Backing the best, even if dragging by worst

The President of Kyrgyz Republic Sooronbay Jeenbekov, answering to a questions, on official press-conference for more than 100 journalists, said, that his leadership will be quite different, that he not make the heavy mistakes, which done by previous our presidents - Akaev, Bakiev and Atambaev - every one of them by the various reasons and excuses - when they ruled by country -  got down to slippery road of massive corruption.
Of course, its good, that our modern history unlike so many other countries around us, so rich with the examples and lessons from bad rulers, who usually ended up his presidentship mission with running away from our country, not forgetting carried off the stolen money, golds, brilliants, carpets, furnitures, cars, furs packing for transportation abroad into lorries, planes and even trains. 
It would be much better if our president not only gets out good lessons from our bitter history of leadership but takes a look much broadly in the good practice of other states and regions far away from Central Asia. If he said that will learning more from presidents of Singapore, Poland, Finland, Estonia and trying to repeat their achievements.
Our region has very rich by failures but it's not mean that we have not to access for the best worldwide lessons and experiences.
