Football and Free society

Yes, football is a team's game at first, but if we neglected talents management, it leads also to a different type of stagnation from which suffered too long the football in USSR. This country's football association under control of Politburo had managed very well with a team working, but their sportsmen traditionally could not to match with European clubs - especially against UK and France's clubs that easily beaten up our champions from top divisions. It happened mainly because western football had much more talented footballers, although the teamwork also there was being much better. And by the way, European footballers paid much better than Soviets.

So its a very complex issue - why some teams and countries produced a brilliant game, while a selected team of others looked bleakly like overloaded coal train on a games field or command which selected from trained soldiers. The cultural level also, according to Michelle Platini, brought own correctives.

Generally, respect of talents closely tied with the respect of freedom, human values: than more free society we have, than better for sports achievements, especially in commands games.

The Dutch football has very well confirmed this truth.
