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Название статьи:
Бывший нацистский охранник концлагеря, Яков Палей выдворен из района Квинс, города Нью Йорк, С.Ш.А.

Бывший охранник нацистского концлагеря лагеря, проживавший в Квинсе, был депортирован в Германию более десяти лет после того, как его гражданство США было аннулировано, Министерство юстиции сообщило во вторник. Яков Палей, сейчас 95, скрыл свою нацистскую службу, когда он иммигрировал в Соединенные Штаты в 1949 году, утверждая, что он был фермером и фабричным рабочим во время войны, сказали в Минюсте. В 1957 году получил американское гражданство.
Но спустя годы было обнаружено, что Палий тренировался и служил в Концентрационном лагере Траники, где 6000 еврейских мужчин, женщин и детей были расстреляны (3 ноября, 1943), в одном из крупнейших массовых убийств Холокоста.
"Помогая предотвратить побег этих заключенных во время службы в Травниках, Палий сыграл незаменимую роль в обеспечении того, чтобы они позже встретили свою трагическую судьбу от рук нацистов" - говорится в пресс-релизе Министерства юстиции. Федеральный судья отменил Гражданство США Палия в 2003 году, и он был депортирован в 2004 году. Его депортация затянулась на годы потому что ни одна другая страна не хотела его принять.
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A former Nazi labor camp guard who had been living in Queens was deported to Germany, more than a decade
after his U.S. citizenship was revoked, the Department of Justice said Tuesday.
Jakiw Palij, now 95, concealed his Nazi service when he immigrated to the United States in 1949, claiming he
was a farmer and factory worker during the war, the DOJ said. He was granted U.S. citizenship in 1957.
But years later, it was discovered that Palij trained and served at the Trawniki concentration camp, where
6,000 Jewish men, women and children were shot to death on Nov. 3, 1943, in one of the single largest
massacres of the Holocaust, the DOJ said.
“By helping to prevent the escape of these
prisoners during his service at Trawniki, Palij
played an indispensable role in ensuring that
they later met their tragic fate at the hands of
the Nazis,” the DOJ news release said.
A federal judge revoked Palij’s U.S. citizenship
in 2003 and he was ordered deported in
2004. His deportation was stalled for years
because no other country would accept him,
Former Nazi labor camp guard Jakiw Palij deported from New
York, ocials
Palij concealed his Nazi service when he immigrated to the United States in 1949, the DOJ said.
Jakiw Palij is carried on a stretcher from his home in Jackson
Heights, Queens, on Monday. Justice Department ofcials
said Palij
worked at a concentration camp in German-occupied Poland. Photo
Credit: ABC via AP
By Nicole Brown
Updated August 22, 2018 6:32 AM
nicole.brown@amny.com ; @ncb417
8/23/2018 Former Nazi labor camp guard Jakiw Palij deported from New York, officials say | am New York
https://www.amny.com/news/nazi-deported-1.20605064 2/3
according to New York lawmakers who wrote
last October urging then-Secretary of
State Rex Tillerson to “personally step in to
settle this long-standing injustice.”
After talks with top members of Chancellor Angela Merkel’s government, Germany agreed to take him in.
The U.S. Ambassador to Germany, Richard Grenell, said the deportation was the result of a concerted effort by
President Donald Trump.
“He (Trump) told me directly to make it a
priority, to get the Nazi out,” Grenell told
reporters. “I felt very strongly that the German
government had a moral obligation and they
accepted that,” he added, making clear it was up
to Germany to decide whether to prosecute
Myriam Carrol, a longtime Jackson Heights
resident who lived about a block away from
Pajil, expressed shock that he was only being
deported now.
“What happened 15 years ago when everyone was coming to protest the guy?” Carrol asked, recalling how she
walked by the crowds and thought it would spur action. “I thought something was going to happen but
apparently not — until now.”
Carrol said she did not know Pajil but was aware of his past and called it “horrible,” marveling that he was living
on the quiet tree-lined street “peacefully and happy.”
“They have to pay, you know, somehow, those who commit horrendous crimes,” she said of the deportation.
Palij arrived by military plane at Dusseldorf airport in western Germany and was taken to a home for the
elderly in the area, the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung newspaper reported.
With Allegra Hobbs and Reuters
