisdom of Hillel.

Adventures of a Legionnaire
How I ended up in the “IBFICU”(from http://defendisrael.net/legion.shtml)
By Ezra Rudnitsky, Kfar Tapuach, ISRAEL.
Ellul 5762
Real Zionists are a rare breed these days, even in Israel; midtown Manhattan is about the last place I expected to meet any. But……
I was having a not-too bad calzone at Jerusalem Pizza on 39th and Broadway last month – not bad, considering that Kosher doesn’t do Italian too well anywhere. When I walked out, I saw that a group of half-dozen young men and women at the table “HELP SAVE LIVES IN ISRAEL”. One held huge Israeli flag; it looked kind of out of place, at least to my Brooklynite eyes. I hung around and talked with them. They were collecting money for airfare to Israel. These kids – most not older than 20 – told me that they were going to Israel as volunteers to defend settlements in Judea and Samaria. “Cool,” I thought. “Not normal, but definitely cool”. Apparently they’ve been doing training in Brooklyn to prepare them for the front lines. Myself, free the rest of the day, (it was Sunday), hung around for a while. As I was leaving, one of them invited me to train with them next Tuesday.
I got there at 7:15 for the 7:00 class. Big guy with in “IBFICU” shirt was taking attendance at the door. “There” – turned out to be a converted gym. I gave my name and went in. Class had already started and I slink onto one of the benches in the back. A pretty Spartan deal: two pull-up bars and free-weights in one corner, synagogue books in the other, and some mats on the floor. Definitely not Gold’s Gym, ha-ha.
The guy teaching the class turned out to be a former Marine combat instructor: Dave. The ad on the flier promised a “great intensive course for anyone wishing to upgrade personal defense skills or prepare for the elite IDF training”. Also: “Marine hand-to-hand combat, navigation, first-aid and survival skills, Israeli history and geography.”
Trainer Dave was one of few Orthodox Jews to serve in the USMC’s elite Recon unit. He was a Jew in military fatigues beating on a class of 25 and everyone was there of their own free will. It was 1.5-hour of guard duty drills and a half hour in Jewish history and philosophy. This 10-week crash course was in its 2nd week.
I liked it: I stayed on and formally enrolled. We finished the 10-week program and a little bit more (mostly esoteric USMC stuff) and I really enjoyed it.
One thing led to another, and I made the decision to take a semester off to go to Israel with the program…
I’ve been thinking – about Israel, about being Jewish, about life in general. Some of my thoughts reached a conclusion, some didn’t. I understand that if Jews and Israel mean something, if we are going to survive, it’s up to us and only us. The time I’ve spent here in Israel has reassured me in that belief.
Here in Israel… I’ve already been here for 3 weeks. A lot of the guys, who were with us in the gym, including our instructor, are at various vulnerable Jewish villages in the Samarian (West Bank) hills. The training now continues with the IDF. We help fill the manpower gaps in guard duty; some go through the canine handler course.
All the training is firmly grounded in necessity. At the first night was my very first ‘kumzitz’ – campfire with Jason Nimsky from the Long Island, one of the first volunteers. He stepped off the plane and got in active pursuit of terrorists with unit commanded by an IDF Major and a specially trained tracking dogs. Terrorist attack against Kfar Tapuach was prevented, thanks to the IBFICU. After his first strenuous day, Jason volunteered for the IBF canine Unit and got enrolled into the course of study in Ariel University about dogs and dog handling.
At approximately 2:00 AM, the army detected suspicious movement, and shot “preventive fire” in the general direction. IBFICU was called to track down the terrorists. Dogs lead to the surveillance nest used to spy on Tapuach. From there, dogs picked up scent that led to the house where arab intelligence officers were hiding. They got arrested. Next day, class analyzed the story and drew conclusions.
IBFICU in Tapuach must be one of the last places where one can find the authentic old-fashioned halutz Zionist ‘ruach’, the real pioneering spirit. This was going through my head as I on my first night of guard duty, under the clear Samarian sky. I also remembered my discussion outside Jerusalem pizza and my jabs about a “private IDF”. It seemed stupid, seeing the ‘matzav’ – security situation. Tonight I got my own first taste of ‘action’ when I helped track Arab invaders down before they could enter to Tapuach from the direction of the Tran-Samarian Highway. These strategically vital hills would have been unguarded if not for me – I felt the difference a caring Jew can make.
Half of the volunteers studied at the college or the yeshiva in Ariel. IBFICU worked out curriculum with the heads of the school so we study for free, with credits transferable to US universities. Some of our guys go serve in the I.D.F.’s Mahal (crack combat unit for foreign volunteers). IBFICU gives a great head-on training, well-respected by the top brass & so-vital ‘protektzia’ for surviving in tough Israeli society.
I’m in Israel now, fulfilling this “Zionist task of the highest order” – that is how the head of the YESHA Council put it in his welcoming speech on the IBFICU. Yeah, the Governor of the whole region, 144 Jewish towns in Yesha giving us a personal welcome and expressing his gratitude!
I feel part of something here that’s bigger than anyone of us – a huge, necessary, vital mitzvah. We won’t be like our grandparents who stood idly by, while Hitler massacred the Jews of Europe. Not after I’ve been home to Israel & seen how vulnerable our people are.
My grandfather graduated Brooklyn College in 1943. He was 25, with one child. He left college in his junior year to fight the Nazis….. Now it’s my time: I intend to go back to school soon, maybe in the US, maybe in Israel. But for now – it’s time to give of myself:
I’m a IBFICUnaire…..
See what high-ranking officials had to say about The Jewish Legion, Gedud HaIvri, Israel’s Best Friend (IBF) , Israel Canine Unit, listed by the US regime as a “Foreign Terrorist Organisation”:

 “Good things must be said of a project that helps secure the Tapuach area.”
(Machat) Brigadier General. Harel Konfo, Shomron (Samaria) Regional I.D.F. Commander

Yona Hyisraeli, Chief of Security, Shomron Regional Council:
 “I hereby recommend the IBFICU K-9 unit, working tirelessly with volunteers operating as K-9 handlers to protect and track in Kfar Tapuach and neighboring yishuvim.
This program is most important contributing regularly and in times of emergency, including alerts and attacks, which unfortunately we have often suffered.”

Letter from Avraham Shvut, head of Strategic Dept. Shomron Regional Council (Moatza Ezorit):
“The (Moatza) Council views the continuation and survival of the IBFICU Kennel Unit as a great importance. If the kennel is forced to stop operating this would hurt security. The (Jewish Legion) kennel has helped the I.D.F. and yishuvim security teams since its inception 18 months ago.”

List of “crimes” I committed in Israel. A confession…
“Confession is the mother of all evidence”
My son got arrested in Israel in 2015 for attempting to start a new Jewish outpost on a hill in Samaria called Netzah Binyomin. He was brought to Jerusalem Jail called “Migrash HaRussi” – Russian Compound. I spent quite a bit of time in that jail as a political prisoner in 1980s.
In jail, cops demanded to know his identity. Kid produced US Driver’s License. Cops first thought was:
- Hey, we can deport this son-of-a-gun! He got no Israeli citizenship!”
But kid said his dad, me, is an Israeli citizen.
Now cop had a problem. If either parent is an Israeli citizen, person is an Israeli citizen automatically, even if he/she is born abroad. Kid can not be deported.
- What is your father’s name?
Cop searched me on the computer & a long list of horrible crimes popped up!
- O, my G-d! Going back to 1981! But here is recent… October 2000! Attempted murder of innocent arab citizen! With a 3” knife! Bummer, court dismissed it. Nothing!
With that my kid was released.

How I killed an arab & destroyed a mosque…
After few weeks of guarding Kfar Tapuah, the leadership realized that local arabs had chickened out, I was given a break to visit my old friends in Jerusalem & to look for my dear daughter Rivkah whom ex snatched to Tel-Aviv.
Little did I knew, walking by the Hassan Bek Mosque in Jaffa, that the Israelis tried to bulldoze the damned hut the day before, but cops wouldn’t let them. ( Leveling that stupid shack was in retaliation for arab desecration of Biblical Kever Yosef, Tomb of Joseph in Shechem where my old friend, Rabbi Hillel Lieberman, ZT’L, got murdered by arab terrorists, while trying to protect the Holy Site.)
Here’s what I wrote when I came back:
I am 41, married, father of four, employed. I live in Chicago, Illinois.
On October 5, 2000 I took a trip to Israel in order to discuss plans with my relatives in view of deteriorating security situation there, visit old friends, etc.
(Bullshit, I couldn’t reveal that I was sent by Kahane Chai on reconnaissance mission to start a “terrorist” Jewish Legion.)
On October 22, 2000 at about 3:30pm I walked in the city of Tel Aviv in the vicinity of HaYarkon Street. I was on the way to visit a close relative. ( Looking for my lost 15-year old daughter I saw last time 13 years ago. We talked on the phone, before ex moved to TA.)
Arabs near some delapidated mosque went crazy when they saw Kach pin on my hat. I, in turn, spat in their direction. They bleated & an Israeli cop jumped from nowhere, yelling & screaming at me. Cop was an Israeli police sergeant Morduchai Ben-Prin (Bad Prick). He demanded to search me. I was surprised, but consented without a complaint. Ben-Prin opened my bag and threw contents out on the ground. He threw my white Shabbat shirt and other clothing in the dirt, to which I complained. He took out a photo camera & demanded to know what it was. I asked to take a picture of what he was doing, which he angrily denied. Ben-Prin opened a plastic bag with my bread and salami and found a 3” table knife I used to cut food with.  Than, crazy leftist found a bunch of outlawed Kach medals in my possession. He musta had a fit!
Ben-Prin radioed for a police car, claiming that he “detained the suspect”. After about 30 minutes, army officer with three-star-shoulder-boards came, looked through my bag, said “Not impressed” & left. Pen-Prin ordered me to “get lost”, but immediately changed his mind & radioed again. After about an hour, police van & a carload of police appeared. They cuffed me & put inside the van. After half-hour in hot van I began to feel dizzy. It was getting dark. At about 7pm I was brought to the Tel Aviv police station, not far from the Tel Aviv Central Bus Station. ShaBaK (Israeli FBI) interrogation team walked in already knowing that I wanted to kill an arab.
Every Israeli who watches TV, listens to the radio or reads leftist “Haaretz” newspaper, knows that each and every kahanist plots day and night of how to kill a poor little defenseless arab. And the dude who carries 40 Kach medals in his bag must be the worst of them all! The only question, how did he plan to kill an arab? Gun I left in Tapuah. But in my food bag, next to bread & a chunk of salami, a 3-inch knife was found. So it is obvious… kahanist (me) wanted to cut an arab to little pieces. Let’s make him confess to his evil intentions!
Well, I didn’t confess & my argument was: “If I really wanted to kill an arab, I had an access to an M-16 with 2 full magazines. I could of have killed 60 arabs.” Imagining this, poor shabakniks nearly fainted!
Later, after 28 hours of interrogations, simple logic prevailed, but not before I was brought before a dude who declared:
“So far you’ve dealt with the Investigation (Hakirot) Department of ShaBaK. They are suckers. I’m from the Information (Modiin) Department & we don’t monkey around with crazy dudes like you! We will get you in America!”
I don’t know for sure & can’t know if his words were prelude for later events. If governments creates a conspiracy against citizens, citizens can never find out. But I do know for sure (because it was announced) that the ShaBaK-FBI liaison office was created back in 1994 to keep tabs on Jewish Patriots in America.
I asked to make a phone call to calm my relatives whom I was to meet that evening. I also asked to use the washroom. Both requests were denied. I was brought to the investigation section upstairs. Detective Avi Ovadia made calls regarding me. Before searching me for bombs, guns & explosives, detective evaluated me carefully. He noticed bloody pokes on my arms.
– Ma ze? What are those?
Me: Those are AIDS. Many people in America got AIDS.
Hearing “AIDS” detective tripped & hurriedly put on rubber gloves.
In reality, those were bites from the Samarian super-mosquitoes. Those insects were nasty! Sitting in the ambush, I tried not to move, as not to reveal my location by smacking those blood-suckers. Bites itched, looked awful & didn’t heal for quite a while.
Ordering me sit on the bench far away from him, cop got on computer, printing. After spitting a wad of paper, printer stopped.
-Ben zona! Kuss! Where is the new ink cartridge?
That was my Israeli criminal background going back 18 years, since 1981. But I left the country in 1986, so how extensive was my criminal history in those 5 years? I had a dozen arrests & one trial where I got punished by performing 45 days of community service at the police station in Shechem (Nablus). That was a different story which I may tell later.
 By about 7:30pm, three plain-clothed men took me to a small room & introduced themselves as the officers of the General Security Services (ShaBaK – Shirutei Bitahon Klalit) (in US they are sometimes called Mossad or Shin Bet, but in reality Mossad & ShaBaK are 2 departments of Shin Bet – Shirutei Bitahon or Security Services. ShaBaK is akin to American FBI, while Mossad is like CIA).   These three dudes did not reveal their names. One showed his ShaBaK ID card, but covered his name. Again, I asked if I was arrested and if I could call my relatives. I was told that I was only “detained” and the call will be allowed only if I would “answer the questions”. I replied that I do not have to answer them anything.  As an American citizen ( I hold an Israeli citizenship too, but my Israeli passport expired years ago. I had not been to Israel in 13 years ) I was under the protection of the US Government. I also asked to call US Embassy in Tel Aviv. Again, my requests were rudely denied. Questions were asked in fluent Hebrew ( my Hebrew is not so good ) and broken English. I was accused in attempting to murder an arab with a knife and destroying a mosque ( Hassan Bek Mosque. That ugly shack in Yaffa got no architectural, religious or cultural value except that this is one of the oldest mosques in Israel. It was built by Turks so shabbily that it falls apart by itself. )
I laughed at the accusations.
One agent drew a picture, showing me as an assassin with a knife, demanding to prove that I was innocent. I replied that by law, suspect/defendant does not have to prove innocence; rather, accusers got to present evidence of crime and a probable cause for detention.
ShaBaK: You, Avrom, must understand that we don’t have much time. Security situation is getting worse and we’ve got to go take care of other things.
Me: It is you, ShaBaK, who created this situation. You helped create Hamas as counter-balance to Fatah 15 years ago. And it was your PM Rabin ( Israeli traitor alchoholic Yitzhak Rabin who got exterminated for his crimes by patriot Yigal Amir in 1995 ) who gave arab terrorists 20,000 guns with which they now murder Jews.
Living crap got scared out of ShaBaKniks when I told that Dr.Baruch Goldstein, ZT”L, ( Baruch was a great doctor who pioneered a cure of arab terrorism and prevented a major terror attack in Hebron in 1994 ) was my good friend.
ShaBaKniks tripped. I noticed their nervousness & shaking fingers.
- But we just arrived from Shechem ( “Nablus”. An arab city in Samaria & an epicenter of fighting.)
Me: So what? I just did guard duty few miles from there & my fingers ain’t shaking.
 I pointed that ShaBaK is torturing Jewish dissidents. Agents threatened me with a long jail term. “What will happen to your family & children?” They found picture of my family in my wallet.
At about 3am agents grew tired & I was handed back to police as “asir bit’honi” – Security Prisoner. That is very bad, because these are very dangerous ( terrorists! )  and  handled roughly.
Detective Mimun Dror & cops Dovid Erez K. & Isroel Soto were constipating:
- What are we gonna charge him with?
- With ‘breaking’ ?
One remembered “the British Law”. And they went searching in law books & police manuals.
I was put in a squad car with three cops (escorting important prisoner!), still in cuffs, which were on since the evening, and driven at crazy speeds & sirens through the sleeping streets.
“Don’t be scared, citizens! Yes, you hear arab gunfire all over, but Israeli Police is here, rushing to rescue the country! We caught a very scary terrorist here & we take him for interrogation now!”
I was driven to the investigating cell in Petah Tikva Jail.
Doctor ( a fellow Russian Jew ) examined me. He listened to my heart with stetoscope.
- “Your blood pressure is a little high, but you are fit for jail service.”
He wondered if I was brought directly from the airport. My old buddy, Israeli & former Soviet dissident Avigdor Eskin ( Today Avigdor Eskin is a very important rabbi and a political figure in Russia & Israel. His website is http://avigdor-eskin.com  But in those days Avigdor was a Prisoner in Zion. That is different from Prisoner of Zion - name for Jewish activists imprisoned in USSR. ShaBaK interrogators put a dusty cloth bag over his head, tied him & forced him to sit on high chair for hours. ) was his patient while jailed and tortured by ShaBak.
I was threatened with “bag” too, but I warned that I had asthma & could suffocate.
I was handed to the team of three arab jailers (even here poor arabs got to do all the dirty work) for a body search. Arab nationalist, seeing my kippah & tzitzit (fringes) treated me with expressed disrespect. I told him, that he will be a prisoner himself, when we come to power. That set him off.
- Take down your pants!
Me: Nope. That’s violation of my human rights!
He ordered other arabs out of the room & confronted me. I was handcuffed & he threatened to punch me. He unbuttoned my pants, shook them. Than, he threw content of my bag on the floor, stepped on talit & ripped the bag.
- Put this mask on your eyes!
Me: Nope. That’s violation of my human rights!
He gave up & threw me in a cell, slamming heavy steel door.
It is funny, how jailers everywhere like to slam those heavy cell doors on prisoners. BAAANG! Now you, motherfucker, IS IN JAIL!!! Ha-ha-ha!
One point that both ShaBaK & police emphasized over & over:
- Israel is a democracy. Here Jews & Arabs are equal before the law. We treat you exactly how we treat an Arab & you will not get any favors from us because you are a Jew.
What they didn’t know, is that during my previous arrests I’ve already seen how Arab terrorists are treated in Israeli jails. While Jewish political prisoners are dehumanized & humiliated by the jailers, Arab prisoners are cocky and arrogant. Nobody stands for the Jewish political prisoner. Jewish Political Prisoners are demonized by the leftist court system, media & general public. They are treated with contempt, tortured & abused.
Arab, on the other hand, is a “hero freedom-fighter”, imprisoned by “colonialist Jew Zionists enemies of Islam”. Arab knows that his whole community, whole arab & moslem world is behind him. Pilistenien Ministry of Prisoner’s Affairs pays monthly stipend to his family. Young leftist & arab girls carry his picture in demonstrations held in London, Cairo & Amman. Interview with his grieving mother is in the Egyptian newspaper. Red Cross brings him weekly packages with foods he ordered. Best Israeli leftist “human rights” attorney filing court motions for him.
Does the Jewish Prisoner get any of it? Dream on. Jewish Prisoner is getting treif food into which Arab kitchen workers wholeheartedly spit.
Yet, I must admit that “processing” in Israeli jail is much faster & less painful than what I encountered in Chicago later.
Dude in cell yelled that they put a dangerous murderer (me) to kill him. Oi! Then he cooled down & became very nice & talkative. Obviously, he was a snitch & a pretty crude-acting snitch too. I had no sleep. At 6 am I was escorted to the interrogation room. They sarcastically inquired how I spend the night…
- No toilet paper. Had to wash shit from my ass like an arab. No towel. No toothpaste. No food. But plenty of bright light. Thank you for the good treatment.
As even by magic, toilet paper, towel, toothpaste & brush appeared. Even food.
I washed & was brought back for interrogation. Dark-skinned ShaBaKnik spoke Hebrew, Farsi, French but no English. And acted like a shrink. I called him “Mr.Psychologist”. Team of three walked in.
- “We are ShaBaK.”
Me: “What are your names?”
- “None of your business!”
By contrast, cops’ names are on their chests. But not ShaBaK.
One dude was a Russian bullshitter who claimed “many victories over KGB”. I told him that he, himself, is a modern-day KGB. He got po’d & shut up.
They were interested in all my friends, relatives and an hour-by-hour account of what I did in Israel.
I explained to them that I’ve committed no crimes & got no secrets to hide. But I will not answer any questions & will not provide any information about my friends & relatives. They should go look for someone else to snitch to them because I ain’t no snitch & will never be one. They’ve got no useful information.
At about 12 noon I was finally allowed, after 16 hours, to call my family.
By 3:30pm ShaBaK had enough of me & handed me back to cops. I must of really pissed them of, because they put me in leg irons in addition to handcuffs. New sport was to drag me along, while heavy long chains hitting me on the ankles at every step. It took a month before these bloody & painful wounds healed up. I was paraded around the jail yard while cops & jailers, including arabs, jeered: “Look at that criminal rabbi!”
Finally, I got shoved into a squad car where filthy unshaved dude in soiled kippah & ripped tzitzit introduced himself as “chief detective Nachum Bobkoff”. He was born in Cleveland, but in comparison to American colleagues in nice suits & imposing appearance, Bobkoff looked like a homeless slob from under the bridge. He, supposedly, came to Israel as a teen & his grandpa was a rabbi in Gomel, Russia “100 years ago”. And now Bobkoff, in loose stained t-shirt & baggy pants was “A chief investigating officer of Tel Aviv police”. And he was proud to belong to small group of religious leftists who hated “settlers like myself” with passion.
Bobkoff & cop Avi Alfassi took me back to Tel Aviv “to check my story”.
- “And if you, scumbag, lied to us, we will rot you in jail for many, many years.”
They blasted leftist anti-religious station & sarcastically asked if it was too promiscuous.
They drove like maniacs, cutting into the bus lanes & I had to raise my handcuffs to show angry drivers that the prisoner is being transported.
We came to Tel Aviv police station where I was interrogated last night.
Pair of dark little Yemenite girls in police uniforms, no older than 19, run around. On their belts hung huge .45 pistols. I joked that guns looked bigger than the girls. They looked at me with secret admiration and fear. Here’s crazy kahanist, came from America to kill arabs! Oi!
Everybody was fearful of unfolding events.  News were broadcast every hour and it was all terror, murders, riots & gunfire.
I stuck conversation with one cop. He seemed anxious. I asked him:
- “What would happen to you, an Israeli cop, and to your family, if arabs overrun the country? What would you & your fellow officers do to prevent a massacre?”
- “We must “organize”.”
That was the answer.
My fingerprints & mug shot were taken again. Dude in civilian had a long conversation with Bobkoff & than faced me in chief superintendant’s Yoaz Pincas’s crabby office.
- You, Avrom, must of think that we, ShaBaK, is the reincarnation of the devil on earth. But in fact, we do a very important job for the security of the State of Israel. Myself, for example, because of the present security situation, have not been at home in 3 days.
Me: You, ShaBaK, is a worthless bunch of misfits who appease arab terrorism & sadistically torture Jewish Patriots. You, yourself, is to blame for this security situation & for the blood of innocent Israeli civilians murdered by your arab “peace partners”.
And if you interrogate arab terrorists like you interrogated me, I’m worried for the safety of all Israelis.
- This is the very last warning to you and you better take it very seriously. If you don’t stop your activities, we will get you & your family in America. You can not hide from us.
To Nachum Bobkoff I must have been a heavy suitcase without a handle:
- You, Avrom, is very lucky you are in Israel, where we have democracy. In any other place I would put you against the wall & smack your head so hard, wall would have an impression of it.
Last of Bobkoff’s barbs was to expose film in my 35mm camera. They gave back my bag (minus the 3” knife and the 40 Kach Medals, which they kept as evidence for me murdering an arab & destroying a mosque).
I hungrily attacked bread & salami.
That was it… I was let go.

Story told by the Commander…
Commander, founder & organizer of the Jewish Legion IV, Israel’s Best Friend (IBF), Israel Dog Unit (IDU) is Mike Guzofsky a.k.a. Yekutiel Ben Yaakov.
When we met in Florida, about 2014, Mike told me a story…
US regime put Jewish Legion on “terrorist list” soon after JL got formally established in 2002. By contrast, Israel Dog Unit is getting commendations from Israeli Police, IDF, Fire Department & admiration from Israeli public. IDU is not on the “list”.
How could it be that these “Jewish terrorists” suddenly changed to heroes?
Back in 2002-2010, Israeli cops raided Kfar Tapuah, arrested & jailed our guards, confiscated dogs, raised homes.
In about 2012, in the middle of the night, cops knocked on Mike’s door.
- Come with us!
Mike had a bag ready by the door, filled with all the things he would need in jail: tefillin, talit, clean underwear, etc.
Cops took him to Ariel Police HQ.
Top police commander was waiting in his office.
- Why you got a bag? What’s in the bag?
-        You will jail me, so I got things I’ll need in jail.
Cop started laughing…
- We will not jail you! We will not arrest you! We are not even going to interrorate you! In fact, we want to ask you a favor! You command this specialty dog unit, helping Army track terrorists, helping Fire Department find missing people. We need your help too. We do not have trained dogs & handlers. Why don’t you cooperate with us, Israeli Police?
After that, IBF began training more Search & Rescue (SAR) dogs to help police search for missing people all over Israel. Israeli Police gave IDU number of commendations for finding people disoriented or contemplating suicide.
To this day, IDU got 2 branches: one is for guarding Jewish villages, outposts, families from arab terrorist attacks; other – is for finding missing Israelis in medical emergencies.
What is a “Jewish Idea”?
Torah Judaism is not a bunch of antiquated tribal customs, as leftists-liberals, alienated & assimilated assume. Torah Judaism is not a battery of traditional rituails that must be performed to avoid evil decree, as some orthodox & chosids suppose.
Torah Judaism is an Idea.
Torah Judaism states that G-d Is One.
Judaism is a strict monotheism.
G-d Is One & Words of Torah, that Our Teacher, Moshe-Rabbeynu, brought from the Mount Sinai, are true & is the ONLY Word of G-d, never to be added nor subtracted from.
For comparison, Christians believe in “trinity” polytheism that they inherited from the earlier idolworshippers. Moslems substituted Torah with mohammedian lies.
Jewish Idea withstood tests of time & martyrdom. Jewish Idea is unshaken & will stand forever.
Torah Scholar will learn Eighteen Principles of Faith formulated by Rambam, Humash with Rashi Commentaries, Mishna, Gemorah and Commentaries of Great Rabbonim & Chassidic Masters.
Torah Scholar will learn Hebrew, Jewish History, history of Zionism, Israel, religious Zionism of Rav Kook, ZT’L, legacy of Rav Kahane, ZT’L, Jewish Culture: art, music, prose & poetry & much more… from antiquity to our days.
There is also a long list of documentary books, written by rabbis & Jewish heroes one must read.
All that, combined, is a Jewish Idea, for which our Tzadikkim met death & tortures.
Rabbi Meir Kahane, ZT”L, dreamed of a generation of young scholars-warriors, in the mold of King David, strong in Jewish Knowledge, Ahavat Yisroel & skilled in military arts. 
Beware of boring comfortable pseudo-rabbis with big mouthes who never sacrificed but love money, power & respect. These have neither  Torah nor Ahavat Yisroel. Do not waste your time with them.
Rav Kahane, ZT’L, called US fake Judaism “a poisoned jungle”. A poisoned jungle it is!

Political analysis
 U.S.Government bloated to 2 million civilian employees in many departments & agencies. It is huge & multifaced. Therefore, can’t speak of the US Government as one body. It is complex, with many conflicting opinions. Note that Dept. of Defence (US Armed Forces) seems to appease sand-nazis less than the US State Dept. & White House.
Middle Eastern “Oslo Peace Process” was a scam of the criminal leftist Israeli clique, aided by equally stupid & near-sighted White House, U.S. State Department, European regimes & others. They tried to appease violent Arab Nationalism & Fundamentalist Islam. Scam collapsed in September 2000. Resulting Oslo War cost Israel 1000 murdered & over 10,000 wounded… victims of arab terrorism.
A year later, American People paid an equally heavy price. Than came turn of the Europeans & all others…
Situation was very similar to the Munich Pact of 1938.
But who learns from history?
Many U.S. soldiers were puzzled as of why they had to go fight in Afghanistan & Iraq in the aftermath of 9/11. Yet, the reason is clear. Bush Jr. administration had no choice. 9/11 terrorists were Saudi & “palistenian” arab nationalists brainwashed with Islamic idol-worship.
Pan-arabism & jihadism were the 2 terrorist ideologies that perpetrated 9/11!
Islamic jihadism, headed by Bin Laden was hiding in Afghanistan.
Pan-arabism, led by Saddam Hussein, was in Iraq.
Both were murderous criminal offenders that had to be destroyed.
Tribute to heroic U.S. soldiers who did their duty!
But why did U.S.Government went after Bin Laden & Saddam, while appeasing their “brothers” – jihadist Hamas & corrupt pan-arab Fatah that we fight in Israel?
In 1987, ShaBaK helped sheik Yassin start Jihadist Islamic Hamas terrorist group as the counter-balance to Nationalist terrorist Fatah. Monster of suicide bombings, shootings & rioting came out of the bottle. It is still out. Israel assassinated terrorist Yassin in 2004. But that didn’t help.
White House, CIA, US State Department, helped Bin Laden fight Soviets in Afghanistan in 1980s. Bin Laden got CIA (that is, your, taxpayer’s) cash, weapons, intelligence, even advanced Stinger anti-aircraft missiles. Centers in Detroit & New Jersey recruited American Moslems to fight under Al Queida’s banners. Bin Laden was the hero who single-handedly kicked Soviets out of Afghanistan. Arrogant arab terrorist idol-worshipper thought that Allah delivered the whole world into his filthy hands. Sure, that was his thought before 9/11. Bin Laden got exterminated by USA in 2011 after hiding for years in Pakistan, covered by Pakistani intelligence. But his terrorist jinni is out of the bottle too.
By 2012, “Arab Spring” replaced secular arab regimes with fundamentalist Islamist anarchist gangs. One does not have to be a genius to predict arab-islamic war against Israel (“pitbull of the West”) in the future. It will be a funny war, though. Arabs never had luck with modern field armies. Nor do they have suitable weapons. They do have vicious anger, explosives & non-conventional arms. Therefore, we should gear for their terrorist attacks everywhere.
And what if the US administration decides to appease arabs them with “Palistenien” State on Jewish Land? It didn’t work in 2000, but maybe it will work now?
My prediction is there will be another 9/11 on the US soil. It can happen tomorrow or 10 or 20 years from now. Arab & moslem terrorists got time. They will strike!
Does the American Foreign policy makes sense?
Truth is, that US Foreign and Domestic policies go hand in hand. If one is stupid and oppressive, so is the other. Can not be otherwise.
White House & State Department, commited grave mistakes that cost American People dearly.
Mistakes of U.S. Foreign Policies been seen by decades: Carter’s “Camp-David”,  Reagan’s “Even-handedness”,  Bush Sr.’s “Land for Peace”, Clinton’s “Oslo”, Bush Jr.’s “2-State solution” & “Roadmap to Peace”. All failed. Only Obama, leftist hater of Israel, had no concept… he run out of options!
In the end, as we see today, due to idiotic policies of US Presidents, US State Dept. & criminal acts of Israeli leftist clique, People of Israel are left without the land & without the peace. LOL! This much for “Land for Peace”!
Reason why U.S. Government put Kach and Kahane Chai on terrorist list is crystal clear. Both organizations vocally opposed appeasing extremist Islamism, pan-arabism and sellout of Israel. They did not plant bombs, did not assassinate, and did not pose any threat to anybody. They spoke and warned. That is their democratic right. That is what Jewish American Patriots contributed to American security. And they were correct. 
Why should Jewish “Terrorists” from the US Government’s “Designated List” care more about lives of Americans, US security, than dumb nearsighted officials, paid by your, sucker’s, tax dollars?
Rabbi Meir Kahane, ZT”L, Kach, Kahane Chai, Kahanist Movement activists are the greatest American Patriots of this century. If policymakers would pay heed to their prophetic vision, Untied States, Israel and the whole world would be spared 9/11 and much of pan-arab & Islamic terrorism.
Today, years later, there is a dynamic patriotic dissident movement in Israel, composed of Jewish Pioneers in Judea & Samaria, “Hilltop Youth”, soldiers and army officers, students of yeshivot and universities, residents of both sides of the Green Line, young and old, religious & secular.
This movement is a sign that people can no longer be brainwashed and duped like they were during the “Oslo Peace” years.  They fight back!
They number in the hundreds of thousands. Their anger against the treacherous left, arab terrorists and liberal Establishment is red hot. Their weapons are shovels and hammers; building new outposts in Judea/Samaria, fight against illegal criminal orders for uprooting Jewish homes. Often it is a slogan, spray-painted on the wall or a car. Angry youth are not very disciplined. They don’t listen. If they would, if their actions would be better focused and coordinated, they would accomplish even more.
Jewish Pioneers rebuild Torah-inspired Jewish Society on ancient Jewish Land of Judea & Samaria. High birth rate, beautiful Jewish children, vibrant Jewish economy & re-born culture are some of their impressive accomplishments in past 40 years.
Go join them!
Listen, Hebrew youth! Rabbi Kahane taught that “Jewish Power is a Jewish fist attached to Jewish head!” Remember that!
In America, regime, Judenrat, kapos, leftists and snitches think that Jewish activism is dead and buried under piles of their lies and brainwash. They lie! People will not submit! I am sure that in the nearest future American Jewish youth will deliver a powerful kick in the fat corrupt butt of the Establishment and to their cronies: leftists and radical arabs/moslem sand-nazis.
This will happen!
Part 2:
U.S. regime’s jew-hating persecution
Those who know me notice that I don’t swear. Using f-words became common lingo of many Americans. I appologise for harsh language in this chapter, but use it to reflect what I saw.
Hey, you! Yea, you!
If you don’t like to read about “motherfuckers”, ”fags”, “bitches”, “chicks”, “niggers”, “white boys”, “jew-boys”, “gringos” & “Mexicans”…
…If you don’t like to see blood, shit, piss, puss & buggers… put this book back & don’t touch it.
It’s my book. I wrote it.
If myself & you get in the same cell in Statesville, Pontiac, Menards or any other “joint”, you’ve got to show respect & never ever touch other dudes’ stuff. Especially your celly’s shit.
And don’t spit in the sink. You’ve got to spit in the toilet & flush.
  Those are the jailhouse rules. You obey them or get busted.
All the shit written here in this book is no bullshit: it really happened & I saw it all it with my eyes & heard it with my ears. And I describe it exactly as I saw it. Nothing ‘politically corrected’ or sweetened here. If you get ‘disturbed’ by true facts, go read some other book.
While everything in this book is true, I use my First Amendment right to be sarcastic, sardonic and fastidious at times. If you’ve got no sense of humor and are totally stupid, this book will be bad for you. Don’t read it. Put it back.
Parts of this book are funny; parts of this book are sad & dead-serious. You, dude, like most other dudes, like funny stuff & hate serious stuff.
No problem! Just read funny stuff & skip the sad stuff. There is enough stuff here to justify the bucks you paid.
Also, I don’t want bitches tripping: “It’s obscene!” “It’s trash!” “It’s vulgar!” & other crap that comes out of these bitches’ traps. So keep this book away from them so they don’t see it.
Now, feel me… “Peace, Love & Justice” come from the judge in the courtroom. “Sympathy” I found in the dictionary, between the words “shit” & “syphilis”. So I don’t need none from you.
All persons and events here are real. I described them to my best ability. Any asshole I insulted can sue me in court or come over here with best weapons they’ve got.
 Now, shut up & read!
Before you read, you’ve got to learn few words you’ll need in jail.
CO – Correctional Officer. Same as cop, but these are jailers, lowest breed of “law enforcement”. They are paid $50,000 a year to sit ( “do time” ) in jail with filthy motherfucken prisoners. There are two kinds of CO’s: cool ones CO’s like Ms. Apple & bad, like Kelly. You’ll meet both. Some CO’s are very lazy: they wipe their area with disinfectant, because inmates spit, piss & shit on their desks, fall into the office chair & sleep until shift’s end. If they move, they roll with the chair. These are fat, lazy, and stupid, with huge beer bellies. Few CO’s are young, trim, served in Marines & study criminology to become Sergeants, lawyers or “somebody”. CO’s got different specialties: escorting, dorm, entry door, station, body search, intake, etc. Once CO strains his/her brain & learns “specialty”, it becomes life’s career. Most are so stupid, they can’t cross-learn.
DA - District Attorney or Prosecutor. These are the motherfuckers who snitch on you to the Judge & keep you locked up. They are sneaky & known for their dirty tricks. Enemy!
PD - Public Defender. You get PD when you don’t have money for an Attorney. These are supposed to defend you against the DA, but they rarely do so. Most sell you down the drain by forcing you to plead guilty. That is why dudes ask: “Do you have a lawyer or a PD?” In reality, PD’s are also lawyers, but they act like assholes, not lawyers at all. Beware!
Court Sheriff Deputy -
These dudes are CO’s that handle you in the courthouse. They wear same uniform as CO’s. They can be dudes or chicks. Usually, chicks are the nastiest, but not always. I’ve met some good ones. You deal with them for about 10 hours on your court days.
White Shirts –
These are CO’s sergeants & lieutenants. Many of them are very nasty. You’ll meet Zachariyeh. When CO wants to pass a buck, he will refer you to the “white shirt” who will polish your ass.
Superintendant –
This dude wears civilian clothing & he is in charge of the whole jail. If you get no more soap or toilet paper, it’s because of him. He barks on “white shirts” and at CO’s and makes them mad. Than they bark at you. You can write a “request” to the superintendant. But “white shirts” will read it first. In his spare time, superintendant will amuse himself by reading inmates’ grievances.
Social Worker –
This is a very important dude. Anything you want, must be first approved by him. He shows up at your deck once a week & disappears. He claims to be overworked & got no time for nobody. He gets all grievances & requests that later appear in the hands of Sergeants & Lieutenants. Lazy bullshitter!
Chaplain –
This dude, if he is a Christian, thinks that Christianity is a jailhouse religion. Let him. He is a “jesus” idol-worshipper. Some give away little pamphlets. They admonish criminals to repent & plead guilty for all their’s & their cellies’ crimes. “Suffer! Jesus suffered & you should too!” Chaplains can also be Jew, Moslem or whatever. All the same. Go cry on his chest!
Judge- This dude or dudess will decide your fate. Better be nice to “His Honor”.
Trustee –
Or “Worker”. This criminal is doing “county sentence”, penal servitude. He is grateful he ain’t shipped to the “joint”. He cleans, brings food, works in the kitchen, cuts inmates’ hair, etc. Many are snitches. Beware!
Pier or Deck –
Dormitory hall or a cellblock room with 3 dozen motherfuckers. Each dude got his own assigned bed. Underneath the bed is his “shit”. “Shit” is also kept under the mattress  & hidden elsewhere. No pillow. There are stainless tables with benches to eat & play cards (dayroom), TV, CO’s desk, showers, sinks & toilets. Windows don’t open. Nobody can leave the deck without permission. Deck population is carefully selected by White Shirts: “Mexicans go here”, “Crazy dudes go there”. “This deck is for the US servicemen” ( my buddy marine didn’t like it there & came back to us). “This deck is for the Trustees & Workers” and so on…
Division –
a dozen or two of decks, usually in the same building, form a division with hundreds of motherfuckers. There are half-dozen or so divisions in jail. Each division is different. There are Minimum, Medium, Maximum & Super-Max divisions. Drug rehab division. Special division is for chicks. Medical division for sick & handicapped ( you don’t want to go there: it stinks!) Protective Custody division is for “bitches and snitches”.
Celly - plural – “cellies”: dudes in your cell. You better be nice to them. CO’s bunch cellies by race, charges, etc. Crazy dude may not be put with non-violent one, unless someone wants him punished. Stay away from the fags. Chose your cellies carefully so you don’t get a bully, snitch or a thief. Very important!
Joint -  a prison were dudes do real time. In county jails dudes do few months, but in the “joint” they do 5, 7, 15, “life” or even “the death row”. Joint can be “state” or “federal”.
Walk - get out of jail. If one pays the bond, its $1000 “to walk”. If one gets time: “I walk in 3 years”.
Lifer - prisoner doing life in jail. I could too. See how I got indicted… “All prisoners are in jail temporarily, except for lifers and death row”.
Shit - something. Your possessions, attitude, charges, false claims, etc.
Sucker – It’s you!
…also called “inmates”, “detainees”, “convicts”, “in custody” or, as we call ‘em, “motherfuckers”.  Despite the fact that some bitches make big eyes & trip when they hear the word “prisoner”… prisoners are very important members of  the American society.
Think for yourself… if there were no prisoners, there would be no judges, no DA’s, no lawyers, no PD’s, no cops, no CO’s & no jails. Without prisoners, all these “law enforcement” dudes with fat snouts & huge beer bellies won’t be so important. There would be none below them on the socio-economic ladder.
Prisoners are totally necessary. CO’s main job is to watch that prisoners don’t kill themselves and each other and even the capital punishment is abolished in many states for the same reason. If all prisoners commit suicide and get executed, where the state is supposed to get the new ones?
Prisoners were everywhere at all times. Biblical Abraham, Jacob & many others were prisoners. Joseph was a convicted rapist. Worst of them was Moses, one who brought the Torah from the Mount Sinai: he was a cop-killer & a fugitive from justice, fit for the death row. Read your Bible!
America is the greatest country in the world. America is the most advanced, fastest & strongest! America got the most of everything, including most prisoners. There are over 3 million motherfuckers locked up in US prisons & jails. That’s over 1% of population! That’s the world’s record! No country, not even communist totalitarian China with 3 times as many people, not even the impoverished India, have as many prisoners. Per capita, per 1000 people, not even a despotic North Korea, not Iran or Cuba has as many! USA is sure #1!!!
Vast majority of prisoners I saw …about half… 50% - are blacks. Another 20-30% are Hispanics. Whites, who are about 20% of US prisoners, are over 60% of US population! Obviously, it is a gross political incorrectness! It is a racism!
How so?
For example, if black mother steals $50 from the Public Aid to buy toys for her children, she will go to jail. But white “Blyad’” Zoya Sadkhin a.k.a. Zoe Biller, whom you meet later, a career criminal, that stole over $20,000 from Public Aid, $30,000 from Social Security, perjuried herself in court number of times, organized racket gang with her crook brother, Peter Sadkhin, stealing over $3 million from US taxpayers… had never been procecuted, not even indicted!!!
Peter Sadkhin, former owner of Sun Clinic, convicted of stealing above funds from the US Federal  Government, got only 2 years jailtime! This white criminal is laughing at US “justice”. Money had never been recovered!
That is why!
Prisoners are a multi-billion dollar fast-growing industry and the spearhead of the American economy. Prison empire is huge & very profitable! It is spread far and wide: from phone companies (charging  $10 for a 15-minute phone call) to retail (Commissary companies unload defective products at triple the price. No competition and no returns! ) to construction, electronics, clothing & more.
And the new jails are being built and the number of prisoners is rapidly rising. So is the number of cops, COs and other “law enforcement” dudes. So is the number of “good law-abiding Americans” (called: “suckers” LOL!) who “never been arrested before”, crying on filthy smelly prison mattresses.
Therefore, American prisoners should be proud & carry their title (and sufferings) with honor!
Remember: Sufferings ennobles the soul!

