Mind Transformation 230

Paul Johnson, Speaking Club, S, R – 10, p, g, c, m, s – 2, i – 6, M, w – 10km.
Thoughts. First of all you have to find out what your thoughts are about during a day. You can use your native language and write down common thoughts you have every day throughout a week, month—or if you want to do it seriously—year. By analyzing you daily thoughts, you’ll see what’s going on in your mind, and then, it will be easy to learn to think. When you know the content of your thoughts, when you really know that and not only think that you know, you can find appropriate information that will be used immediately in practice.
Let’s assume that you think about making a good relationship with someone of an opposite sex. You observe your thoughts for some amount of time and see that mostly they are moving around the idea of chasing someone to communicate with, someone to have sex, love, etc. I don’t claim that it’s the only way to use your thinking, but generally a human brain works like that. It’s made to serve our basic needs, and since the question of food is more or less solved, there is no better task for an average human brain than carrying about personal relationships. See, if it’s your case, and your thoughts are engaged in this domain, then you just take the most repeated questions, translate them into English, and type the results on YouTube. That’s it. There will be a great deal of short videos, and all of you need is to watch them, find new vocabulary, and apply it for your thinking.
Actually, of course, it’s not as easy as it sounds, but if you develop a habit of watching videos about something you really care of, if you watch them every single day, eventually you’ll be able to understand anything without translating and memorization. The less you memorize, the faster you really learn.

To the beginning: http://www.proza.ru/2018/03/10/1530
Next: http://www.proza.ru/2019/01/25/1144
