I am but a Child

Amidst modern science, political warfares
And globalisation I am but a child.
I am only child with wide open eyes,
With  pennies in a pocket, awaiting a ride.

Amidst cybernetics, statistics, genetics
And outer-special clandroprospetics
I am but a child that stares at TV
Mind-boggled and puzzled by such ABC’s.

My Barney keeps telling me tales of love
While my huggable teddy’s forgotten, alone.
I am drowned at sea of unbelievable fiction
Just like a fool of the most silly depiction.

I am but a child – believing and craving
New series of lies, never unveiled,
To fill to the top my sensitive mind.
Tell me, direct me, I am but a child!

Butcher my soul, mess up my brain,
Guide me astray – I’ll follow wrong trail,
Though, to my sorrow, to my demise
I am not quite grown, I am but a child.
