1ingl. simple accompaniment on a guitar. introduct


This continuation темы_ an ELECTRONIC MAGAZINE, that is begun in _ INTRODUCTION In RUSSIAN GROOVE 1_ 2, and GAME ON a GUITAR ON СЛУХ_1, 2. These files At the top of the list - that is not in folders and, you can use the Text at own discretion, for example: To save in a separate text file, but most interesting is the IMAGES, IT And IS MY PAGES. As a rule I stick together them in a small magazine, pages up to 50. The image is possible _ПОВЕРНУТЬ And TO UNPACK(PRINT OUT). Quality sufficient for repeated listing. Besides in this magazine on your verses I have picked up accompaniment, it is possible to try to play, and then depending on your abilities in guitar accompaniment you Will hear a melody.
From many similar files such almost half on my page devoted to game on a guitar, and selection of a melody to songs in the following. This time I shall try to give more simple guitar support, that is вернусь to the Beginning, and whenever possible I shall recollect, as I Began To master a guitar.
It seems that to me, as well as much гитаристам up to me managed to develop the SYSTEM of RECORD of a MELODY without a standard spelling by the notes. I Have united approximately up to 5 variants of record of a melody FOR a GUITAR. It and combination of figures of ACCORD GRIDS, such as a chord Ам_Е_Dm, that is standard, but as are given as рисунка_ ADDITION of the ADDITIONAL NOTES МИЗИНЦЕМ- by 5 finger To CHORDS, that is I use by such reception, AS GAME by CHORDS, With an ADDITIONAL BASS, THAT USE ГИТАРИСТЫ, THAT PLAY ON HEARING.
This гитарист - a man play on guitar-  , often is Fate and Поп the musician PLAYS ON HEARING, NOT KNOWING the NOTES, you not only will understand, HOW IT IS POSSIBLE TO PLAY, NOT KNOWING the NOTES СООВСССЕММ, BUT ABOUT IT WILL BE IN DETAIL TOLD.
HOW TO PICK UP a MELODY ON HEARING you will understand on examples.
Now I have up to ten poems from This site rather interesting, and they quite will approach for execution(performance) by you at the first stage, as I shall tell, how at some experience I for evening have picked up to them a melody, and the helps the data by me will give to you an opportunity though roughly, and NOT HAVING ANY EXPERIENCE of game on a guitar - to play offered..
And so, I undertook up to what that of the moment a guitar of time five or more, and DID NOT RECEIVE RESULT. Why?
