What are the advantages and disadvantages

What are the advantages and disadvantages of working for yourself or in a large company?

If we are talking about a large company, then this is certainly a colossal experience and scale in all iterations of the business: communications, business processes, projects themselves, product promotion, reputation, which is common and you can only add your own participation. The disadvantages are that from the very beginning it is necessary to look for a location in the company where access to all information is open, otherwise you will not learn anything at all, you will only be engaged in "laying marshmallows" and remain with your fantasies.

What are the benefits of owning your own business? A person first of all feels his victories and defeats on himself, over time he learns to manage. Such people are very self-confident and self-sufficient. The disadvantages are again in the experience, since it is difficult to immediately create a diversified holding, they start with something simple, and time is lost when gaining experience in a global sense.

I like both, and I prefer to find a place where I could combine these opportunities.
