The meteor bike

Let's listen to the wind,
Along routes that we like.
Nothing could be better
Than the meteor bike.

It cannot let us down
In cold, in heat or hail.
Our bikers meet by headlights
The miracle moon trail.

Car boxes wiggle, vanish
In tedious machine vain,
We opened contra the wish
To look a shine star rain.

Tanks are decked by quick patterns,
We ride without lie.
It's thank to work with wits hands.
Let courage drive, bikes fly.

A comrade always hies to
The one waiting for help.
He looks for friends to rescue
While hearts the frendships whelp.

Details want ruble troubles,
But meeting, track and load
With inner techniques embrace
Bikes singing on the road.


Edited by Robert
(Под редакцией Роберта)

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