Albion and Ala-Too as the perfect anti-worlds

The desition of MP of UK get out from EU and desition of Kyrgyz Parliament and presidents to join to Customs Union and then to EuroAsian Unity with Russia, Kazakstan and Belorussia are, in fact, the two quite opposite but equally mad political decisions in modern history.

In both cases, desition made by oligarchies and corruptive elite of countries.
Britain sacrifices by reforms and democracy improvement in EU as the Kyrgyz Republic joining to Russia does the same things, trying to avoid the same historical drift toward
more democracy and open state.

The better desition would be if UK reconsidered get out from EU, as the Kyrgyz Republic - from joining to Euro-Asian Unity and move toward EU and its values and standards.

Of course, the consequences and gravity of these mistakes uncomparable with each other:  Britain suffered from its historical greatness,  while Kyrgyz - from its sense of lack of self-respect and national pride.
Nevertheless, we have seen there a perfect anti-worlds which very well matched together with the quite opposite and utterly wrong tuned spins, according to the Pole Dirac's equations. But it would be the greatest explosion and release of energy if some or other way these two countries unite each other.
