Mind Transformation 183

Today I finished reading “Short History of English Literature.” Now, I want to say a couple of words about it. First of all, it was a quite interesting book, which helped me to learn great English writers. In the beginning it was hard to understand its academic language, but close to the middle of the book I developed a habit of daily reading and was able to understand more than 70% of the content.
Generally speaking, the book is just a chronology of English writers with short articles about each of them. X lived from this time to that; he was awesome and wrote such and such stuff. Y lived during that period; his style was remarkable; he had vigorous imagination and followed the direction of the party. Z loved this girl and by chasing her improved his talent and become one of the best versificators of his generation—
Insofar as I considered my work with the book as an exercise to enhance my reading skill, I can say I accomplished my task rather successfully. I can read 20 pages every day without efforts even though the material I’m reading doesn’t give me anything, but some sort of superficial knowledge. All of that means that having found a really nice book, I will be able to read it as fast as I read A.J. Hoges book. Sometimes it’s very important to read different books, which are not necessarily interesting or useful in some way or another. It’s like to eat something that doesn’t excite your taste, like kasha, but that still has important components for keeping your body strong. According to my experience of reading books in my native language I would say that most important of them were those which I read figuring out almost nothing just to see the structure of their language and make my own opinion of authors.

To the beginning: http://www.proza.ru/2018/03/10/1530
Next: http://www.proza.ru/2018/11/15/1647