How do people become prisoners?
Everyone breathing & moving from 8 year old until death can become a prisoner. No exceptions!
You, yes, you, a law-abiding, tax-paying respectable comfortable sucker can become a prisoner at any time. Wait ‘till you hear whom I met in jail! Yes, suckers just like you! LOL!
-  Prisoner: “Let me go! Please, let me go home! I am not a criminal! I didn’t do nothing illegal!”
 -  CO: “LOL! Ha-ha-ha!  Every prisoner here in my jail says that! Ha-ha-ha!”
This conversation is pretty common: almost everyone arrested hears it in some form.
Poor sucker is convinced that he is the only one innocent in the den of criminals.
- “I am innocent, but everybody around me are criminals!”
He is a fool, of course.
Truth is, that there are many people in jail, a sizable percentage, who are there only because of their own stupidity (lack of knowledge), vindictiveness of the system & absence of legal representation ( no lawyer ).
Let’s sort it out.
Most are jailed after pleading guilty and taking a “deal”, throwing themselves at the mercy of the court without a trial and getting a sentence handed down from the judge’s bench.
I’ve seen a dude with a scar on his arm, a result of a stabbing. He got into a fight and held attacker by the throat until police came. Attacker was mostly unharmed. Even the police report noted that blood was gushing from dude’s wound and attacker’s knife was added to the evidence. Clear self-defense case? Right?
Nopes. Dude had prior battery and served 80 days. So DA added another battery & offered 240 days. Progressive  sentencing. If dude is stupid ( most are ), he will serve these 240 days. If he’ve got some brain & resolve, he will take a jury trial and get acquitted. This dude and others in his hood are not very smart. They take government’s (DA’s) offers without complains. Any comments?
DA & PD don’t give a damn about him and that his daughter is only 2 weeks old. Judge, even if he is a good caring judge, will rubber-stamp the sentence, because both sides ( DA and PD ) agreed to it. Quite typical, routine, open and shut case.
Dude could not afford a lawyer. But any lawyer or a decent PD would get dude walking out of the courtroom free.
Feel me here… I am not an advocate for the damned criminals. Dudes who spilled blood, stole, raped, present clear danger, should be locked up. I firmly believe in that. I also believe that locking up sick hard-drug addicts will prevent overdoses and will save their lives.
Yet, I firmly believe, based on what I had seen, that system is too lazy, PD are either overloaded & indifferent, DA’s are vindictive. As the result, many thousands of innocents are jailed in the United States. This costs society billions of dollars annually and makes our dear country world’s No.1 jailer.
Most dudes are in jail on drug charges, DUI – drunk driving, driving on suspended/revoked license, theft, “domestic”, battery & assault, fraud, “violations” – conditional discharge/probation/parole/injunction, etc. That would make about 80% of all my buddy-criminals.
Most criminals are non-violent. Most of their crimes are “victimless”. Most are on misdemeanor charges. That is, “…up to 364 days in jail & a fine…” These would be kept in Medium and Minimum security dormitories. Most “misdemeanorers” get very little jail time & less than $1000 fine & court costs. So if you’ve got a misdemeanor, don’t loose your sleep. Wait until you get Felony.
Some dudes with prior “history”: bloody charges, rapes, trafficking (drugs) etc. end up with Felony in the Max. There, few prisoners to a cell, daily “lockdowns” & harsher conditions. I’ve been there & people survive that too.
If you end up there, keep positive attitude, hope for the best & pray. Good luck!

US regime’s benefits from Jewish “terrorists”
For every projectr the state embarks on, it is crucial to identify friend and foe properly and truthfully. Woe to leaders who make a mistake.
On May 22, 2013 a man was shot and killed by an Orlando FBI agent. That man’s name was Ibragim Todashev. He was a Chechen immigrant. He was a friend of Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaevs, Boston Bombers. Why does the FBI singles out Chechens & shakes up the Chechen Community?
I remember back in late 1990s, during the Second Chechen War in Russia, how Chechen “freedom-fighters” were paraded on the streets in downtown Chicago, blessed and admired by the Clinton’s White House & US State Dept.
To the contrary, Jewish Patriots were ostracized as terrorists at the same time. No visas were issued for our Israeli leaders. US Government used every available venue to sabotage, persecute, smear & show displeasure with “Jewish Hamas”.
Why did the Chechen nationalists, murderers of Russian schoolchildren & hospital patients were “freedom-fighters” while Kahanists who never murdered or hurt anyone, were “terrorists”?
Maybe eyewitnesses of Boston Marathon Bombing can explain that paradox to US Government officials.
Besides being a monument on the grave of the Oslo “Peace” Process, I see no benefit US Government derived from labeling Kahanists – “terrorists”.
In Israel, persecution of Kach began from the moment Rabbi Kahane came on Aliyah in 1972. Regime got scared when in 1983 Kach received over 30,000 votes and poll predicted Kach 6 Knesset seats in 1986 election.
Since the infamous UN General Assembly Resolution # 3379, of 1975, "equating Zionism with racism" ( revoked in 1991 ) it was beneficial for Israeli Establishment to banish small party from elections for “racism”, thus washing the stain from the rest of their “democracy”. Outlawing popular political party outright “for racism” became the next step & the crown of Israeli “freedoms”.
If Kach and Kahane Chai would never exist, next in line to be labeled “racist” and “terrorist” would be Gush Emunim Movement, Chabad, Breslov Hassidim or even the National Religious Party. Hope those are grateful to us.
US regime showed how fair & even-handed it is. If only arabs & moslems would get  labeled “terrorist”, millions of them  cry of US regime’s racism.
Therefore, Jews also had to be labeled “terrorist” & “racist”.
Got it?
How FBI defended America from terrorism before 9/11
Back in the year 2000, President of USA Bill Clinton, his White House staff, FBI, police intelligence, government snitches and leaders of the official Jewish organizations neither slumbered nor slept, anticipating gigantic terrorist attack on the US soil. In their ultimate wisdom and prophetic vision, they saw it coming. That is why all suspected terrorists were carefully monitored, framed, brought to court on railroaded criminal charges and jailed. Great resources were devoted to accomplish this. The only problem was… that these “terrorists” were not Al-Quaida, but Jews. Jewish Patriots.
This is why FBI raided & destroyed the only one in the USA Jewish Identity Center, located in Brooklyn, NY. Read details of this raid in chapter “Story of my vernier caliper” below.
After that raid, in the final days of the leftist moslem-appeasing Clinton administration, FBI & oppressive apparatus stepped up harassment & abuse of Jewish activists in USA. “Democratic” clintonites realized that Jewish Pioneers in Judea, Samaria & Gaza will not run away to clear land for “Pali” arab state, despite terror, casualties & hardships.
- Because some American Jews help them too!
That is why US “Justice” Dept. lawyers filed indictments & sent out pre-indictment questioners to our leaders.
Seeing more repressions coming, our guys scattered. Some moved to Israel, other went into hiding.
Thus, FBI, courts & cops persecuted American Jewish patriots who helped Israel repell Oslo War attacks. Same FBI, courts & cops ignored signs of arab terrorism on US soil.
Thus, the White House & State Dept. stupid terrorism-appeasing “Oslo” policies were the cause of 9/11.
So is inacting totalitarian Patriot Act after 9/11, inconclusive wars in Afghanistan & Iraq, humiliating long check lines at the airports, increased surveillance, paranoia in US society,  etc.
That completed the “circle”!
US regime failed miserably!
Losers are American People & American freedoms.

What sand-nazis wanted…?
When arab rioting broke out in Israel in September 2000, US media, directed & controlled by US State Department & White House, made fun of murdered Jews, of bombed Jewsish school buses, of murdered & maimed Jewish school-children. US media made fun of Israeli army’s General Staff Reconnaissance Unit, elite soldiers, used as a simple cops to confront rioting sand-nazi arabs.
Jewish leftists-liberals, US kapos, joined the choir.
All howled: “You, israeli right-wing hardliners don’t want peace! You don’t give arabs what they want & now arab freedom-fighters showing you! It is your fault that Israelis are murdered & your elite army troops used as a simple cops, lost morale, confronting poor oppressed arab children throwing stones!”
So what did arabs wanted?
Answer to what arabs wanted came on September 11, 2000. Answer was delivered to the addressee: the United States of America.
It became crystal clear to the dumbest & stupidest arab-appeasers & sand-nazi appologists.
That is what arabs wanted: moslem juhadism & pan-arab nationalism wanted all American infidels dead. To start, sand-nazis murdered 2,300 Americans on 9/11 & wanted the rest of them either dead, turned into dhymmies or converted to islam.
9/11 was the greatest terrorist attack in human history!
After 9/11, US media, the State Department & the White House stopped making fun of dead Jews & “right-wing” Israeli policies.
They learned first-hand what sand-nazis wanted.
Now they know!

Why we fight? What is “AHAVAT YISROEL”?

Ahavat Yisroel means “Love of the Jewish People”. It is a basic & fundamental concept of Torah Judaism.
In Miami Beach, Florida, many Holocaust victims, Jewish survivors of ghettoes & concentration camps settled in their old age. These old people, mostly dead by now, tried to tell younger generation the tragic story of  their youth under the Nazis.
They opened a Holocaust Museum on the shore of the Atlantic. It is a very emotional exhibition, shaped like a round Torah Scroll on outside. After seeing it, good Jew may cry.
But organizers & managers of that Museum did not tell you the whole story…
They hide from you that near that very spot in May 1939, a few months before the outbreak of WWII, a ship came close to the shore. Ship’s name was “USS St.Louis”. It sailed from nazi Germany with 900 Jewish refugees fleeing nazi persecution.
US Jews on shore, dining in beach restaurants & dancing in cabarets, eyed the ship. US Coast Guard vessels, on orders of US President Roosevelt, surrounded “St.Louis” to prevent any Jewish desperado jumping into the water & swimming to the shore. US would not admit any Jewish refugee. US Jews, “humanistic” US Jewish organizations, were silent when it came to helping their own people under nazi death threat.
Not only did USA denied admission, but it diplomatically pressured other countries to deny Jewish refugees admission as well. After unsuccessfully knocking on many locked doors, “St.Louis” sailed back to Europe. Few Jewish refugees were allowed to Great Britain. Others went to European mainland countries, soon occupied by Nazis, who slaughtered these Jews.
Why was the whole generation of  WWII US Jews so stupid, uncaring & silent?
Why did the US Jews missed an opportunity to prove their American Patriotism & humanism by mass anti-nazi demonstrations, demanding US Government action from 1933 on, preventing  rise of Nazism, saving 6 Million Jewish & 50 million non-Jewish lives, Perl Harbor attack, WWII, countless tragedies in Europe & elsewhere?
5 million US Jews were young, affluent & dynamic minority in USA in those days.
Yet, they were a very dumb, selfish & uncaring minority.
Even when it came to defend their Own People!
Thus, they failed as Jews & as Americans!
US Jews had no ( and still don’t have any ) Ahavat Yisroel.
US Jews in those days  ( and now too ) have no faith in G-D. Words of Torah is nothing to most US Jews. US Jews have faith in US dollar. Shame!
Understanding why most US Jews are so brainwashed & stupid helps understand their hostility toward myself & other Jewish Patrions, described in this book.

More on “Ahavat Yisroel”…
Torah is  filled with examples of Jewish Leaders & ordinary Jews sacrificing for Jewish Nation.
From Avrom-Avinu, to Yitzhok, Yaakov, Yosef, Moshe, Nahshon, Kings Shaul, David, Shlomo to Makkabis who fought & Mesirut Nefesh sacrificed for Am Yisroel. Ahavat Yisroel is the guidance of behavior for every Jew.
Stand up for Your People, no matter how hard it is, how high the risks are, no matter how many stupid fellow-yids oppose & ridicule you!
Ahavat Yisroel means evaluating the situation intelligently & finding proper strategy for helping People.
For example:
During Russian pogroms in 19th & early 20th century it was an armed Jewish self-defense.
In  Bolshevik USSR it was emigration & preservation of Torah Judaism & Jewish culture.
Under early Nazis it was aliyah to Israel & escape.
Under nazi occupation it was armed resistance in ghettoes & joining partisans, escaping & enlisting to fight Nazis in armed forces.
It was fighting for establishment & defense of Israel.
For “comfortable” Jews, Ahavat Yisroel, helping their persecuted bretherin, must be the 1st priority in life.
In late 1960s, Rabbi Meir Kahane, ZT’L, organized the Jewish Defense League to restore Jewish Pride in downcast American Jews, free Soviet, Syrian & other oppressed Jews, stand up for Israel. Rabbi Kahane, ZT’L, and JDL were attacked by rabid packs of corrupt crooks – establishment yids of US Jewish outfits, leftists-liberals, Satmar, Chabad, plain “orthodox”, Nazis & U.S. commies.
Yet despite all odds, Rabbi Kahane, ZT’L, & JDL succeeded & hundreds of thousands of Soviet Jews were able to emerge from behind the Iron Curtain.
Price we paid was not cheap. Death, jails, tortures, abuse & arrests piled up.
But heroes of JDL knew what they fight for & were ready to sacrifice.
Today, Ahavat Yisroel is a call to confront arab/moslem terrorism; struggle to preserve Torah & Jewish culture in diaspora & Israel; fight against the alienation, assimilation, conversion & intermarriage. Confront & expose Christian, moslem, “judeo-christian” lies that corrupt Jewish minds. We need to learn authentic Torah & rebuild Jewish Culture, destroyed by Nazis, Bolsheviks & fake liberal “democracies”.
Ahavat Yisroel calls Jews to go on the front lines of our Jewish struggle in Judea & Samaria, to the Jewish towns, villages & especially to the small outposts to reclaim ancient Hebrew Land & confront arab thefts & arab terrorism.
On the other side, side of evil, we see generations of stupid corrupt Jews with empty brains for whom “ahavah” means lust & sex. That worthless scum got no values & that is what leftists-liberals shoved into their heads.
We have fake rabbis of all stripes & denominations.
We have stupid “religious” yids who never learned neither true Torah nor history.
We have corrupt thieving “jewish” officials.
That is on top of arab/moslem sand-nazi haters & regular white Nazis.
Yes, there are tons of enemy & there are few of us.
But Rabbi Kahane, ZT’L, set the example & Our G-d will smite enemies of Am Yisroel as rain that washes the earth.
That is why we fight, that is why we carry AHAVAT YISROEL!
Some stupid ignorant yids may rant that myself & few others cult-worship Rabbi Kahane.
Not so. Our “cult & worship” is G-d, Torah, Jewish Idea of which saintly Rabbi Meir Kahane, ZT’L, was a modern-day Prophet & a visionary. Rav Kahane showed us how to fight for Ahavat Yisroel. Rabbi Kahane fought for oppressed Jews in the front lines. He was the first one to be tortured, arrested & jailed. Rav Kahane was murdered by arab terrorist for his Love of Jews – Ahavat Yisroel.
In the past 100 years, there were 3 great Jewish leaders: Zeev Jabotinsky who pioneered Revisionist Zionism, Rabbi Avraham Kook who founded Religious Zionism and Rabbi Meir Kahane who formed JDL, taught Ahavat Yisroel, freed Soviet Jews & guided Jews of Israel & Diaspora into the future.

Five Guiding  Principles
Five Guiding Principles for tough proud Jews who want to fight for survival of their People.
Time will come when greatest country in Diaspora, the “indivisible” USA will fall apart. Of course, USA is a superpower now. But no superpower, no human society had lasted forever. Not Egypt, not Rome, not USSR… none. The time will come when upheaval will cause panic among US citizenry. As usual, the scapegoats will be the Jews. Comfortable now, US Jews will panic. We, common Jews from the street, must be prepared for that, because the elites, the rich cats of the “Major Jewish Organizations” will run away to safety & will sell & betray us, as they always do…
From The Story of the Jewish Defense League pages 75-96. As published by Chilton Books, 1975 edition. ISBN 0-8019-6247-1
Copyright by The Institute for the Publications of the Writings of Rabbi Meir Kahane, Inc., Jerusalem, Israel. ( Here truncated & rephrased. )

Here is what JDL had to say to the American Jew:
“The Jewish people is a Torah nation that came into being at Sinai. It is a special people with a special heritage and teaching whose destiny is to live in and to create within the Land of Israel a society of holiness and greatness that will be an inspiration and example to the world.”
“Ahavat Yisroel—Love of Jewry. The Jewish people, wherever they may be; each Jewish individual, wherever he is, whatever his belief, whatever his place of residence, whatever the color of his skin, whatever language he temporarily speaks; all Jews are part of the great body, Israel. We are all brothers, we are all sisters.
The pain of a Jew, wherever he may be, is our pain. The joy of a Jew, wherever he may be, is our joy.
Jewish tradition quotes the Almighty Himself: ‘My children, what do I ask of you? I ask only that you love one another and respect one another’ (Tana Dvei Eliyahu).
 “It is told that a poor man once entered the home of the great Rabbi Yosef Dov Ber Soloveichik, Rabbi of Brisk, to ask him a question about a Passover ritual.
‘Does a Jew fulfill his obligation concerning the drinking of the four cups of wine at the Seder through the drinking of milk?’
“Rabbi Soloveichik shook his head and explained that the Jew cannot fulfill his obligation through milk. He then reached into his pocket and gave the man twenty-five rubles, a sizeable sum, and told him to buy wine for himself.
“When the man left, the rebbitzin, asked her husband, ‘Surely, wine can be gotten for two or three rubles. Why did you give him such a large sum?’
“And the great rabbi smiled and replied, ‘Tell me, when a Jew asks if he may use milk at the Seder, is it not obvious that he cannot afford meat either?’
“Hadar—Dignity and pride. Every Jew owns a great treasure. Treasure is our Torah, our 4,000 years old history, our Jewish Faith & culture. Other people don’t have it and are jealous.
Hadar is pride. Hadar is self-respect. Hadar is dignity in being a Jew.
The words of Zeev Jabotinsky echo in majesty:
- “Hadar! A Jew, even in poverty remains a prince.
Whether servant or serf you were created the son of kings,
Crowned with the diadem of David;
In light or in darkness, remember the crown . . .”
In this we have pride: ‘Hear, O Israel, the L-rd is our G-d, the L-rd is One.’
 ‘And thou shalt be for me a special people, a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.’
‘Speak unto the congregation of the children of Israel and say unto them, Thou shalt be holy for holy am I, the L-rd, thy G-d.’ (Leviticus, 19:2)
“From a world of despotism, tyranny, injustice, and cruelty; from a world of hatred, the Jew arose to proclaim a concept of holiness as it is stated in the Midrash, ‘To walk in awe of His paths.’ These are the paths of the Holy One blessed be He, as it is said, ‘The L-rd, the L-rd G-d, merciful and gracious, long-suffering and abundant in goodness and truth. Just as the Almighty is called merciful and gracious, thou too, be merciful and gracious. Just as the Almighty is called righteous, thou too, be righteous. Just as he is abundant in goodness, thou too, be abundant in goodness. Just as the Almighty is called Holy, thou too, be holy.’
 “The list of Jewish enemies seems endless: Pharaoh, Assyria, Babylonia, Haman of Persia, Antiochus of the Greeks, Hadrian of the Romans, Christian fanatics throughout Europe and Asia Minor, Muslim fanatics in North Africa band the Middle East, the twin horror of our own time, Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union, plus fake western “democracies”. These stand as a continual threat to the survival of the Jewish people, a threat which has been met by us in stubbornness, strength, purpose and a tenacity of Hadar.
“Is it not clear, then, why we have such self respect and dignity in being Jews? We believe that the Jew with his rich band magnificent record of civilization and culture, with his magnificent talent, is an intellectual monarch and a cultural aristocrat. We are proud of the stubbornness that the Jew has displayed in his battle for survival.
“Barzel—Iron. Jew must be a tough fighter. Jew must be street-smart. Jewish fighters are trained by the Israeli Army, by our fighting units in Judea & Samaria, in our military camps in diaspora. Jew must know firearms: not only guns & machineguns, but mortars as well. Reason for knowing operation & use of mortars & artillery is that sand-nazis pose with guns hoping to intimidate someone. Mortar & other shrapnel shells will blow these sand-nazis sky high & when pieces of them hit the ground, there will not be much for dogs to chew. That is why a good Jew must know heavy guns & mortars. Jew must exterminate enemies of Israel professionally & keep mouth shut afterwards. Jewish fighter must do whatever needs to be done.
If  a Jew runs away and allows to be stepped upon, he guarantees that another Jew will be attacked because of that image.
In USA & in Diaspora, average age of the Jews is around 50. It means that for every young Jew, there is papa, momma, aunts, uncles & a whole bunch of other old “wise”, senile relatives, leftist-liberals, fake “rabbis”, “cantors” who  “know-it-alls”.  No, they are not wise & know nothing… just brainwashing a young Jew!
Young Jew must break the barrier of fear. Fear keeps Jew a slave of the state & of the leftist-liberal brainwash.
Jew must bravely & decisively wipe filth from around him & step over the barrier of fear.
Barrier of fear must be broken & conquered!
Jew must be free!
Barzel, Iron, is a principal ingredient of the Jewish Defense ideology, in creating a physically strong, fearless and a courageous Jew who attacks the enemy. We are changing false image born of two thousand years in the Galut, an image that must be buried because it has buried us. We train ourselves for the defense of Jewish lives and Jewish rights.
We must strike the enemies of Israel with righteous anger, proper tactics & without mercy.
And our real rabbis tell us: ‘If one comes to slay you, slay him first.’
 “Barzel implies that before one can have love, he must have respect, and one cannot ask for respect, one cannot buy respect, one earns it by having self-respect.
Moses killed the Egyptian oppressor slave-master who brutalized Hebrew. It is Abraham going to battle on behalf of Lot. It is Joshua, it is Saul, it is David, it is the Maccabees, it is Bar Kochba - the authentic heroes of Jewish history, men of peace, men of spirit, men of Barzel.
“Mishmaat Yisroel—Jewish discipline. To win over the enemies of Am Yisroel, we need tough military discipline in our ranks. We must follow orders with military precision. Orders must be executed to the point. Orders must not be argued. There is no tolerance of individualism, selfishness, cowardice.
Leaders must issue orders that ar well-thoughtout. Orders are for Am Yisroel: no one shall derive any personal, monetary, or any other benefit from orders.
Jewish Defense guided by Torah Jewish Idea. It is for Torah morals & revival of Am Yisroel. Jewish Defense Unit is not a gang.
With discipline comes the unity. Lack of discipline and Jewish unity led to the destruction of the Jewish People. It is Jewish unity and discipline which will lead to the triumph of the Jewish people.
“When more than 3,000 years ago a young Moses slew an Egyptian oppressor of his people, he was berated by other Hebrews, Datan and Aviram, who threatened to inform the pharaoh. In the desert, Korach split the people through jealousy and envy. The kingdom of the Jews split into two, Judah and Israel, leading to the disappearance of ten tribes.
Our enemy is internal strife and division.
There is discipline of ideas. Not everything that is done will always be to the liking of everyone.
This is the meaning of Mishmaat. It means placing personal petty desires aside; it means subordinating them to the great goal; it means working together with all people, no matter how different, for the greatness of Jewish survival.
“Bitachon—Faith in the indestructability of the Jewish People. G-d’s Covenant with the Jewish People is forever! Jewish history from the times of Avrom-Avinu, is 4,000 years old and going strong!  Jewish people are indestructable. A people which has suffered the cruelty, the oppression, and the genocides of the centuries of Exile, cannot be destroyed.
“. . . We believe with perfect faith that the Jewish people—though buffeted by the storms of history and plucked at by the vultures and jackals of all time—will live forever. It is this firm belief that is echoed every year at the Passover Seder table: ‘In every generation they rise up to destroy us, but the Holy One, Blessed Be He, rescues us from their hands.’
With G-d’s help we overcome every enemy who wants to destroy us physically or spiritually. We stand proudly on the ruins of them all. Thus will be when Messiah will come to redeem Israel!

Yom Kippur Repentance Prayer for U.S. Jews

Our Father, our King, we have sinned before Thee!
Once we were a nation devoted to Torah & Ahavat Yisroel. But now our faith is weak, Love of Israel is forgotten.
We have turned away from Thy commandments and Thy judgments that are good, and it has profited us naught.
Once we were a proud nation called American Jews, but now we have become assimilated, alienated, confused & ignorant in Torah.
As a nation that bore Torah Prophets, nation with Forty Centuries of history with communities in many countries, we were supposed to offer advice & moral guidance to our American Government. Instead, we became an aimless and forlorn clan, the shattered ruin of a once glorious sanctuary of Thy spirit.
For all these, O God of forgiveness, forgive us, pardon us, grant us atonement:
For when the evil nazis came to power in Germany in 1933, we stood idle when our brethren were murdered. We failed to persuade US Government to confront that evil at the onset. We failed in Ahavat Yisroel. If we would have acted then, we could have prevented the Holocaust, World War II, Pearl Harbor & untold human sufferings.
Our Father, our King, You had waited for over Eight Years for us to wake up before sending USA to war.
For when the Oslo War broke out in Israel in September 2000, we stood idle as our brethren were murdered by arab terrorists. We did not offer any help to our suffering people in Israel. We failed to persuade our government to take action.
Our Father, our King, You had waited for the whole year for us to wake up.
Seeing our inaction, terrorists caused a terrible tragedy to United States. If we would act, we could prevented 9/11, the Wars in Iraq & Afghanistan, US soldiers being killed & wounded daily.
Instead of  advice & moral guidance to US Government, we foolishly supported the misguided “Oslo “Peace” Process”, “Roadmap”, “Two-State” establishment of  terrorist entity on Our Jewish Land.
Instead of peace, we brought more war & sufferings.
Our Father, our King, we have sinned before Thee!
We have turned away from Thy commandments and Thy judgments that are good, and it has profited us naught.
We grew arrogant in our sins.
Our Father, our King, we continue to sin before Thee!
We sit silently as bloody terrorists murder Our People. We sit silently as evil forces uproot and expel our People from our Jewish Land. We sit silently as a terrorist entity is established on the Land that You, Our Father, Our King, gave us. We are silent as US government continues to ship arms, money and provide support to terrorists squatting in the Land of Israel.
Our stupidity will cause more bloodshed & misery.
Our Father, our King, forgive us for neglecting Your Mitzvot & Your Torah, for growing arrogant & materialistic.
Our Father, our King, forgive our timid rabbis who are ignorant in Thy Torah, whose lips do not speak Ahavat Yisroel.
Our Father, our King, forgive arrogant US Jewish leaders who grew drunk with power, who steal from our community, who lie and mislead.
Our Father, our King, remember the merits of our patriarchs, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
Our Father, our King, remember the merits of American Jews who defeated Nazis.
 Our Father, our King, remember the merits of American Jews who brought Soviet Jews to freedom.
Our Father, our King, remember the merits of American Jews who fought & died for the Land of Israel.
Our Father, our King, remember the merits of Rabbi Meir David Kahane, Irv Rubin, Earl Kruger who died for Your Name.
Our Father, our King, remember the merits of Yonathan Pollard and other American Jews jailed & tortured for Your Name.
Our Father, our King, remember the merits of charity of American Jews.
Our Father, our King, foil the evil conspiracies of hateful leftist cliques, false rabbis and pretentious Jewish leaders, expose their lies and wickedness.
Our Father, our King, give Thy wisdom to US government and other world governments.
We beseech Thee, O God, forgive, pardon, condone; have pity & compassion; grant us atonement, and subdue our sin & iniquity.
V’neemar Amein. Selah.

 “Freedoms” in Israel & America
In Israel, any cop can arrest you & put you in jail for 24 hours without ever bringing you in front of the judge. If cops want to keep you jailed for over 24 hours, law says that you must be brought to court. But Israeli cops don’t always follow this law.
In Israel, any individual can be jailed without any charges up to 6 months. It is called “administrative detention” & is a holdover of the pre-1948 British Law. Such detention without lawful court proceedings is automatically approved by the judge who will be shown secret “evidence” not presented to defendant or his/her lawyer and not examined in the court of law. After 6 months in jail, prisoner can be walked into the office, shown “discharge papers”, freed… and at the door, arrested again and jailed for another 6 months.
This “freeing” & jailing can go on indefinitely.
Such draconian totalitarian laws can be understood in small country, surrounded by the enemies & fighting a war of survival or terrorist riots every decade.
Administrative detention should be used against arab & moslem terrorists & their leaders.
Yet, Israeli regime routinely jails law-abidiing loyal Jews, Torah scholars, Jewish Pioneers, victims of arab terror, without any formal charges, court appearances & trials. Jewish homes are raided and demolished. Innocent Jews spied on, monitored & intimidated by the Jewish Department of ShaBaK.
Things are different in America.
United States is a great democracy, a world leader, a super-power whos officials, media & diplomats admonish little countries about human rights & explain to their leaders what is democratic & what is not.
In such a great democratic human rights country like the United States of America, individual can’t be just thrown in jail for no reason.
Therefore, when state needs to throw someone in jail or even to harass someone in courts, cops got a little problem. However, US officials & cops are smart. They overcome this little problem by jailing individuals on different charges, not the ones he/she is “guilty” of, but the ones that cops can hang on him/her.
After these fake charges stick by forcing individual to plead guilty to something he/her did not do, that person can be dragged through years of court probations, parols, social services, etc.

