34 2. ingl. bilingva-билингва. attempt of translat

P/s. БИЛИНГВ- Two Languages. An inscription in two languages, that DUPLICATE the TEXT. A BEGINNING of page 33.
P/s1. And so in 1964 3 gold plates in Italy were found, that had the text in two languages, and in particular - one on ЭТРУСКОМ. As this.
Photo of one plate with the text on этрусском language you see! In middle - text after SOME operations in the program Xn-View. On the right - its(her) photo from a museum

P/s1. 1-2-3 текст на Этрусском языке. Стрелки показывает на буквы “WNY = низ, вниз”. Табличка в Середине писана Зеркально, то есть справа налево! Повернута, так мы пишем сейчас-- Слева изображение! Цветом выделены : имена, глаголы и слова, что почти имеют аналоги в современном  русском языке.
......The top line_ВЕРХНЯЯ СТРОКА: " I. Я_ name_именем. Иссак. ведание - I know, I know_ведаю, знаю, фаийе a Badge - arrow(pointer) Downwards. Евниала- внимала, слушала Has heeded, Heed has understood. сидис. About_О_. Ениаса. Ние не__не,а_НЕТ!- Bottom downwards - Is not present. Овиа. Овий? A name? " It has reminded me what that on церковно - slavic?
 P/s2. About Билингвы_ text two languages_ . It is that caustic case, when there is a document, here of bronze_gold_ plate, in which the text in two languages Is duplicated!! Финикийском and – этрусском__ languages, which argue already one thousand two years, but as against shall tell Клинописи Междуречья_ to write the letters by direct lines in Egipt, in same countries__, or inscriptions in the Egyptian pyramids - can not while them to read!  Such inscriptions are translated approximately so:
" (к for You!) to the Goddess (madam) Астарте,
This sacred place, is created (was made), and даровано (was given)
Тиберием Велианой_latin name__, that reigned above Цере_ the Goddess.
Within one month in a victim to the Sun, as gift to a temple, it(he) has constructed кумирню__ church, a temple.
For Астарты has uplifted her(it) by hand her(it), процарствовав three years
From one month курвар _ месяца название-май, июнь?_about day погребения a death __of his(its) divine essence. And years the statues of his(its) divine essence in a temple have a lot of, how many all stars (in the sky). "
P/s_1. In figure in middle - letter, that Выбиты, процарапаны _ are squeezed out  on one of three plates from one sity . Пирга, but in музеях их – a museum have_ of Thousand, that have not transferred(translated) while!
P/s 2. The arrows(pointer) specify the Identical letters in figure and plate. For check, that is "That" plate!! Figure ЗЕРКАЛЕН,__ the image is revolved on a vertical_ that:
P/s 3. Этруски wrote on "арабски Arabians world__" on the right - on the left –ЗЕРКАЛЬНО__ the image is revolved on a vertical_, as  Деонардо да Винчи!
And _И ..................................Read continue___Стр_Page. 35 ...............................................
