The Express Sketch about the loud barking of the p

The Express Sketch about the loud barking of the positive bull Terrier

A few minutes of a turn on radio .

On air again the bull Terrier:

"Woof! Woof! Woof!"

Nothing new.

The bull Terrier receives an SMS from a listener.  (The leading radio programs persuade listeners: "Send the SMS to us").

It would seem, request is satisfied , it is necessary to rejoice!

But no! The bull Terrier barks more and more loudly.

Perhaps, to a bull Terrier let know that aggressive impulses in relation to the co-radio host and to employees in studio need to be constrained? Is it  possible to direct impulses to the author of the SMS?.

At the bull Terrier the plate is ready. He already glues this plate to the listener's forehead.

And here is the real news!

It happened earlier, the bull Terrier raised the question about acceptance of immediate measures … You understand …

Today is different. He intends to turn ... to somewhere.…

"Three hundred of SMS!"- chokes barking bull Terrier (he is outraged). - "Woof! Woof! Woof!"

The question is: why he bark so loudly and viciously?

Don't like SMS?.. Place samples of desirable SMS on the website. There are other possibilities: periodically articulate the desired texts of SMS in the air – as samples.

Explain that only  desirable texting may be accepted. Is it difficult? And the bull Terrier is happy, and the audience intact.

"Woof! Woof! Woof!" - the bull Terrier barks. He, probably, somewhere away? In Moscow?  But for some reason there is confidence that his eyes are bloodshot…

The turning off the radio.

Tired of him!!!...

November 22, 2018 09:02

Translation from Russian into English: November 22, 2018 09:39.
Владимир Владимирович Залесский «Экспресс-скетч о громком лае доброго бультерьера».