This prisoner… me!
I’m a very bad dangerous criminal!
First, I was born in USSR & some dudes call me the “KGB”. You know what “KGB” is? Look it up on Google.
Second, I speak with Russian accent, so it is obvious I’m a foreigner and I belong to Russian Mafia.
North & South
East & West
Russian Mafia
Za Best!!!

Third, I’m a Jew. Jews got money, which they stole from people. Jews rule the whole world. Jews invented the nuclear bomb & keep it hidden. Very dangerous!
I also lived in Israel where I got military training & carried a fully automatic M-16 with 2 loaded magazines and a wicked custom-made (I’m good at welding & metalworking) outlawed bayonet. That bayonet got rusty from the blood of innocent Palestinien civilians & cute little Arab babies. I’ve got pictures with it, drinking Maccabi Beer & posing. Oi! Ouch! This is horrible! Very disturbing!
More, I lived in Judea & Samaria, “West Bank” war zone. Sounds of gunfire, explosions, F-16s breaking sound barrier overhead, is a music to my ears.  So, when the “Bitch-Blyad’ ” which I’ll introduce later, began screaming “He wants to kill me!”… she had a very valid point.
There is more! And this is the most dangerous, disturbing & the most horrifying part. Don’t tell that to nobody… but I’m a terrorist… Sha-shoosh! My girlfriend keeps telling me: “Don’t tell people you are a terrorist! You are no terrorist! You are terrorist like Winnie the Pooh!”
In reality, I am a terrorist. I belong to the “Kach International”. Also to “Kahane Chai”. In Kach I’m an old hand & in Kahane Chai I’m one of the founding members. Look them up. They are horrible Jew terrorist organizations that murdered many hundreds & even thousands of innocent Palistinien & other Arab civilians, scores of socialists, whom we call “leftist-liberal traitors”. Problem is that the imperialist Israeli Police, ShaBaK (Israeli FBI) & FBI are reactionary pigs & they purposely ignore mass graves of our victims.
Only courageous President Bill Clinton, his wife Hillary, a former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, among others who saw through the Jewish Terrorist smokescreen & asked back in 1994:
 “Hey, we are pushing this Middle East Oslo Peace Process. Arab Hamas, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad, PFLP, Moslem Brotherhood, etc. are opposed to it & blow up Jewish school buses, restaurants, hospitals. Why only Arabs are terrorists? And what about the Jews? That is discriminatory & politically incorrect! All peoples are equal! There’ve got to be Jewish Terrorists too. The damned Jews are sneaky, they cover up their crimes. Here are two Jewish organizations who oppose our Process. Therefore, if the Jewish Terrorists do not exist, we create them! Let’s single out these right-wing radicals of Kach & Kahane Chai & turn them into Jewish Terrorists. Put them on the Designated Terrorist List right next to Al Qaeda!”
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kach_and_Kahane_Chai and
Look ‘em up. I ain’t bullshitting! There are two dozen of our front groups listed alongside too.
So don’t believe my girlfriend. I am a Terrorist. And I am an un-repented, proud one, too.
Our Jew Terrorist mafia believes that if the bad dudes mess up with Our People we kick these dudes’ butts. Other US Jews don’t believe in that. Therefore, when during the Holocaust Jews got murdered, US Jews did nothing. When Soviet Jews tried to immigrate in 1950s, 60s, 70s & 80s, US Jews hardly woke up. And when arabs murder Jews in Israel… who cares?

The “Blyad’ “…
 “Blyad’ “ with final “D” soft, is “whore” in Russian.
Before I met the Blyad’ ( I capitalize, because it’s her name now ), I befriended her brother Peter. Peter came to my synagogue in Des Plaines, IL in the fall of 1996 because his old fart passed away in Odessa & prayer was needed for his soul. Everyone, me included, sympathized with this dude who came to pray, when most Russians would turn to vodka.
Little did I knew who Peter really was.
Than I met Peter’s charming little sister & her 5-year old son. “Sister” came to US only a few years ago. She divorced her hubby in Ukraine & came with her disabled momma who was now in the nursing home.
 Sister had a Masters Degree in Music (fake, as all her other “accomplishments” & stories… but that I found later).
Look here carefully, dudes! Here’s how guys get screwed…
Man feels powerful by providing & caring. Girl wants comfort, care, support.
Both play their roles: girl becomes the “damsel in distress” & boy, the “knight in the shining armor” running to the rescue.
Here, boy moved girl & her little son from filthy smelly apartment to nice house in Des Plaines, IL… where they live happily thereafter. Boy went to work, girl went to college, cooked dinners & got a real estate license. Her son learns in prestigious Jewish school, swims in YMCA pool, learned to ride a bike, play chess & more. Girl gets pregnant, delivers a daughter, than a son. Cool! What a nice happy family! Right?
- Wrong!
Now, dudes, listen carefully, because it is important. Feel me. I don’t hate chicks. Most girls, ladies, are good. But on the other hand, ladies can be sneaky and cunning too. State, law enforcement, courts, should not trust every lady blindly, as they do now.
I’ve heard dozens of stories, read cases, and followed news on the subject.  I thought & analyzed. I begin to understand what’s going on with family life in America, family court & the application of the family law. It ain’t that simple, folks!
But in 2001, after I came back from the war zone, I knew very little. I made mistakes & got screwed up royally. And yet, I was very lucky.

Blyad’s wretched life…
Zoya Ida Biller (changed her name in 2012 in Waukesha County, WI: Case #2012CV002157) a.k.a. Zoya Sadkhin ( changed her name in 2002 in Cook Co.,IL) a.k.a. Zoya Sadkhina a.k.a. Sarah Sadhin a.k.a. Zoe Sadkim ) was born on 06/09/1963 in the village of Illichovsk,  near Odessa, Ukraine. She had a difficult childhood with violent convict father & a sick disabled mother.
Contrary to Sadkhina's claims, her father, Leonid Sadkhin, was neither a 'lawyer' nor a “dissident”. In late 1940s, he stole tools from his army unit & sold them on the flea market. He got caught & rightfully spent 7 years in Soviet jail.
 Sadkhina was an average student. She got a 2-year certificate from music school  in provincial town of Kishinev, Moldova. After arriving to US, her diploma became "Master's Degree in Music". She does not play keyboard very well.
 Around 1990, after getting pregnant, she married Eduard Amchislavskiy (his wife was pregnant too). Shortly thereafter she delivered son Alexander Amchislavskiy a.k.a. Sasha Sadkhin a.k.a. Shaul Amchi a.k.a. Alex Amchi.
While her “husband” was away on a business trip, Sadkhina run away to U.S.A. where she joined her brother Peter. Sadkhina came with her mother, Lisa Murakhever & son, Alexander. For some reason, Eduard Amchislavskiy did not to press parental kidnapping charges against Sadkhina.
 After coming to Chicago in 1993, Sadkhina received welfare for herself & her son (Recipient #093887230). While on welfare, she got a full-time job in KINS Congregation kindergarten on 6500 N.California in Chicago. She was also giving music lessons to children & adults for cash.
Sadkhina sent her disabled 75-year old mother, Liza Murakhever (Murahver), to NorthWest Home for the Aged, but lied to Social Security Administration that mother lived with her & she, not the nursing home, was the caretaker. Sadkhina opened a joint account with her mother in Devon Bank (Acct. No. 07995066-06 ).  Social Security deposited SSI checks monthly (US Treasury 349 SUPP SEC) in amounts of $446.00 or $458.00. Sadkhina withdrew cash and hid it in the safety deposit box in Devon Bank in order to get welfare.
Despite being “rich”, Sadkhina lived in filthy apartment on 2555 W. Fitch Ave.#107 in Chicago. She fed from the kindergarten kitchen, selling food stamps for cash.
By 1998, between SSI fraud, Public Aid, childcare salary, music lessons, food stamps sales, playing music & other ”business” (lol!), Sadkhina amassed some $50,000.
She gave her son assumed identity of Shaul Sadkhin. Shaul learned well from his dear momma. He stole expensive textbooks at school, hid them in his locker & brought some home. After being reprimanded, he stole again. Thus young Shaul Sadkhin, a.k.a. Alex Amchi was shamefully expelled from Hillel Torah Day School in Skokie, IL in March 2001. Search of his room at home revealed many other stolen items. Boy is a pathological hereditary thief! He had to revert to his documented identity & enroll in Public School in Glenview. Aleksandr Amchislavskiy studied in Loyola University.
Now he is a Hillel Director of CSU in Fort Collins, Colorado & married to Rachael McSpadden.
Friends & future employers, beware!
In 2002, Sadkhina officially divorced Eduard Amchislavskiy who now lives in New York.
See that case # 02D230005 in Skokie Circuit Court.
In 2003, Sadkhina moved her stolen cash from safety deposit box in Devon Bank to a joint account (Peter Sadkhin as owner, herself as beneficiary) in LaSalle Bank in Skokie (Acct. No.: 5305040668).
 In 2004, Sadkhina purchased a condo in Glenview for $200,000. She sold it for $114,000 in 2011.
 In 2008, Sadkhina married a gullible little fellow named Scott E. Biller, impoverished, mentally ill Wisconsin architect.
 Sadkhina moved into Scottie's house in New Berlin, WI… poor little Scottie.
In 2010, Sadkhina's brother “Doctor”(LOL!) Peter Sadkhin (also claimed MA in Music, + fake ND from fake school ) pled guilty to Multi-Million Dollar Medicare Fraud. Sadkhin perpetrated fraud through Sun Clinic Inc. & Acupuncture Healthcare Inc. Zoya Sadkhina actively assisted her dear brother, but again, she was not charged. Peter Sadkhin served 27 months in Federal Jail in Ashland, KY. He was set loose in Nov. 2012. Now on parole, “Dr.” Peter Sadkhin, his acupuncturist license permanently revoked, plays music with his Tum Balalaika Klezmer Band. http://www.klezmerband.us
He is also on trial in Federal Court under the False Claims Act.  Case # 2010cv03307.
Zoya & Peter grew cocky fooling the system. Being caught was a great shocker for Peter …
Sadkhina helped Peter to launder stolen money by purchasing condo in Chicago along with Peter's wife (now ex), filling fraudulent mortgage paperwork. Here, she used fake name Zoya Sadkhim. Price of that condo went down drastically too. This much for the “real estate investor” & “woman composer”....

Blyad’ goes to war
First red flag came up when my dear darling girlfriend produced food stamps. What a smart girl! She works full time, brought home kosher food from the synagogue kitchen & gets Public Aid for herself & her son.
Well, let’s not be judgmental. None of us is a saint. Government gives – we take. We either steal or buy wholesale! She is the single mother, poor new immigrant. She needs money for her son’s college fund.
After moving to Des Plaines, Blyad’ quit KINS job & food stamps. I worked. My salary was modest, but we survived. Leah was born. I finished remodeling the house. I put it up for sale. In 1999 property values were raising. I made some money & bought another fixer-upper in Glenview. Nice area. I worked on the house in the evenings and on Sundays. Lenny was born.
I was supporting four kids: her son, Sasha/Shaul; my – Louis, Leah, little Lenny + the “darling”.
I worked full-time engineering job. I worked on the house after hours. I was active in Jewish causes.
Relationship with Blyad’ was almost normal. We raised kids. We cooked together. We swam in the pool. We went on vacation to Wisconsin. When she played keyboard somewhere, I carried the heavy equipment. I sent her to Oakton College. I tutored her for the realtor’s license. She passed on the 3rd try.
My luck is that I did not marry Blyad’. By Jewish Torah law, marriage does not have to be registered with the state. By Jewish Law there are three partners in  marriage: husband, wife & the L-rd Al-Mighty. I don’t mind The L-rd: He is quiet & adds spice & discipline.
But “State” is quite different. After couple’s relationship gets registered with the State, piles of Laws step in. I’m not a matrimonial lawyer, I don’t know… maybe these laws are good, necessary and make sense.
But I do know for sure that vast majority of dudes who apply these family laws are sadistic crooks & thieves. Therefore, these “good” laws became the tools of tortures & abuse of American men.
The indifferent overloaded judges; greedy lawyers charging $650/hour; cute sexy lawyers who help “her” to suck “him” dry of all of his assets; state’s attorneys “for the kids”; social workers who give her “advise”; psychologists, court clerks & the host of other corrupt greedy crooks.
They are out to exercise their power. They are lying, cheating, playing tricks and getting paid for it.
They care about the children? Lie!
They use children as weapons, grabbing them by their little feet, swinging their little screaming bodies through the air & hitting “him” with powerful blows.
- Here’s for you, bastard! You wanted to raise family in America? You wanted to have kids? Here’s for you! Here! And here! Blood all over you? Ha-ha-ha! This is your blood mixed with your dear beloved children’s blood! Ha-ha-ha! You won’t see your children ever again! Your dear children will grow up hating you! You are a monster! And you pay us for the rest of your life! We take all your money!
That’s what “State” does to loving caring American fathers. These are their “Laws”. This is what judges, lawyers, social workers & court appointed psychologists do to thousands of loving caring hardworking American fathers. They are professionals. They know all the tricks. They do it every day. And how can a shocked depressed devastated man, who took time off work, oppose them?
When an American man marries, his bed gets filled with fleas and bedbugs of the State Family Court who watch with thousands greedy eyes his every private move under the blanket.
Watch out, American men! Do not get married! Not that staying single will help much, but at least you will be able to keep some of your assets, rights and dignity.
Once a month Blyad’ went crazy for an hour or two. I knew it happens to ladies… I was patient & accommodating. Sometimes “it” skipped a month. Sometimes Blyad’ was stressed out & went crazy for a day or two. No problem… I understand… maybe a bad PMS or a post-natal depression.
Once she took a hammer to my head & threatened to smash it (my head, that is). I calmly caught her hand & pried the hammer out. Happens… Maybe I didn’t give her enough attention. Maybe I was too busy with work & children…
Things got worse after I returned from Israel. She attacked me, punching in the face. Knocked my glasses off.  That was in January in the bedroom upstairs. I grabbed her & held on the bed until the fit was over. No problem… Stress… Happens in every family.
But that incident raised an alarm. I do not like to be punched in the face in my own home. I live here. I rest & relax here. This is my refuge of peace & security. I told Blyad’ to stop attacking me. If she didn’t like me & didn’t want to live with me, she was free to pack her stuff & move out. Simple logic. Right?
- Wrong!
Even though thousands of American couples split every day, many bitches do not move out peacefully. They got resources. Police social workers, for example. When I was at work, Blyad’ went to police station & lied of how she was “mistreated” the day before. Paperwork was filed without me even knowing about it. Blyad’ established “history of abuse”. “Abuse”, which she herself initiated against me. Blyad’ purposely pushed “the buttons” to aggravate me & sadistically enjoyed watching the reaction of a tired overworked stressed out sucker.
Looking back, I wonder how I had the angelic patience to endure that mad bitch. Her yanking blanket when I was asleep; yelling, screaming, throwing & breaking things. She instigated her son & little Leah against me, cunningly scheming and cheating behind my back.
Than, she stopped cooking & cleaning the house. She hired a babysitter & disappeared while I was at work. Than, she found a companion, an old bitch from Odessa, named Fanya Bobrik, who taught her how to buy dresses in the mall, change labels & return them for profit.
Blyad’ kept her cash hidden in the safety deposit box in Devon Bank, contributing not a penny to family expenses. Blyad’ profited quite well from American taxpayers. In 2002 I reported Blyad’ to the Office of Inspector General of Social Security administration. My lawyer subpoenaed all the relevant documents. But Social Security does not care when someone steals so little ( only about $50,000 ) from the taxpayers. She must of got another $20,000 from Welfare and stealing from me, because in 2003, her bank statement from LaSalle Bank Acct. No.: 5305040668  still had over $40,000. Blyad’ never got prosecuted! Government does not care! Hey, she left her Odessa and came to America, where everybody is a millionaire.  Ain’t America supposed to give her a million dollars like everybody else got?
Dear fellow Americans, your dear US government is a WHORE. Huge fat stupid filthy street-WHORE! That WHORE got cheated by the Blyad’. But the Blyad’ lost most (if not all) of her stolen money later. There is no blessing in stolen stuff. Sorry, but you (and me) paid for all this.

Blyad’ gets an Order of Protection
One sunny Sunday afternoon in March 2001, in the upstairs bedroom, Blyad’ did not finish in bed & got mad. She ripped the ChicagoTribune job section from my hands.
- You son of a bitch! I hate you! I’m gonna learn English, find job, fuck cute co-workers & to hell with you!
Me: Fine. America is free country. Get yourself a job & move out. But while you still live here, why wouldn’t you show some responsibility & pay at least one bill… phone… water… electric… You’ve got money to hire a babysitter. And I know you’ve got cash stashed. I bought this newspaper that you ripped out of my hands with chutzpah. Please don’t be a free-loader & have some respect.
But Blyad’ had no respect for nobody. She needed a lesson in respect. So I thought. I was wrong!
When Blyad’ went to wash her twat, I took “her” newspaper, went to downstairs bathroom & put “her” newspaper in the toilet.
Blyad’ came out & sees no newspaper.
- Where is “my” newspaper?
Blyad’ runs downstairs, breaks into the bathroom, sees “her” newspaper wet in the toilet & me standing there smiling sarcastically. Blyad’ goes berserk.  Blyad’ swings fists into my face, breaking my glasses, punching me, kicking & wailing hysterically like the possessed bitch that she was.
I carefully lifted Blyad’ & put her in the empty jaccuzzi. After that, I lifted the phone & called “911”. I told dispatcher that the girlfriend is going crazy, punching me & asked for police to come over. Really, I had enough of that bitch. Time was up to get rid of her. It was my home & Blyad’ was impossible to live with.
But I was stupid & Blyad’ was smart. Blyad’ Sadkhina-Biller is a manipulative liar who likes to play the victim. She fabricated “history of abuse”. I had nothing, except broken eyeglasses and her nail marks on my face.
- Sir, turn around & put your hands behind your back!
I was handcuffed & put in the cell at the Glenview Police station.
Any questions?
First, I was shocked & surprised. “Where is justice?” “How could it be?” “Where is the law?”
Later, when I spoke to other dudes who went through same, I understood…!!!
Justice & Law up your ass!
Any crazy bitch can punch, hit, slap, break, cut, stab, push & shove dude in United States of America & the man is the one who will go to jail & gets charged with “domestic violence”.
“Domestic” is no shit charge. Only very few lucky ones, after their exhausted lawyers pile up compelling evidence before the judge, will get their charge downgraded to “simple battery”.
As explained one old lawyer in the Skokie Courthouse, “domestic” is worse than murder:
- If you murder somebody, that dude is dead & buried. You will serve your 15 years & get out. Done deal. But if you are charged with “domestic”, your bitch is alive & kicking. She will run after you with Orders of Protection, alimony, child support & more. You get arrested over & over. You would have to pay her, your lawyer, the court system, for the rest of your life. Therefore, murder is better than “domestic”.
Sounds crazy? It took some time before I understood that old lawyer was 100% correct.
Domestic battery victim’s advocates (they’ve got their own office in the courthouse), police social workers, DA’s, pre-trial services, lawyer (your own lawyer, the one you hired & pay for ) are highly trained experienced professionals. Every day they screw a bunch of stupid gullible American dudes like you. Dude thinks of his dear beloved children, of keeping his job, of paying mortgage on the house. “Professionals” think how to get dude’s money, turn him into a slave for the rest of his life & how to humiliate him more.
First, they rehearse the bitch coming before the judge & screaming:
- He wants to kill me!
“Being killed” works quite well for crazy bitches. It is a self-esteem issue. Blyad’ got ambitions and wants to be somebody important ( real estate investor, woman-composer, “professional” with “Master’s Degree”, etc. ). But in reality, she is a worthless piece of junk. A piece of crap with no skills, no brains and with a bad crazy temper. And she subconsciously understands that.
But what if “somebody wants to kill her”?
Well, if somebody wants to kill her, than she is very important! She walks proudly into the police station and files complaints. She comes to the courtroom, escorted by the battered women advocate and testifies before the judge. Cops respect and protect her. She gets Public Aid, free psychological counseling, help from social workers, etc.
Yet, social services and the court system know that such bitches are a liability, a heavy load, a waste of money and time. Therefore, they dump bitches on man’s lap and force men to pay up.
- “He wants to kill me!” worked quite well for the Blyad’.
Judge, hearing that from the “victim”, must issue an “Order of Protection”. That paper is the license for police to arrest you without a cause, jail & torture you, tear your dear children away from you & to steal all your money.
Some skeptical dudes, reading this, still think that I bullshit them. I am not.
Here’s how it worked in my case:
“He wants to kill me! Give me all his money!”
 “Professionals” knew that I just returned from the war in Israel, where I killed an arab. They knew that I was in the blood-thirsty Israeli military ( over there, in Israel  I was a “Chicago cut-throat gangster” ).  I had no criminal background in US by the age 41 only because “I was not caught yet”. But that was easily fixed.
My lawyer, a lady, charged me $1,000 ( That bitch shamelessly lied. She sold me down the drain & stole my money! ) Little did I knew about lawyers at that time. Knowledge came later & at high cost.
And you, dude, get this vital knowledge here almost free. I should charge you $5,000 consulting fee for letting you read this book.
She got out of the conference with DA, police social worker & “advocate”.
- I negotiated a great deal for you, so you don’t go to jail. ( Scare tactic!) You plead guilty to domestic battery ( No jury trial; just throw yourself at the mercy of the court. ) and she ( the Blyad’ ) agreed to move out of your house ( Lie!) But she will get an Order of Protection ( a License to torture & rob you). You must accept this deal on which I spend so much time & effort. Otherwise, you be put on trial & end up going to jail for 364 days! (Scare!)
Me: OK, I plead guilty, but I want to move back into my house ASAP.
- Not so fast! School is over in few weeks & her son got to finish classes (Lie!).
Thus, stupid dude (me) pled guilty to something I didn’t do. Pleading guilty is a favorite tactic of the court system. “Pleading” takes less than half-hour of court’s time. In most cases, defendant is forced to plea by scare & intimidation. PD or his own lawyer force defendant to make a “deal”, because “…when he will be found guilty by the judge (“bench trial”) or jury, his sentence will be much stiffer...” This is a bold lie!
If more dudes will opt for jury trials, system will become overloaded & prosecutors will be forced to drop weak cases. Second lie is that accused will get a stiffer sentence. No, he will not! It is unlawful! Also, can’t be, because jails can take only so many inmates, least they get overcrowded & dudes will get freed. This often happens in California, where even the violent felons are freed after serving only a portion of their time. Finally, most importantly, is that court would have to weigh real evidence, not the bluff that cops are trying to intimidate you with. Thus, many more dudes will be acquitted at the jury trials.
 After pleading guilty, defendant pays fines, court fees as part of judge’s sentence. In my case, it was a 2-year suspended (No jail, except 2 days I spent at police lock up & at “processing” at Cook County Jail where I’ve seen “dick doctors”. I’ll write more about these “doctors” later.) Also, 2-year Order of Protection.
But I was able to move back into my house & put this crazy story behind me. Right?
LOL! You stupid asshole! You dumb idiot! “Story” only began!
I had to start a court-ordered “anger management classes” immediately. Once a week, after work at $70 per session.
Nice & friendly Jewish psychologist very politely asked me to describe “my crime” in writing. Please write what you did most “violently”. Me, being a stupid idiot, wrote that I “violently” took Blyad’ & put her in jacuzzi.
- Was jacuzzi filled with the boiling water?
Me:       Jacuzzi was empty.
- Aaaa! Well, ( bummer, ouch! ) just write it down that you put her in jaccuzzi violently.
A little later, I explained probation officer what happened that Sunday, that bitch opened her filthy trap on me:
- You, motherfucker criminal wife-beater! You minimize your crime! You better take responsibility or I violate you & throw you in jail where you belong! You stinking liar! Here is the copy of your own handwriting where you admit you VIOLENTLY threw her in jacuzzi!
This much for the nice friendly “Jewish psychologist”.  Beware, criminals, of confessions & writings in your own hand!

U.S. Government is honest. It never lies. Right! LOL!
Every upright tax-paying law-abiding American citizen firmly believes that his Government is the upholder of the Law & Order in the land. Government is the backbone of the country & it is honest & truthful. How can it be otherwise?
Don’t listen to this freaken criminal foreigner. He must be a KGB spy, an enemy, who hates America. Throw his stupid book in the garbage!
Those continuing reading… listen to this!
 Each & every citizen must trust his government. Otherwise, government will lose power, citizens become “unruleable” & bloody revolt & anarchy will follow. It happens around the world. Such disaster is called “Civil War”. America fought Civil War 150 years ago & it was very bad. Much better would be to resolve matters peacefully & without the bloodshed.
How do the world governments achieve citizens’ trust? By brainwashing & lying to them. That is the most basic public policy. Americans may think that only totalitarian countries do that, not democracies, like the United States of America, greatest & freest country of the world. Well, dear fellow Americans, you are not as free as you think!
This dude (me) having been born & raised ( until I was almost 18 ) in the communist totalitarian Soviet Union, will tell you, that even there people questioned the regime.
Here’s the Soviet joke:
- Soviet dude was very supportive of his Government at the Communist Party meeting. “Long live communism!”, “Long lives the Soviet power!”, “Long live the Communist Party!”
Than he came home & complained to his wife: “ I’m so tired of all this Soviet & communist crap!”
This is a very important concept. As society loses purpose and the reason for being, citizens realize that government lies and brainwashes them. Quietly, without any obvious signs, society rots. With the slightest blow of wind, rotten society collapses.
So it happened with the mighty Soviet Union.
Same we witnessed it in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina in the city of New Orleans.
To preserve American society, we should be vigilant! We should expose government lies. We should learn to think with our own brain.
Claim that democracies are better is only partially true. Free market democratic economies were supreme in the past. But now, totalitarian communist China is growing faster. So did the Soviet Union back in 1920s & 1930s. In some despotic Asian countries people are said to be happier than in the West.
Ancient Greeks experimented with different forms of governing & came to the conclusion that health of society depends on People. Good, honest, hard-working, moral people will prosper under the tyrant. Lazy cunning thieving free-loaders will live in misery in democracy. Sounds familiar?
Democracy is no guarantee of freedom & happiness. In 1933, Hitler came to power in Germany by legal popular democratic vote & brought that great country to such a ruin that a 100 million “Judo-Bolsheviks” couldn’t match if they would of over-run Germany.
Democracies can become very corrupt & need constant vigilant cleanup by exposing & jailing corrupt politicians & officials.
State of Illinois, for example, jailed its two former governors, Ryan and Blagojevich. Scores of other officials are in prisons & corruption trials are ongoing. I don’t feel sorry for these crooks, because they turned Illinois into a very ugly corrupt state. Because of them, many good, hard-working, honest & innocent people are persecuted, robbed, abused and jailed.  But State of Illinois is so corrupt that jailing governors did not help.  Illinois is no different from other US states.
There are three basic models of matrimonial relations. In modern Western world, Greek-Roman one, whereas man and wife are equal partners.  In Moslem and Oriental world, man is the boss and wife is submissive. Jewish model is in the middle, when in dispute, testimonies from both are heard by the rabbinical judge and good decision depends on rabbi’s wisdom and experience. I am the last guy to advocate for wife beating, honor killing and keeping woman pregnant and barefoot in the kitchen. But I know that crazy vindictive bitches leveling false accusations on husbands and boyfriends, lying, stealing and extracting revenge are very common in “democracies”. US judiciary & cops know this, but are too lazy & indifferent to digging for truth & putting these bitches in their place. It is much easier & more profitable to abuse a man!
Otherwise, why would US judicial system would abuse man based on false testimony of an illiterate, lying and cunning “Blyad’ ”? In her case, Moslem model should be used.
I went off topic, as Jew-people usually do.
When you come to Jew used car dealer early in the morning, asking why the vehicle he sold you yesterday stopped running, that Jew-boy will begin his explanation by telling you how Jew-people left Egypt with Moses 4,000 years back & by late afternoon he will reach point of how his family was mistreated by Russian Cossacks 200 years ago.
Cool white dude in jail told me that his dad forbade him to buy used car from the Jew. His dad was a smart man! If Jewish organizations will close down Jew-owned used car lots, it will decrease anti-semitism substantially. Tell them of this great idea!
US Government & its Judiciary System do not lie! I had a written agreement with the DA, Glenview Police social worker, approved by my lawyer & signed by the judge, saying that the Blyad’ will vacate my house by the certain date. This agreement was good & solid & cast in stone. Guaranteed by US Government, Law & American Constitution. This was the reason I pled guilty.
Therefore, I was a little surprised when the date came & went & Blyad’ was still squatting in my house, while I had to pay mortgage. Therefore, I went to court & asked why Blyad’ didn’t move out yet. Court laughed at me & advised to go to Eviction Court & have Blyad’ evicted because she won’t move out by herself.
Feeling cheated & having my solid faith in the honesty of the US Government & Circuit Court justice a little shaken, I appealed my conviction within the 30 days period, as said in the Law. After about a year, appeal case was heard in front of the Chief Judge Evans who stated as follows:
- Since by pleading guilty you became a convicted criminal, State does not have to honor any agreements it made with you.
As simple as that.
Thank you, Judge Evans & the rest of the judges & government officials for teaching this stupid dude the way things really are.
Note this, folks, if you or anyone you know will be coerced to plead guilty! Remember this judge’s ruling! Know what your dear US Government really is!
In Eviction Court, Blyad’, aided by her bona-fide government lawyers, claimed that she owned my house & refused to move out.  Therefore, after 3-months procrastination, Eviction Court threw the case out & referred me to the Chancery Court which would decide the ownership of the house which I purchased by myself, under my name, with my money. I also purchased the building materials & single-handedly remodeled that house. Blyad’ did not contribute a penny & lived there for free.
Chancery Court of Cook County lives to its name. It gives owner a chance to get his property back from thieves & squatters. Sometimes. After some time. In my case, “sometime” was almost 2 years, because Chancery Court is overloaded & cases wait in line to be heard & decided. Reason for such a delay is that owner, usually under stress, may give up, get sick or die. Thus, thief / squatter will gain ownership & get rich. Lawyers know that & offer a “compromise”. Give squatter, $50,000 or $20,000 & she will move out. Such is the approved lawful US judiciary extortion.
I stood my ground, gave Blyad’ nothing & got her kicked out of my house.
Of course, Blyad’, being a whore that she is, stole absolutely everything & vandalized the house. But I patiently remodeled place once again & sold it.
Blyad’, 18 years later, is still hurt: she had it in her hands and it slipped away. Ouch! She runs around & tells everybody how she got “cheated” by that treacherous cunning son-of-a-bitch (me). LOL!
Now, you, a loving caring do-gooder sucker who is about to have that nice beautiful girlfriend of yours move into your house, go back & read this chapter over. And read it once again if you are a good-hearted idiot about to resolve a social problem & let that desperate single mom with little kids and huge boobs come live with you.

Why NOT to pay “Child Support”?
Dudes “in arreas” on “child support” are labeled “deadbeats” by the state, get arrest warrants, jailed as an “attachment” & released only after someone deposits 20% of what they “owe”. LOL!
Yet, despite all these draconian laws, millions of Americans, vast majority of whom are men, owe many billions in “child support”.
State shames fathers, claiming they don’t support their own children.
But is it so?
Truth is, very little of “child support” goes to the children. Ex gets all the money & is free to spend it as she wishes. There is no control.
Maybe some good ladies use child support for the kids… But my guess… very few.
Your kids will get next to nothing! Lazy crazy free-loader, she may get Public Aid for herself & children too. So, most probably, your hard-earned money will be used by your angry ex for her grand lifestyle you can only dream of.
For example, Blyad’ got saggy little tits. She also needs a nose job. And front teeth. If I would be capable of working after sadistic tortures & pay her “child support”, Blyad’ would sure get all that. Plus, her mentally ill boyfriend & hubby, Scottie Biller, is a free-loader, not working for years. Someone had to support him too.
Me? Tortured, abused, persecuted, indingent person? Support crooked bitch & that fat idle free-loader?
Good thing is that I was not able to pay Blyad’ even a penny of “child support”, not counting her squatting in my house for 2 years, stealing & converting all my hard-earned possessions, vandalism & court costs.
Scottie Biller “The Architect” had to go to his rich daddy for handouts. After daddy passed away, Scottie had to get a job. That is why Scottie is working today & that is why his stinking old ugly bitch “woman-composer” is poor, running around to get her $120,000! LOL!
Zoe Biller by the gate
Mumbled, cried & bleated
Someone has not paid that whore!
Was it you?

Therefore, if some FBI idiot used Blyad’ to “punish” me for being a Kahanist, let him look at the ugly social cituation he created. It is a Blyad’ who got punished, it is the little children who suffered, who’s childhood got stolen by FBI, cops & the court system. Abusers are yet to pay for the crimes they committed against my children.

Word of the wise and testimonials from the experts…
Child support is illogical and corrupt model wherein States are rewarded with federal dollars through Title IV-D to screw people. The more they screw people, the more money they get. So there is little reason for the State to use common sense or even follow the law. Setting child support at a level a person cannot afford (with the State being rewarded with Title IV-D funds - the higher the support, the more money the State receives), then labeling non-payers as a “deadbeat”, “in arreas” (more Title IV-D funds), going to court (more Title IV-D funds), and finally arresting and locking up (even more Title IV-D funds). A resent study in Ohio revealed that nearly 80% of the obligors were behind on child support; and the most prevalent reason was that the amount was beyond what the obligor could afford (and in several cases more that the obligor made because it was felt that the obligor had the ability to make more or find a second job). And with the economy the way it is, obligors are really screwed since it is rare that the State will adjust the amount for loss of job, hospitalization, etc.
Adoption should have stopped the obligation from accruing (although it is very common for States to ignore that fact); but any past payment would have accrued at 18% interest.
Unlike the IRS that is willing to negotiate, the State is rarely willing to negotiate, even if the parents agree to a settlement amount. (Remember, for the State it is all about receiving money from the feds; it’s not about clearing the books.)
SDU – State Disbursement Unit.
HFS – Health and Family Services
CSE – Child Support Enforcement (ruthless and unethical scum arm of HFS)
“Instead of the easy fiction that massive numbers of fathers are suddenly and inexplicably abandoning their children, perhaps what we should believe instead is that a lucrative racket now is cynically using our children as weapons and tools to enrich lawyers and provide employment for judges and bureaucrats. Rather than pursuing ever greater numbers of fathers with ever more draconian punishments, the Justice Department should be investigating the kind of crimes it was created to pursue — such as kidnapping, extortion and racketeering — in the nation's family courts.”
Dr. Stephen Baskerville, PhD.
“I worked in the hell hole called Child Support for almost 6 years. I thought I was going to die. It was the most frustrating, sad, depressing, hideous job I have EVER had in my life. When I quit, I told them I had received a more lucrative offer from a sweatshop in Calcutta. I still have friends there and things have not changed in the 2 years since I left. I had a letter hand delivered to Greg Abbott outlining the problems -- double dipping from two jobs, overcharging non custodial parents, defaulting people when they were not served, intercepting tax refunds illegally and my personal favorite; garnishing the savings accounts of two children, basically forcing them to pay their own child support! The FIDM unit thought it was FUNNY. I failed to see the humor.”
Melissa Puntenney - Former Paralegal for Attorney General’s office (TX)
I did not marry the Blyad’ and it saved my life!

The Fourth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States
United States of America is a free democratic republic governed by the Constitution with just & proper Laws. Citizens of the United States (even a naturalized greenhorn foreigner like myself ) are protected from false unjust arrest by the Fourth Amendment of the American Constitution. Fair & square. Right?
Oops! Wrong! Dead wrong, if some bitch got an Order of Protection against you. With OOP, vindictive angry bitch can stalk and get you arrested by claiming that you came too close to her on the street & threatened her. After cops lock you up, bitch will come before the judge & swear under oath that all is true and correct. Bitches are known to do that. You will be facing some serious jail time based on her false accusations. Judge may deny you bail because you are about to “kill her”.
Blyad’ did everything possible & impossible to get me arrested regularly in order to wear me out & steal the house in Glenview.
Every time I came to pick up my kids for court-sanctioned visitation, she called cops.

