Mind Transformation 193

15-16 reading
16-16:20 training pronunciation
16:20-16:30 speaking
16:30-18 CrachCourse Literature
18-19 sport
19-20 reading
20-20:30 eating
20:30-21 speaking
21-0 the internet
0-0:20 running
0:20-1 writing
1--- gymnastic + listening
Today I’m going to write about “operant extinction.” What does it mean? I’ve found this term in Skinner’s book. It describes some aspects of behavior. If my actions are determined by some sort of reinforcement, then, when the latter disappears, there has to be observed the increase of the performance. In theory it’s true. However, I’ve noticed that in many cases, according to my personal experience, it’s possible to continue doing something even if there is no longer positive support. Often it depends just on your mindset. You can reformulate the meaning of your actions by developing your practical reason. For example, you can get rid of smoking— No, it’s not a good example because smoking is a kind of reinforcement. Okay. Let’s say that you can write every day and observe how your language is getting stronger but at some point, where your progress will be stopped, you can continue to write and— Ohh, it’s a bad example too. Indeed, if you’re writing every day and reading books with increasing quality, there will be not such a point where your progress will be stopped. It may be developed endlessly till you die or lose your mind and become insane. By the way I think there is no big difference between these things. Well, where to find an example? Perhaps my English isn’t rich enough to write about so complicated stuff. Really, I’m trying to walk in darkness without fire. Why? There is no need to be an excellent writer right now. It’s silly to choose a topic about which I have no idea what to write. Are you sure? How can I achieve fluency if I’m constantly sitting in my comfort zone? I need to write about anything no matter how difficult it is. Yes, sometimes it will be silly, as it is right now, but through this I will figure out how to do it better in the future.

To the beginning: http://www.proza.ru/2018/03/10/1530
Next: http://www.proza.ru/2018/11/25/1733    
