Back - to the lost youth of our hemisphere

“The fact that 60 percent of Russians would like to be in the USSR speaks about the utterly mind-blowing and brainwashing strength of Kremlin propaganda, although among such people there are many who want to return to their youth, which they associate with the lost empire.  But I don’t regret for a minute about the times of the USSR, even if I wouldn’t be against the return of my youth,"- said a well-known Russian musician and public figure Andrei Makarevich.

Of course, life is a too valuable thing, and if I had no other choice but to be born in the second life in North Korea, I would not have refused even such poor choice, trying run out from the state as soon as possible.

Zairbek Sasha, the writer who lived in Osh, also belongs to those who desired to return into Soviet time, but I know this is explained by the fact that in his youth he loved a classmate named Lyudmila, with whom he did not have a chance to tie his fate. So he wants now to back in USSR as if he gets the second chance with his school’s girl. (Of course, it would be much better to jump to future if you seriously planned such kind miracles and manipulation with the times and spaces).

We have also those who finally achieved love, harmony, and success, but all these came too late, so they also sometimes dreamed about returning to their youth to start all over again and make fewer mistakes.

But if I had a real choice, I would like to be the last tsar of the Russian empire, Nikolay II,  and trying to do everything that depends on me, for the democratic reforms in Russian state taken place and be brought to the successful end. The stake of such adventure will be exceptionally high -  in the case of my luck in 1/7 part of the globe come an epoch of eternal youth and development.
Then there would be neither WWI, nor the October revolution, nor the Red dictatorship, nor the Civil war, Gulag, Golodomor, nor Nazi plague, and the WWII, nor Cold war, nor risk of Nuclear  cataclysm, nor Global warming... and, finally, no one today in this vast freezing area even  dreamed about returning to the "prison of nations" or the Union, where ruled unchangeable and unelected crooks, gangsters and thieves in power.