Affidavit of false arrest, illegal imprisonment, brutality and tortures by Glenview Police Department on April 7-10, 2001

I came to my house on 27 Lincoln Street, in Glenview, Illinois, on April 7, 2001 at 9:30 am in order to pick up my children, Leah and Lenn for a scheduled visitation. With me were my father, Gregory, 73 years of age and my son, Louis, 9 years old.
Week before, one Zoya Sadkhina, a.k.a. Sarah Sadkhin, a.k.a. Zoya Amchislavskaya, temporarily residing in my house, went in front of judge Nancy Sidote Salyers #1611 and fraudulently got an Order of Protection against me.
Attempting to obey this fraudulent Order of Protection, I called officer Maria Caruso of Glenview Police Department on April 6, 2001 and communicated that I will come to pick up children for visitation as agreed in Order of Protection.
On April 6, 2001, my mother, Dolores Salganick, called Zoya Sadkhina and notified her that I will come on the following day to pick up the children for visitation. Zoya Sadkhina had no objections.
As three of us came to the house, I parked about 150 feet away, stayed in the car and sent my son Louis, 9, to knock on the door. My elderly father came out of his car and waited.
After about of 10 minutes of waiting, police squad cars with flashing lights came at full speed and screeched the brakes. I stepped out of my truck. One squad car stopped about 100 feet away, policeman R.Salihovich #139 jumped out with his gun drawn and pointed at me. He was yelling and screaming at high voice.
I attempted to explain policeman that I came to pick up the children for visitation per court order. He would not listen. R.Salihovich handcuffed me in front of my son and father and put me in the squad car.
R.Salihovich called Glenview Police dispatcher on his radio. Police dispatcher read to policeman R.Salihovich paragraph of the Order of Protection regarding visitation on that day. I clearly heard the conversation as it was conducted in front of me. R.Salihovich informed me that I am being arrested. My son began to cry.  At this time my father began to feel ill as he has a heart condition. I requested an ambulance for him. Ambulance arrived 10 minutes later.
R.Salihovich drove me to Glenview Police Department, walked me in and together with another policemen by the name Frederick, began to “process” me. I was pushed, my hands were twisted, I was called names like “you dirty Jew do not belong in Glenview” and “Your last name is “shitman”?”. They went through my pockets, took yarmulka off my head. I requested yarmulka back for religious reasons. That was rudely refused. My fingerprints and pictures were taken amidst threats that I will be in jail forever and will never see my children again. Request to call a lawyer was refused. I was pushed into a cell. After few hours, detective David Shostak and policewoman Maria Caruso came to taunt me & make fun of me behind bars. They were teasing me and making jokes.
I complained of headaches and feeling ill. They went away.
At about 5 p.m. I began to feel dizzy. I began to throw up & suffocate. I could not breathe. I was shivering. I had strong pains in my chess. I began to bang on the bars as I felt I would pass out. After about 30 minutes paramedics came. They measured my blood pressure. It was 190 over 160. I was taken to Glenbrook Hospital.
At about 12 p.m. the following day, five policemen barged into my hospital room, got me off the bed, handcuffed me and paraded me through the hospital in front of the staff and patients. I was taken back to Glenview jail. No medications were given. There were no doctor present and no discharge instructions were given. I had bruises on my hands and wrists and a black and blue mark on my stomach as a result of brutal pushing and shoving by police.
In the afternoon the following day, Monday, I was brought to court. Judge Rochford issued a bond that was paid.
At the next court date, Judge Salyers dismissed the charges, as they were false.
My son had to undergo counseling as a result of psychological trauma witnessing the brutal arrest of his father. His medical bills are over $5,000.
Hospital bill in the amount of $7,600 is a result of police brutality and tortures inflicted upon me. I have no means to pay this bill.
As the result of this false arrest and tortures and brutality in the hands of police I have a constant headaches and unable to work. I was fired from my job week after the arrest and can not find another employment since.
For what was done to my family and myself since March 2001, we regard this US regime as a brutal terrorist enemy and will use all means available to destroy and undermine it in struggle for our human dignity and civil rights.
Thus, I got arrested for trying to see my kids. I got arrested for walking on the street. I got arrested for coming to court.
Every time I got arrested, I was brought to the Cook County Jail.

“Dick Doctors” or “Stick in the Dick”
 “Dick doctors” were two jumbo size Mexicans in white overalls over their street clothes. In front of them was the line of naked criminals, each holding his clothing in his hands. Overhead sign read: “Testing for Sexually Transmitted Disease”.
Dick doctors were always in the good mood, laughing & joking. One held about 7” long, wooden swab with cotton on end. He ordered:
- Hold your dick straight!
To me: You, motherfucker, you don’t hold your dick straight like I told you. For that, you will hold other motherfuckers’ dicks!
With that, “Doctor” shoved swab deep into my dick, causing an enormous pain. I screamed, Doctor laughed & pushed me forward. I saw another dude behind me swinging fists after the “procedure” & both “doctors” pounded on that dude & held him tight.
My dick was irritated & bled from inside. Cotton tip must have slipped off the swab & rough wood tore the dick channel & guts inside. Other dudes told that I was stupid & should pee a little for lubrication before the “procedure”.
I don’t know if the law enforcement sheriff dudes in Cook County ever heard of Dr. Josef Mengele of Auschwitz, but their “dick doctor” procedure sure smacked of his style. The difference might have been that SS Doctor’s experiments in Auschwitz may have had some medical value, while “dick doctors” were purely sadistic. Even if there was a medical swabbing method like this, I highly doubt those swabs ever got tested by the Cermak Health Care Services, Inc. that sub-contracted medical care of inmates at Cook County Jail. All inmates, including those with STDs and other contagious illnesses, got bunched together & never separated. Infections could easily spread under conditions in which we were placed.
I do suspect that “dick doctors” were carefully planned & orchestrated. While tortures were performed by employees of the Cermak Health Care Services, Inc., I am sure they were instructed and ordered by Cook County Sheriff & approved by high-ranking Illinois officials in Chicago & Springfield. That scum never answered for tortures they designed.
Why they selected the Latino dudes? If they were Whites or Blacks, race riots could break out in jail. But here were Latinos, “Mexicans”. Not Whites & not Blacks! Clever!
“Procedure” had no medical value; it’s done to humiliate & dehumanize inmates into submission, to the lowest level possible. Humiliate one’s manhood in the most sadistic way. Those who devised it, must of justify it to scare criminals, so that they would fear coming back to jail. Thus, the crime rate in Cook County would go down. Correct? Not so, because crime rate went up in those years. As to reduce rates of recidivism… some criminals would run faster & hide deeper. For others, like myself,  getting to jail didn’t depend on my actions. It depended on the Blyad’ (and FBI) snitching energy and abilities.

Cook County Jail tours Siberia
On March 15, 2003 I got sentenced to 30 days for “killing the Blyad’ “. Crazy, ha? How could a judge sentence someone to 30 days (not years, but days! ) for murder? Also knowing that I will serve only 15 of those, minus the day I spend in police lock-up. And some dudes in the jury wanted to acquit me altogether. Funny, ha?
Where is this society going, when murderers get a slap on wrist, just two weeks in jail? And where are the Federal Sentencing Guidelines & where is the so-called “war on crime”?
Didn’t the court hear the Blyad’ swear under oath & cry:
 “He wants to kill me! Give me all his money!”
 “Crime” was committed after the hearing for children’s custody in the Family Court in downtown Chicago in fall of 2002. After the hearing was over, I packed my papers & headed to the exit, but Blyad’ rushed toward me, got into my face & sarcastically smiled. Her stinking lawyer, fat little jew-boy slob Bryan Aleksander, must of advised & conspired with that bitch, because I noticed him watching this closely.
Blyad’ got into my face and I cursed that bitch in Russian under my breath:
- Ty suka v zopy yobannaya!
Which means: “You are a bitch, fucked in the ass!” 
Russian curses, the mat, are very versatile & I could curse her longer, but I gathered my angelic patience & restrained my righteous anger.  Court deputy was there at the door, he witnesses the scene and later testified at the trial. Deputy & Aleksander testified that they only saw my lips moving. Since nobody heard me cursing Blyad’ and even if someone would hear my whisper, nobody understood Russian. So Blyad’ had a free hand here. Cursing someone is not a crime, even if someone has an Order of Protection. But Blyad’ filed a police complaint & testified in court that I said I wanted to kill her. Now, that IS a crime.
If some whore comes to court and claims that man wants to kill her, court got a dilemma. Maybe she is an honest lady telling the truth, pleading for her life. Or maybe she is a bitch seeking revenge against that man. What to do?
Everybody saw on TV yesterday that crazy dude in Ohio killed his wife. And last week same happened in Kentucky. Why take chances? What if he will kill her? Let’s arrest that man & put him in jail. Just in case. Man can take jail and the lady will be satisfied.
That’s logical thinking. Jury, DA, police & the judge would think like this. Therefore, tens of thousands of American men get arrested and jailed for such “crimes” every year.
Even my family, everybody who knows me since birth, did not believe my story. My old momma admonished me:
- You must have done something!
My old momma was not there. She did not see it.  But less than a year later, near the same courthouse, my 70 year old momma, honest to the point all her hard-working life, “was there”, witnessed “that” and now could not understand:
- Why judge did not believe us? We were telling the truth!
My old dear momma, even at 70 has to learn much about the “truth” and about the American Justice System.
I am a fast learner, I already knew. So I was not surprised and went to jail with head held high.
It was March 15, 2003, right before the American invasion of Iraq. In Cook County Jail, there were no more “dick doctors” and the hundred or so dudes who went through the “processing” that day were happy to have it over with and longed to hit beds with their tired bodies. Most got arrested that morning or the day before and it was already 1 am and we had not eaten all day. Food and sleep is what we all wanted when we entered the Division 10 building. We were wrong!
True, there were no more “dick doctors” but the old jail with its old CO’s and old “white shirts” was still here. They had a little surprise for us.
- Hey, you, motherfuckers! Line up against the wall and put all your clothing and shoes on the floor in front of you. You get searched! And shut the fuck up! I am not stupid. I know that you were searched few hours ago. You get searched again!
OK. Motherfuckers got naked and a dozen CO’s searched our clothing and shoes. OK. Over.
- Should we get dressed?
- NOOO! Who said that?
Now, old grey-haired CO goes around the hall turning handles, opening jalousie windows. It is March. It is Chicago. It is 1 o’clock in the morning. It is dark and freezing outside.
- You, motherfuckers! You talked! Now you stand naked!
So we stand naked, shivering, coughing. We stand half-hour. We stand three-quarters of an hour.
I addressed the lieutenant:
- Sir, I am sorry, Sir. I’ve got asthma. I am coughing. I am cold. I feel I am about to have an attack and suffocate.
- OK. All you old motherfuckers, you did not talk. You get dressed. All the young motherfuckers talked. You continue to stand.
Me and few other old motherfuckers stepped aside and got dressed, still shivering. Young motherfuckers were allowed to get dressed some time later.
Young dude came over to me. He saw my beanie. He asked if I was a Jew. I confirmed. He said that he was a Palestinian from Ramallah. Actually he was born here in Chicago, but his parents were from Ramallah. He looked me in the face and complained:
- In Chicago live an equal number of Arabs and Jews. You are the only Jew here. Over there stand a dozen of my friends, Arabs and Moslems. See how government discriminates against us?
I could not give him an answer.
Later, I found few other Jews in that division, including one Black Hebrew brother. Arabs & moslems were quiet & did not bother us.
Conditions in Cook County Jail were horrible. It was very cold. But I could not run away. Not for two weeks.
Coughing got worse. I got feverish. I suffocated in the evenings. I knew that I caught bronchitis. I lay weak on my bunk. I needed an antibiotic.
I went to CO’s room and told a lieutenant who was there:
- I am not a doctor. You’ve got to see a nurse who will be here next Thursday.
So I went back and laid on my bunk. Never saw the nurse. After I got released I got a Z-Pak antibiotics. 
That made things better, but even now I am prone to sudden asthma attacks and suffocating sneezing spells.

Amazing Story of my Vernier Caliper
FBI File # 256C-NY-276237

Vernier Caliper is a measuring instrument. I purchased one in 1995 for my engineering job. This simple old-fashioned sliding scale became the centerpiece of an unbelievable international terrorist intrigue and evidence in the FBI investigation that almost landed me in jail for 20 years to life.
Yes, I admit that I am an old-time member of the Jewish Defense League, Kach & Kahane Chai. If I should be jailed for that, it better be a life without parole, because I doubt that 20 years of jail would change my identity or my beliefs even a bit.
Kach & Kahane Chai are on the Israeli, EU & US Government’s “terrorist list”. JDL is considered “terrorist” by the FBI, but is not outright outlawed. Reason is: if outlaw JDL in USA, than dozens of american neo-nazi groups must be outlawed too, as JDL is the only one vocally opposing them. US regime is scared of confronting the neo-nazis. So JDL is legal in the US.
Yet, I declare that as someone very familiar with the inner works and ideology of all the above Jewish groups, one who well knew it’s top leaders, Rabbi Meir Kahane, ZT’L, Rabbi Binyomin Kahane, ZT’L, Irv Rubin, ZT’L, and Baruch Marzel… none of these groups is terrorist… because they never terrorized anybody except crooked leftists-liberals, who fear that their lies and treachery be exposed by us.

Thus began the story of the Vernier Caliper who was not a member of any terrorist group, had no explosives residue on its scale, but measured various parts and products that I helped to design and manufacture.
Because Caliper could have been lost or stolen in the rough factory environment, I engraved jaws with my name & marked: “Please return if found, but get a good life insurance prior to stealing” And on the inside of the wooden case: “PROPERTY OF TERRORIST ORGANIZATION” with Kach Fist emblem. Now, this became MY Caliper with joking inscriptions that would have reduced thief’s resale profit. But it almost got me thrown into pit for life.
Year 1995, when Caliper came to my possession was a pivotal year for the Jewish People and Israel. This year was soaked in blood of Jewish victims of arab terrorism, but also a year of organized resistance against the treacherous Oslo “Peace” Process. In 1995, chief traitor, PM Rabin, got exterminated by the Jewish Patriot avenger Yigal Amir. This was the year when the brainwash of “virtual”, imaginary “peace” began to unveil and people realized that arab terrorists can not be appeased.

  After the Rabin/Peres, came “right-winger” PM Bibi Netanyahu, the seller of Hebron, than Yehud Barak, “The General-Retreat”, Bibi’s former army boss. Barak laid all the goodies in front of Arafat in Wye and Camp David in summer 2000. Yet, terrorist puppet-master thought to get much more with violent rioting.
Thus, the Oslo War began in September 2000. Caliper was left alone for 3 weeks that sent me to the front lines in Samaria. 
I was given an assignment to examine the situation on the ground and come up with the practical tactical proposal of what a small group of American Jewish Patriots could do to confront arab terrorism and leftist Israeli regime’s sellout of Our Holy Land.
This was not an easy task, as arab terrorists had a far-reaching goals to capture not only Judea, Samaria (West Bank) and Gaza, but to overrun & destroy all of Israel, expel and massacre Jews & rename land “Palestine”. Oslo “Peace” Process that laid the groundwork for all this, was supported by all world governments and was the rallying point of Israeli leftists and the Barak’s regime.
Enemy foot-soldiers were the 3 million armed arabs of Judea, Samaria and Gaza. Over a million Arab citizens of Israel were expected to join them. Armies of the arab states were on the standby. Israeli Army was in disarray. Israeli Army and Police had a long history of harassing and jailing our people. Israeli secret police, ShaBaK, sent snitches and provocateurs into our ranks.


Our only allies were the 300,000 Jewish Pioneers, some Israelis inside the Green Line and a handful of diaspora Jews and Christians. 
I lived in Judea and Samaria before and have many old friends there.  I headed to the village of Kfar Tapuach in Central Samaria, Kahane Chai’s logistics center. I landed in Israel only a few hours after 2 israeli reserve soldiers took a wrong turn on the road, came to arab Ramallah and were cut to little pieces by the bloody mob. Taxicab drivers refused to go to Samaria for fear of being machine-gunned.
Gunfire was heard all around Tapuach. I was in the middle of the hurricane. Notorious terrorist hubs Shechem (Nablus) and Balata were only 5 miles away. Roads were studded with terrorist ambushes and sniper nests. There was little food and if someone got sick, hurt or wounded it would take a long time to get to the hospital. Government declared the state of emergency over Israel.
What could a small group do in this situation when even the Israeli Army was powerless? Obviously,  arab strategy called for overrunning small Jewish villages, establishing control of countryside & progressively moving into capturing larger towns, thus consolidating territory under it’s control. Therefore, small villages and outposts were on the firing line. They were vulnerable, because guard was inadequate, army did not protect them and male residents were tired, overworked and could not take additional guard duty.


Here we could help! Of course, we did not have resources to guard each and every small village and outpost. So we should concentrate our efforts on the few.
This was an idea that led to creation of the Fourth Jewish Legion/Gedud HaIvri or Israel’s Best Friend/IBF. In a few weeks after its creation, Jewish Legion was added to the U.S. Government’s “terrorist list”. Israeli regime was terrified of “settlers” forming armed defense militia, instead of running away.
To this day, Jewish Legion/IBF http://defendisrael.net/ IDU under Yekutiel’s steady leadership is a great success. There was not a single terrorist attack on Tapuah, while every other village in the area was infiltrated. Gedud’s guards with trained dogs prevented numerous terror attacks all over Israel, saving many lives.
Back in the end of October 2000 I was arrested by ShaBaK, interrogated, threatened with “being taken care of in USA” and expelled from Israel. Israeli ShaBaK & FBI formed a liaison in 1994. I did not take ShaBaK’s threat seriously. I was wrong.
In April 2001 cops came to my house in Glenview, Illinois handcuffed me & took me to jail. For 2 years I was not allowed to be even near my house. At about this time, house was raided by FBI without my knowledge and my Vernier Caliper got confiscated. Along with the Vernier Caliper, FBI confiscated a little paper sticker “Proud to be a “Jewish Terrorist!”” Caliper and Sticker got shipped to FBI office in New York where a huge show trial of all American Jewish Terrorists was being prepared.


On December 31, 2000, Rabbi Binyomin Zeev Kahane and wife Talia, ZT’L, were murdered in arab terrorist ambush on the road near Ofra. Their 5 children were wounded.
Few days later, this took place:
Extremist Group's Headquarters Raided
Material Tied to Kahane, Allies Seized

Washington Post/January 5, 2001
By Christine Haughney
New York -- The FBI raided a Brooklyn community center today that allegedly has served as headquarters for a Jewish extremist group labeled by the State Department as a foreign terrorist organization.
Early this morning, more than 20 FBI agents arrived at the Hatikva Jewish Identity Center with a warrant to seize all materials related to the late Rabbi Meir David Kahane and his followers, said the center's director, Michael Guzofsky.
Kahane was assassinated in a Manhattan hotel 10 years ago. His son, Binyamin Kahane, was killed Dec. 31 in an ambush in the West Bank. They had been associated with two radical political groups, Kach and Kahane Chai, which were outlawed in Israel in 1994 and were designated by the State Department as foreign terrorist organizations the following year.
The Kahane-affiliated organizations have been accused of fomenting hatred against Arabs, and some of their members have been connected to attacks on Palestinians, including the slaying of 29 Muslims in a Hebron mosque in 1994. Despite the terrorist designation, some of the rabbi's supporters have continued to operate in Brooklyn, teaching martial arts, running Web sites and advocating the expulsion of Arabs from Israel.
The red brick Hatikva Jewish Identity Center is next to an Asian grocery and across the street from a mosque in a neighborhood teeming with immigrants. Leon Kryhonovsky, who identified himself as a member of the Kahane organization, said he had counted as FBI agents carted away 84 boxes, one filing cabinet, four sets of signs, six computers and eight milk crates of material.
Guzofsky appeared dazed as he stood outside the building with attorneys and supporters. Even before the FBI agents arrived, he said, he had planned to spend the day writing an op-ed piece about why the government "continues to hunt down the Kahanes." He said the community center has been open for 18 months and offers classes on judo, boxing and Jewish scripture.
"In a million years, I never believed something like this would happen in America," he said. An FBI spokesman said the search warrant was connected to an ongoing investigation and declined any other comment.
Abraham Foxman, national director of the Anti-Defamation League, speculated that the raid was prompted by "hate rhetoric" from Kahane-related groups since the killing of Binyamin Kahane on New Year's Eve. "They're calling for vengeance," Foxman said. "The level of it has reached a crescendo."

Yes, dozens of FBI agents took part in this raid. And dozens more examined piece by piece the papers, computer files, books and records, looking for terrorist plans, bombs and explosives. Symbolically, “in mosque across the street” peaceful humanitarians must of cracked laughing seeing “bad yahud’s” ( bad Jews’ ) stuff being confiscated & their offices closed down. Because just 6 years earlier, former arab moslem terrorist leader YesSir ArabFart (Yassir Arafat) shook hands, smiled, kissed and licked President Clinton and solemnly promised to the whole world to become a peace-loving humanitarian & no more terrorism. This was all true because he received a Nobel Peace prize and whole world’s approval.
Therefore, arabs and moslems could not be terrorists, but this small bunch of young Jews in HaTikva Center across the street, certainly was. That is why they got raided. Author got original FBI documents of this “heroic raid”. Amazing!
Note how Anti-Defamation League of B’nei Bris director, Abraham Foxman welcomed FBI activities. And so did his cronies at Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, US Jewish bureaucrats and functionaries, all the stupid brainwashed leftist US yids. “Finally, now nobody will be able to criticize them and their failed “Oslo Peace Process””.
Nobody should ever know that “Honest Abe”, “defender of US yids against anti-semitism” had also became a multi-millionaire in this business, fleecing duped Jews to the tune of $300,000 to $500,000 per year.
For those who studied the history of the Holocaust, his and his buddy’s statements and cheers as if came out of some Judenrat traitor or a concentration camp kapo enjoying sadistic execution.
In addition to being a crook and a thief, Abraham Foxman is also a liar. “Crescendo hate rhetoric” and “vengeance” he is claiming as justifications for FBI’s and White House’s criminal activities, is a product of Foxman’s greasy snout, as it never took place. Yes, we were outraged at the brutal murder of Rabbi Binyomin and Talia Kahane, ZT’L, and injuries to their little children, also at scale of arab terrorism in Israel in those days. But there were no revenge attacks and no vengeance calls. Leadership of Kahanist organizations is experienced and wise.
We will not be provoked into cheap little bloodletting that crazy arabs do. Our “revenge” is on the much more massive political scale. We are determined to bring arab and moslem terrorism to the Court of History, where all the victims will testify from their graves and the guilty will pay 100-fold for every drop of blood they spilled.
Fortunately for the People of the United States and to the honor of the American Jewish Community, not all of us are fools, thieves and crooks like Abraham Foxman and the rest of the snobish elitist Jewish Establishment. In contrast, there is a handful of brave young Jews with wisdom and determination “foxmans” are lacking.
I hereby challenge liar Foxman or any other similar crook to produce a single piece of evidence to back his false claims.
Foxman, along with the rest of the so-called “U.S. Jewish leaders” energetically advocated Oslo “Peace” Process. Even after “Peace” turned into bloody war in September 2000 and we suffered 1000 murdered and 10,000 wounded by arab terrorism by 2005, not a word of comfort, not a penny of help for the victims of their “peace” came from these “Jewish leaders”. To this day they never uttered a word of remorse or admitted their mistakes.
And even after FBI confiscated every PC, computer disk and every piece of paper from our New York headquarters, volunteers from US and other countries continued to come to Tapuah, got trained, armed and assigned guard posts in small villages and outposts around Judea and Samaria.
While New York FBI was busy studying confiscated materials preparing list of “Jewish terrorists” to be rounded up and charged with membership and “providing material support” to the designated “terrorist organization”, real terrorists hit city.


Just like Stalin’s death in 1953 disrupted “Doctors’ Trial” and exile of all Soviet Jews to Birobidzhan in Far East, so did the 9/11 disrupted the big trial of American “Jewish Terrorists”.
Ain’t G-d works in mysterious ways?
But what happened in New York in 2001 did not prevent me from being indicted in Illinois state court for “leadership of the terrorist organization” - “20-to-life” in 2002. Luckily for me, judge reviewed the “evidence” and angrily kicked prosecutors and FBI agents from his courtroom.
My lawyer suggested against appeal, advising me to serve whatever sentence will be on other false charges, because prosecutors were very angry at me and would retaliate. So it was not those 2 weeks that I had to spend in notorious Cook County Jail, not even a dozen false arrests between 2001-04, but sadistic tortures, jailers forcing wooden sticks through the penis into my guts or keeping me naked on freezing cold Chicago night that forced me to flee.
I am pretty sure that if I would stay in Chicago, like the court ordered, and not to run away in 2004, like I did, I would not be able to write this because I would be long dead.


All this time, while my Vernier Caliper was imprisoned in the FBI evidence room, I was either in jail, under indictment, on probation or a run-away fugitive.
Sometime in the end of March of 2009, I stood in the yard of my home in Florida when my old mom called.

- FBI is looking for you! I just got a phone call!

Ouch! If FBI is “looking for you” – it’s minimum 7 years, that is… if the judge falls in love with you!
I told my old mom in trembling voice:

- Mom, please call them back & ask what the hell they want!

Mom called me back in half-hour:

- He says they took something from your house in Glenview & now they want to give it back.

I was still suspicious, but it wasn’t like they were accusing me of killing arabs, burning mosques & leading a bunch of sneaky jew-terrorists.

- OK, mom, call him back & tell him to mail whatever it is.

That is how I got back my old 18” Vernier Caliper.

Perhaps, there was a review of FBI investigations after Obama assumed office in January 2009. “Evidence” confiscated from the Hatikvah Center was returned to us in March 2009, 8 years and 3 month after the raid.
I finally got Vernier Caliper into my hands in June 2013.
U.S.Government armed Al Qaeda to fight Soviets in Afghanistan in late 1980s. In 1993, arab terrorist Arafat was appeased by Clinton in front of the White House. U.S. supported Islamic Chechen rebels. It wants to arm Islamic Syrian rebels. Secretary of State Kerry advocates “Palestinian state”. Did the 9/11, Oslo War & Boston bombing taught anything to White House, State Department, CIA & FBI? 
Now it is my turn to store my old Vernier Caliper as evidence of stupidity and shortsightedness of U.S. Government.
My pleadings
To: Embassy, People’s Republic Of China, Washington, DC
United Nations Human Rights Council, New York, NY
European Commission on Human Rights, Strasbourg, France
Amnesty International USA Washington, DC
UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) Palais des Nation CH-1211 Geneva 10 Switzerland, petitions@ohchr.org

Date: June 14, 2018

Sir or Madam,

I am a 59 year old citizen of the United States, currently residing in the State of Florida.
I am hereby pleading for help from International bodies in order to escape sadistic terrorist anti-semitic tortures, persecution and harassment from the agents of the State of Illinois, namely Anita Alvarez, State Attorney; Judge Pamela E. Loza; Timothy A. Martin, ASA, and other U.S. appointed & elected officials.
State of Illinois is a notoriously corrupt state with numerous officials convicted of corruption, guilty of torturing, harassing & stealing from the people. Many more such officials continue their criminal activities without being caught & brought to justice.
On April 23, 2013, above-named Judge Pamela E. Loza issued a warrant for my arrest for contempt of court for not submitting job diaries to the State’s Attorney’s Office on a monthly basis, two entries per day. State Attorney fraudulently claims that I owe $111,662.00 in “child support”. Where did the fantastic sum came from? This blackmail extortion carries $20,000 price tag to be freed from jail. I am an indigent person and have no such funds.
That is despite the fact that the two children who were illegally ripped from me by the State in 2001, lived in the house that my family provided, until 2003.  In 2008 children were adopted by the wealthy step-father who provides for them. From year 2001 and up to today, I was not employed due to illness that is the result of sadistic terrorist tortures inflicted on me by the agents of the States of Illinois & Florida.
Therefore, I do not owe any child support.
Instead, the State of Illinois must compensate me for years of sadistic tortures, malicious persecution, abuse and violation of my religious & civil rights in the sum of $55,000,000.00.
From 2001 to 2003 I was illegally banned from my house in Glenview, IL, all my possessions were stolen, I was homeless & dispossessed.
In 2004 I had to run from Illinois because of FBI death threats. In order to save my life I became an internal refugee in the United States.
On September 5th, 2012, I was arrested in Florida & tortured again in both Florida & Illinois. Florida jailers shamelessly posted mug shots of me unconscious in the wheelchair They also ripped my religious headcovering, stripped me naked, twisted my wrists to excruciating pain, throwing me in “bubble” cell where I spent 10 days, allowed outside twice a week to take a shower for 30 minutes. Jailers ignored my severe stomach pains. My blood pressure was measured 180/120 by jail nurse.
After extradition from Florida to Illinois on fictitious charges I spent 52 days in brutal inhumane conditions in notorious Cook County Jail, being tortured & losing 20 lbs. (8 kg) of weight, medical neglect, severe pain, bleedings from throat & anus and additional health problems. Kosher diet was denied and I spend 50 hours without any solid food.
After returning to Florida I continue to suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, depression, anxiety, asthma, chest pains, severe stomach pains, headaches, dizziness, bleedings and infections that are result of said tortures.
On March 13, 2013 I was brought to the hospital with severe chest pains, high blood pressure, high cholesterol & diagnosed with cardiac distress.
Due to my poor health, I am unable to support myself. I rely on Public Assistance from the State of Florida that covers half of my food bill. Disability and other Public support were wrongly denied.
I do not have Health Insurance coverage & have current medical bills of over $15,000.
Since tortures in the State of Illinois, I am not been able to work and provide for myself since 2001, relying on charity.
Therefore, I do not submit to unlawful demands of Illinois courts & State’s Attorney, which ignore my pleadings, rule of law, human rights and common sense.
Another arrest, tortures & mistreatment may result in my death, which will be a murder at the hands of corrupt regime engaged in government-sponsored terrorism.
I plead for International Community’s humanitarian compassion and help.  After escaping as a teenager from the totalitarian Soviet Union, which brutalized my family for generations, I came to United States as a refugee. 42 years later I am experiencing same brutal sadistic tortures by the regime that claims to be a “leading world democracy” while employing methods reminiscent of  nazi Gestapo & bolshevik NKVD.
Therefore, I am pleading for political asylum, assistance & refuge in any European country.
I am willing to travel to such destination at the earliest possible date.

AFFIDAVIT OF Mar Avrom Ben-Gershon
( former slave call “MR. ALEX SHEKHTMAN”)   

Affiant, Mar Avrom Ben Gershon  (Mr. Alex Shekhtman), of 254 Lime St., Cocoa, FL, 32926, U.S.A., on oath, states as follows:

I am a 59 years old disabled Israeli War combat veteran, United States citizen, victim of anti-semitic terrorism, sadistic tortures, jew-hate & abuse perpetrated by the US federal, state & county governments. Regime that rules US, through it’s oppressive apparatus, retaliating against my person for volunteering to front lines to guard & defend My People in Samaria, Israel, against arab terrorist attacks during Oslo War in October 2000. To wit:
1. From April 2001 to June 2004 I was unlawfully arrested & jailed numerous times on fictitious charges in the State of Illinois.
2. During “processing” in Cook County Jail guards repeatedly shoved wooden stick through my penis into the intestine organs, resulting in excruciating pain, bleeding, swelling & unability to urinate.  I was thus “processed” four times. There was no medical reason to submit me to this torture. There was no medical help of any kind thereafter.
3. On March 15, 2003 at about 1 a.m. I was ordered under threats to strip naked for a search by a Cook County  jailers in the Cook County Jail in Chicago.  Thereafter, Cook County jailer opened windows to freezing cold. Despite my complains of suffering from asthma, I had been kept naked on the freezing cold for an hour.
4. As a result, I cough and suffocate (have difficulty breathing) from asthmatic bronchitis which continues to this day.
5. I run fever, coughed and suffocated while in jail. My requests for medical help & medications were ignored.
6. I was forced to go through chest x-ray and get exposed to radiation under threats and for no medical reason.
7. Blood was drawn from me by force for no medical reason.
8. Single needle was used to draw blood from many people without being cleaned or sterilized. When I pointed out to this & complained,  I was slapped.
9. These brutal & sadistic abuses constitute torture and violate United Nations Charter on Human Rights, United Nations Convention Against Tortures, various International Treaties Against Tortures to which U.S. Government is a signatory and violations of the Eighths Amendment of U.S. own Constitution.
10. I do not have medical insurance nor can I afford a medical exam or medications.
I had been brutally tortured, my health is ruined and I no longer able to work & support myself.
11. At this time I am unable to neither support myself nor contribute any money to my children as a result of brutal tortures inflicted by police, Cook County & Brevard Jailers employed by the State of Illinois & Florida.
12. My complaints to the Federal Court - Northern District of Illinois were rejected twice without hearing.
13. On July 7, 2011, I received a settlement check from the State Of Illinois for $736 as a Class Member for Case #06 CV 552 N.D.Ill whereas State of Illinois admitted to small part of the illegal tortures it perpetrated. The so-called “settlement” and “compensation” are a joke. Federal court never addressed the issue of tortures perpetrated by Cermak Health Care Services Inc. and “freezing” by Cook County Jailers.
Governments of the State of Illinois and of the United States do not take responsibility for their criminal activities, nor there is  rule of law, nor human rights nor social responsibilities as regime justifies torturing people & gets away with it.
14. To escape additional sadistic tortures perpetrated by Illinois authorities, FBI death threats, more false fabricated charges I run away from Illinois in 2004 and became an internal refugee in the United States.
15. On September 5, 2012, I was arrested on false charges and on a fictitious warrant at my home by Brevard County Sheriffs, brought to Brevard County Jail where I was brutally & sadistically tortured & abused, including being placed for 10 days in “bubble” cell where I slept on cold concrete floor on 5’ x 2’ folded blanket, like a dog. Medications for severe pain, were denied.  No medical help was given while I was in severe pain. I was allowed out of the cell twice a week for 30 minutes to shower. After 14 days in “bubble” & maximum security cell I was extradited to Illinois to Cook County Maywood Detention Facility where I had no solid food for over 50 hours. I was arrested in Florida naked to the waist, in shorts and had no shirt & socks in cold Chicago. I got sick, running high fever in congested jail cell. No medications. No medical help. Until October 25th , 2012 I was imprisoned in Cook County Jail where I was denied kosher diet & medications while sick. I had severe abdominal and throat bleeding. Requests for medical help & medications were ignored. I was taunted, brutalized & mistreated by jail officials. I lost 20 lbs. of weight during these 52 days in custody.
16. While being  “processed” into Sharpes,  Florida jail on September 5, 2012 I lost consciousness due to  extremely high deadly blood pressure. No medical help was given. While unconscious and semi-conscious, I was forcibly stripped naked by jailers, sadistically beaten by a group of jailers. One jailer was jelling at me: “You are a Jew & Jews got lots of money”.
17. On the last day in Cook County Jail in October 25th  2012, being taken to Skokie Courthouse on the bus, on of , I was handcuffed to a violent prisoner who assaulted me by punching me in a face without a warning and for no reason whatsoever, but on the jailer’s orders. Jailers ignored assault. My lip was split and I was bleeding from the mouth. No medical help was given.
18. Fake criminal charges that were brought against myself are malicious prosecution to punish me for my  Jewish faith,  violating my religious & civil rights in violation of US Gov’t. signed UN charters and own US Constitution.  FBI  illegally raided my house in Glenview, IL sending “evidence” for fake political “invesigation"  in New York that lasted from 2001 to 2009 and ended without any results.
19. I hereby demand to be an internationally recognized Political Prisoner, victim of sadistic tortures & jew-hate,  perpetrated by the Government of the United States. I demand justice & proper monetary compensation, including actual & punitive damages in the sum of $55,000,000.00,  health care coverage, end of all criminal proceedings against myself, total exoneration and rehabilitation, including expunging all my criminal records and a formal written apology, signed by US officials, both Federal and of the State of Illinois & Florida.
Under penalties as provided by law, the undersigned certifies that the statement set forth in this instrument are true and correct, except as to the matters therein stated to be on information and belief, as to such matters the undersigned certifies as aforesaid that he verily believes the same to be true.
*** This Affidavit is addressed to the Foreign & International bodies because affiant filed complains with the Federal Northern District of Illinois Court twice in 2002-03. Both cases got “dismissed without prejudice”.
Thus, since the U.S.Federal Court ignores and covers up criminal activities of State of Illinois, seeking justice in the United States of America is a waste of time.

