Mind Transformation 170

Now I wanna try answering one of yesterday’s questions. What is poetry? Okay, it seems that poetry opens doors to the beauty of a language. It shapes thoughts and feelings into a fascinating form so that it can make a great impact on the entire body of human knowledge. Poems are tropical islands in the ocean of information—personal experience turned into symbols. These symbols can evoke the same feelings which created them in anyone who are able to read with open eyes.
Many writers use poetry to improve their skills and develop a sense of beauty. You can also learn a lot about yourself by competing in this linguistic sport. Poetry requires a high level of concentration, and you can enhance your attention, memory, imagination, and other subtle functions of your brain by practicing in this art. Poetry can be extremely useful for learning a foreign language. Having learned to create poems from new words, you can immediately apply everything you pick up from books, video materials etc. It’s not only easy to memorize new words through this way, but it also gives you a good sense of sentence structures. As any other skill poetry can be developed from a zero point by doing simple exercises. For the beginning these exercises might be 1) reading some grate poems every day, and 2) attempts to write your own poems doing it at least 30 minutes daily. 

To the beginning: http://www.proza.ru/2018/03/10/1530
Next: http://www.proza.ru/2018/11/02/1129   
