

P/s 1. БИЛИНГВА - / two documents /, that are duplicated in different languages. Here on этрусском and финикийском_LANGVGES. It helps while translating, especially, when language, as этрусский _ in earnest is not translated in difference, for example from language of the ancient Egyptians! Except for
финикийского of language, I have applied Russian, more precisely  _oldest-slavic....
P/s 2. Этруски_ etrusky- the people about language and which native land is not known practically anything! In clauses of our scientists are resulted, but only guess, that it as is connected to one slavic people. That between Russian and этрусками_a people_ there is a communication(connection) to you it is necessary to give the answer independently. 2000, still with древне of the Greek philosophers there is a question " " Этруски_ etrusky-? Who they? " And, exists as much years the second question that is written in этрусских the texts?
About the "mysterious" people – этрусках__ etrussky-?  " it is known for a long time. Still древнегреческие_Old Greece_ the writers mention this people, and - ALL! Let's tell the Egyptian hieroglyphs - figures rather easily расшифровыаются, and inscription of a type:
" I, фараон_ king of Egypt_  “ Such has constructed that, in one year such that, or on the contrary all was torn down also of thousand some by(with) enemies побиваши and captivity уводяши __bit and in captivity has withdrawn .? Is translated easily now by expert - египтологом - linguist!!
Only wrote in Egypt not as YOU ЧИТАШЬ_ to read, and did(made) it through hieroglyphs, that is series, chain of figures:
1. Example. There is a figure: eyes - Divine око__ eyes - __ Meant of the god Ра in Egyptian  пантеоне __ a circle_of the gods. And two and more Wavy lines - Water. And was made of words in Egypt from _ Ra_бралось __bring_/ Ra or R /, and the Letters from the Name, Name of the god, animal, bird were added.
Such fan(amateur) of words as I will tell so: " figures, that is the hieroglyphs also were inscriptions! ". That that like a crossword puzzle! Behind words and letters in ancient Egypt was fixed not words, and letter or two, three! As on childrens кубиках__block with words__ sutch  the letters.
Example of a crossword puzzle, when are drawn in a Line: a water-melon, Apple, Копье_spear_ , Cloud, Sickle, Axe, Anchor? Записываеm__print as_ the First letters from the names of these subjects!
" - And, I Костя! "? It will turn out! How the Egyptians were not confused? At them was мнжество __many_of the gods and sacred animals! Набералось It is on All letters of their alphabet! But the Egyptians spoke just as we: by words, phrases and offers. And as gods: Тота, Осириса, Намибиса, and Птах it names Egyptians Goods , so that in general was represented with a head of a falcon, was much, such crossword puzzle from figures was solved not more difficultly, than you, reading mine verbal ерунду_ silly words -silly words! 
Further I shall show how To read, and TO UNDERSTAND a part of words from these табличек! Though I see this figure, is exacter a photo FOR THE FIRST TIME! And the more so about этрусском language I know no more, than it is less, than you the given moment, but me.. I shall continue................... On .Стр.34.. And figure and photo from clause about the Internet!!..........................