United Nation’s Convention Against Torture defines such as:
“… any act by which severe pain or suffering, whether physical or mental, is intentionally inflicted on a person for such purposes as obtaining from him or a third person information or a confession, punishing him for an act he or a third person has committed or is suspected of having committed, or intimidating or coercing him or a third person, or for any reason based on discrimination of any kind, when such pain or suffering is inflicted by or at the instigation of or with the consent or acquiescence of a public official or other person acting in an official capacity…”

United States Government is a signatory to the international Convention Against Torture, which requires the prompt investigation of allegations of torture and the rehabilitation & compensation of its victims.
Did the United States Government “promptly investigated tortures in Cook County Jail and other locations”?
- No. Not since about 2000 when tortures began until this day. To the contrary, United States Government continues to hide and deny it’s criminal activities. Tortures are not even acknowledged.
Were the victims of tortures compensated properly?
- No. Because $714,  $1000 or even $100,000 is not a proper compensation for victims who suffered physical and emotional abuse.
Thus, U.S. Government’s signature under the The Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment is a fake, null & void.
The authorities routinely conducted, tolerated & covered up sadistic tortures of its own citizens in its largest jail in the middle of the country for decades.
How could it be that President Obama, Illinois senator at the time, and his buddies and colleagues in all branches of Illinois government “didn’t know”???
And what if such “procedures” were used in other US locations?
And what if the Russians, Chinese, Iranians, Egyptians, Cubans, North Koreans or others, whom U.S. State Department teaching about “human rights” find out?
Wouldn’t it be embarrassing for the President of the United States and other high officials, when some brutal dictator will point out to these “defenders of human rights & beacons of democracy around the world” as liars and bullshitters, not different from him?
“Cook County Strip Search” class action lawsuit was filed in 2006.
See http://www.cookcountystripsearch.com/
Illegal strip searches continued until 2009.
Embarrassed government settled out of court, paying damned criminals $55 million. Each dude got between $500 & $1000. I’ve got $714. This is a pitiful sum for the state’s crimes & nobody takes this “settlement” seriously. Rather, it is a token of acknowledgement, a receipt from the State that it now admits that the crime had been committed.
The lawsuit never addressed the tortures fully. Complaint mentioned that females were spread on the stir-ups for a forced vaginal exam.
Funny, but when exactly same was done by Egyptian Police ( trained by USA ) to ladies detained during the Arab Spring Protests on Tahrir Square in Cairo in 2011, (“virginity test”), U.S. State Department, headed by Hillary Clinton, led furious international choir of condemnations.
Nothing in Cook County Strip Search case complaint says about “dick doctors” & nothing about “freezing” which I describe here, which myself and hundreds of others, experienced & witnessed. Lawsuit merely says that men were forced to stand naked close to each other & it was “embarrassing”.
That’s all?
There is a huge crowd of professional excusers and minimizers covering up tortures perpetrated by the U.S. Government. These are reporters, lawyers, officials and staffers of all kinds, in addition to rank and file U.S. citizens who firmly believe that government “does everything for a reason”. It is impossible to break their false stereotype of the “good government” until they experience Government’s “kindness” on their own hides. That is why “Cook County Strip Search” lawsuit never addressed tortures. Looks like they will never be brought up in U.S. “justice” system.
Victims of US tortures will extract revenge! It’s coming!

How this Jew-boy got indicted for Leadership in the Jewish Terrorist Organization. Ouch!
How many dudes had seen a Leader of the Foreign Terrorist organization here, in the United States? Seen Bin Laden walking streets of Chicago? Or Carlos The Jackal in Madison Square Gardens? Ha! My terrorist organization is “on the List” next to theirs & I was labeled as one of the leaders!!!
Going to court some time in fall of 2002 ( don’t remember exact date; but it’s in the court records ) became somewhat routine. Little surprise came when my name was the first one called.
Usually, criminals sit in courtroom for hours while judge is busy with other cases. Sometimes, criminal must come back after lunch. Woe to the stupid dude who skipped court. Judge will issue a “bench warrant” & have dude dragged to jail.
When I came in front of the bench, flanked by my lawyer, Fred Cohn (very good dude, by the way… took me years to find him ), half-dozen DA’s & FBI agents faced judge on the left:
- Your Honor! We’ve got an indictment here! This is a very important criminal! He is a top leader of the notorious foreign terrorist organization Kahane Chai! We ask to get him jailed for 20 years to Life!
Your Honor! Here is an indictment!
Here is the incriminating evidence police & FBI confiscated from his house via the new Patriot Act Legislature!
His Honor in shaking excited voice:
- Let me see the indictment!
Hmmmm… I’ve got to go to the chambers & examine it.
Pile of papers, among which I recognized The Judean Voice magazines published by the HaTikva (Hope) Center in New York, was handed over the bench.
Funny, but Judean Voice, with some of my articles & cartoons, sold on the news stands in New York until 2001. Magazine was devoted to Torah thought & political analysis. There were no calls for violence nor anything illegal there. FBI opened & printed my private emails, flyers, letters, from my computer. There was nothing secret or illegal there either. But who knows what the DA’s were after?
And why is the state DA’s are going after me in the state court? Wouldn’t it be a function of the Federal Court & FBI to file such charges?
Here is the Illinois state law passed after 9/11/2001. This is my “20 to life”:
(720 ILCS 5/29D-14.9) (was 720 ILCS 5/29D-30)
Sec. 29D-14.9. Terrorism.
(a) A person commits the offense of terrorism when, with the intent to intimidate or coerce a significant portion of a civilian population:
(1) he or she knowingly commits a terrorist act as
defined in Section 29D-10(1) of this Code within this State; or

(2) he or she, while outside this State, knowingly
commits a terrorist act as defined in Section 29D-10(1) of this Code that takes effect within this State or produces substantial detrimental effects within this State.

(b) Sentence. Terrorism is a Class X felony. If no deaths are caused by the terrorist act, the sentence shall be a term of 20 years to natural life imprisonment; if the terrorist act caused the death of one or more persons, however, a mandatory term of natural life imprisonment shall be the sentence if the death penalty is not imposed.
(Source: P.A. 96-710, eff. 1-1-10.)
His Honor departed & the whole courtroom turned on the Terrorist Leader. Three huge fat deputies with arms ready to tackle the monster & eyes full of righteous indignation ( 9/11 was only a year ago ) surrounded me. Crowd was about to lynch S.O.B. Ladies in the courtroom looked very scared:
“Will he throw a bomb?”
A dozen DA’s & FBI agents at the prosecution table drilled me with eyes full of hate.
My lawyer was petting my hand & reassuring: “Don’t worry, don’t worry! We will appeal all the way to the Supreme Court.”
I was so shocked, I didn’t even got scared. I just thought to myself: “ By the time you reach the Supreme Court, I’ll rot in jail for 20 years.”
Silence was deafening when His Honor, with the real stern expression on his face, returned to the bench. I almost peed in my pants…
His Honor grabbed the gavel, hit the bench with full force & yelled:
- “Does the man have the right to the First Amendment?!!!”
At that moment, DAs & FBI agents jumped like crazy & run out of the courtroom. People were explaining something to each other in hushed excited voices. When it got quiet, I was let go & deputies went away.
It took me awhile to comprehend what had happened. I must of made history, being one of the first, or maybe even the first defendant tested with the new Illinois “anti-terror” law. Test on this jew-boy failed.
Later I was held in courthouse cell cage & one redneck-looking judge came over & yelled at me:
- “You son of a bitch! I wish you would come on my call! I would show you!”
Again, I was very lucky. I had a very good intelligent judge.
Note that somehow feds dumped my pseudo-terrorist case on State of Illinois lap.
Since Blyad’ couldn’t provide them with any useful information, two FBI agents visited my American ex-wife at her workplace, attempting to interrogate her about my activities during the 5 years we lived together. When she realized what they were looking for, she sent them to hell. Thereafter she called & told me about it. What a good brave Jewish woman!
Some time before that, FBI agents approached a leader of Chicago Kach Organization, a 60-year old little bespectacled doctor, named Arnold Glaser & “scheduled” a meeting with him in Tel-Aviv Kosher Pizza restaurant on Devon & California. Some time during the dinner, FBI agents politely reminded Arnold that after all, Kach is a terrorist organization, according to Billy Clinton’s executive order & if he could kindly inform them of the terrorist activities his chapter is involved with. I don’t know if poor little Arnold chocked on that pizza slice or had an indigestion later, but when he told us the story, astonishment was still on his face. Poor old little Arnold!
A year later, I got stopped by the Niles police while pulling out of Jewel food store parking lot on Dempster Ave. in Niles, IL. My 10 year old son was in the truck with me. Cop took me aside and confined frankly:
- I was standing here with partner checking license plates. Yours came out that you are involved with terrorist organization Kahane Chai in New York. Did the FBI contacted and interrogated you?
Me:     No, FBI never contacted me, but KGB did, years ago.
His partner, who was listening, laughed:
- KGB? You are a freedom-fighter like me! I am Polish!
With that, Niles cops let me go.
But fact is, that “terrorist” info was placed on my license plate database file for view by all street cops.
For some reason, my Driver’s License was suspended for 4 years because my old truck that I sold long ago, did not pass the emissions test in Illinois. New driver’s license, issued by another state, got the same number. Every time cop stops my car, they get overly excited & call for backups. What info got put in my driver license file?
What illegal conspiracy US regime conducting now?
Giving some thought to the issue, I realized that the “good” judge is wrong & prosecutors who filed an indictment against me are absolutely correct. I confess. I do belong to a Jewish terrorist organization, know it’s members, know their names & know where they are hiding. My terrorist organization is very dangerous. It overthrew governments, changed society & significantly influenced life on planet Earth. It entered dwellings of most people & has profound effect on human life. Every regime should be scared of it & every security service must watch activities of my terrorist organization very carefully. Or else…!!!
One of my fellow-terrorists is named Abraham, my namesake. He insulted the president of his country & got thrown into the fiery pit by security services. He miraculously survived & continued with his terrorist activities. A very dangerous criminal. Another one – Joseph. Convicted rapist who spent decades in jail, he infiltrated the government & ruled country for years. Moses – he is the most dangerous one! He murdered a policeman on duty, run away as a fugitive, sentenced to death in absentia, never answered for his crimes. Later, he sneaked back, tricked government & run away along with some population, stealing gold reserve & all valuables. His gang celebrated & song songs when country’s armed forces got destroyed. Awful!!! Very dangerous criminals of horrible international Jewish terrorist organization!!!
Problem is… this Jewish terrorist organization is very active, have offices all over the world & poses immediate deadly threat to every abusive regime. That is why Clinton administration, FBI, State Department & other US Government agencies placed my Jewish terrorist organization on the Designated List http://www.state.gov/j/ct/rls/other/des/123085.htm
Complete membership list, declaration, paperwork of this major Jewish Terrorist Organization can be found in every Jewish synagogue, in the Holy Ark, behind the Paroches. Oi!
Run, cops & agents, seize it, drag it to court & present as evidence!
Being indicted as a Leader of the Jewish Terrorist Organization by U.S. regime is a great honor to me. It is a military decoration worth more than Congressional Medal of Honor, Purple Heart & Distinguished Service Medal combined. I wear that indictment with pride for the rest of my life!
I hereby urge every Jew, especially youth, to set themselves a life goal to get indicted for being a leader of the Jewish “Terrorist” Organization like Avrohom, Yitzhok, Yaakov & Moshe, to do G-dly, Torah-true deeds for the good of the Jewish & American People, as G-d & Torah commands, exposing wicked clique that illegally rules & abuses people!

How Autodafe catholic idol-worshipper ripped 2 children from Jewish Father… and from Torah Judaism

Catholics bow to the graven image. Being xtian idolworshipers, heathens, they act viciously too. Catholics burned Jews to death, copped Jews to pieces, ripped Jewish children from families, robbed, raped, expelled, forcibly converted…
Nothing changed. These same filthy catholic idol-worshippers continue their wicked deeds in “democratic” “free” USA.
Custody case for two little children, Leah Hava & Leybl Meir (Lenny), came to trial in February 2004.
Blyad’ came to trial with her free lawyer, sympathy of the judge, lawyer for the children and full support of the rest of judicial system of the State of Illinois.
American fathers rarely get custody of their children, no matter how unfit the ex is. Going to trial for custody is a waste of fathers’ time and funds. I did it as a matter of principle to expose system’s corruption. Judge Fe Fernandez, mumbled about her catholic family values (LOL! As if her stinking catholoc family had any values!)
She also admitted that she never read (!) a pre-trial motion I dutifully submitted to the court!
Such is a “custody trial” in the Illinois kangaroo court.
Blyad’ was very nervous. She had no job and no income besides the Public Aid. After being kicked out of my house, she rented an apartment, paying $1000/month from the funds she stole earlier. And she had three kids to support.
Wise decision would be to grant me custody of Leah and Lenny. I would take much better care of my little children and raise them properly. Blyad’ would be left with her little thief Sasha ( Shaul/ Aleksander/Alex Amchislavskiy) and some visitation. That would ease her “financial burden” and limit her ability to corrupt other kids.
But Blyad’ and court had other plans.
My witnesses for the trail were my 12 year old son and my mother.
What do you think this “court’s” decision was?
That is how Two Jewish Children, Leah Havah & Leybl Meir got ripped from their father, from Torah Judaism & from the Jewish People. Children were only 4 & 2 years old.
This crime will never be forgiven nor forgotten!

Blyad’ files more false charges

Me and Louie came for “trial” to downtown Chicago from Highland Park on the “L”. My mom used another train. We were to meet before entering court at 32 W. Randolph. Getting off the “L” we looked around and immediately saw the Blyad’, flanked by her brother, Peter Sadkhin and a “rabbi” Naftoli Hershkovich aka Katz, waiting for us by the entrance. Knowing what these scumbags were up to, we crossed the street and went to the lobby of the Daley Center, watching Blyad’ through the glass panel. Mom got out from the underground crossing, I went out to meet her and explained the situation. All three of us waited in the lobby, watching Blyad’ until the time was up & Blyad’ went inside. We went up the elevator and saw Blyad’ and her “witnesses” already in the courtroom.
Trial took few hours, everybody testified and we went home. Blyad’ and her brother were waiting for us by the elevator, but I summoned the court deputy and she walked us past them without a problem.
Problem came up when I got arrested a week later and charged with Violation of the Order of Protection. Blyad’ filed a Police Report claiming that me, my son and my mother chased her, her brother & fake fat “rabbi” on downtown street, run after them and I threatened to kill the Blyad’. Same scenario as in the previous case.
Again, I spent a day in the Cook County Jail before bonding out. I tried to subpoena security video tapes from the Daley Center, to prove that we were waiting in the lobby there, but that request was denied. Even the deputy who walked us past Blyad’ “didn’t remember”.
Trial on the “charge” came in May. I had no money for the lawyer and had to use PD named Pack. Pack was a stinking Asian and let it to be known that he didn’t give a crap about me. PD Pack – worthless asian fuck! As usual, he tried to coerce me to plead guilty, but I demanded a jury trial.
On trial day, judge dragged until after lunch and when we came back at 1 pm was very impatient:
- Where can I get you a jury now? I can preside over the trial myself. Just sign the paper!
Judge wanted to have it over with to go home for a nap. So did the PD Pack. My mom knew this judge. He was a lawyer in her neighborhood. Thus came her famous words:
- Judge got to believe us. We are telling the truth!
Mom was old and tired and it was hard for her to come to downtown to testify at the latter date. My son had to miss school again. I was under lots of pressure and I stupidly signed the paper for “judge trial”.
Blyad’ lied. Her brother, crook Peter Sadkhin lied. Clown, dressed as a rabbi, Naftaly Hershkovich lied. None of these three characters ever spend a single day in their lives honestly working.
At that time Peter Sadkhin was plotting his multi-million dollar Medicare fraud for which he later served 27 months in federal jail. His parole run until 2016.
After judge read the conviction, everybody, except me, my mom & son, went home satisfied.
Mom was shocked and puzzled. For my son it was a great piece of education. I was not surprised.

Fake “rabbi” Rabbit Cats
Some people may find it shocking: how could supposedly “Torah-observant” Chabad chosid rabbi swear under oath and lie in court in order to convict a Torah-true Jew on false charges?
Isn’t it a grave sin, a violation of the Ninth Commandment “Thou Shall Not Bear False Witness”?
Isn’t it also a felony perjury?
“Rabbi” Naftali Hershkovich of Chabad and FREE of Niles at 9410 Margail Ave. Des Plaines Il 60016 847-296-1770 does not care. He can do it.
In fact, this filthy scumbag piglet of a “rabbi” Naftali Hershkovich got away with it. He is not the only crook among rabbis. Remember this when they plead for donations.
I knew Hershkovich for many years. I even had been to his house at 9242 Aspen Drive in Des Plaines, IL. Years ago, he changed his last name from Katz. That’s why Russian old-timers in Chicago call him Rabbit Cats. Issue with Rabbit Cats is not that he is dumb. There are many other dumb rabbis who are OK otherwise. Issue is not that Rabbit Cats unable to express himself in any language and can not speak coherently. Nor that he is a drunkard alcoholic. There are many others like him too.
Problem with Hershkovich is that he is a crook and as a sneaky crook he can not be a rabbi. How do I know that venerable Hershkovich is a crook?
In addition to violating fundamental Torah Commandment & lies in court, Naftali Hershkovich is a thief.
Back in 1999 I sold Hershkovich a car, a nice Ford Taurus for $1000. I had an offer for $1500 for this car, but Hershkovich needed it, liked it and I let him have it. Hershkovich is poor and has a large family. He claimed he did not have $1000 but he will pay me. He gave $250 & signed a promissory note. I tend to trust people. Time came to pay… Hershkovich does not have the money. I waited and waited… When I got tired of waiting, I took Hershkovich to court. Hershkovich attempted to lie, but judge saw him through and Hershkovich coughed up another $200. He still owes me the rest.
Now I knew that Hershkovich is a crook, a liar and a thief.

How Chabad synagogue lost furniture and “rabbits” lost temper
I went to small Chabad synagogue in Des Plaines for years, trying to engage in dialogue and steer them in a Torah direction. I even build some furniture and did artwork to beautify that place. I did not donate my hand-crafted items for free. I made it very clear that I lease them on the condition that congregation stays on the path of Torah and Ahavat Yisroel, Love for the Jewish People.
Test for that “Love” came in October 2000.
In September 2000, Israeli Jews were massacred daily. Shouldn’t the Torah-observant Jews all over the world help out, go on solidarity missions, volunteer, raise funds, send help to terror victims?
At least raise a voice, pay some lip service!
It is no wonder that secular and leftist Jews and their outfits were silent. But even the Orthodox & their rabbis followed the lead. There was not a voice to be heard. Jewish blood was spilled like water and nobody protested.
On Yom Kippur I decided to take action. I was assigned to go to Israel by my command in New York, but I wanted to speak to Chicago Jews, to at least try to wake them up. “Russians” were coming to the services. That was the only day when they showed up in the synagogue in numbers. This was the time for me to address the crowd.
Yom Kippur is a very important day for our “dear rabbis”.  Forget the prayers and atonements. Something much more important is happening on Yom Kippur in American synagogues. This is the only day when synagogues are packed and ripe for money appeals that sustains parasitic “dear rabbis” for the rest of the year, until the next Yom Kippur. On this day, rabbis plead for donations and get pledges which in orthodox synagogues, where they can not write, they carefully memorize. There is no room for “disruptions”, like “side issues” of Israel, or even worse: a competing fund raiser. That would be horrible!
Therefore, I was not only refused a podium, but even threatened with “police”. That got me. Congregation met in a rented hall, not far from the synagogue. One of my Gentile friends was sent to the synagogue, loaded all my furniture from Chabad and FREE of Niles on the truck & drove off.
When rabbits saw the “destruction”, they screamed “Pogrom!” Worse, they had to explain everybody in the community why the “pogrom” took place. That was shameful. Therefore, they spread rumors that a “mishuginer” (me) stole their Bimah, Shtanders, Shaliyah Tsibur Stand and more.
Later, these stupid crooks, operating under the false pretenses, wrote letters to judges, describing their horrible misfortune and claiming that “Holocaust survivors” had terrible reminiscences. I bet Holocaust survivors did remember how similar “rabbis” and “leaders”- judenrat & kapos betrayed their communities to Nazis.
Thus, “Yom Kippur furniture expropriation” was a needed lesson. I hope Chicago Jews understand why Chabad and FREE of Niles lost its furniture.
All other worthless synagogues in USA should replace their crook “rabbis” with real ones, those who care about fellow Jews, not money!
We, Jewish Patriots, did not zero only on Chabad for it’s treacherous inactivity when Jewish blood was spilled. Rest of US synagogues & “Jewish” organizations are no better.
Truly, fools never learn!

Chabad-Lubavitch: history and deeds
In the past 60 years, Chabad grew to be the largest chassidic denomination. While Wikipedia lists it as part of the Orthodox (Torah-observant) Judaism, Chabad is really a sect, distantly related to Judaism. Its acronym stands for Wisdom, Understanding and Knowledge in Hebrew. But lately, it became more like Chuckleheaded Brain-dead and Dumb in addition to being a notoriously (especially in US) corrupt mafia.
Chabad lies!
It poses as sect of Torah, Jewish values, Jewish Pride, even Jewish Nationalism.
Chabad is none of the above.
Chabad is a corrupt unJewish sect, part of Poisonois Jungle of US “Judaism”.
Its original chassidic philosophy made sense, but failures of leadership in the past 100 years destroyed all that.
Their rebbe and “messiah”, Menachem-Mendel Schneerson, was a great PR man. He grew Chabad from scratch since 1950. But after he passed away in 1994, parasitic and ignorant crowd of alcoholic hosids started fight for inheritance that goes unabated to this day & with no end in sight.
“Rebbe is a messiah”, “Rebbe never died”, “Rebbe is part of G-d” and even “Rebbe is greater than G-d” (LOL!) cut Chabad away from the Jewish People and even the sympathizers joke that “Chabad is a religion closest to Judaism”.
Chabad “shluhim”, or missionaries, prey on gullible ignorant American Jews and Gentiles alike, trying to pass their long beards, clothing and deviant rituals as the real thing. They either forget or never knew that Judaism is an Idea and rituals are merely a symbol of it. When Idea is lost, rituals lose sense and become trivial.
For example, see how Chabad distorted Ahavat Yisroel. Not only their brainwash does not make any sense, but Chabad uses it to fleece Jewish Community to get more money. Shame!
Chassidism began 350 years ago in Ukraine, where violent gangs, led by Bogdan Khmelnytsky, massacred most “foreigners” – Poles, Jews, Tatars and others.
Jewish survivors, their scholars murdered and books burned, turned to new teaching that put emotions and mysticism above the scholarship. Some depressed survivors, turned to idleness and alcohol. Unfortunately, this part of “tradition” got passed to the future generations of chossids.  Holy GR”A – Vilno Gaon, one of the greatest Jewish Torah scholars, issued a proclamation of Herem of Chassidic alcoholics. Alcoholism & idleness contradicts the teachings of Baal Shem Tov, who tried to raise community from despair by promoting faith with religious emotional feeling as a substitute for knowledge.
Chassidism enriched Judaism and Jewish culture. But Chabad rebbes and followers also committed Four Grave mistakes that should not be forgotten:
Mistake One: In 1927, when Soviet Bolsheviks declared war on religion, Chabad still had about 10,000 followers among 4 million ( that is not counting Western Ukraine, Belarus & Baltic states) Russian Jews. Chabad leaders decided to evacuate rebbe and family abroad, but called on followers to stay in USSR and “fight back”. Needless to say, “fight” was lost and most young chossids became secular. Wiser would be to call for mass emigration and save souls and scholarship.
Mistake Two: After touring the world, including USA, in the late 1920s to mid-1930s, previous Chabad rebbe and his son-in-law, Menachem-Mendel, ignored Zeev Jabotinsky’s call to move from nazi-engulfed Europe to Land of Israel, Americas and England. Those in USSR – to Central Asia and Jewish District in Birobidjan.
Instead, in 1941, followers bribed nazi Admiral Canaris with gold to smuggle rebbe and family from the Warsaw Ghetto to France & whence to New York right before the Pearl Harbor and US entry in WWII. As a payback, thousands of Chabad chassidim and their families sheepishly went to the gas chambers & murder pits. Rebbe saw the dead in the Warsaw Ghetto and elsewhere. Why he did not call the evacuation of Jewish youth and children from Europe by the Bergson Group and the Pearl Organization? Instead, he fought to save his library, left in Riga. Now in Russia, this library seen to hold not only religious texts, but also Sherlock Holmes & other trivial books in Yiddish, which great rebbe read, instead of learning Torah. Thus, while Chabad fought to save Sherlock Holmes books. Other Jews saved lives and fought Hitler.
In 1980s, on one of the Farbringens (gatherings) in “770” in NY, rebbe said that “…Nothing could be done… It was from G-d… Our atonement for “maskilim” and bolshevism…” ( as recorded in Maamrim ). Why did rebbe run away & not offere himself & his family as an “attonement”? Obviously, he lied!
In reality, much could have been done and thousands of lives could have been saved, but there was no Wisdom, no Understanding and no Knowledge in Chabad.
Mistake Three: In late 1960s, when emigration of Soviet Jews became a reality, thanks to the struggle and demonstrations of Rabbi Meir Kahane, ZT”L, and his Jewish Defense League, rebbe wailed: “Don’t demonstrate! Stop! It hurts Soviet Jews! Many are arrested because of this!” When asked who exactly was arrested, rebbe could not provide a single name. Contrary, the more Jewish Defense League demonstrated, the more Soviet Jews got released. Chabad leadership did not help Soviet Jews to leave USSR. Why? Because Chabad ransomed from Soviets few assimilated kids of “great chabad rabbi this or that” & JDL demonstrations disrupted that gesheft. Chabad did not care a bit about 3 million Soviet Jews behind the Iron Curtain. Similarly, it ignored the plight of black Ethiopian Jews in 1980’s, declaring: “This is not our task.”
While rebbe was alive, he used to send few yeshiva boys here and there to assist Pioneers in Judea, Samaria and Gaza. But after rebbe’s “dveykus” (passing out in coma) even that died out. Chabad ignored the victims of arab terrorism 2000 Oslo War in Israel, even their own chassidim in Yesha. Few leaflets were printed and few thousand dollars collected, but even that did not get there… landed in someone’s pocket in US (stolen).
Such is Chabad’s “Ahavat Yisroel”.
But “shluchim” show their great love to the wealthy elderly, who prepare their wills.
Mistake Four: While rebbe was alive, he begged his followers to hold gainful employment and stay away from alcohol. But chossids did not pay any attention to their “rebbe, teacher and master”. When rebbe fell into coma and later passed away, parasites and alcoholics took over Chabad. Rebbe was declared messiah, “part of godhead” & “greater than G-d” . Unlike the Christians, Chabad does have to prove that their god lived: here is the color photo hanging on the wall!
But the main thing: since our rebbe is a messiah and part of trinity, everyone got to give Chabad money for vodka… or be condemned to hell!
Thus, community is supposed to pay parasitic alcoholic crooks for performing some deviant rituals! LOL!
Chabad lies!
Therefore, shameful sagas of Sholom Rubashkin, Eli Ezagui and other Chabad crooks and thieves are no surprise.
And if the other Orthodox Jews “misnagdim” think that they fare better, let them examine their own rabbis, leaders and communities. And the rest of the Jewish Community should remember the sad “record” of Bernie Madoff, patron of most outfits on the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations and many-many other Jewish crooks fleecing our community.

More false fabricated charges
Chabad synagogue in Highland Park. seeing that Blyad’ is going to lose in court & get kicked out of my house, could not stand silent.
I got arrested walking on the street in Highland Park, IL with half-dozen cap cars stalking me.

To: Central Avenue Street Chabad-Lubavitch
Date: July 10, 2017
It came to my attention that sheygetz named Jonathan A. Alport dropped dead from illegal drug overdose recently.
When that Alport attended your outfit, that creature had falsely accused me of “hitting him” on January 11, 2003.
As a result of Jonathan A. Alport’s false accusations, I was arrested, jailed, my elderly mother, my son and myself endured illegal unjustified tortures, threats, insults, abuse at the hands of Highland Park cops & Lake County courts.
As a result of illegal tortures & abuses I collapsed at Highland Park, IL police lock-up & an ambulance had to be called for me. Paramedics administered medications to stabilize my heart. That abuse contributed to my heart condition from which I suffer to this day.
Joseph Schonowicz, Ira F. Alport & his wife Cindy F.Alport who adopted a goy they named Jonathan A.Alport, tried to raise that sheygetz as Jewish & brought him to your outfit.
Martin Blumenthal, president, and others knew that Jonathan A. Alport is mentally disturbed & lies.
Yet, all these, cheerfully gloated as myself, an innocent person, was dragged through police abuse & court trial.
These individuals gloated & kept their secrets, never contacted investigating detectives nor prosecuting attorneys to lay doubt Jonathan A.Alport’s lies.
Your outfit have security cameras in the area. Security tapes were never presented to dispel Jonathan A. Alport’s lies.
I had to hire a private attorney. Jury of 12 acquitted me of any wrongdoings at trial. Jonathan A. Alport’s testimony was proven false.
Individuals listed above, Joseph Schonowicz, Ira F. Alport, Cindy F.Alport, Martin Blumenthal and others, attended trial supporting Jonathan A.Alport false accusations.
Jonathan A.Alport’s worthless existence, illegal drugs use, death of overdose, are further proofs of his lies.
I hereby demand from Central Avenue Chabad-Lubavitch, abovementioned persons: Joseph Schonowicz, Ira F. Alport, Cindy F.Alport, Martin Blumenthal and others who took part in this shameful harassment, to admit their wrongdoings, issues me an apology and symbolic compensation in the sum of $100,000.00 for my pain, tortures, emotional distress, sufferings, cover my medical bills & costs, defamation to my reputation that you caused.
After I receive that apology & full monetary compensation of $100,000.00 this matter will be closed.
If I do not receive answer & satisfaction in reasonable time, I will take actions to bring forth justice that are appropriate.
In this “case” I demaned & got a jury trial. My son who was there with me, at the scene, was a testifying witnesses. I got acquitted. I won.  Prosecutor cried.
Tribute to people who helped me survive
My survival in Chicago 2001-2004 was a miracle. By all calculations, any person kicked out on the street with no means of supporting himself, regularly arrested and sadistically tortured, should die.
Not only did I survive, but I fought back and eventually regained my normal life & some of my  property.
My mom, ex-wife Cindy, my little son, friends and supporters made it possible. They saved my life.
I salvaged some of my tools and did handyman’s work. Thank you, Judge Jordan! One friend let me stay in the basement of his apartment building for free for almost a year. Thank you, Tony! My ex-wife Cindy let me stay in her place until I was able to move back in my house. There were many other friends and supporters!
If I would turn to alcohol or drugs to escape from misery, I would sure be dead. Instead, I worked hard, swam at YMCA & JCC pools, took long walks.
My work on behalf of Torah and Am Yisroel never stopped. I single-handedly hosted speakers from Israel, wrote, printed and distributed a newsletter, flyers and more.
Those hateful creatures waiting to see me dead, jailed or broken to extract revenge… they are still waiting!
The Job
Struggle for Am Yisroel, Torah & Land of Israel never stopped while I was jailed & tortured. “Struggle” is the everyday work that had to be done… the “Job”.
Intelligence & news had to be analyzed, articles written, flyers distributed, emails sent, volunteers for front-line had to be interviewed & their efforts coordinated.
There is nothing heroic or extraordinary in these routine activities, but over the time, one can see results.
“Job” had to be done no matter what.
I did what I could.

Me #3, after Irv Rubin, ZT’L, & Earl Krugel, ZT”L
After I stupidly plead guilty to fictitious crimes in 2001, judge set Court Social Services to keep tabs on me. I had to come see some Mexican/latino bitch “caseworker” who got plumb sucking people’s blood. She was a very nasty, angry & stupid creature.
At one time, in 2004, that creature “transferred” me over to be seen by jumbo-size 6’ long Mexican, about 35  years of age.
Mexican/latinos are prime choice of US oppressive apparatus for dirtiest abusive work. Reason is clear. They are not whites, so that blacks will not claim racism. They are not black, so that whites will not hate blacks. Mexicans are minority: so regime does not care about them much. That’s why they are assigned filthiest tasks.
This mexican was very nasty. He threatened to charge me with felony & vowed that I meet the fate of Irv Rubin, ZT”L, leader of the Jewish Defense League murdered by FBI in California.
Earl Kruger was still alive at that time.
FBI sent snitch who planted explosives by Irv’s front door, arrested surprised Irv & claimed that Irv & Earl were about to bomb some arab congressman, mosque & who-knows-what. After FBI “case” fell apart & Irv was about to be freed from jail, FBI, together with jail warden, conspired with some jailed nazi criminals who attacked Irv, slashed his throat & threw the wounded from the 2nd story. Irv died in a few days in a hospital. FBI, media, US kapos & judenrats claim that Irv “committed suicide”. This is a lie, of course.
I knew Irv. Irv was a strong man, good devoted Jew. Irv was an American Patriot. Irv was an honorable US AirForce Veteran. Irv never presented threat to the security of the United States. Irv would never commit suicide. Irv was murdered by FBI.
Earl Kruger, ZT’L, was a respected US Navy veteran. Earl was subjected to severe mental tortures, threatened & forced to plead guilty to something he did not do. Earl was murdered in jail by a nazi sent by FBI.
Both Irv Rubin, ZT’L, & Earl Kruger, ZT’L, are American Jewish heroes who died “al pi Kiddush HaShem” for Am Yisroel. May their memory be of blessing & their lives & struggle an inspiration to American Jews.
Now, that filthy Mexican “social worker” threatened that I meet fate of Irv Rubin & Earl Kruger & become #3. This was a death threat. That filthy Mexican was an FBI agent set by “social services” of Cook County Court.
Amazingly, how well this filthy scumbag was informed about Jewish Patriots. FBI must of have a detailed file for it’s agents to read.
After that 1 appointment, I’ve never seen that mexican again.

I make a decision
Being convicted on the false charges again and facing death threats, more illegal tortures, jail… I had a decision to make.
Really, I had enough of Illinois “justice”. I knew that state will force Blyad’ to file more false cases and I will go to jail again and again on fabricated charges.
I was tortured in the police stations, in courthouses and by CO’s in the Cook County Jail. There was nobody to complain to.
I filed cases in the Federal Court, but they were thrown out. “Cook County Strip Search” case was filed some 4 years later.
I had nothing to do in Illinois. House was about to be sold and contract was already signed. Now what?
If someone kicks and mistreats a dog in his home, dog will run away. Here, “home” was the corrupt State of Illinois and the “dog” was me, myself.
Only 3 years earlier, I was a productive tax-paying hard-working citizen, supporting four children & a parasitic Blyad’. I had a full-time salaried professional job, but had to think twice before buying myself a new shirt, spending an extra dollar on myself. From now on, all the money I earned was for me, myself.
State of Illinois will support children and if it did not like it, lawmakers, judges, cops, DAs and everybody else in the system can go suck my dick and kiss my ass.
Man, no matter how devoted, steadfast and wealthy, can not fix social problems system creates. It is a waste of time. What you build for years, corrupt US judge can destroy in a few minutes.
Therefore, I packed my stuff, mostly tools, in the van that Blyad’ left in my yard, kissed everyone goodbye & drove off.
This was one of the wisest decisions I made in my life.
Running away is the best thing to do for an American man who finds himself in situation similar to mine. Vote for the system with your feet! Just drop everything and run! Nothing you can salvage. You may try to save this and that, but most probably, system will take it from you anyway. But by planning carefully, you can save many things: relationships and material, by running away.
I drove off south, where I rebuild my life.
Now I swim in the warm ocean, sunbathe on the beach, drink margaritas under umbrella, express myself through art and have a great life. I made lots of new friends and people like me.
Too bad it took “law enforcement” 8.5 years to find me, even though I was not hiding.
Moses was fugitive from pharaoh’s “justice” for 14 years. But I ain’t ain no Moses. LOL!

