Mind Transformation 120

S: 7.4
a: 3:20
w: 10:00
Wbw, Intuit, Banya, Luca, Bonevac.
c –  10/5, c.p. – 2, u – 3, m – 20.
I will think in English. Today I’m going to talk about the method I describe earlier. This system seems to me very nice. It’s pretty easy to add a minute per day to the exercise which develops your likely skill. After a month there might be made a break, and for the next month a given amount of time is going to be the same. If you start from 25 minutes then, at the end of a month, there is almost an hour. If you follow this method for the whole year you develop strong habits and it’s quite simple to learn 5 hours each day afterwards. I need to specify it.

To the beginning: http://www.proza.ru/2018/03/10/1530
Next: http://www.proza.ru/2018/08/21/757
