Mind Transformation 167

Now I want to say a couple of words about a book I’m reading. It’s brilliant! I found lots of men of knowledge whom I knew nothing about. Among them there are many poets whose poems I find in the internet and then post in my group. Today it was “Astrophel and Stella” by Sir Philip Sidney. It’s so beautiful for his time. Reading all of this, I feel a strong desire to come back to poetry and write verses again. Sometimes I think about focusing my whole attention on this subject. I heard that reading of poetry is a skill, and in order to develop the skill there is no better way than writing your own poems. A couple of years ago I came to the conclusion, after five years of working in this field, that poetry is just a waste of time. Pisarev affected me so much then. I said to myself that it’s better to switch on something more profound, and during a long period of time I wasn’t allowing myself to concentrate on poetry but now–
After I started reading at least one poem every day and used poetry for learning English I’m observing the increasing growth of my passion. It might have some interesting consequences.
Finally I want to write down names of poets I’ve already discovered while reading “A Short History of English Literature:” Chaucer, Sidney, Spenser, Ben Jonson, and John Donne. I think I should devote at least an hour to every man whom I’ll have found later in the book.

To the beginning: http://www.proza.ru/2018/03/10/1530
Next: http://www.proza.ru/2018/10/30/1436 