Me kidnapped by terrorists!
On September 5, 2012 at about 2pm I went outside to call my girlfriend on my cellphone, because damned T-Mobile doesn’t have a reception inside the home. As we talked, I saw a grey SUV.  I stood in the yard, about 10 feet away from my chainlink fence. Sometimes dudes stop & ask for directions on my dead-end street. These 2 dudes got out & run toward me. I run into my enclosed porch & slammed steel storm door shut. Dude had problems with my chainlink gate. He didn’t realize it was locked & it took him few seconds to get to the porch. Dude was excited & breathed heavily:
- We’ve got a warrant for your arrest! Come out!
With that dude reached inside his shirt & pulled out a badge. Second dude was behind him.
I yelled into the phone to my girlfriend:
- Call my momma, I’m being arrested!
To cops: I didn’t do anything!
- Come out or we will break the doors!
Here, I was stupid. Instead of getting inside the house, putting on a t-shirt, shoving food back into the fridge & locking windows, I sheepishly went outside & surrendered. Analyzing the situation later, I don’t think cops would break the doors because they had no positive I.D. on me. And the doors I’ve installed are pretty sturdy: it will take a while to break them.
Dudes’ names were “Sergeant” and “Steve”. Sergeant ( Frank I. Hickman ) was the smarter one and in charge. Steve ( Gjermo ) kept mostly quiet. First, they wanted to make sure they’ve got the right person.
Sergeant  & Steve wore street clothing. Their car was not marked. Besides the badges that they kept hidden, there was no sign them being cops.
They cuffed me shirtless, in shorts & slippers, with cell phone & house keys in my pocket.
- We were stacking this house for awhile. What is your name?
Me: I donno.
- What’s your Social Security number?
Me: I don’t remember. What am I arrested for?
- We’ve got a warrant! You attacked 2 rabbis in Skokie.
Me: You’ve got a wrong person. I haven’t been to Skokie for many years. I need to put on a shirt, double lock the house & put the food away.
- No. We’ve got to go.
Me: You are terrorists! You terrorize American People!
- Nobody ever before called us “terrorists” before! Ha-ha-ha!
I was put in the SUV & driven to Sharpes, FL to Brevard County Jail. Sergeant complained that he cut his hand on my gate & stupid Steve run into a citrus tree & cut his forehead on thorns. Such are the idiots and such is their miserable “job”.
I was worried & puzzled. Why was I arrested? What are the charges? Am I being extradited to Federal or State custody?
Was it an FBI arrest connected to the Jewish Legion? I knew that the FBI investigation of our HaTikva Jewish Identity Center in New York ended in 2009, lasting 8 years.
I was aware of the possible new fake criminal charges in Skokie Police or elsewhere. I’m no fan of conspiracies, but at that time I thought that the Blyad’ or some fake rabbis I offended in the past, leftist Illinois congresswoman Jan Schakowsky or even the Jewish Federation of Chicago might initiate some false charges. They’ve done it in the past and it was quite possible.
But this time, things were in my favor. I have not been in Illinois in 8.5 years. ( Statue of limitations on most charges is 7 years. ) They didn’t know when I left. But I had proofs in my cell phone, banking, credit card purchases.
In fact, I was not hiding, because I broke no laws. Municipal water bill was on my name. I purchased real estate & paid taxes. Cops stopped me driving, checked driver license & issued tickets. Yet, it took stupid lazy feds & Florida “fugitive unit” 8.5 years to “find me”! LOL!
If new charges were filed, I wanted to know when the alleged “crime” occurred. Than, I’d expose false witnesses & turn tables on them.
That what I thought when Sergeant and Steve left jeering at me in red Max jail uniform. I don’t know what they accomplished here… picked a guy without a shirt, in dirty work shorts & changed him into nice clean 2-piece suit in appealing bright red.
After sitting for half-hour on the intake bench, I began to feel dizzy & slid to the floor. I felt as about to pass out. I knew it was blood pressure, caused by stress. I asked to be taken to the hospital before losing it.
In the “bubble”
I don’t remember how I was thrown into a wheelchair, passed out. Florida jailers shamelessly posted mug shots me unconscious online Also they ripped off my kippah religious headcovering.
I woke up being thrown against the wall in the Observation Unit (“Bubble”) Plaza, in front of locked prisoners. I was pushed, shoved & dragged by the bunch of CO’s, one of whom jeered: “Jews got money”. Others yelled that I was faking it. Nurse tried to take my blood pressure, but didn’t follow through.
I was not faking it. Two days later my blood pressure measured 180/120 & I was rushed the medication. There and than it might of been over 200 & could of easily caused a heart attack or a stroke. But who cares about the motherfucken inmate anyway? In Brevard County Jail ( and in other American jails & prisons) nobody does. Jailers tell that family can sue in court for wrongful death. Right!
“Bubble” is a huge circular hall with CO’s observation station in the center, surrounded by about two dozen identical glass-front cells. ( Actually, it was not glass but clear ;” thick Plexiglas panels with curious graffiti marks. As an artifact, these panels, marked by inmates, would sell good on eBay. ) I imagine the purpose of this division is to evaluate incoming dudes & sort them out. Dudes are put under severe mental stress & CO’s with Shrinks ( jail psychologists ) observe how they react...
Procedure is a “little” sadistic, in my opinion. Dogs in County Impound are treated better…
Prisoner here is like a caged monkey in the zoo. He is watched 24/7. He eats, sleeps, shits & pisses under the watchful eyes of CO’s. It he is tripping, yelling or banging on the door, COs mark tally by his name on the list. When shrinks comes to evaluate, they already know how the inmate takes stress.
Brevard County Jail is rumored to be run by shrinks. They tell COs where to move & how to treat each prisoner. Crazy dudes spend more time in the “bubble”. This is to make sure they behave in the general population.
Inmates with disciplinary or health issues are pulled from their decks and thrown in the “bubble”. “Bubble” serves dual purpose: observation & punishment.
I was put against the wall in the shower stall. My red prison suit was ripped off, along with my underwear. The dark green padded “turtle skin”, held by velcro, was thrown over my naked body.
I imagine the “turtle suit” is for the dudes on the suicide watch. For those who plan to live, it’s another mark of humiliation. Everyone coming to Brevard Jail Bubble is put in the “turtle suit”. The only good thing is that the padding was warm, after I learned how to strap it properly.
I was dragged & spread in the center of plaza and two COs held me up by twisting wrists. One sadistically forced hard pain. I was still semi-conscious. I screamed & yelled:
- You torture me! You torture me!
Guys in my cell recalled this a few days later, realized that it was me & joked about it.
I was shoved into a cell of about 15’ by 6’ with thick solid glass sliding door, standard stainless toilet with sink in the back. There was nothing else but concrete floor & bare walls. It was cold concrete all around.
Two thin blankets were thrown in and the glass door closed automatically. I could hardly stand, so I spread one blanket on the floor, laid down, covered up with second blanket and went to sleep. I learned to stay warm by folding bottom blanket in four, to about 2’x 5’ dog mat. Thus, in fetal position, I could sleep.
I was alone in the cell. 
There is no time in “bubble”. There are no watches, no phones, no underwear, no glasses, no dentures, no shoes, and no daylight. You are barefoot on the cold concrete. It was September, hot month in Florida, but the cell was cold.
Inmate estimates time by the shift changes, food service, medications rounds.
Cells are searched every 12 hours, as the new shift begins.
Glass door slides open and a half-dozen CO’s burst in:
- Get your asses on the wall, face the wall & spread!
Blankets fly into the air. Inmates are frisked for “contraband”. Styrofoam cup, bits of food, soap crumb, Tums pill, piece of paper - are all dangerous contraband. In the “bubble” inmate can have his uniform and mattress. That’s all. Nothing else. My prescription eyeglasses were taken away too, but I could still see a little. At one time I was the only one with teeth ( dudes had their dentures taken away ) and opened plastic juice containers for everybody. How could a real contraband get through the sealed glass door to dudes who are allowed out of the “bubble” twice a week, is a puzzle. But every 12 hours we were searched & frisked.
For my first “frisk” I could hardly stand up. CO threatened to get a sergeant & I slowly rose, hugging the wall. Stress can lead to high blood pressure & get someone really sick.
CO, wearing surgical gloves, went over my body & between the legs too.
Once, a young fat CO touched my balls and I screamed:
- Officer, you touched my sexual organs!
CO (apologetically) :
- I just wanted to make sure there is nothing there!
Me: - There is nothing there!
Everyone cracked laughing.
From that time on, when spread on the wall, we yelled:
- “There is nothing there!”
Food in Brevard County Jail is not too bad by comparison. Meals served in clean new styrofoam containers, like “doggie bags” at the restaurants. Food is usually warm. Breakfast is grits or oatmeal with bread & cool-aid drink. Because I keep kosher, I gave cellies my baloney & that mass that was supposed to be ground turkey but was called “dog food” by inmates. That was dinner. Sick prisoners on diets sometimes got small apples. Those were valuable. So were the hard-boiled eggs. Milk in small containers. No spoons, nor forks. Corner of the container is carefully ripped by fingernails & used as spoon. Prisoners are very crafty and learn fast.
Bad thing is that I was not used to this kind of food. I also did not eat much & gave away all treif non-kosher stuff. This resulted in constipation, indigestion, acid reflex, terrible heartburn and an excruciating stomach pain. I felt an undigested mass sitting at the bottom of my tummy and it hurt like hell. For few days I paced, holding my belly & begged for help.
CO: “Doctor will see you on scheduled visit in two weeks.”
Doctor: “You are not the only motherfucker faking illness here. Shut the fuck up!”
Every time the nurse, pushing medications cart, circled the “bubble”, I begged.
Me: Nurse, please give me Mylanta or Magnesia! I’m in terrible pain! Please!
Nurse: I already gave you Tums. What else you want?
Me: Nurse, Tums don’t help. Please give me Pepto!
Nurse: No.
Me: Nurse, you torture me!
CO, who was escorting nurse:
- Nurse does not torture you. We torture you!
Those words of this CO in the Brevard County Jail are honest to the point and should be remembered:
 “ Nurse does not torture you! We torture you! “
My cellies heard them & quoted them repeatedly, smiling, smirking & laughing.
On my second day in the “bubble”, CO motioned me.
- Hey, my dad ( Hickman) arrested you yesterday. He was by your house today to take care of your dog. He was about to call Animal Control to take your dog away, but neighbor came & said that he will feed the dog.
Thus, my dog got saved and got better care than I did. Only in America! Here dogs get better care than humans! Whatta country!
Brevard Sheriff showed fiscal responsibility by charging inmates “… $20 initial processing per diem fee in accordance with Florida State Statue 951.033…” & $1.99/day for “… 3 nutritionally balanced meals daily, prepared from menus approved by a registered dietician…” ( quotes from the Inmate Handbook ) What local hotel can compete with this luxury Hilton, called Brevard County Jail Complex?!!
Prisoners are allowed out of the “bubble” to go to court hearing, see shrink, doctor, “shower” and “visit”. My girlfriend visited me and we talked in front of TV screens and through the phone. “Visit” was about 15 minutes, but was a great morale-booster. Jailers notice and record each visit and visitor. That info is passed on to DA’s and court. Is prisoner so violent or crazy that he got no friends? Did the family give up on the drug addict and alcoholic? Everything gets noticed and recorded in jail.
Shower in the bubble was twice a week. Prisoner is given a little plastic bristle cup that fits on the finger & clear gel to brush teeth. Little piece of soap and a towel. Clean uniform. By rules, the shower, collect phone call to family & letter writing was to be 30 minutes. But because CO’s were so nice to us, they let us roam free for 45 minutes or so. One could breath fresh air. Shower was hot. We were clean & smelled of soap. We wore slippers. Life was beautiful in Brevard County Bubble! LOL!

The “Chaplain”
My top priority in jail was to get kosher food. I am no religious fanatic. I even eat fish in restaurants. By all standards, I am moderate & pragmatic. But the treif food I will not touch. I would rather starve. I am pretty stubborn on that.
I’ll eat vegetables, cereal, bread. Drink milk and cool-aid. But no treif meat products & nothing that touched them. Nope!
Problem is that Brevard County is no Broward County and even with some Jews living here, most Goyim ( gentiles… means “nations” or “people” in Hebrew. Nothing derogatory here. Bible calls Jews “goy”/nation too. See I Chronicles 17:21 ) know little about us, except that Jews “got money”. Jewish community is not only small, but also very disorganized. No help there. I had to find a solution. Either get kosher food or starve. In this jail there is no kosher diet. And even if I do get a Court Order, sheriff might not comply with it.
I knew that there is a vegan diet. Guys told me so. That would be suitable. All veggies are kosher. But how do I get it?
- Chaplain is in charge of all religious diets. Moslems get halal. Jews get kosher.
I also needed a head covering, a kippah or a beanie, so I stop covering my head with a piece of styrofoam when eating and saying a blessing. Rosh HaShana, Jewish New Year, most important holiday, was approaching & I needed a siddur, a prayer book. Maybe even a talit. I could lead religious services for all the Jewish inmates. That would be a mitzvah, a good deed.
So I needed a chaplain.
But there are no requests to be filled in the “bubble”. No forms, no paper & no pen. Talking to CO’s is pointless: they ignore you.
But I had a plan.
I stood for hours in front of the glass door & made a sign with my hands: dome for church & “prayer” with palms. CO’s noticed & laughed. So did everyone who came by. After 3-4 days they must of start talking about the crazy dude showing gang signs. Someone understood and passed the word around. Thereafter, a Christian chaplain appeared. He kept his distance as if this crazy prisoner is about to lunge at him from behind the glass door. But next day I got my vegan diet. Good chaplain!
Rosh HaShanah services were not to be, because they required a minimum set number of people in the deck. Decks & divisions can not meet & can not mix. No religious services for jailed Jews! Bummer!
Later, when I was transferred to Max, this same dude chaplain passed me a beanie kippah that my friend Bob brought when he visited me. I was supposed to return it after Rosh HaShanah, but it went with me to Chicago & made a full circle back to Brevard. I promised Bob to frame this beanie as a relic.  Thank you, Bob!
My crazy cellies
Cellies are shoved into “bubble” cell as they enter jail. “What goes around, comes around”. Cellies are very important because they provide an entertainment by holding conversations and sharing their stories. COs do great favor to inmates by letting them have cellies. Only bad crazy dudes got no cellies & sit alone in a sad solitude.
My first celly came the next day. He was a white dude in his 30s with a DUI charge. Tired and not very talkative. Then came an 18 year old white dude with “armed robbery”. He admitted that he was the one who held the gun. “What you want! I was on drugs and drunk!” He knew he was going to the “joint” for a long time. He had “priors” and no false illusions. Very angry vindictive dude.
On my 4th jail day I saw a shrink, solemnly pledged that I did not want to kill myself nor anyone else and was awarded a prized red two-piece maximum security suit that I had earlier ( I was still a very dangerous and sneaky fugitive, plotting escape from justice ) and transferred to new “bubble” cell.
Three dudes were there.
One short good-looking black dude with long braids was a “hustler” from Palm Bay.
- You get $10,000 worth of “product”, have your men run it around the hood and sky is the limit to your profits.
- I don’t do the drugs myself, but I’ve got three kids & wife to support so how am I supposed to make a living?
 This dude was an intellectual who dreamed of getting his GED one day. He really loved his little kids and wife and talked about them often. He was proud of his street smarts.
- They’ll put me in Division 3 where all my buddies are. DA’s got no case on me, I’ll have good time and they’ll let me walk soon.
As life’s sad joke, next to him laid an 18 year old from his “hood” who had “domestic” for fighting with his mom. His mom was taking crack during her pregnancy & dude was born with drugs in the system. Any comments?
This dude was anxious & pounded on the Plexiglas door. His name on the cell front was in red & he was “Denied Of All Privileges” or “DOAP”. No phone calls. No visits. Nothing. Poor dude.
Last cellie was a white dude of 57 from Palm Bay, laying on the cot by the door, hardly moving. His name was Mark C. and he had a very sad story to tell. Mark is a very sick disabled diabetic. This was his first arrest. He was charged with “attempted murder”, no less, for shooting a cop. According to Mark, he was sitting on his home porch when two crazy dudes in civilian jumped him at gun points. He drew his gun and fired to scare them. One bullet ricocheted and hit cop in the jaw. I sympathized, because it sounded like the “terrorists” who jumped me, except that I’ve got no gun & didn’t resist. I thought I’d testify at Mark’s trial. But after I came home and read his story on the internet, I’m not sure if I was told the truth. Plus, different dudes attacked Mark. Not Sergeant & Steve. Nothing I could testify about. Sorry, Mark.
One mean white dude of about 35 was brought from the “general population” for the disciplinary offense. His offense was putting Tylenol tablet in the mouth and not swallowing it. Nurse noticed that and forced dude to spit Tylenol out. Now she had the evidence that the motherfucker was hoarding medications. For that, he’ve got extra 10 days behind bars. Needless to describe how pissed off that poor dude was.
This same dude demanded that nobody should ever spit in the sink. Everybody got to spit in the toilet and flush. This is the law in American jails. Not the judge law: the inmate law. As you can see, prisoners can pass and enforce laws too. But what the sinks are for, than?
In the cell next door was another 18 year old black kid. He was about 6’ and very skinny. Not sure what he was in for, but he was in solitary and before getting out he had to slide his hands through the door, have them cuffed and chained to railing. Than, door would open and CO’s put him in leg irons and chain around his waist. I will never ever forget his slim young naked body in chains. Surrounded by huge white CO’s in uniforms, he looked like a chained slave from the 1700s.
A horrible, horrible sad sight!
My cellie the hustler, talked to this kid through the ventilation duct, said that kid liked it here in jail. It was better for him here than in his own home in the hood. One can imagine!
If not for the constant noise, “bubble” would be almost tolerable. But in each of two-dozen cells dudes were pounding, yelling and screaming. Pounding on the glass sent ear-shuttering vibrations through the whole building.
And then there was a “biker”. He was a nightmare!
“Biker” was about 40, 6’, and a portly 300 lbs. He was rumored to be a motorcycle gang leader. A half-dozen CO’s brought “biker” bound hand and foot in chains and threw him in the cell. Nobody paid him much attention until “biker” revived, about an hour later. Had you seen a mutt of a lion and a hyena howling and roaring? “Biker” laid on the concrete floor by the crack in the bottom of the sliding door, all naked, in his own shit, yelling crazy about “niggers”, “fucken jews” and other “scum motherfuckers” who put him here. He was banging on plexiglass panels sending ear-shattering vibrations through the compound.  Across the hall, “niggers” in the opposing cells answered him same. That infuriated “biker” even more. He was shouting “white power!” and other shit like that. From his yelling I could pick up that he knew very little about the nazi movement in US. He was not a nazi. Just a crazie. “Biker”-radio-TV was on full blast 24/7. He was standing there naked, smearing his shit all over the walls and glass front. He pissed under the door. The only time he stopped yelling is when a half-dozen biggest COs would cuff him, drag him out and hold him while the nurse gave him a tranquilizer shot. After that, cursing weakened as he went to sleep. In 6 or 8 hours he started again, refreshed. That was going on for almost a week. Than, “biker” disappeared and “peace” descended, save for a few anxious dudes banging on the glass and yelling. There was never a quiet in the “bubble”.
I’ll write more about my cellies in Chicago jail.

The Values
I ain’t ain no preacher and I ain’t gonna bullshit you with “morals”. But there, in the “bubble” of the Brevard County Jail a very important, in my view, conversation took place.
As I told you before, I had a celly, an intellectual hustler from Palm Bay who was a deep thinker and a street-smart philosopher. He described his adventures on South Beach in Miami, fancy clothes he wore, wild parties & exclusive clubs he attended. He pounded different issues and finally came to:
- What did you accomplish in life? Yes, you, 53 year old white Jew fart. All Jews got money, ride fancy cars & live in huge luxury homes. Look at you. You are in jail. But let’s hear your story. Maybe you’ve got a big stash in some offshore bank. Maybe that is what you are in for and you don’t tell us. So what did you accomplished in your life? What makes you proud?
Me: Well, dudes, I think that the greatest thing I accomplished in my life was to go to the front lines of war in Israel in the year 2000 and defend My People against enemy attacks. That was the greatest accomplishment in my life.
- Well, I see. I understand where you are coming from. But you are a crazy stupid dude. Here in America, people’s life accomplishments are measured in size of their bank accounts, cars, homes, businesses. Of course, you are a foreigner, so you don’t understand. To sum up, you are a stupid dude, a total loser.
With that, I lost all of this dude’s respect. Young DOAP dude concurred. Mark said nothing.
Reason why free and democratic United States has the most prisoners in the world, why so many people turned to drugs, alcohol, crime is because American society lost an idea and the reason for existence. Millions of young Americans wander through life spaced out and hopeless. Even the smart ones, college graduates, can’t get a decent job & make a living. For those born in lower socio-economic conditions, for minorities, future is even bleaker.  Money, economic conditions are only part of the picture. World knows many societies that are poor, but vibrant. Not America. That is why so many young Americans are in jails.
Abusive and oppressive government on all levels, generate anger that will explode one day as a volcano. American infrastructure, dependant on electronics, is fragile. Host of events, like stock market collapse, natural disaster, political event, police brutality, can cause a volcano eruption with disastrous results. It’s coming! Wait and see!

All criminals stick together!
One amazing thing in jails where I’ve been, is that the motherfuckers of all races, religions and nationalities stick together like brothers. Few dudes commented on this amazing fact. And they liked it too.
In bullpens, decks and courthouse holding cells… blacks, white, Hispanics, Asians and even a jew-boy among them… were all brothers, sitting shoulder to shoulder on the benches or laying on the floors, resting and waiting to be moved. Why is that amazing? Because the prisoners are stressed out, irritated and even a little friction can lead to a bloody fight. COs know that and try to put same race dudes in cells. Same goes when prisoners are cuffed together for transportation.
In Brevard “bubble” blacks and whites did well together. In Maywood, Hispanic guy about to be released, gave me his socks to stay warm. On 26th & California (“Hotel California” – Cook County Jail) black dudes shared food with me, advised and played chess.
Troublemakers were the crazy biker in Brevard ( I wrote about him above ), few black dudes who tried to start fights in order to prove how tough they are, few others here and there. I’ve heard that two blacks beat up an arab in holding area of Cermak Hospital. All three were handcuffed and CO’s were watching… don’t know how that happened… Arabs are hated in US jails.
Except for Lieutenant Zahariyah in Chicago jail and some stupid Brevard deputy, nobody picked on me for being a Jew. I saw mostly respect and goodwill. Few dudes asked me serious questions about Judaism. I was surprised to see people interested, knowledgeable and curious.
When I first heard a how a respectable African-American gentleman addresses another such fine gentleman: “Hey, you, nigger!” I was little shocked. How the derogatory label became a greeting??… This is a mystery of social linguistics. “Life gives you a lemon – make a lemonade!”
I remember how in USSR Jews would go ballistic if called “Zid”. My childhood friend said that if anyone at the factory would call him that, a hammer would fly at that dude. And that hammer was 5 lbs. & my buddy was big & strong.
We should learn something from African-Americans… let’s sit back & relax… make fun of Nazis & Jew-haters… hey, hebs, kikes, JAPs and jew-boys!

Extradition hearing
On my 3rd day in “bubble” I was brought to the extradition hearing in front of TV judge.
On the way there I got to dispensary, saw nurse and got medications for my deadly high blood pressure.
I was brought before the judge in my “turtle skin” suit, in cuffs & leg irons. Not a very fast way of navigating jail halls.
Hearing was brief. I wanted to fight the extradition. I explained that I was tortured in Chicago, that I was railroaded with false fabricated charges there and I was afraid of more tortures. Since I was unemployed & had no money, they could not get $100,000 from me. What else?
Were there new charges? I was anxious to find out. Court didn’t care.
Judge patiently explained me that I could fight the warrant. I had every right. There were only two reasons to fight it: if the charges were false & thus the warrant was defective or if at the time of the alleged crime I was not in that state. I had 30 days to fight the warrant. DA could extend hearings by another 60 days. Than, by another 60. 150 days total. And I could win and walk. But at the door I could be arrested again because new corrected warrant would come from the Illinois governor. And it would be another 150 days. And if I lose, all this time I spent here in jail, would not count. But even if I win, I could be arrested on the same warrant in Illinois or some other state.
Was it worth fighting?
I gave up and signed.
My family and friends watched it all online.
Illinois had 30 days from the time of my arrest to come get me, or Florida would let me walk free.
There were two ways to get extradited. By van & by air.
Prison van was very bad. Prisoner would be hog-tied & in cuffs, leg irons and waist chain. Hands would be locked in a box so one could not even pick buggers. Trip to Chicago, 1200 miles, would take a week or more, because van stops at every county jail, gets & discharges prisoners. Van could pick me up, go to Miami, to Texas, to New York… Not a fun sightseeing trip.
Airplane was faster, but Illinois had to send two marshals to escort me… they wouldn’t do that.

In the “Max” with “lifers”
After 10 days in the “bubble” I was certified “normal” by two psychologists and ordered transferred to the “general population”. I thought and hoped, it would be Division 3, described by Hustler as fun place with “booze, girls, drugs … just like on the street” (joking, of course).  But while most of half-dozen dudes moved out of the “bubble” that evening were given beige uniforms for Medium security, a red suit was thrown at me. I was a fugitive from justice due for extradition and an escape risk! I was going to the Max with the most violent craziest hardened criminals!
I picked up an old beaten foam mattress, towels, soap and a brand-new synthetic wool blanket. I loved that blanket! It was new and it smelled new! Folded double it kept me almost comfortable.
Brevard County Jail is not a hotel for the free-loading criminals. Flyers posted on the board, informed that from now on, for every meal damned criminals get, they must pay. Every day in this fine jail will cost prisoners money. And the labor-intensive intake with the mug shot and all the paperwork, is worth $20,  paid by money from the commissary account or by any of criminal’s money in pockets & wallet sheriff can get his hands on. That is the reason why very few motherfuckers here had commissary accounts. And since I did not had any money, I must of owe Brevard County sheriff a fortune. Unless sheriff billed a State of Illinois for each and every day and each meal in that luxury Brevard Inn.
When heavy metal prison door slammed behind me, I was surrounded by a half-dozen horrible-looking criminals, in identical red two-piece suits, some wearing white t-shirts & red pants. New dudes entering the deck are one of the entertainments here. Sometimes, old buddies meet. But COs should watch out for rival gang dudes or enemies… fight could break out. For fights, COs had gas cylinders. They would gas motherfuckers to unconsciousness & walk over lifeless bodies.
Dudes were good to me. I was offered a choice of a few cells. It was two to a cell. It was a two-story cell-block with metal stairs leading up. Cell doors closed automatically for lock-downs. Ceiling was about 30 feet up. Place was painted pitch-black. Even ducts and pipes up there in the ceiling were black. “Day room” had a dozen round stainless steel tables with four attached chairs each. Dayroom was about 40 by 100 feet. 4 phones were on the wall. Narrow windows had matted glass that let some light in. Electric lights were on 24/7. Each floor had a shower stall, covered by a sheet curtain.
There were about 50 guys in this deck. Only few cells were empty. I was #3 in the cell. Both dudes there were sick and could not climb on the upper bunk. One slept on the bed, other had mattress on the floor next to him. It was against the rules and any bad CO could bank dude on the floor and force him to climb up. Dude on the bed was after complicated gall-bladder surgery and dude on the mattress was fainting and could nose-dive on the concrete floor 5 feet below. None wanted to climb up.
Guy on the mattress was Robert. He was a well-educated dude of about 40, from the very affluent family. He graduated from good college and was a former commercial airline pilot, flying for American from Minneapolis to Tampa twice daily. He lost his job after a DUI. He had few more DUIs, “suspended license”, drugs… about 2 dozen felonies & doing almost 2 years “county time”… “…out in a few months”. Robert had money on the outside, but here he made penny-business by trading in commissary commodities, like sneakers, coffee, jelly, etc. Our hot water faucet was the source of “coffee” for the whole deck. Coffee is very valuable in jail. Robert did brisk business but was aware of “shake-down” when every few months all his valuables were confiscated as “contraband” and he had to start “business” from scratch. But guys were crafty and predicted raids accurately. When “pirating COs” in war-gear came, most stuff was hidden, spread out or consumed. Robert “owned” the “store” under the bed that had to be guarded against the thieves who would sneak and steal delicacies. Like in the “bubble”, many guys here were hungry. Very few had commissary accounts to order food from the outside to add to the prison diet. Robert joked that some called him a “jew-storekeeper”. Once, Robert was exercising, running up and down the metal stairs, when he fainted, fell and got injured. He was rushed to the hospital, bleeding. Jail stress. He and other cellie, Joe, after the night lockdown at 11 pm “cooked” – prepared food, like egg and tuna salad… made tacos, burritos and sandwiches of all kinds. They offered me too, but I stuck to my diet. Thanks, guys! Feast went on ‘till 2 or 3 in the morning. Robert slept till about 4 or 5 pm. Robert was a cool dude.
Robert’s helper and confidante, our other cellie, was a central Florida farm-boy named Joe. Joe was tall, red-haired, slightly balding, about 35. He was accused of stealing three electric drills, “not even a good drills, Black & Decker” and was threatened by DA with 30 years behind bars. I thought he was joking, but Joe pulled out the papers from under his mattress and showed me the indictment. No kidding! This was his “x-est” felony. He pawned those drills for $45. “Guy who claimed I stole from, had no receipts!” “I was doing drugs… that’s why.” About a month earlier, Joe had stomach pains and was throwing up. COs threw “faker” into “bubble” where he passed out. He was rushed to the hospital and it was almost too late. Gallbladder was inflamed, swollen and filled with puss. Surgery was now complicated and Joe spend a week in the hospital. Joe thought of suing jail for neglect but maximum he could win under the statues was $60,000 and that is how much “he owed” for the surgery. Of course, Joe will not pay a penny for this surgery that should cost maybe $10,000 or less if he would be properly diagnosed and brought to the hospital promptly. But in the funny world of American jails he almost died and $60,000 was added to the national deficit. Joe was a nice dude and he helped me out and explained many things. Hope Joe is out soon.
Our cell was about 12’ by 6’. It was dump and smelled moldy. It was because all personal laundry in jail is done by hand and socks, towels, underwear is dried on the beds in the cells. It was also cold, even in hot Florida weather. Duct was blowing cold air right over my upper bunk. Soda bottles filled with cool-aid mix were hanging there, cooling for our store customers. It would be comfortable under two blankets, but I had only one. Joe helped me stack books under the mattress head to make a “pillow”. Jail issued two sheets and one had to be tied over the mattress in a special way.
Many guys in the max were doing life. One just beat an electric chair and was brought from the death-row for a re-trial. All these dudes were either brought from the “joints” or were doing long “county time”.
One dude claimed that he “laid down with his old lady, gun discharged and hit her in the back of the head”. And he stuck to his story despite the advise from our  jail-house expert attorneys.
There was a 60 year old dude from Honduras with both hands that had flesh and muscles chopped off by a machete. He was attacked by two dudes wielding machetes. He used his hands to cover. He fought for his life. He managed to kill one. Another one runs away. He did his time for manslaughter (?) but since he was an illegal, he was about to be deported back to Honduras. And how was he supposed to earn a living in Honduras with hands like that? Guys were looking for a an American wife for him to stay here. His cellie was stealing his food and this dude hoped I could move to cell with him.
One young Hispanic dude was rumored to be a gay and had to fight the day earlier to save his ass from assault.
Good thing in max was that COs showed up here rarely and we lived like an autonomous community. Wake up call was at about 6, when cell doors slid open with the wake-up roar. We formed a line by the door to get breakfast. Dudes ate, prayed, read books, played Monopoly, cards, chess and checkers. Some studied Bible. There was no TV and no radio. Many exercised. Recreation yard was open at about noon for 2 hours. There were phones to call family. Showers were available, but water was cold.
Books were plentiful and on various subjects. Books in jail got to be soft-cover. I began reading about German WWII airplane production. I saw book by David Wilder, spokesman for Hebron Jewish Community, criticizing Oslo Peace Process. One fierce-looking white dude doing time for the armed robbery and an escape, when he tied-up the guards, cheered me: “No Palistenien state!” LOL!
At lockdowns at noon, after lunch and at night, everyone had to be in their cells on their beds. That is when CO came and checked each cell through the peek-hole.
Dudes here were very religious. I saw some beautiful illustrated Bibles with detailed commentaries. Bible classes were held every day and about a dozen guys took part. There were few teachers. I was invited and listened attentively. Not my religion, but I showed respect. On Sundays guys went to church and Bible study with visiting minister. Every once in a while guys would hold hands in the circle and prayed together. It was called “fellowship”.
One black guy named Moshe (Moses) had Hebrew “yud-hey-vav-hey” G-d’s Name tattoo on his arm. Real nice and very religious guy. I don’t know what he was in for… but I bet it was something “no shit”. He wanted to learn more Hebrew and I thought to get a study book and start teaching. But that was not to be…

Extradition of a fugitive
CO came for me late at night. It was a first night of the Rosh HaShana, Jewish New Year, one of the most important holidays. Cell door slid open and when my name was called Joe already knew: “They came to get you for extradition!” I hurriedly doled out my stuff & followed the cop. I stayed in the bullpen for an hour or two while paperwork was prepared.  They gave me back my shorts and slippers and took away my red suit. I was naked to waist, just as I was arrested. Two dudes with Cook County sheriff’s badges on their belts put Bears hoodie on me before cuffing. Only then they told me that we will fly to Chicago. No tiring road trip across the country hog-tied in a van. I was sooo lucky again!
Maybe I should have refused to be transported on Rosh HaShana. Maybe. But I did not. Prisoners adopt a submissive slave mentality. If I would, Brevard jailers, these two CC deputies and their supervisors in Chicago would have a dilemma. I am sure dudes would love to stay two extra days in Florida and play golf. Maybe they would even get an overtime pay. Or they could of use force on me. Not sure if it would do them any good. I think, they would stay if I choose to press the issue. But I did not and was put in the rented SUV which took us to the Orlando International Airport.
Going through the terminal, all three of us looked like regular passengers, following each other in a row. One in the middle wore Bears hoodie and hid his (handcuffed) hands in the pouch pocket. Short stop on the bypass of the search lines where badges and prisoner (already searched) were presented and we sat in the terminal lobby. By the tickets counter I saw an Israeli family and we exchanged New Year greetings in Hebrew. Cops grew nervous and begged me to stop talking in the foreign language. They were pitiful. One was totally stupid and did not talk much. Other one was brighter and held a BS in Public Policy. Both were in their 30s and their specialty was to go around the country rounding fugitives back to Cook County, Illinois. They claimed that flying from far away places, like Florida, was cheaper, than transporting them, bastards, by van. LOL!
We were the first ones to board United and sat all the way in the back of the plane, me by the window, one cop in an aisle seat, one up front. Seat next to me was empty and I never before had such a comfortable flight. For my good behavior I was rewarded with a tuna salad wrap from the airport eatery and it became my only solid food for the next two days. But at that time I was cozy and comfortable. Flight was great and it was the first time in my life that I saw downtown Chicago with all of it’s skyscrapers from high up in the air. A breathtaking sight!
In O’Hare I attempted to remove my hands from the pouch and display my nice jewelry to fellow passengers. That would be exciting! But deputy cut that short… Why cops, transporting a prisoner, are ashamed of their job? Dudes were embarrassed and tried to hide their mission.
- Go on with your lives, citizens! Pay no attention! Nothing unusual is going on here!
Exactly like behavior of NKVD in Stalinist USSR in 1930s as described by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.
Bond hearing in Chicago
They brought me to the Maywood Sheriff’s detention center, across from the Maywood Courthouse. Here they took away the Bears hoodie. I was naked to the waist again. My escort could of sell me that old hoodie for $40, but since I did not had any money, he just took it away and left. Some chick deputy had mercy and brought me an old thermal underwear long-sleeve shirt. I was put in the solitary cell. On the floor was scratched:
Here I’m sitting
In this 6 by 8…
“Ain’t my life is great!”

