The dogs song at full moonlight

                To Sarah B.
All animals on Earth are telepathic creatures,  they feel each other well at a great distance. Probably from here, dogs and wolves love to howl at the full moon, expressing their emotions and experiences. The lunar disk is a kind of repeater of telepathic waves, and dogs, and wolves performing night arias, thereby expressing their feelings for their distant counterparts - from another part of the planet or even from the opposite side. It can be said about these howls as about hopeless love songs, performed at shiny midnight.
 People in their thick superstition, naively believe that dogs whining at night bring trouble to them, while they just busy with making acoustic communication with other dogs around and telepathic contact with distant counterparts, whom they will never reach.

Likewise, poets, astronomers and astrophysicists at the full moon make wonderful discoveries - each in their own field, but they are all closely related through the touch with the deepest secrets of the universe, love and telepathy.
