Тогда как Астры Эмили Дикинсон

Эмили Дикинсон
Тогда как Астры -
На Холме --
Их вечная манера - росток -
И заветные горечавки - в гофре!


While Asters --
On the Hill --
Their Everlasting fashions -- set --
And Covenant Gentians -- Frill!

Poem 331 ‘While Asters’
This poem was later adapted for the fourth stanza of poem 342. Franklin only prints it in its adapted form.
 As asters and gentians are both autumn flowers, it looks as though Emily is saying to the absent Samuel Bowles, ‘It’s now autumn time, and I’m still waiting for your return.

Стих 331 отрывок из стиха 342, впоследствии вошедший в него


It will be Summer -- eventually.
Ladies -- with parasols --
Sauntering Gentlemen -- with Canes --
And little Girls -- with Dolls --

Will tint the pallid landscape --
As 'twere a bright Bouquet --
Thro' drifted deep, in Parian --
The Village lies -- today --

The Lilacs -- bending many a year --
Will sway with purple load --
The Bees -- will not despise the tune --
Their Forefathers -- have hummed --

The Wild Rose -- redden in the Bog --
The Aster -- on the Hill
Her everlasting fashion -- set --
And Covenant Gentians -- frill --

Till Summer folds her miracle --
As Women -- do -- their Gown --
Of Priests -- adjust the Symbols --
When Sacrament -- is done --

Poem 342 F374 ‘It will be Summer _ eventually’
Emily returns to one of her favourite themes, the changing seasons and the
regenerative power of summer. At the time of writing Amherst lies deep in snow
(lines 7-8), but it will be ‘Summer _ eventually,’ though even summer will one day
‘fold her miracle’ (line 17) and come to an end.
 ‘Parian’ (line 7) can mean ‘snow,’ as the Greek island of Paros in the Aegean
Sea was famous for its white marble. As lilacs come before the aster and the gentian,
stanzas 3 and 4 sketch the progression of summer. In the last stanza Emily views
summer as a sacrament, just as she had done in lines 13-15 of poem 130.
 Lines 16-18 have already appeared as poem 331.

The Wild Rose -- redden in the Bog --
The Aster -- on the Hill
Her everlasting fashion -- set --
And Covenant Gentians -- frill

Дикая Роза - краснеет в болоте -
Астра - на холме
Ее вечная манера - росток -
И заветные горечавки - в гофре


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