Jailhouse poetry.
It was chilly. I wrapped myself in blanket and went to sleep.
It was already 10 am lunchtime. 8 oz. plastic bottle with artificial juice and a baloney sandwich were dispersed. I refused sandwich and asked for kosher food.
- No!
I could of eat bread if it would not touch baloney. Sometimes baloney was wrapped in plastic and bread was good. But not here.
Next, I asked for my medications. They came with me from Florida. In fact, week’s worth was issued in Brevard Jail at the checkout. CO called a “white shirt”. I respectfully asked sergeant for kosher diet and medications. That filthy old nigger snapped at me like a mad pit-bull. I never use the “n” word, but that scumbag surely deserved it. What a filthy old monkey crazy and unprofessional piece of junk! Hopefully he will retire soon and stop smearing the uniform with shame. Could not make out his nametag.
CO had a dilemma. Medications had to be given since they were prescribed. But they had rules and regulations too. They are not doctors or pharmacists and they know nothing about pills and dosages. Therefore, I was dressed in cuffs and leg irons, with chain around my waist, put in a van and accompanied by two COs, taken to the nearby hospital.
On the intake, I gave my Florida address. But the most important question was about the medical insurance.
- Who will pay for all this?
Me: Obamacare!
- In Florida you have Obamacare, but we don’t have Obamacare here in Illinois yet …
How stupid can a lady receptionist be?
Nurse listened briefly to my chest, issued new medications and threw all Floridian ones in the garbage. Bill for Obamacare came to $350. Why did they send it to the collection agency and waste postage to this day?
Next morning I was brought to the holding pen in the Maywood Courthouse for a bond hearing.         
The Constitution of the United States demand that everyone accused of a crime be given an opportunity to bail out, and that the bail should not be set unreasonably high. (Eight’s Amendment)
It was mid-September and Chicago was getting chilly. I remembered Cook County Jail “Siberia” and my bronchitis. I was afraid of getting exposed to cold, getting sick and suffocating. That would be an existential threat. I wore shorts, slippers and an undershirt. Not enough to keep me warm. One Hispanic dude about to be released, had mercy, took his socks off and gave them to me. They were almost clean and helped me a lot until I was able to get underwear and socks from the commissary in Cook County Jail.
 Bond hearing was brief. My lawyer was there. But Constitution or no-Constitution, I was given two no-bails and one bail - $18,900 “to walk”. I was a very important and a very dangerous prisoner. I had to be watched carefully. There, at Maywood detention, my name and bails were penned on the very top of the wallboard in red ink. COs whispered, looking at me.
“No Bail” means that the accused can not bond out and got to be kept in jail. This is done to keep extremely dangerous criminals, who present an immediate danger to community, behind bars. I had two of those for each of my criminal cases. And because Blyad’ desired not less than $100,000 to cover her recent real estate losses, I had to post about 20% of that sum. If I had no money, my relatives, friends or loved ones who wanted me free, would post the bond. Of course, they would never see the money again. State would take it all, keep some and give the rest to the Blyad’, even if later judge decides I did not owe her anything. Money would be gone. Therefore, I informed and insisted that no bond shall be paid and that I would rather sit in jail.
Hotel “California”
Cook County Jail Complex is located on 26th Street and California Avenue on the South Side of Chicago.
It is the largest jail in the United States. 10,000 prisoners locked up here on any given day. Over 100,000 pass through every year. 150 to 300 enter every day. Average stay – 150 days. This is a county jail. Vast majority of prisoners here are pre-trial. They are innocent until proven guilty. Those “proven guilty” are shipped to the “joints” to do “time”. Dudes who got shorter sentences, do “county time”. Some dudes released to “electronic monitoring” home confinement. Some dudes are acquitted, some released for “time served”. This is a maximum security jail with 12 feet high chain link and barbed wire fences. No prisoner is allowed to walk grounds unescorted.
I was brought to Cool County Jail on 2 (two!) “No Bail” warrants and one $18,900 bail “to walk”. That is no shit! “No Bail” is given to murderers who stay in jail until trial because they pose great risk to the community. I had two of those. It was a little unusual to get “no bails” for misdemeanors and I suspected that DA’s hold a rabbit up their sleeve, possiblility of an FBI visit & interrogation. In jail one got to take “day at a time” attitude… just sit, wait and do not get anxious. Nervousness and anxiety are the worst enemies of the prisoner. I think that they are more dangerous than the DA, who cunningly uses psychological tortures to extract confessions and revenge.
Instead of the condemned strip search ( see www.cookcountystreapsearch.com ), jail installed new hi-tech body scanners. The most painful part of the “intake” was the time in the bullpens. Prisoners had to sit there for many hours, idle, and wait. But Cermak Health Services had no “dick doctors” and general attitude is more civilized, comparing to 9 years ago. I tried to refuse an x-ray and lady technician there began preaching how low the radiation doze is, adding that if I refuse, she will put me “in the disciplinary”. I got an x-ray but still refused the blood test. That was OK. I actually saw a doctor, young lady. She was good and got me all the medications plus the kosher diet prescription. I thought I had made it, but I was wrong again. Kosher diet is in the hands of the social worker and lieutenants and is tightly regulated. Lady-doctor bullshitted me with worthless piece of paper “prescription”.

Che Guevara in Cook County Jail
This black dude was about 25, sported a white paper overall, the kind painters wear. His “suit” was ripped & his ass was visible. Dudes whispered that his clothing was taken to forensic lab to test for gunpowder residue, because dude was accused of drive-by shooting. That’s a horrible crime in Chicago. I suggested that if the gunpowder be found, he should claim to use the gun-powder actuated stud driver, like Hilti or Remington. These used to drive nails into concrete and use same gunpowder as guns. Great tools! This broke the ice between us.
Since we had to spend hours in the bullpen & there was nothing to do but to talk to each other, I joked with him:
- Hope you, dude, didn’t do black on black violence, which destroys the community, but shot the white dudes, of whom there are plenty around.
Dude got the joke & said:
- How can you say that, you are white.
Me: Yea, a white jew-boy.
Che Guevara was a true revolutionary thinker. Hearing that I lived in Israel, he jumped on the subject, denouncing Zionist colonizers who came from Germany and Poland after WWII and stole land from poor Palestinians.
Such blatant defamation of a jew national-liberation movement got me going.
I explained how the damned British colonialist created Kingdom of Trans-Jordan in 1921, stealing all the Eastern Land of Israel (Palestine) and how same British imperialist thieves blockaded Israel during the Holocaust, locking Jewish refugees in nazi-occupied Europe and assisting Hitler in his murders. Same Brit crooks attempted to divide Israel west of Jordan River in mid-1940s and how Six arab armies attacked unarmed Jews in 1948 and how Jews fought back and kicked them all out. Those jew dudes aimed good and shot all those imperialists!
And Jews had their own problems and it was the arabs who stole jew lands.
Here’s what I told Che Guevara:
As Israel Independence Day approaches, so does the anguish of the Palestinians. Nakba. The Catastrophe. As Israeli Jews celebrate, Palestinian Arabs cry. In 1948, as State of Israel was born, hundreds of thousands of Arabs left their homes and became refugees in the bordering Arab states. Whole arab towns got emptied. 500 arab villages were abandoned. What a horrible disaster! Catastrophe! Nakba!
On Nakba anniversary Arabs living in Israel hold marches to their former villages, carrying keys from destroyed homes, old British property deeds, Turkish durmans. Palestinian flags fly over their heads. Little children carry posters with names of the villages stolen by wicked Zionists. They cry. They fast. They complain to reporters. Their Jewish leftist friends join the procession. They cry & mourn together.
Poor Arabs. Before May 1948, they were the majority in Palestine. They wanted British to leave, so that they would create a Moslem Arab State. Instead, Israel got created with despised and powerless arab minority, called “Palestinians”. Truly, a Nakba!
Me, being a criminal racist “kahanist”, I still have a bleeding Jewish heart. I feel for poor oppressed Palestinians. I feel their pain. I admire their sense of history and remembrance.
Let me imagine jumping in the procession too. Please, don’t kick me! Don’t shoot me! Don’t call me a Nazi!
As you imagine your grandparents leaving their homes, let’s visualize together.
Scene 1. Palestine in 1880’s under Turkish Ottoman rule. Land is desolate. Malaria marshes up north in Galilee. Wind-swept desert sands of the Negev in the south. Few fishing villages on the sea shore. Few thousands live in Jerusalem, Acco, Jaffa. As early Zionists build their kibbutzim, arabs surround them with their settlements. Word spreads out amongst the starving fellahim around the Middle East & North Africa: “Jews in Palestine pay wages!” Families ride donkeys or walk on foot for a better life in Palestine. They come by the thousands, desperate arabs from Egypt, Syria, Saudi Arabia. From as far away as Morocco, Iraq & Yemen. Even Cherkesses, Bosnians & Gypsies come. There is no immigration policy, there is no border or passport control. Ruling Turks (and later, British) are only happy to see land developing & population growing.
And on we march!
Scene 2. 1920’s. Socialist Party meeting in Jewish Tel-Aviv. Speaker: “…Arab proletarian workers are much closer to us than parasitic Jewish religious fanatics who study Talmud all day…” & “…so, even Arab workers get agitated by mullahs & nationalists & start bloody pogroms… do not overreact… proletarii of all nations, unite!” & “The day will come when we will get rid of Judaism & will live as one nation with our proletarian arab brethren!”
Applause from the audience.
And on we march!
Scene 3. Here is our destination: heap of stones on the hillside. Crowd sits on the grass. Speakers get emotional on the podium. Inte bahka aravit? Men cry. Ladies wail & tear at their hair. Kids yell. Here comes an Israeli Jew. He tells how sorry he is for what his grandpa had done to poor palestinians. Everybody nod. He cries, his girlfriend embraces him.
Now I stand up. Dead silence.
AsSalyam, dear Arab People!
This Land is given to Jews by G-d as stated in Holy Torah. That is where Our Nation was born 4,000 years ago. That is where Jewish kings ruled. This is where our Temples stood, where our cities were built. We, Jews, worked This Land long before Arab People left Arabian Peninsula on the jihadi conquest. We were exiled from This Land by armed force 2,000 years ago. But now we are back. We never forget Our Land. In exile, we prayed 3 times daily for return to Zion. We are commanded to live on the Land of Israel. Land of Israel belongs to the Jewish People. Remember that.
Now, dear Arabs, lift up your old rusty keys that you clinch in your fists. These keys you bought in the shuks not long ago. And let’s see your old property deeds that are made up for 10 dinars in forgery shops. Look at them. Don’t yell, don’t throw tomato at me, you missed anyway. Insh’ alla you know I speak the truth.
Now, dear Arabs, tell me… What if Roman Emperor Hadrian, 2,000 years ago, would not rename Judea into “Palestina”? How would you call yourselves? Judean Arabs? Or, maybe, native Judeans, Jews?
Let’s be honest and admit it. There are no “Palestinians”. You are Arabs, part of the Arab Nation. Arab nationalism, combined with fanatical islam does not let you sleep at night. Israel is the dagger in your heart, thorn in your side. Your grandfathers came to Israel not too long ago. They settled and told you stories of how they lived here for thousands of years. But you know that even Arafat’s family came from Egypt. And in 1948 young Yassir went back to Egypt. And Farouk Kaddumi did not come from Kedumim. He came from Syria.
And many of you with names like Masri and Saudi and Fez and Hijazi and Suri and Mugrabi?  Whom are you trying to fool?
What kind of nationhood are you trying to claim? Every nation has cultural landmarks. And where are yours?
Where is your literature, poetry or even the religious tracts? Where are the palestinian works of art? Where are the fields that you cultivated? Where is the single significant structure that you’ve built?
Be honest with yourselves: none of it exists. Just like the fictitious “Palestinian Nation” born from greed for Jewish Zionist achievements.
Dear arabs! You are being fooled. You are fooled by arab nationalism and by fanatical islam.
Even israeli socialists fool you.
Arabs, squatting on the Land of Israel, you terrorize my land! You start wars; you murder and maim innocent people just because they are Jews. You do not let us live in peace. You have this wicked hope that some day you will be able to steal Jewish homes & wealth that we, Jews, created. You are mistaken, arabs. You are fooled. Because of that, your children will live in misery; and so will their children.
And that is what the real Nakba is. My Jewish Nakba. For as long as there is an aggressive arab minority on the Land of Israel, we have a Jewish Nakba.
Dear Arabs, spare yourselves sufferings! Throw away your rusty keys. Let the winds blow your forged deeds. Say ‘good bye’ to your Jewish socialist friends who use you to accomplish their own goals. Spit in the face of your mullah who fooled you for so long. Punch out that sorry loser: pan-arab nationalist. Go. Go home. Go live in any of the 22 Arab states that are yours. Go live in America, Canada, Sweden or Australia. Establish an honest humanistic Islam that you will be proud of. Develop your great Arab art & culture that we admire so much. But get away from my Land.
Live happy, there is no need to cry for Nakba!
Stupid leftists-liberals who claim that Kahanist Movement is “anti-arab” lie as usual. Kahanist Movement is the best friend and ally of the Arab People, especially those squatting on the Jewish Land. Kahanist Movement wants Arab People to live in dignity, occupation ( occupation of Jewish Land by Arab People ) to end.
Occupation? It must end!
Arabs run from Jewish Land!

It is obvious that after starting 5 wars & 5 prolonged massive riots, murdering & maiming thousands of Jews, Arab People, as a national minority will not have any respect from israeli Jews. Nor will Arab People will be able to live in dignity on the Jewish Land.
Arabs crying, snouts wet:
"Jews don’t give us no respect!"
Jewish answer: “Arab whores!
Stabbings, riotings & wars
Murder Jews, you bomb, you hate
Get “respect” that you create!
Get the hell from Jewish Land
Roll with camels in the sand!
Only there you will get
Honor, dignity, respect!”

We, at the Kahanist Movement, want Arab People to live in dignity & with respect! But not near Jews, not on Our Land! Go, dear Arab cousins, to your own spacious lands or go live in Europe, Americas, Australia & elsewhere! There, you will live in dignity.

Me a law-abiding prisoner
Of course I was a celebrity at the “Hotel California”! A Jew with a beanie, extradited from sunny Florida after hiding from cops for 8.5 years! And they flew him on United all the way from there! That commands respect in jail.
Song to the tune “Proud to be an American”:
I am proud to be an American
In a 6 by 8 jail cell
With American-made stainless steel shithole
And I don’t give a hell!

Motherfucken motherfuckers
Who will pay your bail?
All America becoming
One humongous jail!

Barak Obama my President
With our federal funds
Building more and more jail cells
For every one of us!

We’ve got the most prisoners
And criminals on the run
With jailers fattest and dumbest
America is #1!

We are here for dope, domestic
For batteries and DUIs,
We’ve got shitloads of felonies
Misdemeanor is little fuck!

We can do complicated surgeries
We heal without drugs
All of us are physicians
All of us marked “DOC”!

On October 11th, 2012, I had a court date at the Daley Center in downtown Chicago. This was a child support case when I was held as “body attachment” ( court terminology ). To get “detached”, state desired $18,000 which I did not possess.
To get to the courtroom from the holding cell, prisoners had to be escorted through the lobby of this very fancy Chicago downtown building.  All kinds of very important people walk through the lobby of the Daley Center. To get handcuffed and uniformed prisoner across, two sheriffs hold traffic while third walks the criminal motherfucker. Line of well-dressed, respectable suckers stand and watch with wide-opened eyes. Sheriffs are very nervous during this procedure…
Bearded prisoner in jew-beannie ( me ) all of a sudden goes “Woof-woof-woof!” at people, like a dog!
- Oi! Oi! Stop! No barking!
- Get him over there fast!
People in the lobby of the Daley Center got scared. I described the scene to my buddies on the deck and we laughed. LOL!
Story of Frederick P.
In the bullpen, during processing in Cook County Jail on September 20th, 2012, I noticed a neatly dressed, intelligent-looking gentleman of about 55, dazzled in shock, starring blankly, spaced out. He introduced himself as a “project engineer”. Once upon a time, I was one too.  We had a conversation. Frederick was modest. In reality, Project Engineering was only a part of his job. He owned factories in Hong Kong and China which sold products all over the world. He was a native Bostonian and got detained while changing planes in Chicago, on the way from Hong Kong to Boston, where his family lived. The only thing he knew “…there was a warrant and he was to be extradited to Massachusetts…”
He had two kids, studying in colleges, a boy and a girl, 21 and 23, and he was paying $5,000 per month child support.  Until recently, that money went to his ex-wife, but when his youngest hit 21, Frederick sent support directly to the kids, $2,500 apiece.
His ex had a BS in business management, but never worked in her life. After getting divorced, she lived off of her kids, getting $60,000 a year “child support”. Not bad, hu?
Until one day, check did not arrive.
Ex got alarmed.
“Who will pay rent for my fancy apartment? And hairstylist? And spa? And nails? And the rest of the bills? And for the food? And all the rest of necessities?”
She runs to the judge. Judge issued a warrant for Frederick. And since Frederick is abroad and of course can not show up for hearing, or he even knows about it… federal warrant was issued for his arrest. Oi!
Thus, after presenting his passport to customs, his name gets flagged, matched in database of fugitives. TSA officer politely asks Mr. P. to come with him in a small room, where his hands are cuffed. Mr. P. is brought to Cook County Jail, to be extradited to Boston to face the judge for non-payment of child support.
Extradition can take up to 30 days, but Frederick was lucky… he spent about 10 days with us in Hotel California, his bed across from mine.
I am pretty sure that in a few days after landing in Boston, Frederick was freed and case settled.
Sure it was an interesting experience for a law-abiding citizen, a prominent businessman, a pillar of community, who was never arrested before in his entire life.
Frederick was not the only millionaire I’ve met in jail. In court detention cell on Harrison Street, sat a corporate executive, while his wife was in another cell. His corporation was in civil lawsuit and owed about $300,000 to someone. Deputy was called to his fancy house on an unrelated matter, checked ID’s and found outstanding warrants, that occupants knew nothing about. His wife had nothing to do with it, but her name was among the corporate officers, for “woman-owned business” and she went to jail too.
In the same cell was a dude who was 15 minutes late for the court appearance… enough for a judge to issue a warrant and collect bail money.

Deck E4
After about 10 hours “intake” procedure, we were dressed in beige two-piece DOC uniforms and thin China-made cloth slippers and marched to Division 3 Annex Dorm. My deck was E4.
E4 was a wild deck. It was very noisy with a mix of all kinds of crazy dudes.
Most important dude in E4 was Gerome F. He was a black dude of 58, stocky & strong, very religious Christian. Gerome was doing 2 year “county time” for drug trafficking and was put in charge of food distribution for the whole division 3 Annex. After each meal, he would bring crates of food and hide them under his bed. He was very rich. He had new Nike’s shoes, all kinds of commissary delicacies and more stuff. His treasures were guarded by “his men” while Gideon was out working.
I was placed on the bed right next to him. On his other side was a sick and starving skinny white dude. Gideon’s extra food went to “his men” in different decks around the division. Even white dudes got crumbs here and there. Not much, though.
How did Gerome got so much “extra” food? Got to be smart. Here is the trick…
Breakfast was served at 5:30. Servers would sneak in quietly and dudes had to line up to get their food. Those who overslept, lost theirs and all those extra breakfasts ended under Gerome’s bed and got redistributed. I didn’t catch that trick at first, and missed a milk, cereal and a tart. Thereafter I was alert and always in line on time.
My best buddy in E4 was a Polish dude named Vasek. He was in for his 2nd DUI for “one cold beer” – “Za edne zimne pivo!” – he bitterly complained. Vasek had no lawyer and the system was screwing him. He was in jail for 30 days already and his release was not in sight. He didn’t speak English. We communicated using my Ukrainian-Russian dialect & it worked. Other dudes, seeing us joking in foreign tongue, assumed that Vasek was a Jew. “I’m Catholic!” –  he protested.
Deck E4 got disbanded on Friday, October 5… Two days before it got cold outside and heating system got turned on. It became very hot on E4. So hot, that motherfucken prisoners took their shirts off, which is against the rules. I was back in Florida, under the blazing sun and with no AC. I lay on my bunk, rubbing wet towel with ice on my sweating body. Other decks and hall were cool. Only E4 was so hot. It was a heating system’s malfunction.
After few days of this, deck got closed & all motherfuckers spread to other decks.

Deck C-3
New deck was much quieter.
It had an equal mix of blacks, Hispanics and whites. TV tuned to Spanish channel often and we all got along well. Some motherfuckers raised their eyebrows when they heard me demanding kosher dinner. There was another Jewish dude, an old crook named Neal, who was not religious & didn’t ask for kosher food.
We had our own professional paralegal “jailhouse lawyer”, mid-40’s black guy named Quentin, who was doing time for traffic …drugs, that is. There was a former U.S. Marine, a young dude Richard. There was Willie, a Hispanic dude who got caught with 3 kilos of heroin in his car, good chess player. There was Barbosa, hispanic expert chef who “cooked” fancy dishes. There was a hispanic artist who made fancy greeting cards, coloring them rubing-off color from magazine pictures.

Buck Correctional Officers, CO’s in blue uniforms, got one tough job. For those with brains, it may be stressful to see the manifestation of society’s social problems day after day. Because that is what most prisoners represent: drugs, drunkenness, anger, greed and system’s mistakes.
In jail exists a hierarchy: warden or superintendant yells at Lieutenants and Sergeants. Lieutenants and Sergeants polish CO’s asses. COs abuse prisoners. Prisoners abuse each other and every fucken damned thing laying, standing or hanging around. Prisoners throw, bang, hit, spit on, damage, scratch, abuse, break everything in sight. That is why everything is banged up in jail. Even unbreakable items purchased yesterday look like 100 year old antiques.
Perception of cleanliness is another hierarchical jail structure. Filthy prisoners stink! No wonder… They are crowded 30 to a room, 24/7. They sweat. They got no deodorants. Beans are one of the main dishes, in addition to other factors that induce farting. Bad ventilation and plumbing add to the problems. Many prisoners don’t brush their teeth. Those who do, don’t accomplish much, because both toothpaste and the toothbrushes are inadequate. There is no mouthwash. There is no recreation yard in “Hotel California”. They wash their socks and underwear by hand in the showers and dry them on their beds: there are neither washers nor dryers for prisoners but lots of humidity and mildew. By rules, prisoners must shower every day. This rule is rarely followed. First, there is very little warm water in the showers. Second, showers function only few hours per day. Even if there are four shower heads, only one prisoner is bathing at the time. Guess “why”? Finally, in my last week at “Hotel California”, it was announced that no more soap will be issued. If one wants soap, he must buy it from the commissary. So, how are the prisoners supposed to stay clean? Sure, they are filthy and smelly.
Filthy, smelly and sometimes infectious motherfucken prisoners try to get back at CO’s by spitting, sneezing ( or smearing something even worse ) on their desks, chairs and workstations. That is why CO’s carry in their clear backpacks disinfecting sprays and wipes.
“White Shirts” sit in their clean offices where deck CO’s are rarely allowed.
How are they supposed to feel?
Morale of buck CO’s is very low. Main reason is that they come from the same hoods as “criminals”, have “criminal” relatives, friends, even family members. Plus, since early childhood they see police brutality & system’s unfairness and discrimination. “White shirts” must of  thinking that buck COs are very stupid. COs see that and respond with angry attitude. There is deep distrust between them. In the past, CO must have been caught smuggling “contraband” to prisoners. For that, they were ordered to carry their stuff in clear plastic school bags, encouraging all-around snitching.
I witnessed how traffic CO advised prisoners to write grievances in order to get more jackets and better shoes.
“White Shirts” were looking for buck COs who instigated prisoners housed in the anti-sanitary Division 3 to seek monetary compensation from DA’s office for supposed “settlement”.  Dozens of former prisoners bugged the hell out of DA’s, who issued a denial memo that was posted all over “Hotel California”.
There are two kinds of COs: stupid, lazy, angry and abusive ones – they are the majority. In contrast to them – those with brains, who take a more humane attitude toward prisoners.
Here are some examples.
CO Kelly is a funny figure. Short and very fat. His flesh hanging in folds on his massive frame. His hands and feet are very short. When he moves around, his belly is almost dragging on the floor. I’ve seen disfigured super-fat COs who keep their cool and mind their business. Not so with Kelly. He is a burst of energy, expanding his anger (and mental illness) on both prisoners and fellow COs alike.
Some motherfucken fellow officer grabbed Kelly’s drink from the cooler.
“Whatta sonofabich!”
- You should open bottle and drink a little before sticking it in the cooler. Than dude won’t take it if he sees it been opened. Hygiene is very important, because some COs can come in contact with filthy prisoners and pass some bad infections!
But woe to poor prisoner who passed Kelly without stopping and “showing respect”…
- Come back, you motherfucker! Where are you going? Don’t you, son of a bitch, see me? You show me disrespect! Stand here on the wall and don’t move! I’m writing you up! I’m transferring you to the disciplinary, you motherfucker!
I’m no psychologist, but I suspect Kelly and others like him, have an anger problem, which they relieve on damned prisoners.
Here is CO Nixon.
She is a 300 lbs. big black momma. Sometimes she is harmless… wipes her desk and chair with disinfectant, sinks in and sleeps until end of shift. This way, she does not have to see dicks and asses pissing and shitting 15 feet away in the open toilet. Or she rolls with the chair into the hall where air is better and she does not have to smell the stench of the “motherfuckers”. By the way, that is every second word that comes out of her mouth. That is how she expresses her feelings.
If some stupid idiot prisoner bothers Nixon with some request, she tells him to go to a sergeant, social worker or “next shift”. She “can’t do nothing”.
Someone told me that “sleeping” COs do just that in jail and hold a second job on the outside where they make extra money.
6 o’clock in the morning. Prisoners had breakfast and went back to sleep with sweet dreams.
Mighty roar jolts the deck. Everybody jumps!
- Hey you, motherfuckers! Throw your styrofoam in a garbage! You hoarding shit here!   Whom did I tell to throw shit in garbage?!!!
What Nixon refers to are the styrofoam trays from breakfast and lunch which we stack under the mattress to create a resemblance of pillow to lift the head up.
Nixon could get a job in Chicago Opera where she would not need a microphone. Her yelling resonates all over the building. Never heard anything like that before, except from another black momma who changes bedding in Hotel California. These two mommas can sing duets, with listeners holding earplugs, just in case. One can imagine what goes in their home and on their block in the hood. Oi!
In total contrast to Nixon is her buddy, CO “Apple”. Sorry, did not make out her name tag. She is also about 30 year old black lady, but much thinner. CO Apple wears her hair in two fluffy ponytails on the sides, like a Minnie Mouse. When I complained to CO Apple about being hungry without kosher food, she reached into her bag and handed me a huge sweet apple she brought from home for lunch.
That was very sweet of CO Apple and that is how she got her name. That apple was huge! Nobody had such an apple in jail! This apple was the envy of the whole deck and people looked at me as I savored it. And a few days later, CO Apple called me by and handed me another apple like that first one. Dudes joked that she had a crush on me and “Your girlfriend is on the shift!” LOL!
Fact is, CO Apple did her job without yelling, screaming, aggravation and abuse of prisoners. Can it be done? Apparently, yes!
There was a young white CO dude who read a criminology textbook on his shift. My buddy Richard got an apple from him as they bonded as two “Semper Fi” Marines: one jailer, another – prisoner.
There was a black dude CO who stood up for me when commissary came on Saturday, instead of Friday. I could not hold a pen or sign on Sabbath, so I prepared a receipt, saying “I’ve got my stuff” with date and signature. I also proposed that someone else sign for me. But those clerks were stubborn and would not accept that and would not give me my food. That is when CO Johnson intervened, appalled by such stupid religious discrimination and pointed to commissary supervisor that I could sue his company for that. I still did not get my food and wrote another grievance.

Lieutenant Zachariyeh
Instead of merging Zachariyeh with rest of Jailers I decided to devote a separate chapter to him. He is way too important!
I met Lieutenant Zachariyeh on Monday evening, October 15, 2012. Meeting him was an eye-opener! I understood!
On that day, I grew very anxious. All of a sudden, I could not call my family. For every number I dialed, remotely-controlled phone system replied: “You are not authorized to make this call”. Calling family and friends, staying in touch, is very important for a prisoner. All of a sudden, my only connection to the outside world was cut off. I was alarmed and upset. What in the hell is happening? Why?
I complained to CO on the deck and he told me to talk to white shirt as he himself “knows nothing”. So when “white shirt” showed up I went over to the front desk.
- Sir, my phone is cut off for no reason!
Zachariyeh ( it was him) :
- Because your family does not want to talk to you anymore!
Zachariyeh is sharp. He is excellent exquisite sadistic specialist of psychological tortures.
- What’s your name? What’s on your head? Yarmulke? Take it off! Take off your yarmulke when you are talking to me! You are not allowed head covering! What language you speak?
Here is the catch. While we never met, Zachariyeh studied my file carefully. Now he was sizing me up. I thought out my answer:
- Russian!
I noted his nametag, heavy Arabic accent, rank and attitude. If  I would answer “Hebrew”, hell knows what that idiot could do.  “Zachariyeh” definitely a “pilistinien”.  Maybe “damned Jews” took away his family’s lands, sheep and “beautiful homes” in Pilistine 70 years ago ( every nationalist arab laments great fortunes Jews stole from his great-grandpa in Pilistine ) and turned his family into “refugees” ( that’s… moving 10 to 50 miles to Jordan, Syria, Lebanon or Egypt makes arab a “refugee”. LOL! )
Arabs should take a look at millions of real, Jewish refugees, who were kicked out penniless & had to learn language & adjust in a new society!
In the end, Zachariyeh’s family ended up in Chicago probably around same time me and my family came here.  Starting as a teenager, Zachariyeh made an astonishing career in jail, to the admiration of his arab community, where police is feared and respected.  Zachariyeh himself provided expertise on middle-eastern jail practices, which seem to be appreciated by his superiors.
Conversation with Zachariyeh was brief and to the point.
- What, you think you are the only Jew in this jail? I read a dozen of you grievances about kosher food. You get no kosher food! And why you demand an I.D.? I was the one who printed you your I.D.!!!
Since I was brought from Florida without any form of identification, what was I supposed to do upon release? How can I get assistance, get around and board an airplane back home without an I.D.? So I asked for a formal I.D. from jail, since I was positively identified through the FBI’s fingerprint database. I needed a formal government issued I.D. or a Letter of Incarceration, on the letterhead, with stamp and signature. What Zachariyeh printed out was worthless and it would not be accepted at the airport or anywhere else.
But what was very important and what I finally understood, was why I got kosher dinners ( sometimes even two ) before the court dates.  Judges who issued court orders can see that prisoner is getting kosher food. Special diets, phone calls, medications, visits, even the location of the prisoner is tightly regulated and managed by jailers. In my case, it was lieutenant Zachariyeh himself who supervised me.
Sadistic jailers, like Zachariyeh, enjoy make instant new rules for prisoners “just for fun”. All of a sudden, I was not allowed to have kippah (they said “headcovering”) while in “dayroom”. “Dayroom” are few stainless steel tables by the entrance to the deck, under the TVs, where prisoners play chess, checkers, eat & do art. So, in reality, I was banned from “dayroom” activities & had to stay on my bunk because I am a Jew! LOL!
In response to “remove your yarmulke when you talking to me” & “you are not allowed head covering” I contacted my buddies in Israel to have kaffiyehs removed from arabs waiting to enter Temple Mount in Jerusalem & any arab walking the street there. That would be a proper Jewish response and the message could be sent to media explaining that it was done because a Jew was abused in Chicago by arab jailer, forcing Jew to remove his kippah. So, same is done to arabs in Israel: no headcoverings! 
To sum up Zachariyeh: no kippah, no ID, no phones and no kosher food.

Jail Doctor “I saw”!
After being dragged under cold rain and puddles in thin jail shirt and slippers on Friday, September 21, 2012, I got sick. Next day I had high fever, headache, running nose. I lay on a cot, sneezing and coughing. Guys in the deck did not like the sick, no one wanted to get infected in overcrowded conditions.
Both jailers & prisoners are scared of the epidemics!
In nazi concentration camps this problem was solved easily. Prisoners were lined up, every 2nd was called & marched to gas chambers or shooting pits. So there would be no anti-sanitary overcrowding & epidemics. But USA is a democracy with human rights… can’t do that!
On Saturday,  I asked to go to the medical dispensary, to be seen by jail doctor & get medications. My name was called on Sunday morning.
In addition to fever, I had terrible stomach pains due to indigestion, acid reflex and heartburn. I had no stool for 4 days due to lack of food and when I finally had it, lots of blood came out. I scooped blood on the tissue to present as evidence, because nobody believes motherfucken prisoner fakers.
After about an hour wait, I walked into dispensary, pointed to runny nose, fever and presented a bloody tissue.  Bloody tissue was thrown in a garbage and for fever I was offered 4 allergy pills. I asked for ibuprofen, Tylenol or at least an aspirin. Nurse replied that they had none of those. “Get 4 allergy pills or get nothing!” So I got 4 allergy pills, took them in 2 doses and they did not help any. Flu got even worse on Monday for the court date.
Seeing my miserable condition, motherfuckers stayed away & became very hostile. Nobody wanted to be near the contagious dude & get sick. But I had a court date & had to be presented to the judge.
Everyone was called, cuffed & shipped from the bullpen. I was left alone. I thought that my court date would be rescheduled, since I was very sick.
Not so. Every prisoner, still alive, must be presented to the judge.
So I was called, cuffed & put on the bus. Huge bus, used to ship 100 motherfuckers, with guards CO was driven for me only! I was the only passenger! What an honor!
On the way back, van was for me only! Van stopped at the Stroger Hospital & a motherfucker fresh after stomach surgery, still recovering from anastesia & blood loss, but in cuffs & leg irons, boarded.
He was half-consious, but told me that in Stroger Hospital surgeries are peformed by students-residents supervised by doctor. Many of these students cut & stitch live human flesh for the first time. Prisoners are excellent guinea pigs, used for medical training & experiments.
I was still very sick, running high fever next Wednesday, October 3, 2012 when I finally “saw doctor”. It was an Indian lady-doctor & she was somewhat sympathetic to fellow-immigrant, also speaking  English with an accent. I asked for ibuprophen, Tylenol or aspirin. Doctor replied that fever got to take it’s course, virus got to flush out on it’s own with warm liquids & no medications were needed.
Question is why all these drug companies make all these ibuprophens, Tylenols, aspirins & other cold & flu medications if none are needed?
As for “flushing virus” with warm liquids… I was not provided warm food, much less warm water. Tap water in Cook County Jail was bad & stinking. There was not even soap to wash hands!
 For blood in stool,  Indian lady-doctor gave me fiber & told me that I may have serious problem in the stomach. She will send me to Stroger Hospital for endoscopy if I stay in jail for another month.
Thanks, jail doctor! LOL!
Torturers in U.S. jails are not kapo guards with lead pipes, breaking bones, but medical staff, ignoring prisoners’ pain, forcefully sticking swabs through penises into guts or forcing vaginal exams on females.
Hey, nazi Doctor Mengele from Auschwitz, are those your students?
Don’t think that Jewish Political prisoner in US or Israeli jail can lay on his/her bunk, resting & spitting at the ceiling. It is not so. For Jewish Political prisoner the struggle never ends. While jailed, this kind of prisoner put through mental & physical abuse by professional torturers & sadistic psychologists skilled in breaking people. Being in jail is a 24/7 struggle, resistance for Jewish & basic Human Rights.
Democratic “human rights” USA is no different from Israel!
Jewish existence is resistance!
Proud Jewish Political Prisoner gets out of jail lean (losing weight due to luck of kosher food), mean (after abuse & tortures) & tough, ready to fight for Ahavat Yisroel & Jewish Rights on the outside!
Am Yisroel Chai! Rak KACH!

