Mind Transformation 124

S: 7.4
a: 3:00
w: 11:40
Crash Course, Wbw. Leo.
bp – 140, c.p. – 1.
I’ve finished watching Crash Course Psychology. It was quite easy. I’ve got lots of pleasure and, perhaps, a little knowledge from this course. It’s like some seeds which I put in my mind. They will grow.
The next course I’m going to learn is “Anatomy and Physiology.” It’s worth to wait a bit in order to digest all information I’ve got and then use the same method: just setting a goal and accomplishing and as fast as I can. It’s important to emphasize that I didn’t set a goal to watch all episodes of Crash Course Psychology for this week. This week was devoted to physical activity and English was in the second place. However, I watched it mostly because of its attractiveness. So, I have strong desire to continue developing my goal-oriented method. If I fulfill every goal I set up for a week during a month, I will set a bigger goal for a month. If I do alright every month for a year, I will set a goal for a year. I don’t mean a general goal as learning English etc. It’s going to be a certain goal as, for example, watching a special course of MIT’s lectures or something. For a year it may be writing my own book about linguistic, learning, philosophy, psychology, and so on. If I work with precise goals I will enhance self-control and measurability of my progress.

To the beginning: http://www.proza.ru/2018/03/10/1530
Next: http://www.proza.ru/2018/08/25/1164
