The Story about the interest in the Bureya theme o

The Story about the interest in the Bureya theme on January 24, 2019

1) Information on works on elimination of the natural dam on the Bureya River.

"JSC "TRK FORCES OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION "STAR". Military told about the scheme of explosions of the landslide on the river Bureya

Andrey Karmadanov

01:14 24.01.2019…

… The military personnel set the next fields of cumulative charges to burn holes for laying of TNT...

… In total it is necessary to remove about seventy five thousand cubic meters of soil...

"At the same time several charges on emission. Respectively, at us it is formed the prorun [tunnel for water] itself . We leave a retaining wall. After when works are finished, and we actually will have course certain, we will destroy a retaining wall. At destruction of a retaining wall, respectively, water will go", - professor of department of engineering obstacles and fighting use of special arms of engineering troops of the VUNTs SV General academy Alexey Franskevich explained …

Since the beginning of operation to Belogorsk delivered more than 470 tons of explosive and engineering ammunition. Now by helicopters they are transported on the river bank.

"JSC "TRK FORCES OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION "STAR". Maximum load: the 20-ton bulldozer was deployed to Bureya by helicopter of army aircraft

Andrey Karmadanov

17:19 24.01.2019

In this flight the crew came very close to the extreme take-off mass of the transport helicopter Mi-26.

The unique flight was made by pilots of army aircraft of the Eastern Military District by heavy transport helicopter Mi-26. They transported from “Ukrainka” air base toward the river bank Bureya the 20-ton bulldozer.

In this flight almost maximum take-off mass of this helicopter - 56 tons was reached.

It was necessary to sit down on the small platform on the river bank. The task is carried  out successfully.

From tomorrow the bulldozer will start clearing of the collapse which blocked Bureya.

Earlier helicopter pilots delivered a tanker truck fuel-servicing truck to the place of a landslide."

"JSC "TRK FORCES OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION "STAR". The Ministry of Defence showed schemes of works on elimination of a landslide on the Bureya River

Natalya Valkhanskaya

05:00 24.01.2019…

The Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation visually showed stages of works on cleaning of the riverbed of Bureya near the Bureya Reservoir from the rocky masses which blocked the river after a landslide.

On schemes it is visible sites which already military engineers managed to clean and also the plan of further actions for elimination of a collapse …"

2) New (/interesting/curious/) terms on a subject.

A Tsunami-like wave. (A Tsunami similar wave).
"Ice tsunami".


January 24, 2019 19:53

Translation from Russian into English: January 24, 2019 20:18.
Владимир Владимирович Залесский “Рассказ об интересе к Бурейской теме 24 января 2019 г.”.