Prisoners don’t die: they transfer!
Because of the dreary surroundings, hunger, cold, abuse, sicknesses, many prisoners get depressed. Depression leads to more sicknesses & suicides, which is the leading cause of deaths in American jails.
Staying healthy is very important for prisoners.
Prisoners with terminal illnesses are often discharged “on humanitarian grounds” and dumped to die in some nursing home, saving US Dept. of Corrections the hassle of dealing with the dying, disposing of body & improving statistics. US Dept. of Justice claims that only about 1000 prisoners die in US jails each year. They bullshit. Many more Americans die in jails.
Back in 2004, a bunch of us were sitting in the bullpen in one of the underground corridors of “Hotel California”. An “elderly”, maybe about 55 year old, little Hispanic grandpa was trotting along the hall with the help of the cane. Here he stopped for a moment, tripped, fell down in convulsions… Here he lay on the filthy floor, twisting, than goes still. We saw all this and yell for the CO to come. Lazy fat CO poked body with his boot, but grandpa did not move. CO said something into his walkie-talkie… In about half-hour paramedics came, tried CPR, placed body on the gurney, covered it with sheet and took it away.
Good bye, grandpa…

Prisoners have good time!
Main challenge facing majority prisoners in American jails is mental stress and need to stay normal, cool and as much stress-free as possible. Prisoner must find comfort. Jailers, on the other hand, try to create most punishing, restricting, uncomfortable, torturing environment with the least of personal involvement. Thus, jail is the battlefield of psychological warfare.
Concrete walls, heavy metal doors, barbed wire, chain-link fences, drab colors, uniforms, limitations of movement, intimidation, abuse,  idleness and boredom add more stress. Strict & senseless “rules and regulations”, limited communications with family and friends, restricted possessions of basic necessities, bad food, threats from crazy inmates and COs, anxiety from the judicial system cause such psychological pressure, that even a healthy young man can die from.
Prisoners fight all the above in their own crafty ways. One of the most effective stress-relievers are communications with fellow inmates. It is important to find yourself good friends and stick together. Another stress-reliever is sleep. Prisoners sleep as much as possible. When awake, they watch TV, play cards, monopoly, chess, checkers and any other fun game. Food is a very important source of comfort. Better food is purchased from the commissary and “cooked” in the evening, after the dinner.
I’ve seen amazing virtuosos of the culinary talents. How do you prepare an authentic looking hotdog in jail? And various tacos and salads from commissary tuna, mayonnaise, eggs and other ingredients? There were many other good dishes, painstakingly prepared by the inmates. Tastes good & makes one feel good!
And there were artists. Have you seen beautiful pink roses made out of toilet paper? Or hand painted cards? And how do the artists get different colors? They rub ink from magazine illustrations into their work.
Newspapers are forbidden to inmates and considered contraband. But we get them from lazy COs who throw them in the garbage. And those newspapers are fresh or only a few days old. There are few books circulating around. In Brevard jail max books there were plentiful, but in Cook there are very few. My mom sent me few books in the mail. I got them and readers in the deck enjoyed these books too.

Chicago Jewish Community in clutches of Leftists-Liberals
Official, establishment US Jewish organizations are tools of rich leftist-liberal elites. Besides trying to manipulate US Jewish Community from behind the scenes, these outfits often make statements “in the name of the American Jews”. They lie! Besides some arrogand “president” & few of his buddies, there is nothing behind any of these outfits. Fa;ade. A soap bubble! None of the “Major American Jewish Organization” speaks for American Jews! They all lie! Majority of American Jews are in opposition to these elitish snobs! In fact, most American Jews on the street support struggle of the Kahanist Movement. We are the American Jewish power! Kahanists speak for American Jews!
 Chicago Jewish community numbers over 250,000. It is the fifth largest Jewish Community in U.S.A. Activities of the Chicago Jewish community are tightly controlled by the local Jewish Federation, fake rabbis and corrupt official organizations. No dissent is tolerated. “Radicals” are ostracized and “disciplined” by cooperating law enforcement. Chicago Jewish community is very corrupt. It is crooked from the very top to the very bottom.  Official Jewish Organizations are a bunch of liars, manipulators and double-faced hypocrites. Just like they ignore sufferings of their brothers in Israel, so they disregard a pain of their own people under their nose. US Major “Jewish” Organizations are nothing but a pile of fat cemetery worms, feeding off the death wills & stupidity of the brainwashed yids. As a result, t

here are very few caring Jews in Chicago …
Democratic congresswoman Jan Schakowsky is a darling of Chicago pseudo-Jewish outfits & leftists-liberals. That creature was born Jewish of the Russian-Jewish parents! One could hardly find another lying stinking hypocrate pinko self-hating Israel-hating arab-terrorist-lover like Jan Schakowsky. Schakowsky was married to a goy crook convicted felon thief Harvey. Now Schakowsky is married to another goy crook convicted felon thief Robert Creamer, who organized mentally-ill homeless scum to disrupt Republican rallies.
I met Jan Schakowsky in Lincolnwood Hotel on Touhy Avenue in 1995. Schakowsky brought her buddy, self-hating leftist Israeli traitor & Oslo War criminal named Colette Avital to speak. Kach & Kahane Chai Chicago chapters came to counter-demonstrate against Avital.  Kahane Chai leaflet exposed Avital as a leftist arab terrorism appeaser. Schakowsky was outraged, eyed me & sent sheriff to escort me home, get my car license plate, point me to her snitches & to start a file on me.
Such is a leftist pig Illinois congresswoman Jan Schakowsky. I am sure, that creature, together with FBI & cops orchestrated my arrests & harassment later on.
Such are the methods of U.S. “democracy” & such is U.S. “Democratic” Party!
After I came back from Israel, still shocked but what I saw in Samaria, Chicago Jewish Federation, in December 2000, held a fancy fundriser in downtown, featuring Jay Leno, the comedian. Federation raised money to line up pockets of it’s top parasites, like Steve Nasatir, who fleeced Chicago Jews for over 40 years at $500,000.00 a year.
What’s left  -  to help… Israeli Arabs!!! This was while Israeli Jews were slaughtered!!!
Chicago Jewish Federation fat cats were laughing not at Leno’s jokes, but at the murdered Jews, whom arabs slaughtered in Israel every day! Chicago Jewish Federation funded these jew-hating murderers. Not a penny went to victims of arab terror. Not a word of comfort to grieving orphants, widows & widowers!
These same snobbish leftist-liberal elitist rich cats were the most ecstatic supporters of failed “Oslo Peace”. When Oslo War, result of their “peace”, broke out, these leftists-liberals never took responsibility, never helped bloodied victims of their stupidity!
That is how all official U.S. Jewish outfits acted in those days!
Remember that, Jews!
Remember that when US pseudo-jewish outfits come to you to solicit donations!
We, few Kahane Chai activists, picketed that Jewish Federation fundriser. I saw Steven Hasatir’s worried snout, peeking from behind the curtain. Police came. But we passed leaflets & talked to few gullible brainwashed Jews.

Chicago Jews and their Kosher inmates
For over a month in Cook County Jail I was not able to get on the Kosher Diet list, got food sporadically and had to go hungry. Fellow sympathetic prisoners shared some of their meager rations with me… quarts of  milk, tiny containers of peanut butter, jelly and other items with kosher mark on the packaging.
 Visiting Christian chaplains sarcastically informed me:
- It is very hard to get kosher diet. It takes a month…
If in nazi consentration camp during the Holocaust it would take that long to get kosher food, most Jewish prisoners would die of starvation after arrival. You compare!
Fact is… I could not get kosher food for over a month.
After 52 days in jail I lost over 20 lbs. & got lean.
I was not alone. Other Jewish prisoners were in exactly same situation.
There are two Rabbi-Chaplains in Cook County Jail, Scheiman and Wolf. Both are worthless, as they are not able to do anything for the Jewish inmates. Woe to poor  Chicago Jew who get DUIs & get jailed for drinking on Purim or Simchat Torah! There are few Jewish “Matir Assurim” Prisoner Assistance Organizations. There are at least a half-dozen more nationwide. All of them are worthless too.
And countless Jewish judges, lawyers, elected and appointed officials, and all others, pulling living off the “justice” system… Where are they when the Jewish inmates need help exercising their First Amendment rights?
Torah commands to help an imprisoned Jew. “Matir Asurim” is a great mitzvah. Every Jew, even a criminal, must be helped keeping mitzvot in jail.
Chicago Jews don’t care. And that is why they are lousy Jews and bad citizens of their own country & community.
Speech I gave before sentencing
Sentencing is a most important and stressful event in criminal’s life. Many times severity of the sentencing depends on judge’s mood and what his/her honor had for dinner, morning commute, etc.
Sentencing for the case I described in the Chapter ‘Blyad’ files false charges’ came on 10th of October 2012 at 55 W.Harrison. This was the case that persuaded me to run away from Illinois over 8 years ago. Thus, sentencing was a bit delayed. LOL! Judge was a good-looking lady of about 40. My mom, my son were present. So was the Blyad’ and her mentally ill hubby.
Here is my speech to the open court:
I am 53 years old. I had 2 ex-wives and a number of girlfriends, including Sadkhina. With all of them I parted amicably and with some I am still friends. Sadkhina is the only one running around yelling “He wants to kill me!”
Myself and my family know Sadkhina for the past 17 years and we predict her behavior very accurately. Sadkhina came to US about 20 years ago and went on unending spree of fraud, cheating and lying. Sadkhina defrauded Public Aid, Social Security Administration SSI Program for tens of thousands of dollars. She stole tens of thousands of dollars from me and my family.
To escape Sadkhina’s lies and fraudulent criminal cases she fabricated against me, I run away to Florida 8.5 years ago. If I would not had run to Florida, I would  be a dead victim of  half-dozen cases fabricated by Sadkhina and her false witnesses.
Sadkhina is pursuing me with the fury of the cheated street whore.
Case in front of your honor is a fraudulent fabricated case. Sadkhina created this case to extend an Order of Protection that was about to expire in a month. Using Order of Protection Sadkhina had me arrested for no reason. This court can wrongly assume I am insanely enraged at Sadkhina. This claim is not true. This court can assume that my son, who was a witness than, at age 11, was under my spell. This is not true either. But nobody can assume that my mother, who was 70, who was with us, would let me approach Sadkhina, flanked by her brother Peter Sadkhin, about 200 lbs., and Hershkovich, about 300 lbs., and threaten them, as they claim.
How could an 11 year old kid and 70 year old lady run alongside with me on the busy morning rush-hour street in downtown Chicago to catch up with Sadkhina and her buddies???
Truth is, that fraudster and a liar Sadkhina, her brother, convicted felon thief Peter Sadkhin and a clown, dressed as a rabbi, named Naftali Hershkovich, for whom neither the Ten Commandments not swearing under oath holds any value… all of them lied and perjured themselves.
I am telling this court in a loud and clear voice that my mother, who worked hard and honestly all her life and my son, who is a young religious leader and an honor roll student, do not lie.
I would like to inform this court that I am not a crybaby and I can live through the hardships and serve an unjust punishment for something that I did not do.
My friends, who know me for many years, are outraged at the brutal tortures and abuse I received over the past 12 years.
Society will pay a very high price for the failures of police, DA’s office and judiciary to expose the lies of Sadkhina and others like her.
Thank you!
Court must have felt something, but without opening the can of worms and with expressed desire to end the case, I got sentenced to time served. I consider this a victory. I beat this case.
After the sentencing, a tall blond good-looking lady sergeant and a stocky deputy came to my holding cell. Earlier, they passed me a kippah that my daughter knitted for me in Israel, brought by my son. I told them that I could not wear it all the time in jail for fear it be confiscated. They also knew about the issue of kosher food from the orders issued by the judge. Lady sergeant filed a complaint on my behalf regarding kippah and kosher food. She sent it to the command in jail and after that I got kosher dinners, sometimes even two at a time, but only before the court dates. Kudos to that lady sergeant. I did not make out her name tag. That sergeant must be appalled by shameful sadistic abuse of prisoners that equates some police and COs with criminals.
Deputy who worked with her, complimented me on the speech and laughed at “pursuing me with the fury of the cheated street whore” and “a clown, dressed as a rabbi”.
Thus ended my most serious case that started with “No Bond”.

I get out of jail … free!
On October 25, 2012, I was brought to Skokie Circuit court for a hearing on Blyad’ Petition for Order of Protection request. As usual, Blyad’ lied on the petition, claiming that she was married to me & claiming residency in Illinois, while giving a Wisconsin address. Neither DA nor victim’s advocate had problem with this. Even judge took petition seriously and scheduled a hearing.
At the hearing, judge, a lady, apologetically announced that the petitioner (Blyad’) resides in Wisconsin.  Respondent (me) reside in Florida. Therefore, she’ve got no jurisdiction. As simple as that. It took about 5 minutes. DA opened her mouth to protest, but was cut off and advised to direct petitioner to seek a OOP in home state.
I won. Blyad’ lost.
State of Illinois lost about $15,000 paying for my arrest, holding in “bubble” in Florida, flying 2 deputies back and forth, my airplane ticket, Cook County Jail upkeep and medical issues. All added to US budget deficit.
Sum up…
February 4, 2018
Open Letter to the Governor of Illinois, Bruce Vincent Rauner, from Mar Avrom Ben Gershon   
I am Avrom Ben Gershon ( former slave call “Mr. Alex Shekhtman”), 59 years old resident in Florida, formerly of Illinois.
In October 2000, I volunteered to defend My People against murderous arab terrorist attacks in Samaria, Israel. For 3 weeks I proudly guarded small Jewish Village in Samaria, under arab terrorist bullets & ambushes. I helped start 4th Jewish Legion, Israel Best Friend (IBF), Israel Civilian Dog Unit - security unit that operates today & credited with averting many arab terrorist attacks on Jews, saving numerous lives. I issued a call for volunteers & 400 brave American Jewish & Christian Patriots, including Illinoisans, came to Israel during Oslo War & thereafter, bravely & selflessly guarding Jewish civilians in Samaria, Judea & throughout Israel against murderous arab terrorist attacks.
In April 2001, Glenview, IL cops broke into my home, illegally arrested me, jailed me, brought me to Cook County Jail where jailers subjected me to nazi-like sadistic tortures, forcing long wooden stick deep into my penis into intestines, resulting in trauma, bleeding, swelling, inability to urinate, excruciating pain, mental abuse & humiliation.
Thereafter, I was illegally arrested numerous times by Illinois cops. I was sadistically tortured in Cook County Jail where jailers forced wooden stick in my penis 4 times. I was forced to strip naked by Illinois jailers on freezing cold & kept naked, freezing, for over an hour. I suffocated from bronchitis, illegally jailed & denied medical help.
I was illegally banned from my home & was homeless, living on the streets, for 2 years, 2001-2003. During that time I endured more illegal arrests, sadistic tortures, malicious persecution at the hands of Illinois cops, courts, jailers & other criminal abusers employed by State of Illinois.
FBI agents illegally broke into my home, combed my possessions for “evidence” which they shipped to New York, for “investigation” which lasted from 2001 to 2009. That fake “investigation” ended with no results & few items stolen were returned to me by FBI agents.
Two of my dear beloved little children, Leah Havah & Leibl Meir, were illegally ripped from me by the cops & agents of the State of Illinois. I was illegally arrested & sadistically abused for trying visitation, ordered by Cook County court.
In 2002, corrupt prosecutors of your State indicted me as “leader of Jewish terrorist organization”, carrying “20 to life” jail sentence.
I am a Class Member of Young vs. Cook County, 06 CV 552 N.D.Ill, received silly contemptuous inadequate “compensation” of $736 & $300 for these sadistic tortures.
I filed 2 complains to Federal Court, N.D.Ill which were rejected without hearings.
I was threatened with death, more jailings, sadistic tortures and abuse by agents, employed by State of Illinois. At that time two of my dear friends, Irv Rubin & Earl Kruger, were illegally arrested & murdered by FBI in California. In 2004, in order to escape death & nazi tortures, I run from Illinois to Florida, becoming an internal refugee in the United States.
In August 2012, on order of Governor of Illinois, I was illegally arrested, subjected to more sadistic tortures, jailing & abuse & extradited to State of Illinois. I was jailed in Cook County Jail for 52 days, abused, hungry, denied food & medical care while sick, bleeding, suffocating. I lost 20 lbs. of weight & suffer from numerous health problems because of this abuse & previous tortures in your state.
Your state shamelessly posted online an illegal extortion of $109,192.00 while I am an indigent person, receiving $192/month Food Stamps in Florida, disabled & not employed from September 2001 on, as a result of sadistic tortures perpetrated by criminals, employed by your State.
I was a silent abused victim of sadistic tortures for over 17 years.
I admonish you, Bruce Vincent Rauner, Governor of Illinois, that I am silent no more.
I demand that you, Bruce Vincent Rauner, Governor of Illinois, stop & desist immediately, upon receipt of this letter, all illegal terrorist activities perpetrated by your cops, courts, jailers & all other agents employed by Illinois, against American People, residents of Illinois and other persons.
I demand that you, Bruce Vincent Rauner, Governor of Illinois, take full & complete responsibility for terrorist crimes & sadistic nazi tortures perpetrated by your cops, courts, jailers & all other agents employed by Illinois, against American People, residents of Illinois and other persons.
I demand that you, Bruce Vincent Rauner, Governor of Illinois, honestly expose sneaky cowardly conspiracy & all illegal manipulations between FBI & your cops that led to illegal arrests, tortures & abuse of my person for honorably & bravely standing up to save My People’s lives & injuries from arab terrorism in Israel.
I demand that you, Bruce Vincent Rauner, Governor of Illinois, fully compensate me, Avrom Ben Gershon – (former slave call - Alex Shekhtman), for sadistic tortures, terrorist abuse, illegal arrests, medical neglect, lost income, dispossession, cost of my escape from Illinois, mental abuse, etc.
I demand that you, Bruce Vincent Rauner, Governor of Illinois, to immediately, upon the receipt of this letter, remove me as a “delinquent parent”, permanently close Child Support Case #2001D0079514;  NCP RIN 159642636 & pay my children proper compensation.
I demand that you, Bruce Vincent Rauner, Governor of Illinois, to appoint & pay psychologists to restore relationship between my dear beloved children, that were illegally ripped from me, Leah Havah & Leibl Meir & myself, their loving father.
Shall you, Bruce Vincent Rauner, Governor of Illinois, ignore this humble letter, I will denounce & curse you, your family, your cops, courts, jailers & all other agents employed by Illinois, yours & theirs possessions, designs, plans & aspirations:
I will circulate this letter far & wide, for all people to see what shameful crimes, sadistic tortures, criminal terrorist abuse State of Illinois’ corrupt cops, courts, jailers & all other corrupt agents employed by Illinois, perpetrated & how they continue terrorist abuse of American People & myself, for standing up for My People in their hour of distress, against murderous arab terrorism.
I hereby place ancient Hebrew curse, G-d’s Al-Mighty’s anger, upon your head & upon the heads of your family, cops, courts, jailers & all other agents employed by Illinois.
I pray to L-rd of the World to smite & destroy you, your family, your property & such of cops, courts, jailers & all other agents employed by Illinois, like L-rd had smitten Egyptian pharaoh and ilk with plagues & righteous anger.
Mar Avrom Ben Gershon / (Mr. Alex Shekhtman)

Ripping American children from their loving fathers…
Recently, under pressure from humanitarians, Trump signed an execuitive order banning US immigration cops from ripping children from illegal undocumented aliens & families illegally crossing the US border.
Of course, US Jewish organizations were on the forefront of this action, which smacked of nazi practices in ghettoes & concentration camps. There, children were ripped from parents & murdered. In 1920s to 1980s, Soviets ripped kids from religious & “enemies of people” parents & “re-educated” them in orphanages.
In US, 2,300 children of the undocumented were separated in recently. 500 were already reunited with their parents after Trump’s execuitive order got enacted.  It was announced on the news yesterday.
If the child was born in USA, he/she is a US citizen by law & ICE got no jurisdiction. Same if the child is underage. But undocumented parents are felons, up for jail & deportation.
I agree that policy of ripping children is barbarian & it must stop.
But what about of ripping millions, yes, millions of American children from the US citizens, mostly fathers, who’s only “crime” is that some bitch can’t get along???
“Visitation” was specified in Order of Protection filed against me in court. But order said that either of my parents had to be present during the “visitation”. I guess reason was that I was “dangerous”. But for my other kid,  Eliezer/Louis I was “not dangerous”. How is that?
My dad was 72 & had heart attacks & a stroke. My mom was 63, but she had to drive 30 miles from where she lived.  I “visited” Leah & Lenny few times with one of my parents. But neither my dad nor my mom could take it any more. My lawyer suggested to judge that other persons may be present during “visitation”… friend, psychologist, volunteer… maybe I was not “dangerous” either…
But Blyad’, being a vindictive bitch she is, insisted that only my ailing dad or tired mom must be there… or no “visitation”.
If I come to pick up kids without dad or mom, I’d be arrested & jailed again.
As simple as that!
That is why I could not see my own children anymore!
That is what corrupt Illinois regime had done to Leah-Hava & Lenny/Leybl-Meir, using vindictive bitch Blyad’, who would not let me see my own children!
Who gave Blyad’ that power?
 – Terrorist regime that rules Illinois!
This terrorist act of abuse shall not be forgotten!
So where are these humanitarian US Jewish organizations? Why they are silent while nazi crime is taking place under their nose?
Dual loyalty…
Some US jew-haters, mimicked by some stupid US Jews, claim that American Jews got “dual loyalty” and thus not totally loyal to the United States. Dudes who spread this lie are the worst enemies of the United States of America.
In reality, there is only One Loyalty for American Jews: loyalty to G-d, Torah, Jewish Idea, Jewish People & to the Land of Israel.
US Jew can be a member of US Armed Forces, elected or appointed to the US Government Office & only need to have that One Loyalty.
Because a Good Jew is a Good American Citizen.
Bad, lousy Jew who does not believe G-d, does not have any loyalties is a lousy American. Bad Jew is a crook without any values. Such liar & sneak can not be trusted. Such creature is a potential traitor in US Army & corrupt brat in any office.
- And what if there will be a war between USA & Israel?
In such a case, Jew must be on the G-d’s side. And on who’s side G-d is going to be if there is a war between USA & Israel?
More realistic is the Civil War in the US. One just ended 150 years ago.
Of course, if leftists-liberals illegally overtake Israeli Government, it is duty of the United States to intervene. Israeli Patriots, all Loyal Jews, will gladly help USA overthrow leftists & restore Jewish rule in Israel.
- And what about the Jonathan Pollard, Israeli spy?
Jonathan Pollard was no spy but a loyal American patriot who did his sacred patriotic duty. Jonathan was wronged by crooks in US Government & spent 30 (!) years in US jail.
Jonathan Pollard is a great hero of the United States & of Am Yisroel!
Get rid of disloyal crooks on the US Government’s payroll & there will be no “Israeli spies” ever.

Who was real, historic Jesus? Why Jews don’t convert?
There is over a billion of Christians in the world. Christianity is world’s most numerous religion. Judaism have less than 15 million followers… Torah Judaism got only about  2 millions adherents. So why don’t Jews accept Jesus & convert???
Truth is ( and Jews know it since Jesus rumored to be one of them )… Jesus never existed.
How’s so?
Jews, Hebrews, believe in One G-d, Creator of Heavens & the Earth, Father of every human.
Yes, all and each one of us is a CHILD of G-d.
Over 2,000 years ago, idol-worshipping Romans conquered The Land of Israel. Jews fought back. Romans sent legions, crucified tens of thousands of Hebrews on crosses.
Hebrews uprose.
Romans destroyed Jewish Temple in Jerusalem, murdered, sold into slavery, crucified hundreds of thousands of Hebrews. Romans were so enraged, they re-named Judea, Israel, into “Palestine” after Philistinian jew-haters, to erase even the memory of the Jews & Their Land.
First “christians” were Jews & “early Christianity” was a Jewish sect, like Essenes in Judean Desert.
Little by little, 200 years after Judean Revolt, Christian “New Testament” got written. All these thousands of Jews, crucified for their faith in One G-d, became “jesus”. Stories of “jesus” got composed by idol-worshippers who hated Jews. All kinds of lies got written to blame Jews & whitewash the Romans.
For example, Jews stand up for one another “Kol Yisrael arevim zeh le-zeh”: Jews would never ever hand fellow Jew to be murdered by idol-worshippers. Only Romans crucified people. Yet, fake “New Testament” claims that Jews demanded “his blood be on us & our children”. This is a lie, written by idol-worshippers! Jews are not even allowed to touch blood because Torah tells that where the soul is. Much less would they spill blood on themselves. Christians murdered & abused Jews for many centuries as sport, claiming that Jews killed “jesus” and Jewish children are responsible. Truly, Jewish Blood is on these Christians who burn in hell for their crimes.
Christianity is an attempt to mix roman-greek idol-worship & Judaism. Christianity is a fake false religion. That is why “trinity” got invented. “trinity” is a lie!
G-d is One & His Name is One!
G-d got no “family”. It comes from greek-roman idols.
But kings & rulers liked Christianity: it unified their subjects, made ruling easier & helped raise larger armies. No wonder, “loving” Christians started most wars & “lovingly” murdered more people than any other religion by any count.
1700 years ago, Hebrews were crushed & stomped into dust in Israel & in Diaspora. They laid low for 300 years.
But True Faith can not be destroyed.
Jewish Faith, Torah, Hebrew language, Judean culture survived in secret under the persecution.
It can never be silenced by anyone: not by Christians, not by moslems, not by Bolsheviks, not by Nazis & not by leftist-liberal western “democrats”.
Remember, there are Jews, even today, who will die for  One G-d, go to jail, get tortured. There is Land of Israel. There is a State, even manipulated by USA, EU, forced to jail, abuse and expel Jews from their homes on their own Land.
We fight!
Torah is our faith, G-d is our help!

Are U.S. Jews oppressed like Soviet or nazi-era Jews?
Soviets took away Jewish culture, religion, language & turned it’s Jews into voiceless slaves. Nazis forbade Jewish services, forced rabbis & Torah scholars publicly clean toilets before murdering Jews.
In USA, Jewish culture is destroyed. Very few Jews even know alef-beis. Jewish identity is persecuted. See how FBI raided & destroyed the only Jewish Identity Center in USA, in Brooklyn, back in January 2001, described here earlier. There is no Jewish culture nor Jewish identity in USA. It is gone.
Most US Jews attend synagogues once or twice a year: on Yom Kippur & Rosh HaShana. Normal people do not come at all, because US synagogues, led by crooked pseudo-rabbis, became fleshpots where Jews are brainwashed & parted with their money.
Saintly Rav Meir Kahane, ZT’L, back in 1970s, called US Judaism a poisoned jungle. 
This is even more so 40 years later.
You, dude, may be wondering why such an important “jew-terrorist” like myself stooped down to fighting some ex-girlfriend “the Blyad’”. I wonder about it too. But honestly, I do not fight her… if it was up to me, I would settle all issues with her amicably years ago. It is not the illiterate stupid, Blyad’, it is the US regime who fights me, using Blyad’ as a battering ram. Blyad’ and the system gained from this fight as much as arabs gained fighting Israel.
As for stooping down fighting your own vs. the real enemy… for the same reason the “Che Guevara” from Cook County Jail, described earlier, instead of liberating his community from oppression, went shooting fellow blacks. See Pol Pot regime of Cambodia, who instead of building great socialist society, drowned it in blood. Life is funny sometimes. I keep that in mind, in contrast, I defended myself against Blyad’, never attacking.
I don’t know for sure, because I do not have the proofs, but it is possible that Israeli ShaBaKnik from “Information Dept.” back in 2000, did not bullshit. State is able to create conspiracy against citizens where reason can never be found. If this is so, security services cynically used Blyad’s mental illness, endangered the welfare of little children, stole children’s childhood, loving & caring father & created a social problem. Those are their stupid “accomplishments”. They did not hurt Kahane Movement in any way.
I feel myself very lucky: I had been on the frontlines of struggle and learned a thing or two.  I exposed the methods oppressive regime uses trying to break up good people. I think it is important for the people to know these methods. I believe the time will come when justice will prevail & regime’s filthy criminals will be held liable & punished mercilessly & severely.
During the nazi genocide, Jews in one small Eastern European town were dragged to main square, where some were murdered, others maimed, wounded, raped & beaten in front of their families.
Old rabbi, seeing blood flowing, was yelling in Yiddish:  “Shriben, yidn, shriben!” / “Write, Jews, write!”
Some may find this old man’s words comical in the situation, but historically they make great sense.
Illiterate Sadkhina was not able to pull such campaign of harassment: it was orchestrated. While I have no prima fascia evidence, I do think that Blyad’ was used as a pawn by the government officials, FBI, courts & cops to harass me.
Nazis wasted valuable wartime manpower burning corpses of their victims, even digging them out of the mass graves. They tried to hide their monstrosities.
Soviet law allowed prosecution for “teaching zionist language”- Hebrew. KGB filed false criminal charges against activists and dissidents.
In 1979, Yuli Edelstein, who is Israel’s government minister today, became an underground Hebrew teacher in the Soviet Union. He encountered various forms of harassment from the KGB and local police. In 1984, he and other Hebrew teachers were arrested on trumped-up charges. Edelstein was charged with possession of drugs and sentenced to three and a half years of hard labor in Siberia.
On Nov.19, Yakov Levy, a Hebrew teacher in Odessa, was sentenced to three years’ imprisonment for “anti-Soviet slander”. Josef Berenstein of Kiev, also a teacher of Hebrew, was sentenced to four years in prison on a charge of resisting police officers. Hebrew teachers, Aleksander Kholmiansky of Moscow and Yakov Mesh of Odessa, were arrested too. Kholmiansky is charged with possession of a firearm, and Mesh, like Berenstein, with resisting police.
Thus, as even by magic, many Jewish activists, anti-communist dissidents, critics of Soviet regime, also became lowly despised criminals. Because only mentally ill and a criminals criticize “glorious Soviet Union, best country in the world!” LOL!
Officials in United States, government that calls itself civilized, constitutional & democratic, adopted this great idea. U.S. Government developed most sneaky, cunning methods of turning critics into criminals.
If US Government would be honest, it would charge me with holding “extremist” views. That is my only “crime”. But the Constitution does not allow jailing people for merely holding a religious or political opinion. They tried! See chapter “How this Jew-boy got indicted for Leadership in the Terrorist Organization. Ouch!”  So I can understand why DA and FBI had to charge me with fake crimes in order to get me punished.
In reality, I’m no “extremist” & my views and values are not radical but Torah-true & REALISTIC. I follow my great teacher’s, Rabbi Meir David Kahane’s vision. The time will come!  People who are ahead of their time… prophets & visionaries… had to wait… usually in jail… intil general public will realize that their “crazy” predictions were correct.
That is why Rabbi Kahane, ZT’L, was such a prophet & a visionary!
Let it be crystal-clear: I am an American Patriot, loyal son of American People. It is the wicked US regime that I oppose & demand to change.
Since 1968, when Rabbi Meir Kahane, ZT”L, started the Jewish Defense League, and to this day, Kahanist Movement never had any confrontation with the Government of the United States. And this is despite all the harassment & persecution we endured from that regime. Yet, at times, like during our struggle to free Soviet Jews, US Government was part of that effort. US Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger, advocated Soviet Breznev to free “refuseniks” & easy-up emigration. That is when US Government realized how beneficial the Kahanist Movemrnt is to the USA.
And American People, simple people, were and always will be our most loyal & sympathetic friends & allies.
Seeing what is going on in America, knowing the plight of the Jewish People here and in Israel, I know that Kach, Kahane Chai and related groups, contrary to label, are not terrorists because they are not terrorizing anybody & never did.

Methods U.S. Government uses to terrorize innocent people & violate the Constitution of the United States

U.S. regime is torturing & persecuting not only a handful of Jewish Patriots. No! U.S. regime is terrorizing all of Jews of America by scaring & intimidating them, using Jewish Patriots as a scapegoats. That is why U.S. regime murdered Irv Rubin, ZT’L, & Earl Kruger, ZT’L, and than mocked their memory with “suicide” claims. That is why U.S. regime kept Jonathan Pollard in jail for 30 years for ficticious crimes. There is much more!
USA is a lawless land, ruled by lying criminal clique.
Regime uses various means to murder dissidents, but enjoys to sadistically torture them first.
Classic scenario is to Isolate, than Disposess, than Torture & Abuse using the oppressive apparatus, than – Murder.
FBI used elitist crooks of US pseudo-Jewish outfits to spread rumor that the JDL is on the US regime’s “terrorist list” & thus “outlawed”. This is a lie! No surprise for me: I remember KGB using simular false rumors to terrorize Soviet Jews!
U.S. regime cunningly manipulating pseudo-jewish outfits & crooks to drive it’s point into the brains of each & every American Jew.
U.S. regime is terrorizing our American Jewish Community!
As you, reader, can see, United States of America is ruled by a criminal terrorist mafia. This mafia holds power by brainwashing American People with propaganda, fake rigged elections & brutal force.
Every Jewish Patriot, Jewish activist should learn & know what he/she will face. Struggle for Am Yisroel, struggle for justice in American society knows no cowards. Get ready for abuse!
Dudes who orchestrate this illegal sadistic abuse are “professionals” & they do it regularly.
When regime have no jurisdiction to torture you, it will file false fabricated charges.
In my case, it used Blyad’, a powerless illiterate creature that regime manipulated to abuse me.

How do you call regime that murders & tortures?
Such regime is terrorist! Such regime is a government that is aiding & abetting terrorism! Such regime is a government sponsoring terrorism!
Terrorists are sizable parts of U.S. states’ and Federal “law enforcement”, jailers, elected, appointed & hired bureaucrats from the low courthouse clerk all the way up to the “Chief” in White House & everyone in between, who assists them. These, compose largest terrorist organization humanity had known. In contrast to the Nazis, Bolsheviks and Al Qaeda, who already received some justice, these terrorists do not take responsibility for their crimes & so far are unpunished. They are pretty arrogant and do not report to anybody. Not yet.
U.S. Government’s sponsored terrorism abusing freedom-loving American People; it tears up the fabric of society, creating a revolutionary situation that will break up this great Nation.
Stern warning to the US regime!
Jews, since antiquity, lived in almost every country as a defenseless minority. To most countries’ cultures & economies, Jews contributed significantly more than their proportion in native population. In the past 1,800 years, Jews were model minority in every land they lived, despite the persecutions.
 Per word of Rabbi Meir Kahane, ZT’L, murdered by Al Queida terrorist in New York:
- United States of America is the best country for Jews, after Israel.
Rav said that was before the Oslo Treachery, as our Rabbi was murdered in 1990.
- But what was, is not what will be!
Oslo Treachery, US regime betraying Israel, was unprecedented;  resulting in Oslo War, over 1,000 Israeli Jews murdered & 10,000 wounded by arab terrorists in 2000-2005. Behavior can be compared to the Munich Pact of 1938, which US Government secretly approved.  “Munich” resulted  in WWII & The Holocaust.
“Oslo” resulted in 9/11 & wars in Iraq & Afghanistan,…
There has never been any Jewish organization presenting threat to the security of the United States. Ever! And none is in sight!
Jew-hate practiced by the US Govermnent, persecution of Jewish Patriots, is stupid & illogical. It does not make any sense.
So why United States Government (less so under Trump) is twisting Israeli Govermnent to appease arabs? Why did the Government of the United States placed dozens of Jewish organizations & groups on it’s “Designated List”? Why were Irv Rubin, ZT’L, & Earl Kruger, ZT’L, murdered? Why were Jewish Patriots tortured & jailed in the United States?
As a loyal American citizen, I demand from the US regime that treachery of Israel & the persecution of  the American Jewish Patriots stop. Otherwise, G-d will judge the Government of the USA & punish this country.
Destruction of comfortable American society will happen sooner than anyone expects. See what happened in history.
Every regime that persecuted Jews got violently destroyed!
It is beyong the reason. This defies logic.
Pay heed, US regime!
G-d, Creator of the Heavens & the Earth, is watching!
G-d is hearing the cries of Israel!
