The Letter. The village, to grandfather. Konstanti

The Letter. The village, to grandfather. Konstantin Makarych

Lev Nikolaevich continued work at school with country children. It was the first completely without charge school. Pupils  came and went when they wanted, did whatever they wanted, studied only those subjects that they chose, and in the form in which they liked, without any coercion, without the slightest discipline, except the one that they introduced themselves.

Anton Chekhov and Maxim Gorky came to Leo Tolstoy on a visit.

Between them began a discussion on topical issues of cultural development.

In the neighboring premises of school the country boy sat. The boy was whispering: "Dear Grandfather Konstantin Makarych! — he was writing a letter".

Probably, the boy was tired. At some point he failed in a dream. Dreamed him that he writes a dictation, and some competent person says words and phrases. There was a feeling that this adult competent person imperiously grabbed hand, and conducted to somewhere, from which was breathtaking ...

The boy diligently wrote down:

"Cancellation of any bans on the publication and on distribution of any books. Liquidation of any, without exception, "forbidding" lists of books".

"Restoration of economic links between readers and authors. Reforming of forms of use of content on the Internet - for protection of legitimate economic interests of authors. Systematic protection of authors' rights to receive fee (royalties, honorarium) in cases of using their creative products".

"Recovery of the market of book products. Stimulation of production and sale of books. Cancellation of any restrictions, including all forms of the bans, licenses, permissions, obligatory payments (taxes, collecting), reports and other (except obviously necessary to protect the rights of authors) – in the process of production and sale of books".

The boy at some point woke up. In the neighboring room Tolstoy, Chekhov and Gorky continued to discuss topical issues of cultural development.

The boy with horror looked at the letter.

He crossed out the written text and, instead of crossed out phrases, wrote:

"I intend to grating your tobacco for you".

He convulsively sighed and stared at a window.

When his mother, Pelagueya, was still alive, and was servant-woman in the house, Olga Ignatyevna used to stuff him with sugar-candy, and, having nothing to do, taught him to read, write, count up to one hundred, and even to dance the quadrille.

At last the letter was written.

The boy folded sheet of paper in four, and put it into an envelope … He thought a little, dipped the pen into the ink, and wrote the address:

"The village, to grandfather."

He then  thought again, and added: "Konstantin Makarych."

In the far city of St. Petersburg the minister of national education  wrote : "In general, I have to tell that activities of the count Tolstoy for a pedagogical part deserve full respect …"

November 25, 2018 21:20

Translation from Russian into English: November 25, 2018 22:03.
Владимир Владимирович Залесский “Письмо. На деревню дедушке. Константину Макарычу”.
