58 ingl. the application 5. simple guitar accompan

 The author. БОДАЙБИНКА.
1. To me only to have time(be in time) to add about last autumn........ C_F_C
As the thoughtful rain целлофаном  --a Peas--rustled on glass...... As on others 3 lines.
As the colour foliage hit timidly оземь__on ground,
Years(summer) Garden on past quickly to heat also grieved.
P/s. The execution(performance) on a chord is more.
As in Лебяжьей / the channel / water constantly changed окраску_ color_:.. C_F_G7_C
Silvery зыбь_a waves_ was poured heavy свинцом_ gray color_......As on others 3 lines.
To me only to have time(be in time) to add not a magic fairy tale,
And it is unimportant, that the fairy tale will appear with the sad end.
 ДОПИСАНО __Wright_by the AUTHOR.
2. To me only to have time(be in time) to write, how in left autumn........... C_F_C
Gray hair Ihavenoticed,and for the first time has noticeat eyes............. As others 34 lines.
Has presented you, паутинками __ a webs_ falling autumn................
Has presented you, having shaded blue of your eye,
And in the channel water constantly changed окраску_color_:.. C_F_G7_C
Silvery зыбь_a waves_ was poured heavy свинцом.__ grey colour... As on others 3 lines.
To me only to have time(be in time) to add not a magic fairy tale,
And it is unimportant, that the fairy tale will appear with the sad end.
 3. Well, and from the sad, grey sky the beam which has fallen on ground
....................................... WHY CHANGE, OR ADD In a POEM?
I some times specified that the poet, which plays on a guitar has some and probably significant advantage before the poet, that the musical tool has not mastered! As you learn(find out), that it is a Song, instead of the Poem is simple. Well, under the contents, for example, on some ехидности_a joke_ it is clear, that it Частушка_russian joke songs_, and last is accepted either to read, or to sing! You can sing verses and without the tool. And the Size of a verse also will give you what that a melody. But that the accompaniment is subject to a Rhythm - QUANTITY(AMOUNT) of REPETITIONS of the NOTES OR CHORDS, and I notice, that is necessary simply slightly, sometimes having added or having replaced a pretext or termination(ending) of a word of an exact Rhyme, and all these Ямбов with Хореями __a type of a poem_ in which we not смыслим __understand_ shall come! Чо_yes_ has told, time itself has not understood?! - and we live! Let's tell also ourselves we do not understand! And, are happy! And you as живитья! Favourite присказка неКрыловича, that by her(it) бухает in a case and even without it! Here it seemed, that the plot is not completed, well as басня_a joke poem_ without morals. Initially in poems in it(him) was only two first куплета_ poem_, is exacter that I have allocated, as куплет and refrain. SIMPLY HAVING GIVEN THEM a DIFFERENT SET of CHORDS, so them having separated from each other.
Sometimes fragment even from four lines is bright!
Literal translation with English.
Иисус. - you will betray me within five minutes...
- You - Питер! You - Джон! You - Джеймс!!
/ Termination(ending) a fragment -в Гефсиманском to a garden! /
That is the game in what that the moments goes Faster or медленне. Actually making impacts we Are more often we play Shorter note, for example: 1/2, 1/4, 1/8 and so on. It occurs in each poem what to be laid by chords in length of a line. But about it later, I also shall do on an example of some poems, that will be in this magazine
Корнев, Смелостев and неКрылович. Reasoned about сием_this_! All about it! All about that! About a verse, that did not read, but certainly all of us knew, understood in сем is sensitive! Not читамши – изнемог__Not reading is tired! So you see frequently speak: " did not read, in what шибко _ much__is glad!
