Mind Transformation 229

Paul Johnson, Tomas Frank, Fight Mediocrity, Gym, br10/3, str – 30m, S – 5, R – 30, p, g, c, m, s – 2, i – 5, M, w – 4km.
I have to pay more attention to my writing. I must stop looking at writing as the task I do as quickly as possible just to fulfill my duties. Writing is a crucial element on the path of self-improvement; so it’s worth to take it seriously. I know that I can write better if I just pay more attention to it. It’s not a question of what I need to write; topics and ideas play the second role. The real question is time. When I don’t rush anywhere and focus completely on writing, it often turns out quite well. However, while I’m writing and think simultaneously about something I’m going to do next, my thoughts become vague and everything I want is just to fill a page and end up faster. A few months ago, it wasn’t the case. Perhaps I need to practice more until it becomes natural again. I’ve written so many pages but still can express my thoughts naturally! Do I actually have natural thoughts? It took me more than 5 years of practice before I started writing and thinking grammatically correct in my native language. Is it going to be the same with English? How much time should I write my journal to achieve this level?
Well, does it really matter? I just write and see how it becomes better. Writing helps me to control my behavior, organize myself, set up goals and tally up the progress. It’s a nice thing by itself, and even if my level doesn’t grow I can be satisfy anyway. But it grows, and it doesn’t remain the same. I feel the real growth. I can write better! I can understand the language better! I get a lot of pleasure doing this, etc.
Again, pay attention to your daily writing and improve it constantly as much as you can. Move on!   

To the beginning: http://www.proza.ru/2018/03/10/1530
Next: http://www.proza.ru/2019/01/24/1206
