Mind Transformation 210

Well, I think it’s time to observe what I’ve already achieved. I can write down my thought with no effort, I can easily speak about everything I do, still making mistakes, but who cares. I can think in English for hours, read books, watch lectures, and I want to do all of that more and more. The more I actually do that, the stronger my desire to go on. I took a total control over my behavior, I developed lots of habits, I put my mind into all these habits, and now I can continue to improve them almost endlessly, expanding my comprehension in such fields like philosophy, psychology, math, physics, linguistics, neurophysiology, literature, poetry, etc. Really, I want to work in all these fields learning everything I can find and digest.
Today I was thinking about the balance between input and output using a video game that I played in the beginning of this year, as a model. The input is like the mobs and the output is like the towers. So now, I have several towers like S (speaking exercise), D (another speaking exercise), T (thinking exercise), and this journal. All these towers help me to deal with mobs (new information). Since the mobs are getting stronger and the information becomes more complicated, I need to upgrade my towers or build new ones to keep it stable. Indeed, the hour of thinking, which I recently established as a part of my routine, is a giant enabled to hold positions for a long time. It has almost the same power as this journal and together they are undefeatable.

To the beginning: http://www.proza.ru/2018/03/10/1530
Next: http://www.proza.ru/2019/01/05/1533      
