Mind Transformation 189


14-16 reading (Operant Conditioning)
16-17 walking
17-17:30 cooking
17:30-19 reading
19-19:30 writing
19:30-20 eating
20-20:30 speaking
20:30-23 the internet
23-23:30 running
23:30-0 writing
0--- gymnastic + listening

I’ve finished reading “Operant Conditioning.” At the end of the book I was able to understand everything notwithstanding some words I didn’t know. It’s so amazing! Literally, I could understand every sentence and see some sort of mental pictures instead of just words while reading. This book taught me how to control myself with the help of reinforcement. I recalled an event from my past when I worked as a seller of some crappy things. I was a heavy smoker then, and before to start my daily route I used to smoke a cigarette in a special way. If then I succeeded in my marketing, I repeated the ritual with cigarettes over and over again. I had lots of superstitions, and perhaps some of them are still here.
The next book I’m going to read is “Science and Human Behavior” by B.F. Skinner. The book was written earlier than that which I’ve just ended up, but I assume it has to be more profound and embrace a wider area. I really want to see B.F. Skinner’s style of writing to understand why he was so famous.
My learning moves on, and I feel I’m getting stronger not only in English but in many other things too. I broaden my knowledge in literature; I understand psychology better; I understand myself better. My self-discipline has improved incredibly since I began writing in English. I almost totally can control my attention even if I’m in the internet. Early I used to do plenty of meaningless things such as watching random sites, clicking pages on social networks, etc. Now it’s almost vanished. So what’s next?

To the beginning: http://www.proza.ru/2018/03/10/1530
Next: http://www.proza.ru/2018/11/21/1924            
