Vodka and peaceful transformation of power

But sometimes this addiction played a positive role in history. For example, our Kyrgyz Republic in last year went through a peaceful transformation of power - on the first for our region free and alternate election.

As now very well acknowledged and clearly witnessed the very fact that our ex-president Almazbek Atambayev, then very powerful lieder, on the verge of absolute dictatorship, suffered from alcoholism and this habit or illness had only helped our country enormously and we able to elect a new president – Sooronbay Jeenbekov, while Atmabaev enjoyed by alcohol.
It would have been much worse if Atambaev had been a staunch sober-minded and extremely pragmatic politician, like the so many other leaders from our region that remaining in power until the death and don't want to hear about democracy and free and honest election and changing of ruling elite and power.

So now, some experts and common activists from our country make a suggestion about erecting in our capital Bishkek the specific monument in honor of bottle of vodka, which in last year saved our nation from coming dictatorship. I think it is a brilliant idea although we are also severely suffering from this addiction.

То, что Атамбаев страдал алкоголизмом, только помогло нашей стране и ему. Гораздо хуже было бы, если бы он был убежденным трезвенником и предельно расчетливым политиком, как руководители некоторых других держав, остающихся во власти до самой смерти.
